2 research outputs found

    Anthropogenic boat noise reduces feeding success in winter flounder larvae (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

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    The aim of this study was to explore an emerging discipline addressing the impact of anthropogenic noise on larval stages of marine organisms. We assessed the influence of boat noise on the feeding behaviour of the pelagic larvae of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Walbaum, 1792). The hypothesis was that boat noise influences the feeding behaviour of P. americanus flounder larvae independently of prey density. Aquaria containing P. americanus larvae were placed in water baths in which boat noise was diffused for the “noise” treatment and compared to control aquaria with no sound emissions. Larvae were filmed using cameras placed above the aquaria and their behaviour was recorded. Larvae exposed to anthropogenic noise displayed significantly fewer hunting events than controls, and their stomach volumes were significantly smaller. This noise effect was the same at all prey densities used, suggesting that larval feeding behaviour is negatively impaired by anthropogenic noise. Keywords : Feeding behaviour ; Winter flounder ; Larvae ; Anthropogenic noise ; Vessel noise

    Effet du son des bateaux sur le comportement alimentaire des larves de plie rouge (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

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    RÉSUMÉ: Le but de ce projet Ă©tait d’explorer un domaine Ă©mergent, soit l’effet de bruit anthropique sur la faune marine en utilisant les larves de plie rouge comme modĂšle. Cette Ă©tude intitulĂ©e « L’effet du son des bateaux sur le comportement alimentaire des larves de plie rouge (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) » avait comme objectif de dĂ©terminer si un bruit anthropique Ă©mis par un bateau de pĂȘche affecte le comportement alimentaire des larves, soit durant la pĂ©riode de vie oĂč les individus sont pĂ©lagiques. La plie est un poisson plat qui se retrouve dans des zones peu profondes de la cĂŽte Est de l’AmĂ©rique du Nord. Comme cette espĂšce utilise des habitats oĂč l’activitĂ© humaine est importante, elle constitue un bon modĂšle pour une telle Ă©tude. Notre hypothĂšse Ă©tait que le bruit influe sur le comportement alimentaire des larves. Nous avons donc rĂ©alisĂ© des expĂ©riences en laboratoire au cours desquelles des aquariums contentant des larves de plie Ă©taient placĂ©s dans un bain-marie dans lequel un son de bateau Ă©tait diffusĂ© pour les traitements « son » et comparĂ© aux montages contrĂŽles ou aucun son de bateau n’était diffusĂ©. Les larves Ă©taient filmĂ©es Ă  l’aide de camĂ©ras placĂ©es au-dessus des aquariums et les comportements enregistrĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s avec un logiciel de traitement de comportement. À la fin de l’expĂ©rience, les individus Ă©taient sacrifiĂ©s et photographiĂ©s pour effectuer des mesures biomĂ©triques incluant la taille de l’estomac. Les larves soumises au bruit ont montrĂ© une occurrence significativement plus faible de comportement de chasse que les larves tĂ©moins. De plus, les estomacs Ă©taient de plus petite taille chez les larves exposĂ©es au son des bateaux, ce qui laisse supposer que les larves s’alimentaient moins en prĂ©sence de bruit anthropique. Ces rĂ©sultats indiquent que le son a un effet nĂ©gatif sur le comportement alimentaire des larves. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en français : Comportement alimentaire, plie rouge, larve, son anthropique, bruit de bateau. -- ABSTRACT: The aim of this research project was to explore an emerging discipline addressing the impact of anthropogenic noises on marine fauna using winter flounder larvae. This study entitled «Effect of anthropogenic noise on the feeding behaviour of winter flounder larvae (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) », was aimed at assessing the influence of boat noise on the feeding behavior of winter flounder in its pelagic stage (i.e. larvae). Winter flounder is a flatfish species found in shallow waters off the east coast of North America. This species is present in areas of high human activity and is therefore a good model for such studies. The hypothesis was that boat noise influences the feeding behaviour of winter flounder larvae. We undertook laboratory experiments, whereby aquariums containing winter flounder larvae were placed in water-baths in which boat noise was diffused for the “noise” treatment and compared to the control aquariums in which no sound emissions were done. The larvae were filmed using cameras placed above the aquariums and their behaviour was recorded. Videos were then analyzed using a behaviour analysis software. At the end of the experiments, the larvae were sacrificed and photographed for biometric measurements including stomach size. Larvae exposed to anthropogenic noise displayed significantly less hunting events than controls. Furthermore, the stomachs were of smaller size for larvae exposed to boat noise. This suggests that feeding is impaired and that anthropogenic noise has a negative impact on larval feeding behaviour. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en anglais : Feeding behaviour, winter flounder, larvae, anthropogenic noise, vessel noise