276 research outputs found

    The Early Iron Age collective tomb LCG-1 at Dibba al-Bayah, Oman: long-distance exchange and cross-cultural interaction

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    The Iron Age (c. 1300-600 BC) of South-eastern Arabia is characterised by rapid expansion of settlement. Social structures formed over the previous millennia, however, persisted and were reinforced through the development of collective funerary monuments. A recently discovered tomb of Late Bronze to Early Iron Age date at Dibba al-Bayah in the Sultanate of Oman has yielded a range of artefacts that illuminate the nature and extent of the long-distance contacts of the local community. Seemingly selected not only for their exotic appeal, but also for their apotropaic function, these objects testify to a deep cross-cultural knowledge extending across the wider region during this crucial period in Arabian prehistory


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    In questo articolo sono descritte le attivit\ue0 di ricerca e sviluppo di una micro-turbina idraulica inserita all\u2019interno di un macchinario che opera un nuovo processo di abbattimento della carica batterica applicabile nell\u2019industria dell\u2019imbottigliamento delle bevande. Peculiarit\ue0 della turbina progettata \ue8 la geometria della palettatura della girante, dritta ed a sviluppo puramente assiale, che ne rende estremamente economica la realizzazione. Lo scambio di energia avviene grazie al moto vorticoso impresso al fluido (swirl) mediante opportuno posizionamento dei condotti di adduzione. Lo studio della turbina \ue8 stato condotto mediante classico approccio unidimensionale, mentre il dimensionamento \ue8 stato effettuato con l\u2019ausilio di simulazioni CFD. Ultimata la progettazione, la turbina \ue8 stata realizzata e si \ue8 avviata una campagna di prove sperimentali su un banco di flussaggio appositamente allestito che ha consentito di verificare il soddisfacimento delle specifiche progettuali

    Dysmetabolic adipose tissue in obesity: morphological and functional characteristics of adipose stem cells and mature adipocytes in healthy and unhealthy obese subjects

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    The way by which subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) expands and undergoes remodeling by storing excess lipids through expansion of adipocytes (hypertrophy) or recruitment of new precursor cells (hyperplasia) impacts the risk of developing cardiometabolic and respiratory diseases. In unhealthy obese subjects, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obstructive sleep apnoea are typically associated with pathologic SAT remodeling characterized by adipocyte hypertrophy, as well as chronic inflammation, hypoxia, increased visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and fatty liver. In contrast, metabolically healthy obese individuals are generally associated with SAT development characterized by the presence of smaller and numerous mature adipocytes, and a lower degree of VAT inflammation and ectopic fat accumulation. The remodeling of SAT and VAT is under genetic regulation and influenced by inherent depot-specific differences of adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs). ASCs have multiple functions such as cell renewal, adipogenic capacity, and angiogenic properties, and secrete a variety of bioactive molecules involved in vascular and extracellular matrix remodeling. Understanding the mechanisms regulating the proliferative and adipogenic capacity of ASCs from SAT and VAT in response to excess calorie intake has become a focus of interest over recent decades. Here, we summarize current knowledge about the biological mechanisms able to foster or impair the recruitment and adipogenic differentiation of ASCs during SAT and VAT development, which regulate body fat distribution and favorable or unfavorable metabolic responses

    Role of glucose-lowering medications in erectile dysfunction

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    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a long-term complication of type 2 diabetes (T2D) widely known to affect the quality of life. Several aspects of altered metabolism in individuals with T2D may help to compromise the penile vasculature structure and functions, thus exacerbating the imbalance between smooth muscle contractility and relaxation. Among these, advanced glycation end-products and reactive oxygen species derived from a hyperglycaemic state are known to accelerate endothelial dysfunction by lowering nitric oxide bioavailability, the essential stimulus of relaxation. Although several studies have explained the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in the generation of erectile failure, few studies to date have described the efficacy of glucose-lowering medications in the restoration of normal sexual activity. Herein, we will present current knowledge about the main starters of the pathophysiology of diabetic ED and explore the role of different anti-diabetes therapies in the potential remission of ED, highlighting specific pathways whose activation or inhibition could be fundamental for sexual care in a diabetes setting

    Cryo-STEM-EDX spectroscopy for the characterisation of nanoparticles in cell culture media

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    We present a study of barium titanate nanoparticles dispersed in cell culture media. Scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was undertaken on samples prepared using both conventional drop casting and also plunge freezing and examination under cryogenic conditions. This showed that drying artefacts occurred during conventional sample preparation, whereby some salt components of the cell culture media accumulated around the barium titanate nanoparticles; these were removed using the cryogenic route. Importantly, the formation of a calcium and phosphorus rich coating around the barium titanate nanoparticles was retained under cryo-conditions, highlighting that significant interactions do occur between nanomaterials and biological media

    Mini Review: Effect of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and SGLT-2 Inhibitors on the Growth Hormone/IGF Axis

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    Accumulating evidence supports the early use of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) and sodium glucose transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT-2is) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Indeed, these compounds exert numerous pleiotropic actions that favorably affect metabolism and diabetes comorbidities, showing an additional effect beyond glucose control. Although a substantial amount of knowledge has been generated regarding the mechanism of action of both drug classes, much remains to be understood. Growth hormone (GH) is an important driver for multiple endocrine responses involving changes in glucose and lipid metabolism, and affects several tissues and organs (e.g., bone, heart). It acts directly on several target tissues, including skeletal muscle and bone, but several effects are mediated indirectly by circulating (liver-derived) or locally produced IGF-1. In consideration of the multiple metabolic and cardiovascular effects seen in subjects treated with GLP-1RAs and SGLT-2is (e.g., reduction of hyperglycemia, weight loss, free/fat mass and bone remodeling, anti-atherosclerosis, natriuresis), it is reasonable to speculate that GH and IGF-1 may play a about a relevant role in this context. This narrative mini-review aims to describe the involvement of the GH/IGF-1/IGF-1R axis in either mediating or responding to the effects of each of the two drug classes

    Vector-borne helminths of dogs and humans in Europe

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    Presently, 45% of the total human population of Europe, as well as their domestic and companion animals, are exposed to the risk of vector-borne helminths (VBH) causing diseases. A plethora of intrinsic biological and extrinsic factors affect the relationship among helminths, vectors and animal hosts, in a constantly changing environment. Although canine dirofilarioses by Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens are key examples of the success of VBH spreading into non-endemic areas, another example is represented by Thelazia callipaeda eyeworm, an emergent pathogen of dogs, cats and humans in several regions of Europe. The recent finding of Onchocerca lupi causing canine and human infestation in Europe and overseas renders the picture of VBH even more complicated. Similarly, tick-transmitted filarioids of the genus Cercopithifilaria infesting the skin of dogs were recently shown to be widespread in Europe. Although for most of the VBH above there is an increasing accumulation of research data on their distribution at national level, the overall impact of the diseases they cause in dogs and humans is not fully recognised in many aspects. This review investigates the reasons underlying the increasing trend in distribution of VBH in Europe and discusses the diagnostic and control strategies currently available. In addition, this article provides the authors' opinion on some topics related to VBH that would deserve further scientific investigation

    Toltrazuril and sulphonamide treatment against naturally Isospora suis infected suckling piglets: Is there an actual profit?

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    A study was carried out to assess the efficacy and the economic profit of prophylactic treatment against Isopsora suis with toltrazuril or with a sulfamethazine/trimethoprim combination in piglets from an intensive pig farm. Thirty-one litters were included in study. Eight litters were treated once with toltrazuril (20 mg/kg b.w.) at 3 days of age (Toltra group); 8 litters were treated with the sulphonamide combination (sodium sulfamethazine 35 mg and trimethoprim 7 mg/kg b.w.) for 3 consecutive days starting at 3 days of age (Sulfa group), and 15 litters were untreated (control group). Counts of oocyst per gram on pooled feces sampled from each litter were carried out on Days 7, 14, 21 and 28 and diarrhea was registered daily from pooled samples. Piglets were weighed on Days 1, 7 and 28 and mean weight gain (WG) and daily weight gain (DWG) were evaluated. The economic profit of treatment was evaluated comparing the WG of piglets of each treatment group from the day of birth to Day 28. On Days 14, 21 and 28, toltrazuril showed a better efficacy in controlling fecal oocyst output, diarrhea and weight gain compared with sulphamidic treatment (P < 0.001). The budgeting analysis showed a return of economic benefit of \u20ac 0.915 per toltrazuril-treated piglets and an additional cost of \u20ac 1.155 per sulphonamide-treated piglets
