375 research outputs found

    Survival and development of Bactrocera oleae Gmelin (Diptera:Tephritidae) immature stages at four temperatures in the laboratory

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    Bactrocera oleae Gmelin (Diptera:Tephritidae) is the most important and widespread pest in the olive growing countries in the Mediterranean basin. The development and survival of olive fruit fly, B. oleaefrom egg to adult stage was studied in the laboratory at 16, 22, 27 and 35°C. The objective of the study was to get information on the influence of temperature on immature stages as a prerequisite to optimizerearing procedures and to understand geographical pattern of fruit fly occurrence. Embryonic development was fastest at 35°C but there was no pupal development and, of course, no adults at 35°C. The slowest development of immature stages was at 16°C. The highest percentage of adults obtained from an initial set of 100 eggs was 74% at 27°C. The lower development thresholds for the egg, larval and pupal stages were 9.19, 13.94 and 12.36°C, respectively. The optimum temperature for development and survival of immature stages was 27°C

    Effect of aqueous ozone treatment on some quality changes of vacuum-packed meagre (<em>Argyrosomus regius</em>) fillets

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    In this study, microbiological, sensory and color changes in vacuum-packed meagre fillets treated with aqueous ozone for different periods of time were investigated. Meagre fillets were treated with ozone for 15 (O-15) and 30 (O-30) minutes and vacuum-packed and stored at +2 °C for 12 days. Control group (C) was not treated with ozone and stored after vacuum packaging. For microbiological changes, Total Mesophilic Aerobic Bacteria (TMAB), Pseudomonas sp., Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Total Psychrophilic Aerobic Bacteria (TPAB) counts were analyzed. At the end of storage, the highest bacterial counts were found in group C (>7.00 log cfu/g). In ozone-treated samples, Pseudomonas sp. counts did not exceed 7.00 log cfu/g only in the O-30 group. In the sensory evaluation of the samples, it was determined that the total demerit points were 18 points for group C, 16.25 points for O-15 and 14.75 points for O-30 at the end of storage over 30. No significant change was found according to the color results of the samples, but at the end of storage, it was observed that the L value of the ozone-treated samples was higher and the samples had a lighter color. In the conclusion of the results, it was observed that ozone treatment prolonged the shelf life of vacuum-packed meagre fillets for 4 days for the O-30 group compared to control and O-15 group without causing the sensory and color loss

    An Empirical Analysis of Short Term Interest Rate Models for Turkey

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    Interest rate is one of the most observed and forecasted variables in financial markets. Interest rates and the volatility of interest rates play a crucial role in pricing financial instruments. In this empirical study, we try to investigate which short term interest rate model is appropriate for Turkish data. In that regard we use monthly average of the central bank overnight interest rate. The date set covers the period from 1990:01 to 2008:07. We use the generalized method of moments to estimate the model parameters since it does not require a distributional assumption for the interest rate making GMM a robust estimation method comparing to maximum likelihood. Estimation results reveal that Cox Ingersoll Ross square root process and Brennan-Schwartz models perform better. A common feature of these models is that they both have heteroscedastic variances. In the study, we also analyze if the policy changes of Central Bank of Turkey had any effects on the interest rate process. We find that the volatility of the interest rate is not affected by policy change. However, the level of the interest rate is affectedShort term interest rates models, term structure, model comparison, GMM

    Epuraea imperialis (Reitter, 1877). New invasive species of Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) in Europe, with a checklist of sap beetles introduced to Europe and Mediterranean areas

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    Australian species Epuraea imperialis (Reitter, 1877), previously introduced to New Zealand, is recorded as a new invasive species from the Canary Islands, Continental Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, and Italy. It is redescribed and figured, and its taxonomic position in the genus Epuraea Erichson, 1843 is discussed. A tentative checklist of sap beetles introduced to Europe and the Mediterranean areas is finally included

    Exuberant Behaviour in The Istanbul Housing Market Before and During The Time of The COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from The Aggregate and Disaggregate Levels

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    We study mildly explosive behaviour in house prices in Istanbul at both aggregate and disaggregate levels via GSADF tests. In contrast to previous studies, our results suggest multiple episodes of price exuberance in Istanbul and most districts. Most boroughs synchronically experienced explosive house prices in 2014–2015; and more powerfully during the last episodes of COVID-19. We also show that financial variables, including low mortgage interest rates and high stock prices, increased the probability of explosiveness

    The Studies on Diurnal Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Terzioğlu Campus

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    Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Terzioğlu Yerleşkesinde bulunan Lepidoptera takımına ait kelebek türlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 2005–2007 yılları arasında survey ve laboratuvar çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Lepidoptera takımında bulunan 5 familyaya ait, 44 tür elde edilmiştir. Yerleşke sınırları içerisinde, Rhopalocera alt takımı içerisinde Nymphalidae familyası en zengin tür sayısına (23) sahiptir. Bunu, Pieridae (8), Hesperiidae (5), Papillionidae (4) ve Lycaenidae (4) familyaları takip etmektedir. Yerleşkede Pieris brassicae, P. rapae, P. napi, Colias crocea, Iphiclides podalirius ve Melanargia larissa en sık görülen türler olarak belirlenmiştir.The purpose of the study is to determine lepidopteran species on Terzioğlu Campus during March 2005– April 2007. We surveyed Rhopalocera butterflies in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Terzioğlu Campus, in Çanakkale, Turkey. In this study, total of 44 species belonging to to Papilionidae (4), Nymphalidae (23), Pieridae (8), Lycaenidae (4) and Hesperiidae (5), were identified. The most abundant species throughout the campus are Pieris brassicae, P. rapae, P. napi, Colias crocea, Iphiclides podalirius, and Melanargia larissa

    Excavations at the Old City, Fortress, and Mound of Van: Work in 2017

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    Fig. 1: The citadel of Tushpa The citadel of Tushpa, the mound of Van Fortress with its lower settlement, and the walled Old City of Van to the south of the citadel have been the sites of various cultures from the Early Bronze Age to the early 20th century (Fig. 1). In the 2017 excavation season, excavations and documentation work continued at the Tushpa citadel, on the Van Fortress mound, and at the Old City of Van, and research proceeded with the goal of understanding and solving the probl..


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    Bu çalışmada, karaçalı (Paliurus spina-christi Mill.) ve hünnap (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) türlerinde bazı tohum özellikleri ile GA3, çıtlatma ve uygun ekim zamanının çimlenme oranına etkileri çalışılmıştır. Hünnap tohumları, 1 Ekim-1 Nisan tarihleri arasında 14 farklı ekim tarihi ve iki farklı ön işlem kullanılarak ekilmiştir. Karaçalı tohumları ise, 1 Ekim-1 Nisan tarihleri arasında 13 farklı tarihte ekilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; Karaçalı türünde kapsüllerdeki ortalama tohum sayısı 2.72 adettir. Tohumların 1000 tane ağırlığı ise ortalama 21.2 g’dır. Hünnap tohumlarının 1000 tane ağırlığı ortalama 308 g’dır. Hünnapta yüksek çimlenme oranı elde edebilmek için, tohumlar 400 ppm GA3’te 24 saat bekletilip ekim ayında ekilmeli ya da tohumlar çıtlatıldıktan sonra 12 saat 100 ppm GA3 çözeltisinde tutulup aralık – ocak aylarında ekim gerçekleştirilmelidir. Ekim- kasım aylarında ekilmesi daha uygun çıkan karaçalı tohumları ise, ekilmeden önce mutlaka, 100 ppm GA3 çözeltisinde 12 saat süreyle önişleme alınmalıdır. Anahtar kelimeler: Karaçalı, Hünnap, Çimlendirme, GA3, Çıtlatma, Ekim zaman

    The role of ITO resistivity on current spreading and leakage in InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes

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    The effect of a transparent ITO current spreading layer on electrical and light output properties of blue InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes (LEDs) is discussed. When finite conductivity of ITO is taken into account, unlike in previous models, the topology of LED die and contacts are shown to significantly affect current spreading and light output characteristics in top emitting devices. We propose an approach for calculating the current transfer length describing current spreading. We show that an inter-digitated electrode configuration with distance between the contact pad and the edge of p-n junction equal to transfer length in the current spreading ITO layer allows one to increase the optical area of LED chip, as compared to the physical area of the die, light output power, and therefore, the LED efficiency for a given current density. A detailed study of unpassivated LEDs also shows that current transfer lengths longer than the distance between the contact pad and the edge of p-n junction leads to increasing surface leakage that can only be remedied with proper passivation. © 2017 Elsevier Lt