154 research outputs found

    Comunicación emocional en el trastorno del espectro autista : intervención en un alumno de 1º de Primaria

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    Hoy en día existen bastantes casos de alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (en adelante TEA) escolarizados en centros ordinarios, por ello es imprescindible conocer que entendemos por TEA, tal y como iremos analizando, haciendo un recorrido sobre la historia y estudios sobre el mismo. Observando las dificultades encontradas en dicho trastorno estudiamos la importancia de trabajar todo el ámbito comunicativo emocional pues, como podremos observar, es en donde estos alumnos presentan mayor dificultad. Para ver nuestra relación con el sistema educativo enlazamos dichos contenidos con la competencia clave: comunicación lingüística. Se intenta dar una visión de lo beneficioso que resulta para los alumnos con TEA realizar un trabajo de intervención concerniente a la comunicación emocional y la importancia de una coordinación con los diferentes entornos. Nos centramos para ello en un alumno con TEA llevando a cabo el proyecto en su centro escolar.Grado en Educación Primari

    Legal opinion on the international child abduction

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster se centra en la elaboración de un dictamen jurídico que dé respuesta a las cuestiones planteadas ante un caso ficticio de sustracción internacional de menores en el ámbito comunitario. Entre la materia que va a ser analizada, se tratarán los tres grandes elementos que estructuran el Derecho Internacional Privado: la competencia judicial internacional, la ley aplicable y el régimen de reconocimiento y ejecución de una resolución extranjera. De la misma manera, van a ser estudiadas las vías para procurar la restitución de los menores y los procedimientos complementarios que puedan derivar de la infracción del derecho de custodia que se ha producido.This Master’s dissertation focuses on the elaboration of a legal opinion which answers the questions raised in a fictional case of international child abduction taken place between European Union countries. Among the subjects to analyze, the three main elements of the Private International Law will be solved: international jurisdiction, applicable law and recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions. Moreover, ways to ensure the return of the child will be studied together with the complementary procedures that may derive from the violation of the right of custody.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155

    Análisis de criterios de diseño básico de una terminal de contenedores de sustancias químicas peligrosas aplicando el proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP)

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    [EN] During the last years the dangerous goods containers transport are increasing generating port congestion. We had analyzed the criteria for designing an inland dangerous goods container terminal using Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP). Particularly we had work in 5 areas defined after studying the state of the art: machines and instruments, Business Intelligence (BI), protection and security, Technologies Information and Communication (TIC) and environment. In our study an expert panel has participated on the criteria defining and for obtaining criteria weights. We have defined 88 criteria. The results are of great interest for future applications on the design of container terminals with dangerous goods and will be applied in the selection process of terminals with the Analytic Network Process (ANP).[ES] En los últimos años se ha producido un incremento considerable del transporte de contenedores de mercancías peligrosas, con la consiguiente congestión de puertos, para dar respuesta a esta problemática, hemos investigado y desarrollado esta tesis. Nuestro objeto de estudio ha sido el análisis de criterios de diseño básico de una terminal interior de contenedores de sustancias químicas peligrosas aplicando el proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP). En particular se ha recurrido al estudio en 5 áreas principales: maquinaria y equipos, Bussines Intelligence (BI), seguridad y protección, Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y medio ambiente que han sido definidos tras el estudio del estado del arte. Para poder definir estas áreas se ha trabajado con un panel de expertos en la determinación y análisis de los criterios. Analizando mediante el método todos los factores y determinando los pesos locales y globales. Se han priorizado un total de 88 criterios. Los resultados de esta investigación servirán en próximos estudios para aplicarlos a la selección de terminales con el método proceso analítico en red (ANP).[CA] En els últims anys s'ha produït un increment considerable del transport de contenidors de mercaderies perilloses, amb la consegüent congestió de ports. Per donar resposta a aquesta problemàtica hem investigat i desenvolupat aquest treball de tesi. El nostre objecte d'estudi ha estat l'anàlisi de criteris de disseny bàsic en una terminal interior de contenidors de substàncies químiques perilloses aplicant-hi el procés analític jeràrquic (AHP, Analytic Hierarchic Process). En particular, l'estudi s'ha focalitzat en cinc àrees principals: maquinària i equips, Business Intelligence (BI), seguretat i protecció, Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) i, finalment, medi ambient.Per poder definir aquestes àrees s'ha treballat, amb l'ajut d'un panell d'experts, en la determinació i l'anàlisi dels criteris de disseny de la terminal, estudiant els factors i determinant-ne els pesos locals i globals. En total, s'hi han prioritzat i avaluat més de vuitanta criteris de disseny diferents. Com a línies obertes de treball, els resultats d'aquesta investigació serviran per fer la selecció de terminals mitjançant el mètode anomenat procés analític en xarxa (ANP, Analytic Network Process).Molero Prieto, GD. (2016). Análisis de criterios de diseño básico de una terminal de contenedores de sustancias químicas peligrosas aplicando el proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61773TESI

    Total safety by design: Increased safety and operability of supply chain of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods

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    [EN] In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in the international transport of containers with dangerous goods, increasing the risk of seaports and surrounding cities together with the introduction of inherent environmental and security disaster risks. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in seaports that are more socially inclusive, addressing the storage of containers of hazardous goods to safe inland terminals. An appropriate design of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods (ITDGs) may contribute to the achievement of a sustainable development and the minimization of risks, avoiding disasters such as Tianjin. The objective of this study was the analysis of the criteria used for the design of safe, secure, cost efficient and greener ITDGs by applying the multicriteria decision theory AHP (analytic hierarchy process). Criteria regarding safety and security, environmental care, productivity and information and communication technologies (ICT) have been considered simultaneously into a total performance management system. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Public funding entity: Generalitat Valenciana.Molero Prieto, GD.; Santarremigia Rosaleny, FE.; Aragonés-Beltrán, P.; Pastor-Ferrando, J. (2017). Total safety by design: Increased safety and operability of supply chain of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods. Safety Science. 100(B):168-182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2016.10.007S168182100

    Effect of shoot removal on remobilization of carbon and nitrogen during regrowth of nitrogen-fixing alfalfa

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    The contribution of carbon and nitrogen reserves to regrowth following shoot removal and the processes involved in the reduction of nodule functioning were studied in alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa L.). To do so, isotopic labelling was conducted at root and canopy level with both 15N2 and 13C-depleted CO2 on exclusively nitrogen fixing alfalfa plants. Our results indicate that the roots were the main sink organs before shoot removal as expected. Seven days after regrowth the carbon and nitrogen stored in the roots was invested in shoot biomass formation and partitioned to the nodules in order to sustain respiratory activity. However, this carbon and nitrogen derived from the root did not overcome carbon and nitrogen limitation in nodules and leaves. Together with the limited carbohydrate availability, the up-regulation of nodule peroxidases indicates the involvement of oxidative stress in a worse nodule performance. Fourteen days after shoot removal, leaf and nodule performance were completely reestablished

    Optimizing dry-matter partitioning for increased spike growth, grain number and harvest index in spring wheat

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    Improving biomass is an important goal for future genetic gains in yield potential in wheat, but it will also be crucial to identify physiological traits to maximize harvest index (HI, proportion of aboveground biomass in grain). Increased grain partitioning will require increased dry-matter (DM) partitioning to the spikes at anthesis as well as enhanced fruiting efficiency (FE, grains per g spike dry matter at anthesis or chaff dry matter at harvest), whilst optimizing the partitioning amongst the non-grain components to maintain post-anthesis photosynthetic capacity and soluble carbohydrate translocation. The objectives of this study were to: i) quantify genetic variation in DM partitioning among plant organs at anthesis (GS65) + 7days and associations with spike growth and FE and ii) identify optimized partitioning traits associated with enhanced HI and grain yield, in CIMMYT elite spring wheat backgrounds. Two field experiments were conducted in 2011-12 and 2012-13 testing 26 CIMMYT spring wheat cultivars in NW Mexico in irrigated conditions in which DM partitioning was assessed in plant organs at anthesis + 7 days, and within-spike (glume, palea, lemma, rachis and awn) partitioning was assessed at harvest. Grain yield, yield components, HI and FE were assessed at harvest. Our results identified new traits for HI (decreased DM partitioning to stem internodes 2 (top down, peduncle-1) and 3, and decreased rachis DM partitioning and rachis specific weight (rachis DM per rachis unit length) and increased lemma DM partitioning), potentially allowing breeders to maximize the exploitation of enhanced carbon assimilation for grain biomass. Further work will focus on understanding the role of soluble carbohydrate re-translocation in these relationships and establishing high-throughput and cost-effective phenotyping methods for these traits for deployment in breeding

    Modelling the performance of port terminals using microsimulation

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    [EN] Globalization has caused an increase in cargo volumes in ports, which is starting to produce congestion in some of the main ports, delays in the whole supply chain, higher costs, retention in the vicinity of ports, and more pollution. All of these issues highlight the need to improve current container terminals by searching for enhanced management models. The terminal operating system (TOS) is the operational control system used in container terminals. An improvement of TOS with better functionalities, and their optimization, would increase the efficiency of the terminal. In a previous study, the authors identified and weighted TOS functionalities using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The aim of this paper is to analyse by simulation how the improvement of the most influential TOS functionalities affects the operational and the environmental performance of a container terminal. Two new TOSs (TOS 2 and TOS 3) were compared with the TOS (TOS 1) currently used at Intersagunto terminal (Spain) by microsimulation using FlexTerm. Results show that modifications to the TOS can improve certain operational aspects, such as the number of containers handled, the occupation of the storage yard, and the dwell times; however, there were not significant improvements in energy consumption and carbon footprint. Further developments should address this issue by modifying other TOS functionalities in order to obtain both operational and environmental improvements at the terminal. This paper is addressed to managers of container terminals, TOS designers, researchers in the field of ports and terminals, and port authorities.This study was co-funded by Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad (IVACE) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project reference IMIDCA/2017/32.Hervás-Peralta, M.; Rozic, T.; Poveda-Reyes, S.; Santarremigia, FE.; Pastor-Ferrando, J.; Molero, GD. (2020). Modelling the performance of port terminals using microsimulation. European Transport / Trasporti Europei. (76):1-11. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165840S1117

    Rhizodeposition of organic carbon by plants with contrasting traits for resource acquisition: responses to different fertility regimes

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    Background and aims Rhizodeposition plays an important role in mediating soil nutrient availability in ecosystems. However, owing to methodological difficulties (i.e., narrow zone of soil around roots, rapid assimilation by soil microbes) fertility-induced changes in rhizodeposition remain mostly unknown. Methods We developed a novel long-term continuous 13C labelling method to address the effects of two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization on rhizodeposited carbon (C) by species with different nutrient acquisition strategies. Results Fertility-induced changes in rhizodeposition were modulated by root responses to N availability rather than by changes in soil microbial biomass. Differences among species were mostly related to plant biomass: species with higher total leaf and root biomass also had higher total rhizodeposited C, whereas species with lower root biomass had higher specific rhizodeposited C (per gram root mass). Experimental controls demonstrated that most of the biases commonly associated with this type of experiment (i.e., long-term steady-state labelling) were avoided using our methodological approach. Conclusions These results suggest that the amount of rhizodeposited C from plants grown under different levels of N were driven mainly by plant biomass and root morphology rather than microbial biomass. They also underline the importance of plant characteristics (i.e., biomass allocation) as opposed to traits associated with plant resource acquisition strategies in predicting total C rhizodeposition

    New avenues for increasing yield and stability in C3 cereals: exploring ear photosynthesis

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    Small grain cereals such as wheat, rice and barley are among the most important crops worldwide. Any attempt to increase crop productivity and stability through breeding implies developing new strategies for plant phenotyping, including defining ideotype attributes for selection. Recently, the role of non-foliar photosynthetic organs, particularly the inflorescences, has received increasing attention. For example, ear photosynthesis has been reported to be a major contributor to grain filling in wheat and barley under stress and good agronomic conditions. This review provides an overview of the particular characteristics of the ear that makes this photosynthetic organ better adapted to grain filling than the flag leaf and revises potential metabolic and molecular traits that merit further research as targets for cereal improvement. Currently, the absence of high-throughput phenotyping methods limits the inclusion of ear photosynthesis in the breeding agenda. In this regard, a number of different approaches are presented