42 research outputs found

    Supply constrained location-distribution in not-for-profit settings

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    Inspired by the World Food Programme's activity in the post-civil war food crisis in Angola, this study proposes a systematic approach to address the location distribution problem in not-for-profit settings, where a limited volume of supply has to be allocated to different demand regions. The use of utility functions is key in our framework because it allows the decision-maker to establish priorities by representing the heterogeneous effects of distributing supply to different demand locations (location effect) and to different individuals in the same demand location (diminishing returns effect). We propose the use of two fractional objectives with the utility functions embedded into them: an efficiency measure and a new inequity measure related to the Gini coefficient. The suggested problem has the form of a bi-objective integer linear fractional program and our resolution optimization technique is designed to solve for multiple fractional objective measures. Novel analytical results for the worst-case performance of the proposed resolution technique are provided. Our numerical experiments assess computational efficiency and provide concrete managerial prescriptions. Finally, an illustrative application of our approach in the context of the food crisis in Angola is presented based on an efficiency-inequity trade-off analysis.This research was partially supported by Sejong University[Grant 20180391] (Park) and Purdue University [Doug andMaria DeVos] (Berenguer)

    An谩lisis del uso de la web Sexe Joves y evaluaci贸n de una estrategia de mejora de la consulta virtual, basada en la formaci贸n complementaria de las enfermeras obst茅trico-ginecol贸gicas [matronas] que gestiona la web

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    [spa] INTRODUCCI脫N: Las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y de la comunicaci贸n (TIC) forman parte del d铆a a d铆a de los j贸venes. En el a帽o 2009 se aprob贸 en Espa帽a la Ley de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva y desde entonces su aplicaci贸n en los j贸venes es importante para que disfruten de una sexualidad responsable y para la prevenci贸n de embarazos no deseados e infecciones de transmisi贸n sexual/VIH. Las enfermeras obst茅trico-ginecol贸gicas o matronas son profesionales que realizan atenci贸n espec铆fica a los j贸venes en torno a la salud sexual y reproductiva. Contemplando estos aspectos, el Instituto Catal谩n de la Salud (ICS) cre贸 la web Sexe Joves como un instrumento 煤til para j贸venes de 14 a 25 a帽os. Esta web est谩 dirigida y coordinada por matronas. OBJETIVOS: - Analizar el uso de la p谩gina web Sexe Joves - Analizar la calidad de las respuestas de las matronas a los correos electr贸nicos que los j贸venes env铆an a trav茅s de la consulta virtual de la web Sexe Joves. - Evaluar la efectividad de un programa de formaci贸n en relaci贸n con los conocimientos sobre salud sexual y reproductiva de las matronas que atienden el correo electr贸nico de la web Sexe Joves. METODOLOG脥A: Se plante贸 un estudio de investigaci贸n estructurado en tres fases correspondientes a los objetivos planteados. En la primera fase se desarroll贸 un dise帽o descriptivo que analizaba diversas variables de la web y de la consulta virtual, as铆 como la satisfacci贸n de los j贸venes respecto a su uso. En la segunda fase se realiz贸 un dise帽o anal铆tico para evaluar la calidad de las respuestas de las matronas a los correos electr贸nicos recibidos en la web. Para ello se elabor贸 y valid贸 un cuestionario que fue aplicado a una muestra de 548 correos electr贸nicos evaluados por diez profesionales (ocho matronas, una psic贸loga y una obstetra-ginec贸loga). En la tercera fase se dise帽贸 un estudio cuasi experimental pre y posformaci贸n. A partir de las respuestas de los correos electr贸nicos evaluados con contenido cient铆fico err贸neo, se elabor贸 e implant贸 un curso de formaci贸n dirigido a los profesionales encargados de atender la consulta virtual de la web. Los correos electr贸nicos err贸neos en la preformaci贸n se evaluaron al finalizar la formaci贸n y tambi茅n se evalu贸 el nivel de satisfacci贸n con el curso. RESULTADOS: En 2010, la web Sexe Joves tuvo 326.163 visitas y se registraron 1.667 consultas virtuales (correo electr贸nico y chat). Los temas visitados en la web (en catal谩n, castellano y lenguaje de signos) fueron semejantes a los contenidos de la consulta virtual: La primera vez, Conocimiento de tu cuerpo, El petting, Afectividad, El sexo virtual, La contracepci贸n y Abuso y agresi贸n sexual. Destac贸 la visualizaci贸n del blog. El g茅nero femenino (1.292) utiliz贸 la consulta virtual m谩s que el masculino y a edades m谩s tempranas (14 a 16 a帽os) que el g茅nero masculino (17-19 a帽os). La calidad del contenido cient铆fico de las respuestas de los correos electr贸nicos emitidos por las matronas fue muy elevada (97% de respuestas correctas). Los correos electr贸nicos con contenido cient铆fico err贸neo (2,7%) mostraban tambi茅n d茅ficits en otros aspectos (respuestas incompletas, escuetas, no c谩lidas, el lenguaje no fue claro ni sencillo, no se estructuraban en introducci贸n-resoluci贸n-despedida y no invitaban a volver a escribir si exist铆an m谩s dudas). El curso de formaci贸n increment贸 de forma estad铆sticamente significativa (p<0,001) la calidad de las respuestas de los correos electr贸nicos emitidos por las matronas. CONCLUSIONES: La web Sexe Joves tiene un alto 铆ndice de usabilidad. La calidad de las respuestas en los correos electr贸nicos de las matronas es elevada y los aspectos detectados err贸neos se pueden subsanar mediante cursos de formaci贸n actualizada

    OM Forum-challenges and strategies in managing nonprofit operations: an operations management perspective

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    The operations management (OM) community is paying increasing attention to the analysis of nonprofit operations. However, what is it about this type of operation that makes it particularly interesting to OM scholars? We address this question by studying the objectives, actors, and main activities of nonprofit operations and the most common challenges they face. In addition, we suggest tactical and operational strategies to address these challenges by considering works in the for-profit sector and in different applied areas. The ultimate goal of this paper is to inspire and stimulate OM researchers to develop significant theoretical and empirical models in this novel stream of literature

    The effects of subsidies on increasing consumption through for-profit and not-for-profit newsvendors

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    Subsidy programs are widely offered in both developing and developed countries to encourage consumption of products that generate positive social, health, and environmental externalities. We study the effect of subsidies on product consumption under uncertain market demand. To reach a target consumer population, the program sponsor may subsidize a for-profit or a not-for-profit firm on each unit of the product purchased by the firm or on each unit of the sale generated by the firm. We show that subsidy programs provide stronger incentives to a not-for-profit firm than to its for-profit counterpart in inducing a large consumption whenever the sponsor is having a very limited budget or a very generous budget. When subsidizing a not-for-profit firm, the sponsor should always choose the purchase subsidy over the sales subsidy because the former can induce a larger consumption than the latter with the same subsidy spending. However, this is not always true when the subsidy program is administered through a for-profit firm, unless the firm is a price taker in the market or the sponsor has a limited budget. Our analysis leads to new theoretical development of price-setting newsvendor problem for both the for-profit and not-for-profit operations under subsidy.National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant Numbers: 71471107, 7143100

    A capacitated facility location model with bidirectional flows

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    Supply chains with returned products are receiving increasing attention in the operations management community. The present paper studies a capacitated facility location model with bidirectional flows and a marginal value of time for returned products. The distribution system consists of a single supplier that provides one new product to a set of distribution centers (DCs), which then ships to the final retailers. While at the retailers&#39; site, products can be shipped back to the supplier for reprocessing. Each DC is capacitated and handles stocks of new and/or returned products. The model is a nonlinear mixed-integer program that optimizes DC location and allocation between retailers and DCs. We show that it can be converted to a conic quadratic program that can be efficiently solved. Some valid inequalities are added to the program to improve computational efficiency. We conclude by reporting numerical experiments that reveal some interesting properties of the model

    Adherencia y cumplimiento del m茅todo anticonceptivo hormonal oral

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    Objetivo: identificar los factores relacionados con la adherencia y el cumplimiento de las mujeres con los anticonceptivos hormonales orales (ACO). Metodolog铆a: revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica. Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda en las bases de datos PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, MEDES y ENFISPO en los 煤ltimos 10 a帽os. Resultados: se seleccionaron un total de 35 art铆culos originales y una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica. Los factores que mejoran el cumplimiento de los ACO son los conocimientos que tiene la mujer sobre la p铆ldora, iniciar el m茅todo de forma inmediata y el apoyo de la pareja. Los factores que influyen en la adherencia son el coste de los ACO, la falta de conocimientos ante los olvidos y la pr谩ctica de descansos de la p铆ldora. Conclusiones: El consejo contraceptivo debe ser individualizado, teniendo en cuenta los factores que afectan a la adherencia y el cumplimiento

    Birth plan presentation to hospitals and its relation to obstetric outcomes and selected pain relief methods during childbirth

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    Background: The information on birth plan (BP) usage in Spanish hospitals is scant. Aim: To identify the percentage of pregnant women presenting a BP at five hospitals in Spain, the reasons why some women failed to do so and how BP presentation relates to obstetric outcomes and selected pain relief methods. Methods: In this descriptive, multi-centre study, data were retrospectively collected. During the postpartum visits at primary healthcare centres in various health districts in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain), a data collection sheet about obstetric outcomes and analgesia was administered to 432 mothers who had completed a BP during their pregnancies. The main outcome was the rate of BP presentation to the hospital. The sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics and pain relief measures were compared to identify any differences between mothers who presented a BP and those who did not. Results: A total of 422 (99.7%) women were studied; 51.2% of women (95% confidence interval (CI): 46.4-55.9) had presented a BP. The main reason for not presenting a BP was because the hospital midwives did not request them (61.2%). No differences were observed in BP presentation according to age, the country of origin, education, employment or hospital. Mothers who presented a BP were more likely to start breastfeeding in the birthing room (82.4% vs. 73.3%; p = 0.024). Epidural analgesia was the most common method used for pain relief (88.9%), and women who presented a BP attempted to use concomitant non-pharmacological methods more often (50.5% vs. 38.8%; p = 0.012). Conclusion: Almost half of the mothers failed to present a BP, usually because midwives did not request it