393 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas dan keamanan pangan produk roti pada menu breakfast di Hotel Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. Tingginya permintaan tamu terhadap menu roti tidak diikuti oleh kualitas produk yang ada. Cita rasa berbagai varian roti pada menu breakfast dinilai baik oleh tamu, akan tetapi tekstur, porsi / bentuk, suhu, aroma, penampilan, tempratur dan warna roti dinilai belum sesuai dengan standar.Sehingga banyak menimbulkan keluhan yang dilayangkan tamu. Variabel dalam penelitian adalah kualitas makanan dan keamanan pangan. Indikator kualitas makanan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) cita rasa, (2)aroma, (3) warna, (4) porsi, (5) penampilan, (6) tekstur, (7) temperatur, sedangkan indikator keamanan pangan yang diteliti yaitu (1) kontaminasi fisik,(2) kontaminasi biologis (4) kontainasi kimiawi, dan (5) gizi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk roti yang dihasilkan divisi pastry Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta belum memenuhi standar kualitas produk, terutama pada tektur dan ukuran. Sedangkan dari segi kemanan pangan terjadi kontaminasi fisik dan kontaminasi biologis pada produk pastry yang dihasilkan, seperti ditemukannya jamur. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, manajemen hotel disarankan untuk melakukan pengawasan terhadap proses pengolahan produk Kata kunci : kualitas, keamananpanga

    Agrotóxico: a expressão correta na valorizaçao do risco

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    A revista Visa em Debate em seu número anterior (vol. 6, no 4) publicou na seção “Debate” um excelente artigo. Absolutamente enquadrado na perspectiva daquela seção. Assim, exatamente na lógica do “Debate”, não poderíamos deixar de registrar um posicionamento completamente oposto, contrário, àquele defendido pelos autores. Agrotóxico é a expressão correta do ponto de vista legal e técnico

    Ruang Netral di Kota Ambon (Segregasi dan Integrasi Ruang Kota)

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    Keterpisahan ruang pemukiman di kota Ambon memberikan makna tersendiri terhadap pemanfaatan maupun pola perkembangan ruang kota, bersumber dari pola pemukiman yang terpisah berdasarkan basis-basis agama (Islam dan Kristen) yang terjadi di Kota Ambon telah memberikan dorongan khusus yang sangat kuat terhadap kebutuhan-kebutuhan ruang yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara bersama-sama. Tantangan yang dihadapi, berhubungan dengan laju pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang cepat dan terbatasnya ketersediaan ruang pemukiman sangat mempengaruhi pola perkembangan ruang di kota Ambon, kebutuhan akan ruang yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara bersama-sama atau ruang netral sangatlah penting untuk menjaga kelangsungan kehidupan perkotaan. Ruang-ruang netral di kota Ambon terbentuk atas dasar kebutuhan akan ruang itu sendiri dengan batasan-batasan yang sangat jelas. Ruang netral dalam konteks ini adalah merupakan wadah ruang untuk menyatukan keterpisahan ruang-ruang permukiman berdasarkan basis-basis keagamaan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara terperinci terhadap ruang-ruang netral di kota Ambon pada fenomena keterpisahan lingkungan pemukiman. Netralitas ruang maupun keterpisahan pemukiman bukan merupakan hal baru yang terjadi di wilayah perkotaan, akan tetapi lain halnya yang terjadi di kota Ambon dimana keterpisahan ruang pemukiman ini telah terbentuk dan terstruktur dengan sangat jelas Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan eksplorasi terhadap ruang-ruang netral di kota Ambon yang terbentuk secara alamiah maupun yang sengaja dibentuk (ruang binaan) akibat dampak dari pada keterpisahan ruang pemukiman berdasarkan basis-basis keagamaan, penelitian ini berbasis fenomena dengan model paradigma naturalistik yang dianalisis secara induktif, maka penelitian ruang netral pada Kota Ambon menghasilkan sebuah pertanyaan besar yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah mekanisme kehidupan dan terbentuknya ruang netral terhadap ruang kota Ambon berdasarkan keterpisahan pemukiman masyarakat berbasis agama


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    Tugas akhir ini membahas tentang pembuatan pembuatan ragum pada mesin bor. Ragu mini berdimensi 170 mm x 130 mm x 30 mm. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahan, waktu dan biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan ragum pada mesin bor. Dalam proses pembuatan material yang digunakan dalam pembuatan ragum ini adalah ST37. Proses permesinan untuk pembuatan ragum meliputi proses pembubutan, proses pengfraisan dan proses pengeboran. Secara teoritis total waktu dan biaya produksi yang dibutuhkan adalah 5.48 jam dan Rp.555.238,00. Kata kunci : Rancang Bangun Ragum Untuk Mesin Bor Wipro   ABSTRACT MANUFACTURING OF VISE ON WIPRO DRILLING MACHINE Gemal Syifa Addausyi Mulyana/NIM.1607400 Program D3 Teknik Mesin Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia This final assignment discuss about manufacturing of vise on drilling machine. Mini drill vise dimension is 170 mm x 130 mm x 30 mm. This final assignment is aim to determine the materials, time and cost for manufacturing of vise on drilling machine. The material that used in this process is ST37. The machining process for manufacturing vise are turning process, milling process and drilling process. Theoretically, total of time and cost that required is 5.48 hours and Rp.555.238,00. Keywords: Manufacturing Of Vise On Wipro Drilling Machin

    High Resilience and Fast Acclimation Processes Allow the Antarctic Moss Bryum argenteum to Increase Its Carbon Gain in Warmer Growing Conditions

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Temperatures are increasing globally, but polar regions (including Antarctica) are warming much faster than the rest of the globe. Increased temperatures in Antarctica can impact the distribution and performance of plants, the majority of which on this continent are mosses. This study aims to investigate whether Bryum argenteum var. muticum, a moss species found in Antarctica, is capable of acclimation (adjustment of its physiology, specifically photosynthesis and respiration) to increased temperatures. We used short-term warming experiments that mimicked heatwaves and compared them to seasonal rates of photosynthesis and respiration in order to better understand how resilient this important moss species is to climate change. We found that this moss can acclimate very quickly (within 7 days) by increasing its photosynthesis (carbon gain). This shows that B. argenteum is highly resilient, and it may potentially benefit from short- and long-term climatic changes. ABSTRACT: Climate warming in Antarctica involves major shifts in plant distribution and productivity. This study aims to unravel the plasticity and acclimation potential of Bryum argenteum var. muticum, a cosmopolitan moss species found in Antarctica. By comparing short-term, closed-top chamber warming experiments which mimic heatwaves, with in situ seasonal physiological rates from Cape Hallett, Northern Victoria Land, we provide insights into the general inherent resilience of this important Antarctic moss and into its adaptability to longer-term threats and stressors associated with climate change. Our findings show that B. argenteum can thermally acclimate to mitigate the effects of increased temperature under both seasonal changes and short-term pulse warming events. Following pulse warming, this species dramatically increased its carbon uptake, measured as net photosynthesis, while reductions in carbon losses, measured as dark respiration, were not observed. Rapid growth of new shoots may have confounded the effects on respiration. These results demonstrate the high physiological plasticity of this species, with acclimation occurring within only 7 days. We show that this Antarctic moss species appears to have a high level of resilience and that fast acclimation processes allow it to potentially benefit from both short-term and long-term climatic changes

    The importance of corrosion resistance test of cannulas in the quality control of hypodermic needles

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    According to Anvisa risk rating, hypodermic needles offer medium risk to the user’s health. This study discussed the importance of the corrosion resistance test in tubes of hypodermic needles, in the product quality control. A review of cannulas of hypodermic needles was carried out according to ISO 9626:2003 and 9259:1997 ABNT NBR. For the results evaluation, a scale which classifies the extent of corrosion was adjusted. 174 samples of PNI needles from 17 States and 9 different record holders were analyzed. According to the methodology of ISO 9626:2003, 100% of the samples were considered satisfactory. However, in accordance with the methodology of ISO 9259:1997, 97.1% of the samples were rejected. Irregularities can lead to impairment of product quality, resulting in risks to the consumer’s health. Since 2011 the product has undergone certification, so it is necessary to reflect on the importance of corrosion resistance testing and mandatory certification for health monitoring

    Segurança Alimentar e Vigilância Sanitária: dois pesos e duas medidas e a qualidade fora da balança

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    The question that guides the drafting of this article is directed to the study on the relationship between food safety and health surveillance for assessing the relevance of the subject of food quality (such as the area of attention and responsibility of health surveillance) in the deployment and implementation of programs and national plans for food and nutrition in Brazil throughout the 20th century as well as to date. This article is derived from concern about the possible absence of the theme “quality” in these programs and governmental plans and the consequent ineffective results in improving nutrition and health conditions of specific groups and of the Brazilian population in general. The present study was a qualitative analysis of the subject of food safety and its interaction with health surveillance, in what it is mentioned over all, to the question of the quality, under the optics of the laboratorial component The applied methods involved data collection, bibliographical research, and posterior critical analysis. During the course of this study, we realized that multiple governmental sectors are involved in the issue of food security and that the theme “quality” is not the preferred focus. We believe that without the effective presence of health surveillance, particularly its laboratory component, in the sense of assessing the quality of food, the social issue of hunger can be resolved over the next few years; however, the same cannot be applicable to the question of the health of the population.A questão que norteia a elaboração deste artigo está direcionada para o estudo sobre a relação entre a Segurança Alimentar e a Vigilância Sanitária, com o intuito de avaliar que relevância o tema da qualidade de alimentos – como área de atenção e responsabilidade da Vigilância Sanitária – tem tido na implantação e implementação de programas e planos nacionais de alimentação e nutrição no Brasil, a partir do século XX até o momento presente.Este questionamento deriva da preocupação quanto à possível ausência do tema “qualidade” nos referidos programas e planos governamentais, tendo por consequência, resultados pouco eficazes na melhoria das condições nutricionais e de saúde da população brasileira em geral e dos grupos específicos.O presente trabalho é uma análise qualitativa a respeito do tema Segurança Alimentar e sua interação com a Vigilância Sanitária, no que se refere, sobretudo, à questão da qualidade, sob a ótica do componente laboratorial. A metodologia aplicada foi a de levantamento de dados bibliográficos e posterior análise crítica.Percebemos, no decorrer do presente trabalho, a presença de múltiplos setores governamentais envolvidos na questão da Segurança Alimentar, e também que o tema “qualidade” não é foco preferencial. Acreditamos que, sem a presença efetiva da Vigilância Sanitária, principalmente do seu componente laboratorial, no sentido da avaliação da qualidade dos alimentos, ao longo dos próximos anos, a questão social da fome poderá estar resolvida, porém o mesmo não poderá ser aplicado à questão da saúde da população

    Ferramenta para avaliação do Risco Potencial no âmbito dos Laboratórios Oficiais

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    Humans are exposed to numerous technological products, among them are drugs with increasingly varied risks. Two areas of investigation permeate the environment of laboratories involved in monitoring drug quality. These are metrology and risk. The objective of this study was to elaborate a tool for evaluation of Potential Risk laboratories where tests are performed on drugs, minimizing analytical results with questionable reliability. The methodology used was based on the Model of Potential Risk Evaluation (MPRE) applied to RDC 11/12 - ANVISA / MS. The Risk Control Indicators (RCI) were planned in the Excel software. The tool contained 167 RCI. Although contains a large number of indicators, was very useful, applicable and easy to use in laboratory environment. With the help of it is possible identify the categories associated with the deviation of each RCI causes.O homem encontra-se exposto a inúmeros produtos tecnológicos, e dentre eles os medicamentos, com riscos cada vez mais próximos do imponderável. Duas áreas, com ampla inclusão em vários campos do conhecimento, permeiam o ambiente dos laboratórios envolvidos no monitoramento da qualidade destes produtos. Estas são a metrologia e o risco. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar uma ferramenta para avaliação do risco potencial nos laboratórios onde são realizados ensaios em medicamentos, minimizando assim os resultados com confiabilidade analítica duvidosa. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada no Modelo de Avaliação de Risco Potencial (MARP) aplicada a RDC 11/12 – ANVISA/MS. Os Indicadores de Controle do Risco (ICR) foram planificados no software Excel®. A ferramenta apresentou 167 ICR. Apesar do grande número de indicadores, mostrou-se bastante útil, aplicável e de fácil utilização ao ambiente laboratorial. Através dela é possível identificar as categorias das causas associadas ao desvio de cada ICR