101 research outputs found

    Spatial occupation and behavior of communally housed domestic cats

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    The housing design of shelters, animal control centers, veterinary hospitals and laboratory facilities should meet the biological needs of the housed animals, in order to provide acceptable welfare. In the case of domestic cats, few studies have been conducted in order to establish the minimum parameters that will ensure the delivery of good care. The present work investigated the spatial occupation of a group of confined cats confined together. To this end, space use (ground or elevated areas) and behavior of fifty-one domestic cats were registered. Results revealed that occupation of elevated areas was significantly greater during both the day and night, compared with occupation of ground areas. In contrast with the other investigated behaviors, there were no significant differences between ground and elevated areas regarding “walking” behavior. These results point to the importance of providing elevated areas to domestic cats in confinement. In conclusion, occupation of elevated areas by confined domestic cats is significantly greater compared to occupation of ground areas. A better understanding of the space use by cats might enable a more appropriate design of housing premises in order to the biological needs of these animals, which may significantly influence their welfare in confinement. 

    Internal adaptation of cast titanium crowns

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    As the adaptation of titanium crowns obtained by Rematitan Plus investment, specific for titanium, is not recognized to be suitable, this study evaluated the effect of the concentration of the specific liquid and the temperature of the mold of investments on the internal misfit of crowns cast on commercially pure titanium. Individual dies of epoxy resin were obtained, representing teeth prepared for full-crown restoration with a 6-degree axial surface convergence angle and shoulder (1.0 mm). For the waxing of each crown, a ring-shaped stainless steel matrix (8.0mm internal diameter; 7.5 mm height) was adapted above the individual dies of epoxy resin. The Rematian Plus investment was mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions using two different concentrations of the specific liquid: 100%, 75%. Casting was performed in a Discovery Plasma Ar-arc vacuum-pressure casting machine with molds at temperatures of 430ºC, 515ºC and 600ºC. The crowns were cleaned individually in a solution (1% HF + 13% HNO3) for 10 min using a ultrasonic cleaner, with no internal adaptations, and luted with zinc phosphate cement under a 5 kg static load. The crown and die assemblies were embedded in resin and sectioned longitudinally. The area occupied by cement was observed using stereoscopic lens (10X) and measured by the Leica Qwin image analysis system (mm²). The data for each experimental condition (n=8) were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test (á=0.05). The results showed that liquid dilution and the increase in mold temperature did not significantly influence the levels of internal fit of the cast titanium crowns. The lowest means (±SD) of internal misfit were obtained for the 430ºC/100%: (7.25 mm² ±1.59) and 600ºC/100% (8.8 mm² ±2.25) groups, which presented statistically similar levels of internal misfit


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    O ecoturismo é um segmento do turismo que vem crescendo cada vezmais e tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento econômico e social da localidade. Isto porque se mostra como um potencial para a melhoria de vida das comunidades envolvidas, além da proteção, da conservação e preservação do meio ambiente. Como alternativa de lazer, o ecoturismo, baseado no tripé do desenvolvimento sustentável (preservação e conservação do meio ambiente, desenvolvimento da localidade e envolvimento e crescimento econômico da comunidade), não se limita apenas ao uso sustentável natural de agora, e sim busca viabilizar a minimização das consequências do fluxo de turistas, valendo-se de um controle da capacidade de suporte da localidade, servindo de base à fiscalização da degradação ambiental que o fluxo de turistas pode proporcionar ao ambiente natural visitado. Neste artigo, apresentamos como essa modalidade vem sendo desenvolvida no Município de Bujaru e suas adjacências.Palavras-chave: Ecoturismo. Desenvolvimento Local. Turismo Sustentável