97 research outputs found

    Tipologi Dan Morfologi Arsitektur Suku Banjar Di Kal-Sel

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui tipologi dan morfologi arsitektur daerah Suku Banjar di Kalimantan Selatan sehingga ketidakjelasan tipe arsitektur Banjar yang ada saat ini dapat dipecahkan secara ilmiah.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah rumah tradisional yang berumur rata-rata lebih dari 50 tahun. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel bertujuan (purposive sample) dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode bola salju (snow ball sampling). Analisis data, dimulai dengan menelaah seluruh data, reduksi data, menyusun data-data dalam satuan-satuan, mengkategorisasikan, dan memeriksa keabsahan data. Tahap analisis dilanjutkan dengan tahap penafsiran data. Bagian analisis yang terpenting adalah mengkategorisasikan yang didasarkan pada metode analisis komparatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Tipomorfologi arsitektur suku Banjar dapat dijelaskan berdasar beragam tema yang mempengaruhi perkembangan arsitektur Suku Banjar, yaitu; berdasar kesamaan yang menjadi ciri khas (geometrik), berdasar pengaruh kebudayaan suku, berdasar pengaruh kepercayaan dan agama, berdasar tata ruang, berdasar struktur dan konstruksi, berdasar lokasi, dan berdasar ornamen/ ragam hias.Keberadaan masing-masing tema yang mempengaruhi pembentukan tipo- morfologi Suku Banjar di atas saling berhubungan erat antar satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga tidak bisa dilepaskan dalam pembentukan pemahaman

    Street food in Eastern Europe: a perspective from an urban environment in Moldova

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    Street food is popular in Eastern Europe, but its diversity and nutritional value are unknown. This study aimed to characterise the street food environment in Chisinau, Moldova, including the vending sites and vendors, food availability and nutritional composition of foods and beverages. All street food vending sites (single point of sale) located in a 1-km buffer centred on the main public market were systematically selected (n439;n328 participants). Data on vending sites' characteristics (mobility, type of physical set-up and access to electricity), operating periods and food availability were collected. Samples of the most commonly available foods of unknown composition were collected (twenty-eight home-made and twenty-four industrial). Macronutrients, Na and K were quantified through chemical analysis. Fruits, beverages and food other than fruits were available in 2 center dot 5, 74 center dot 3 and 80 center dot 8 % of the vending sites, respectively. Among the latter, 66 center dot 4 % sold only industrial foods (e.g. pretzels, biscuits, wafers, chocolate and ice cream), 21 center dot 5 % only home-made (e.g. savoury and sweet pastries) and 12 center dot 1 % both. Home-made foods presented larger serving sizes and energy/serving (median kJ/serving: 1312 center dot 5v.670 center dot 3,P= 0 center dot 022); industrial foods were more energy-dense (median kJ/100 g: 1797 center dot 0v.1269 center dot 8,P= 0 center dot 002). High SFA,trans-fat and Na contents were found, reaching 10 center dot 9 g/serving, 1 center dot 4 g/serving and 773 center dot 7 mg/serving, respectively. Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages were available in 80 center dot 7 and 42 center dot 0 % of the vending sites selling beverages, respectively. Concluding, industrial snacks and home-made pastries high in Na and unhealthy fat were frequent in Chisinau. Prevention of diet-related diseases in Moldova may benefit from the improvement of the nutritional profile of street food

    Street food in Maputo, Mozambique: The coexistence of minimally processed and ultra-processed foods in a country under nutrition transition

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    The aim was to characterise the extent of processing and nutritional composition of the street foods offered in Maputo, Mozambique. A cross-sectional study was conducted in October November 2014 in the urban district of KaMpfumu. Twenty public transport stops were randomly selected, around which 500 meters buffers were drawn. All streets within these buffers were can-vassed to identify all street food vending sites. Street food offer was assessed through interviews. Nutritional composition was estimated using standardised recipes (for homemade foods), food labels (for industrial products) and food composition tables (for in natura foods). The processing extent was classified using the NOVA food classification. A total of 810 vending sites were assessed. Unprocessed/minimally processed foods were available at 70.5% of vending sites (mainly fruit, water, and tea) and ultra-processed foods at 59.0% (mostly cakes, cookies, confectionery, and soft drinks). Energy content per 100 g of unprocessed or minimally processed foods was significantly lower than in all other food groups. In all food groups, contribution to total energy value was highest for carbohydrates (range: 33.151.2%), followed by fats (range: 29.336.0%) and protein (range: 6.818.6%). Public health policies targeting the improvement of this urban food environment should consider not only the nutritional composition but also the processing extent of the foods and beverages available. (c) 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Macronutrient composition of street food in Central Asia: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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    Background: Urban areas in central Asia are currently undergoing nutrition transition. Street food is very popular, but the specific foods available and their nutritional composition are unknown. The aim was to describe the availability and macronutrient composition of street foods in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Results: Trained interviewers collected data on street food vending sites' characteristics and food availability (n = 596). Samples of the most commonly available foods and drinks were collected (n = 80 homemade;n = 40 industrial). Macronutrients were quantified through chemical analysis. Fruit, beverages, and food other than fruit were available in 4.0%, 61.7%, and 81.0% of the vending sites, respectively. Among those selling food other than fruit, 56.5% sold only homemade (e.g., bread, main dishes, snacks, pastries, sandwiches, and cakes), 23.3% both homemade and industrial and 20.2% only industrial foods (e.g., bread, snacks, pastries, cakes, and cookies). Homemade foods presented the highest energy/serving (median kcal/serving: 357 versus 145,p < .001). A high content in saturated and trans-fatty acids was observed in some homemade traditional dishes and snacks, reaching, respectively, 30.2 g/serving and 2.9 g/serving (in homemademanty,a traditional dish). Tea and soft drinks were available in over 50% of the vending sites selling beverages. Conclusion: The high availability of street food in Bishkek highlights its importance for this urban population. Traditional snacks, dishes, and beverages coexist with more westernized products. The variability in energy, macronutrients, and lipid profile of homemade and industrial products reflects heterogeneous culinary practices and ingredients. Policies promoting the availability of healthy foods and ingredients should be implemented

    The Sodium and Potassium Content of the Most Commonly Available Street Foods in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in the Context of the FEEDCities Project

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    This cross-sectional study is aimed at assessing sodium (Na) and potassium (K) content and the molar Na:K ratios of the most commonly available ready-to-eat street foods in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Four different samples of each of these foods were collected and 62 food categories were evaluated through bromatological analysis. Flame photometry was used to quantify sodium and potassium concentrations. The results show that home-made foods can be important sources of sodium. In particular, main dishes and sandwiches, respectively, contain more than 1400 and nearly 1000 mg Na in an average serving and provide approximately 70% and 50% of the maximum daily recommended values. Wide ranges of sodium content were found between individual samples of the same home-made food collected from different vending sites from both countries. In industrial foods, sodium contents ranged from 1 to 1511 mg/serving in Tajikistan, and from 19 to 658 mg/serving in Kyrgyzstan. Most Na:K ratios exceeded the recommended level of 1.0 and the highest ratios were found in home-made snacks (21.2) from Tajikistan and industrial beverages (16.4) from Kyrgyzstan. These findings not only improve data on the nutritional composition of foods in these countries, but may also serve as baseline information for future policies and interventions.The project is funded by the World Health Organization Europe (WHO registration 2015/591370-0) and, in particular, work on FEEDCities project is funded by a voluntary contribution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The authors would like to thank the staff from WHO Country Offices in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan as well as local authorities. The authors would also like to thank Andreia Lemos and Eulália Mendes for carrying out laboratory analysis

    The Price of Homemade Street Food in Central Asia and Eastern Europe: Is There a Relation with Its Nutritional Value?

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    The aim was to describe the price of homemade street foods in four cities of Central Asia and Eastern Europe and to analyze its association with energy density, macronutrients, sodium and potassium contents. Cross-sectional evaluations of street food vending sites were conducted in Dushanbe, Tajikistan (n = 562), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (n = 384), Almaty, Kazakhstan (n = 236) and Chis,inau, Moldova (n = 89) in 2016-2017. Information on the homemade street foods available, including price, was systematically collected; the most commonly available foods (n = 64) were sampled for chemical analysis. Prices were converted to international dollars ()andexpressedas) and expressed as /serving, /100gand/100 g and /100 kcal. The median street food price was 1.00/serving,1.00/serving, 0.85/100 g and 0.33/100kcal.Traditionalfoodswerecheaperper100gthanthewesternized(0.33/100 kcal. Traditional foods were cheaper per 100 g than the westernized (0.77 vs. 1.00,p=0.011).Foreachunitincreaseinenergydensity(kcal/g),thehomemadestreetfoodswere1.00, p = 0.011). For each unit increase in energy density (kcal/g), the homemade street foods were 0.12 cheaper per 100 kcal and $0.11 more expensive per 100 g. The carbohydrate content was negatively associated with price per 100 kcal, while total fat, monounsaturated, saturated and trans-fatty acids content were positively associated with price per 100 g. Energy-dense homemade street foods were the cheapest. Further insight on food preparation might clarify the association between carbohydrates and monounsaturated fatty acids content and street food price

    Patterns of Street Food Purchase in Cities From Central Asia

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    Street food makes a significant contribution to the diet of many dwellers in low- and middle-income countries and its trade is a well-developed activity in the central Asian region. However, data on its purchase and nutritional value is still scarce. This study aimed to describe street food purchasing patterns in central Asia, according to time and place of purchase. A multicentre cross-sectional study was conducted in 2016/2017 in the main urban areas of four central Asian countries: Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) and Almaty (Kazakhstan). Street food markets (n = 34) and vending sites (n = 390) were selected by random and systematic sampling procedures. Data on the purchased foods and beverages were collected by direct observation. Time and geographic location of the purchases was registered, and their nutritional composition was estimated. A total of 714 customers, who bought 852 foods, were observed. Customers' influx, buying rate and purchase of industrial food were higher in city centers compared to the outskirts (median: 4.0 vs. 2.0 customers/10 min, p < 0.001; 5.0 vs. 2.0 food items/10 min, p < 0.001; 36.2 vs. 28.7%, p = 0.004). Tea, coffee, bread and savory pastries were most frequently purchased in the early morning, bread, main dishes and savory pastries during lunchtime, and industrial products in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon periods. Energy and macronutrient density was highest at 11:00-12:00 and lowest at 09:00-10:00. Purchases were smaller but more energy-dense in city centers, and higher in saturated and trans-fat in the peripheries. This work provides an overview of the street food buying habits in these cities, which in turn reflect local food culture. These findings from the main urban areas of four low- and middle-income countries which are currently under nutrition transition can be useful when designing public health interventions customized to the specificities of these food environments and their customers

    Availability and Nutritional Composition of Street Food in Urban Central Asia: Findings From Almaty, Kazakhstan

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    Objective: To describe the availability and nutritional composition of commonly available street foods in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Methods: 384 street food vending sites (in 10 public markets) were assessed; information on vending sites characteristics and food availability and samples of the most commonly available street foods (81 homemade; 40 industrial) were collected for chemical analysis. Results: Fruit, beverages and food other than fruit were available in 1.0%, 47.4% and 92.7% of all vending sites. Homemade food other than fruit (e.g., bread, main dishes, snacks, pastries, sandwiches, and cakes) were available in 63.4% of stationary vending sites, while industrial (e.g., snacks, chocolate, cakes, and cookies) in 45.6% of them. Industrial foods were the most energy-dense [median kcal/100 g: 438.8 vs. 267.2, p < 0.001 (homemade)]. Traditional homemade dishes were high in sodium, reaching 2,248 mg/serving (lagman) and major contributors of protein and fat to energy content (shashlik: 22.8% from protein, 68.3% from fat). Industrial chocolate and homemade cake presented the highest saturated (14.6 g/serving) and trans-fat (3.20 g/serving) contents. Conclusion: These findings advocate for the implementation of health promotion strategies targeted at vendors, consumers and other stakeholders. Copyright (c) 2022 Albuquerque, Lança de Morais, Gelormini, Sousa, Casal, Pinho, Damasceno, Moreira, Breda, Lunet and Padrão

    Nutritional content of street food and takeaway food purchased in urban bosnia and herzegovina

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    Street food (SF) and takeaway food (TAF) are important sources of out-of-home meals in urban Bosnia and Herzegovina, where diet-related non-communicable diseases are growing rapidly. This study aimed to characterise SF and TAF purchased in urban areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regarding customers characteristics and the nutritional composition of the foods and beverages. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Sarajevo and Banja Luka in 2017. SF (n = 194) and TAF vending sites (n = 154) were selected through random and systematic sampling. Data on the food items purchased and customers characteristics were collected by direct observation. Nutritional composition was estimated using data from chemical analyses of the foods most commonly available. Two-thirds of the customers observed (n = 755) were aged 35 years, half were women and 27.7% were overweight/obese. A total of 929 food items were purchased. The most commonly bought SFs were confectionery (30.5%), water (27.9%) and soft drinks/juices (22.2%). TAF customers purchased mostly savoury pastries (39.8%), breads (27.1%) and main dishes (21.4%). Almost half of customers purchased industrial food (i.e., pre-packaged foods and beverages produced by the food industry). The purchases presented median contents of 18.7 g of fat (39.6% saturated, 32.3% monounsaturated, 22.1% polyunsaturated, 1.5% trans), 838 mg of sodium and 285 mg of potassium. Saturated-fat contribution was higher in SF purchases (60.4% vs. 30.2%, p < 0.001), whereas TAF purchases presented higher trans-fat proportion (1.8% vs. 0.6%, p < 0.001), sodium (1241 vs. 89 mg, p < 0.001) and sodium-potassium ratio (6.1 vs. 0.6, p < 0.001). Generally, SF and TAF bought in Sarajevo and Banja Luka were rich in saturated and trans fatty-acids and sodium, and poor in potassium. Nutrition policies promoting use of healthier fats and salt reduction in SF and TAF may contribute to the prevention of diet-related diseases in these settings

    Street Food and Takeaway Food Purchasing Patterns in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    This study aimed to describe street food and takeaway food purchasing patterns in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, throughout the day and by city location. A cross-sectional evaluation of street food and takeaway food customers was conducted in 2017. All eligible vending sites (n = 348) in the vicinity of selected markets and bus stops were included. Data on the food items purchased, and time and geographic location of the purchases were collected. A total of 755 customers purchased 929 food items. Takeaway venues showed higher customer influx (5.0 vs. 2.0 customers observed per 10 min of observation, p < 0.001) and buying rates (6.7 vs. 2.0 items bought per 10 min of observation, p < 0.001; 1.5 vs. 1.0 items bought per customer, p < 0.001) than street food sites. These rates were higher in city peripheries for street food venues, and in city centres for takeaway establishments. The purchase of industrial food products prevailed throughout the day in street food venues, whereas most takeaway purchases comprised homemade foods, with or without industrial beverages. The proportion of customers buying foods and beverages together was higher in takeaway venues (15.3% vs. 6.0%, p < 0.001), especially during lunchtime and in city centres. In street food vending sites, sweet and savoury snacks seemed to be preferred in the afternoon, whereas in takeaway food establishments, savoury pastries and main dishes were mostly purchased at breakfast or lunch, and bread during the morning. Soft drinks and industrial juices were frequently purchased in both types of vending site and at all hours of the day, particularly in the afternoon. Our findings provide an overview of street food and takeaway food buying habits and consumer demands in these cities, reflecting local food culture and dietary behaviours. The identification of the meal contexts and city sub-regions in which specific purchasing practices emerge point to potential priority targets. These insights can be useful when designing interventions adapted to the specificities of these food environments and the food habits of customers