13 research outputs found

    Zarządzanie w oparciu o zasady etyki w przedsiębiorstwie z wieloletnią tradycją

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    Współczesne teorie o etyce stają się coraz bardziej interesującym obiektem zainteresowań przedsiębiorców bowiem w otaczającym nas świecie niewątpliwie wpływają one na prowadzenie biznesu, w którym normy etyczne powinny być standardem. Odpowiedzialny i etyczny biznes zawiera strategiczne i długofalowe podejście do zarządzania opartego na moralności i ukierunkowanego na kształtowaniu relacji międzyludzkich. Bez wątpienia prawo niestety nie jest w stanie regulować wszystkich zachowań ludzi stąd konieczne wydaje się przestrzeganie zasad i norm ustalonych przez społeczeństwo. Przez zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwa dążą do określonych celów oraz osiągają zamierzone rezultaty ujmując przy tym dysponowanie posiadanymi zasobami ludzkimi, które mają istotny wpływ na różne elementy tego procesu. Natomiast to menedżerowie podejmując decyzje są odpowiedzialni za ich efekty, na które jednak składa się przebieg wielu procesów z udziałem ludzi. Zatem w wypełnianiu tych ważnych obowiązków konieczne w rolach zarządczych jest kierowanie się pewnymi ordynacjami, w tym zarządzanie poprzez wartościami. Dlatego też etyka zarządzania bez wątpienia jest więc dość specjalistyczną dziedziną etyki, kształtującą moralność w prowadzeniu biznesu i zarządzaniem przedsiębiorstwem. Głównym celem niniejszej pracy była diagnoza wpływu wprowadzonego w przedsiębiorstwie JELCZ kodeksu i zasad etyki Polskiej Grupy Zbrojeniowej na proces zarządzania. Autorka w swojej pracy przedstawiła zależności wynikające z funkcjonowania kodeksu etyki w przedsiębiorstwie w odniesieniu do procesu zarządzania. Podczas prowadzonych badań zweryfikowano czym jest zarządzanie, biznes, etyka oraz ich wzajemny wpływ na siebie. Najważniejszą częścią pracy było badanie przeprowadzone na losowo wybranej grupie pracowników Spółki, które potwierdziło wysoki wpływ stosowania w praktyce zasad etyki na proces zarządzania dostarczając przy tym Spółce wiele korzyści.Contemporary theories of ethics are becoming increasingly interesting object of interest for entrepreneurs because in the world around us they undoubtedly affect the conduct of business, in which ethical standards should be the standard. Responsible and ethical business includes a strategic and long-term approach to management based on morality and focused on shaping human relationships. Undoubtedly, the law, unfortunately, is not able to regulate all human behavior, so it seems necessary to comply with the rules and norms established by society. Through management, companies pursue specific objectives and achieve the intended results, while at the same time including the disposal of their human resources, which have a significant impact on various elements of this process. However, it is the managers who make decisions and are responsible for their effects, which consist of many processes involving people. Thus, in fulfilling these important responsibilities, it is necessary in management roles to be guided by certain ordinances, including management by values. Management ethics is therefore undoubtedly a rather specialized field of ethics, shaping morality in the conduct of business and corporate management. The main objective of this study was to diagnose the impact of the code and principles of ethics of the Polish Armed Group introduced in JELCZ company on the management process. The author in her work presented dependencies resulting from the functioning of the code of ethics in the enterprise in relation to the management process. During the conducted research it was verified what is management, business, ethics and their mutual influence on each other. The most important part of the work was a survey conducted on a randomly selected group of the Company's employees, which confirmed the high impact of the practical application of ethical principles on the management process, providing the Company with many benefits

    Zero-Valent Metal Emulsion for Reductive Dehalogenation of DNAPLs

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    A zero-valent metal emulsion is used to dehalogenate solvents, such as pooled dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), including trichloroethylene (TCE). The zero-valent metal emulsion contains zero-valent metal particles, a surfactant, oil and water, The preferred zero-valent metal particles are nanoscale and microscale zero-valent iron particles

    Cyclic DI-GMP Phosphodiesterases RmdA and RmdB are involved in regulating colony morphology and development in Streptomyces coelicolor. Journal of Bacteriology

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    Cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) regulates numerous processes in Gram-negative bacteria, yet little is known about its role in Gram-positive bacteria. Here we characterize two c-di-GMP phosphodiesterases from the filamentous high-GC Gram-positive actinobacterium Streptomyces coelicolor, involved in controlling colony morphology and development. A transposon mutation in one of the two phosphodiesterase genes, SCO0928, hereby designated rmdA (regulator ofmorphology and development A), resulted in decreased levels of spore-specific gray pigment and a delay in spore formation. The RmdA protein contains GGDEF-EAL domains arranged in tandem and possesses c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase activity, as is evident from in vitro enzymatic assays using the purified protein. RmdA contains a PAS9 domain and is a hemoprotein. Inactivation of another GGDEF-EAL-encoding gene, SCO5495, designated rmdB, resulted in a phenotype identical to that of the rmdA mutant. Purified soluble fragment of RmdB devoid of transmembrane domains also possesses c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase activity. ThermdA rmdB double mutant has a bald phenotype and is impaired in aerial mycelium formation. This suggests that RmdA and RmdB functions are additive and at least partially overlapping. The rmdA and rmdB mutations likely result in increased local pools of intracellular c-di-GMP, because intracellular c-di-GMP levels in the single mutants did not differ significantly from those of the wild type, whereas in the double rmdA rmdB mutant, c-di-GMP levels were 3-fold higher than those in the wild type. This study highlights the importance of c-di-GMP-dependent signaling in actinomycete colony morphology and development and identifies two c-di-GMP phosphodiesterases controlling these processes

    The Presumption of Validity of Administrative Act in the Code of Administrative Procedure

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    Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Battery Cell By-Pass Circuit

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    The invention is a circuit and method of limiting the charging current voltage from a power supply net work applied to an individual cell of a plurality of cells making up a battery being charged in series. It is particularly designed for use with batteries that can be damaged by overcharging, such as Lithium-ion type batteries. In detail. the method includes the following steps: 1) sensing the actual voltage level of the individual cell; 2) comparing the actual voltage level of the individual cell with a reference value and providing an error signal representative thereof; and 3) by-passing the charging current around individual cell necessary to keep the individual cell voltage level generally equal a specific voltage level while continuing to charge the remaining cells. Preferably this is accomplished by by-passing the charging current around the individual cell if said actual voltage level is above the specific voltage level and allowing the charging current to the individual cell if the actual voltage level is equal or less than the specific voltage level. In the step of bypassing the charging current, the by-passed current is transferred at a proper voltage level to the power supply. The by-pass circuit a voltage comparison circuit is used to compare the actual voltage level of the individual cell with a reference value and to provide an error signal representative thereof. A third circuit, designed to be responsive to the error signal, is provided for maintaining the individual cell voltage level generally equal to the specific voltage level. Circuitry is provided in the third circuit for bypassing charging current around the individual cell if the actual voltage level is above the specific voltage level and transfers the excess charging current to the power supply net work. The circuitry also allows charging of the individual cell if the actual voltage level is equal or less than the specific voltage level