305 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal control of root immune responses during microbial colonization.

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    The entire evolutionary trajectory of plants towards large and complex multi-cellular organisms has been accompanied by incessant interactions with omnipresent unicellular microbes. This led to the evolution of highly complex microbial communities, whose members display the entire spectrum of pathogenic to mutualistic behaviors. Plant roots are dynamic, fractally growing organs and even small Arabidopsis roots harbor millions of individual microbes of diverse taxa. It is evident that microbes at different positions on a root surface could experience fundamentally different environments, which, moreover, rapidly change over time. Differences in spatial scales between microbes and roots compares to humans and the cities they inhabit. Such considerations make it evident that mechanisms of root-microbe interactions can only be understood if analyzed at relevant spatial and temporal scales. This review attempts to provide an overview of the rapid recent progress that has been made in mapping and manipulating plant damage and immune responses at cellular resolution, as well as in visualizing bacterial communities and their transcriptional activities. We further discuss the impact that such approaches will have for a more predictive understanding of root-microbe interactions

    Root zone-specific localization of AMTs determines ammonium transport pathways and nitrogen allocation to shoots.

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    In plants, nutrient provision of shoots depends on the uptake and transport of nutrients across the root tissue to the vascular system. Nutrient delivery to the vasculature is mediated via the apoplastic transport pathway (ATP), which uses the free space in the cell walls and is controlled by apoplastic barriers and nutrient transporters at the endodermis, or via the symplastic transport pathway (STP). However, the relative importance of these transport routes remains elusive. Here, we show that the STP, mediated by the epidermal ammonium transporter 1;3 (AMT1;3), dominates the radial movement of ammonium across the root tissue when external ammonium is low, whereas apoplastic transport controlled by AMT1;2 at the endodermis prevails at high external ammonium. Then, AMT1;2 favors nitrogen (N) allocation to the shoot, revealing a major importance of the ATP for nutrient partitioning to shoots. When an endodermal bypass was introduced by abolishing Casparian strip (CS) formation, apoplastic ammonium transport decreased. By contrast, symplastic transport was increased, indicating synergism between the STP and the endodermal bypass. We further establish that the formation of apoplastic barriers alters the cell type-specific localization of AMTs and determines STP and ATP contributions. These results show how radial transport pathways vary along the longitudinal gradient of the root axis and contribute to nutrient partitioning between roots and shoots

    CLERK is a novel receptor kinase required for sensing of root-active CLE peptides in <i>Arabidopsis</i>.

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    CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION (CLE) peptides are secreted endogenous plant ligands that are sensed by receptor kinases (RKs) to convey environmental and developmental inputs. Typically, this involves an RK with narrow ligand specificity that signals together with a more promiscuous co-receptor. For most CLEs, biologically relevant (co-)receptors are unknown. The dimer of the receptor-like protein CLAVATA 2 (CLV2) and the pseudokinase CORYNE (CRN) conditions perception of so-called root-active CLE peptides, the exogenous application of which suppresses root growth by preventing protophloem formation in the meristem. &lt;i&gt;clv2&lt;/i&gt; as well as &lt;i&gt;crn&lt;/i&gt; null mutants are resistant to root-active CLE peptides, possibly because CLV2-CRN promotes expression of their cognate receptors. Here, we have identified the &lt;i&gt;CLE-RESISTANT RECEPTOR KINASE&lt;/i&gt; ( &lt;i&gt;CLERK&lt;/i&gt; ) gene, which is required for full sensing of root-active CLE peptides in early developing protophloem. CLERK protein can be replaced by its close homologs, SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SARK) and NSP-INTERACTING KINASE 1 (NIK1). Yet neither CLERK nor NIK1 ectodomains interact biochemically with described CLE receptor ectodomains. Consistently, &lt;i&gt;CLERK&lt;/i&gt; also acts genetically independently of &lt;i&gt;CLV2-CRN&lt;/i&gt; We, thus, have discovered a novel hub for redundant CLE sensing in the root

    The endodermis--development and differentiation of the plant's inner skin.

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    Controlling external compound entrance is essential for plant survival. To set up an efficient and selective sorting of nutrients, free diffusion via the apoplast in vascular plants is blocked at the level of the endodermis. Although we have learned a lot about endodermal specification in the last years, information regarding its differentiation is still very limited. A differentiated endodermal cell can be defined by the presence of the "Casparian strip" (CS), a cell wall modification described first by Robert Caspary in 1865. While the anatomical description of CS in many vascular plants has been very detailed, we still lack molecular information about the establishment of the Casparian strips and their actual function in roots. The recent isolation of a novel protein family, the CASPs, that localizes precisely to a domain of the plasma membrane underneath the CS represents an excellent point of entry to explore CS function and formation. In addition, it has been shown that the endodermis contains transporters that are localized to either the central (stele-facing) or peripheral (soil-facing) plasma membranes. These features suggest that the endodermis functions as a polar plant epithelium

    Directed growth and fusion of membrane-wall microdomains requires CASP-mediated inhibition and displacement of secretory foci.

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    Casparian strips (CS) are aligned bands of lignin-impregnated cell walls, building an extracellular diffusion barrier in roots. Their structure profoundly differs from tight junctions (TJ), analogous structures in animals. Nonetheless, CS membrane domain (CSD) proteins 1-5 (CASP1-5) are homologues of occludins, TJ components. CASP-marked membranes display cell wall (matrix) adhesion and membrane protein exclusion. A full CASP knock-out now reveals CASPs are not needed for localized lignification, since correctly positioned lignin microdomains still form in the mutant. Ultra-structurally, however, these microdomains are disorganized, showing excessive cell wall growth, lack of exclusion zone and matrix adhesion, and impaired exocyst dynamics. Proximity-labelling identifies a Rab-GTPase subfamily, known exocyst activators, as potential CASP-interactors and demonstrate their localization and function at the CSD. We propose that CASP microdomains displace initial secretory foci by excluding vesicle tethering factors, thereby ensuring rapid fusion of microdomains into a membrane-cell wall band that seals the extracellular space

    Dual role for ubiquitin in plant steroid hormone receptor endocytosis

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    Brassinosteroids are plant steroid hormones that control many aspects of plant growth and development, and are perceived at the cell surface by the plasma membrane-localized receptor kinase BRI1. Here we show that BRI1 is post-translationally modified by K63 polyubiquitin chains in vivo. Using both artificial ubiquitination of BRI1 and generation of an ubiquitination-defective BRI1 mutant form, we demonstrate that ubiquitination promotes BRI1 internalization from the cell surface and is essential for its recognition at the trans-Golgi network/early endosomes (TGN/EE) for vacuolar targeting. Finally, we demonstrate that the control of BRI1 protein dynamics by ubiquitination is an important control mechanism for brassinosteroid responses in plants. Altogether, our results identify ubiquitination and K63-linked polyubiquitin chain formation as a dual targeting signal for BRI1 internalization and sorting along the endocytic pathway, and highlight its role in hormonally controlled plant development

    NtGNL1 Plays an Essential Role in Pollen Tube Tip Growth and Orientation Likely via Regulation of Post-Golgi Trafficking

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    Background: Tobacco GNOM LIKE 1 (NtGNL1), a new member of the Big/GBF family, is characterized by a sec 7 domain. Thus, we proposed that NtGNL1 may function in regulating pollen tube growth for vesicle trafficking. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test this hypothesis, we used an RNAi technique to down-regulate NtGNL1 expression and found that pollen tube growth and orientation were clearly inhibited. Cytological observations revealed that both timing and behavior of endocytosis was disrupted, and endosome trafficking to prevacuolar compartments (PVC) or multivesicular bodies (MVB) was altered in pollen tube tips. Moreover, NtGNL1 seemed to partially overlap with Golgi bodies, but clearly colocalized with putative late endosome compartments. We also observed that in such pollen tubes, the Golgi apparatus disassembled and fused with the endoplasmic reticulum, indicating abnormal post-Golgi trafficking. During this process, actin organization was also remodeled. Conclusions/Significance: Thus, we revealed that NtGNL1 is essential for pollen tube growth and orientation and it likel

    Parasitic Nematodes Modulate PIN-Mediated Auxin Transport to Facilitate Infection

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes are destructive plant pathogens that cause significant yield losses. They induce highly specialized feeding sites (NFS) in infected plant roots from which they withdraw nutrients. In order to establish these NFS, it is thought that the nematodes manipulate the molecular and physiological pathways of their hosts. Evidence is accumulating that the plant signalling molecule auxin is involved in the initiation and development of the feeding sites of sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes. Intercellular transport of auxin is essential for various aspects of plant growth and development. Here, we analysed the spatial and temporal expression of PIN auxin transporters during the early events of NFS establishment using promoter-GUS/GFP fusion lines. Additionally, single and double pin mutants were used in infection studies to analyse the role of the different PIN proteins during cyst nematode infection. Based on our results, we postulate a model in which PIN1-mediated auxin transport is needed to deliver auxin to the initial syncytial cell, whereas PIN3 and PIN4 distribute the accumulated auxin laterally and are involved in the radial expansion of the NFS. Our data demonstrate that cyst nematodes are able to hijack the auxin distribution network in order to facilitate the infection process

    Two chemically distinct root lignin barriers control solute and water balance.

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    Lignin is a complex polymer deposited in the cell wall of specialised plant cells, where it provides essential cellular functions. Plants coordinate timing, location, abundance and composition of lignin deposition in response to endogenous and exogenous cues. In roots, a fine band of lignin, the Casparian strip encircles endodermal cells. This forms an extracellular barrier to solutes and water and plays a critical role in maintaining nutrient homeostasis. A signalling pathway senses the integrity of this diffusion barrier and can induce over-lignification to compensate for barrier defects. Here, we report that activation of this endodermal sensing mechanism triggers a transcriptional reprogramming strongly inducing the phenylpropanoid pathway and immune signaling. This leads to deposition of compensatory lignin that is chemically distinct from Casparian strip lignin. We also report that a complete loss of endodermal lignification drastically impacts mineral nutrients homeostasis and plant growth