1,939 research outputs found

    Dichotomy for generic supercuspidal representations of G2G_2

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    The local Langlands conjectures imply that to every generic supercuspidal irreducible representation of G2G_2 over a pp-adic field, one can associate a generic supercuspidal irreducible representation of either PGSp6PGSp_6 orPGL3PGL_3. We prove this conjectural dichotomy, demonstrating a precise correspondence between certain representations of G2G_2 and other representations of PGSp6PGSp_6 and PGL3PGL_3. This correspondence arises from theta correspondences in E6E_6 and E7E_7, analysis of Shalika functionals, and spin L-functions. Our main result reduces the conjectural Langlands parameterization of generic supercuspidal irreducible representations of G2G_2 to a single conjecture about the parameterization for PGSp6PGSp_6.Comment: Version 2: Mistakes in Prop 3.2 and 3.5 corrected. Results strengthened in case p=2. Changes made throughout for consistency with stronger results and reformulatio

    Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Constraints

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    Recent work on Bayesian optimization has shown its effectiveness in global optimization of difficult black-box objective functions. Many real-world optimization problems of interest also have constraints which are unknown a priori. In this paper, we study Bayesian optimization for constrained problems in the general case that noise may be present in the constraint functions, and the objective and constraints may be evaluated independently. We provide motivating practical examples, and present a general framework to solve such problems. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on optimizing the performance of online latent Dirichlet allocation subject to topic sparsity constraints, tuning a neural network given test-time memory constraints, and optimizing Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to achieve maximal effectiveness in a fixed time, subject to passing standard convergence diagnostics.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Samuel Usque: A Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel, Third Dialogue

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    The closing decade of the fifteenth century, which opened up new continents and new horizons for humanity in general, produced in the narrower circle of the Jewish world a series of cataclysmic upheavals which convulsed the entire body of Israel with the agony of imminent extinction. This trumpet call of fate, though crushing the body, aroused the spirit from the lethargy of wretched smugness, veering it violently from the rut of a present, that led nowhere, into the unfamiliar road linking the past with the future. There arose the desire to examine into the forgotten nooks of the past while the eye seeking the future lost itself in the mystic vapors of a yet unborn sunrise. Thus historical interest and national mysticism came to the forefront of the Jewish consciousness

    Osmotic force resisting chain insertion in a colloidal suspension

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    We consider the problem of inserting a stiff chain into a colloidal suspension of particles that interact with it through excluded volume forces. The free energy of insertion is associated with the work of creating a cavity devoid of colloid and sufficiently large to accomodate the chain. The corresponding work per unit length is the force that resists the entry of the chain into the colloidal suspension. In the case of a hard sphere fluid, this work can be calculated straightforwardly within the scaled particle theory; for solutions of flexible polymers, on the other hand, we employ simple scaling arguments. The forces computed in these ways are shown, for nanometer chain and colloid diameters, to be of the order of tens of pN for solution volume fraction for biophysical processes such as the ejection of DNA from viral capsids into the cell cytoplasm.Comment: 16 pages,3 figures. Accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Superspecial Abelian Varieties and the Eichler Basis Problem for Hilbert Modular Forms

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    Let pp be an unramified prime in a totally real field LL such that h+(L)=1h^+(L)=1. Our main result shows that Hilbert modular newforms of parallel weight two for Γ0(p)\Gamma_0(p) can be constructed naturally, via classical theta series, from modules of isogenies of superspecial abelian varieties with real multiplication on a Hilbert moduli space. This can be viewed as a geometric reinterpretation of the Eichler Basis Problem for Hilbert modular forms.Comment: to appear in J.N.

    Viral self-assembly as a thermodynamic process

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    The protein shells, or capsids, of all sphere-like viruses adopt icosahedral symmetry. In the present paper we propose a statistical thermodynamic model for viral self-assembly. We find that icosahedral symmetry is not expected for viral capsids constructed from structurally identical protein subunits and that this symmetry requires (at least) two internal "switching" configurations of the protein. Our results indicate that icosahedral symmetry is not a generic consequence of free energy minimization but requires optimization of internal structural parameters of the capsid proteins.Comment: pdf file, 13 pages, three figure
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