108 research outputs found

    NTRC and TRX-f Coordinately Affect the Levels of Enzymes of Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in a Light-Dependent Manner

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    This article was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.Redox regulation of plastid gene expression and different metabolic pathways promotes many activities of redox-sensitive proteins. We address the question of how the plastid redox state and the contributing reducing enzymes control the enzymes of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis (TBS). In higher plants, this metabolic pathway serves to produce chlorophyll and heme, among other essential end products. Because of the strictly light-dependent synthesis of chlorophyll, tight control of TBS requires a diurnal balanced supply of the precursor 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to prevent the accumulation of photoreactive metabolic intermediates in darkness. We report on some TBS enzymes that accumulate in a light intensity-dependent manner, and their contents decrease under oxidizing conditions of darkness, low light conditions, or in the absence of NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) and thioredoxin f1 (TRX-f1). Analysis of single and double trxf1 and ntrc mutants revealed a decreased content of the early TBS enzymes glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR) and 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) instead of an exclusive decrease in enzyme activity. This effect was dependent on light conditions and strongly attenuated after transfer to high light intensities. Thus, it is suggested that a deficiency of plastid-localized thiol-redox transmitters leads to enhanced degradation of TBS enzymes rather than being directly caused by lower catalytic activity. The effects of the proteolytic activity of the Clp protease on TBS enzymes were studied by using Clp subunit-deficient mutants. The simultaneous lack of TRX and Clp activities in double mutants confirms the Clp-induced degradation of some TBS proteins in the absence of reductive activity of TRXs. In addition, we verified previous observations that decreased chlorophyll and heme levels in ntrc could be reverted to WT levels in the ntrc/Δ2cp triple mutant. The decreased synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen in ntrc was completely restored in ntrc/Δ2cp and correlated with WT-like levels of GluTR, ALAD, and other TBS proteins

    Subcellular analysis of starch metabolism in developing barley seeds using a non-aqueous fractionation method

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    Compartmentation of metabolism in developing seeds is poorly understood due to the lack of data on metabolite distributions at the subcellular level. In this report, a non-aqueous fractionation method is described that allows subcellular concentrations of metabolites in developing barley endosperm to be calculated. (i) Analysis of subcellular volumes in developing endosperm using micrographs shows that plastids and cytosol occupy 50.5% and 49.9% of the total cell volume, respectively, while vacuoles and mitochondria can be neglected. (ii) By using non-aqueous fractionation, subcellular distribution between the cytosol and plastid of the levels of metabolites involved in sucrose degradation, starch synthesis, and respiration were determined. With the exception of ADP and AMP which were mainly located in the plastid, most other metabolites of carbon and energy metabolism were mainly located outside the plastid in the cytosolic compartment. (iii) In developing barley endosperm, the ultimate precursor of starch, ADPglucose (ADPGlc), was mainly located in the cytosol (80–90%), which was opposite to the situation in growing potato tubers where ADPGlc was almost exclusively located in the plastid (98%). This reflects the different subcellular distribution of ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) in these tissues. (iv) Cytosolic concentrations of ADPGlc were found to be close to the published Km values of AGPase and the ADPGlc/ADP transporter at the plastid envelope. Also the concentrations of the reaction partners glucose-1-phosphate, ATP, and inorganic pyrophosphate were close to the respective Km values of AGPase. (v) Knock-out of cytosolic AGPase in Riso16 mutants led to a strong decrease in ADPGlc level, in both the cytosol and plastid, whereas knock-down of the ADPGlc/ADP transporter led to a large shift in the intracellular distribution of ADPGlc. (v) The thermodynamic structure of the pathway of sucrose to starch was determined by calculating the mass–action ratios of all the steps in the pathway. The data show that AGPase is close to equilibrium, in both the cytosol and plastid, whereas the ADPGlc/ADP transporter is strongly displaced from equilibrium in vivo. This is in contrast to most other tissues, including leaves and potato tubers. (vi) Results indicate transport rather than synthesis of ADPGlc to be the major regulatory site of starch synthesis in barley endosperm. The reversibility of AGPase in the plastid has important implications for the regulation of carbon partitioning between different biosynthetic pathways

    Thioredoxin f1 and NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C have overlapping functions in regulating photosynthetic metabolism and plant growth in response to varying light conditions

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    Two different thiol-redox-systems exist in plant chloroplasts, the ferredoxin-thioredoxin system, which depends of ferredoxin reduced by the photosynthetic electron-transport chain and, thus, of light, and the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC) system, which relies on NADPH and thus may be linked to sugar metabolism in the dark. Previous studies suggested therefore that the two different systems may have different functions in plants. We now report that there is a previously unrecognized functional redundancy of thioredoxin-f1 and NTRC in regulating photosynthetic metabolism and growth. In Arabidopsis mutants, combined - but not single - deficiencies of thioredoxin-f1 and NTRC led to severe growth inhibition and perturbed light acclimation, accompanied by strong impairments of Calvin-Benson-cycle activity and starch accumulation. Light-activation of key-enzymes of these pathways, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, was almost completely abolished. The subsequent increase in NADPH/NADP+ and ATP/ADP ratios led to increased nitrogen assimilation, NADP-malate dehydrogenase activation and light-vulnerability of photosystem I core-proteins. In an additional approach, reporter studies show that Trx f1 and NTRC proteins are both co-localized in the same chloroplast substructure. Results provide genetic evidence that light and NADPH dependent thiol-redox systems interact at the level of thioredoxin-f1 and NTRC to coordinately participate in the regulation of Calvin-Benson-cycle, starch metabolism and growth in response to varying light conditions.Peer reviewe

    Lack of FIBRILLIN6 in Arabidopsis thaliana affects light acclimation and sulfate metabolism

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    Arabidopsis thaliana contains 13 fibrillins (FBNs), which are all localized to chloroplasts. FBN1 and FBN2 are involved in photoprotection of photosystem II, and FBN4 and FBN5 are thought to be involved in plastoquinone transport and biosynthesis, respectively. The functions of the other FBNs remain largely unknown. To gain insight into the function of FBN6, we performed coexpression and Western analyses, conducted fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, stained reactive oxygen species (ROS), measured photosynthetic parameters and glutathione levels, and applied transcriptomics and metabolomics. Using coexpression analyses, FBN6 was identified as a photosynthesis‐associated gene. FBN6 is localized to thylakoid and envelope membranes, and its knockout results in stunted plants. The delayed‐growth phenotype cannot be attributed to altered basic photosynthesis parameters or a reduced CO2 assimilation rate. Under moderate light stress, primary leaves of fbn6 plants begin to bleach and contain enlarged plastoglobules. RNA sequencing and metabolomics analyses point to an alteration in sulfate reduction in fbn6. Indeed, glutathione content is higher in fbn6, which in turn confers cadmium tolerance of fbn6 seedlings. We conclude that loss of FBN6 leads to perturbation of ROS homeostasis. FBN6 enables plants to cope with moderate light stress and affects cadmium tolerance

    Disruption of both chloroplastic and cytosolic FBPase genes results in a dwarf phenotype and important starch and metabolite changes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In this study, evidence is provided for the role of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatases (FBPases) in plant development and carbohydrate synthesis and distribution by analysing two Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA knockout mutant lines, cyfbp and cfbp1, and one double mutant cyfbp cfbp1 which affect each FBPase isoform, cytosolic and chloroplastic, respectively. cyFBP is involved in sucrose synthesis, whilst cFBP1 is a key enzyme in the Calvin–Benson cycle. In addition to the smaller rosette size and lower rate of photosynthesis, the lack of cFBP1 in the mutants cfbp1 and cyfbp cfbp1 leads to a lower content of soluble sugars, less starch accumulation, and a greater superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The mutants also had some developmental alterations, including stomatal opening defects and increased numbers of root vascular layers. Complementation also confirmed that the mutant phenotypes were caused by disruption of the cFBP1 gene. cyfbp mutant plants without cyFBP showed a higher starch content in the chloroplasts, but this did not greatly affect the phenotype. Notably, the sucrose content in cyfbp was close to that found in the wild type. The cyfbp cfbp1 double mutant displayed features of both parental lines but had the cfbp1 phenotype. All the mutants accumulated fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and triose-phosphate during the light period. These results prove that while the lack of cFBP1 induces important changes in a wide range of metabolites such as amino acids, sugars, and organic acids, the lack of cyFBP activity in Arabidopsis essentially provokes a carbon metabolism imbalance which does not compromise the viability of the double mutant cyfbp cfbp1.España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2009-07297España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2012-33292Junta de Andalucía P07-CVI-279

    Transcript and metabolite profiling of the adaptive response to mild decreases in oxygen concentration in the roots of arabidopsis plants

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    Oxygen can fall to low concentrations within plant tissues, either because of environmental factors that decrease the external oxygen concentration or because the movement of oxygen through the plant tissues cannot keep pace with the rate of oxygen consumption. Recent studies document that plants can decrease their oxygen consumption in response to relatively small changes in oxygen concentrations to avoid internal anoxia. The molecular mechanisms underlying this response have not been identified yet. The aim of this study was to use transcript and metabolite profiling to investigate the genomic response of arabidopsis roots to a mild decrease in oxygen concentrations. Arabidopsis seedlings were grown on vertical agar plates at 21, 8, 4 and 1 % (v/v) external oxygen for 0.5, 2 and 48 h. Roots were analysed for changes in transcript levels using Affymetrix whole genome DNA microarrays, and for changes in metabolite levels using routine GC-MS based metabolite profiling. Root extension rates were monitored in parallel to investigate adaptive changes in growth. The results show that root growth was inhibited and transcript and metabolite profiles were significantly altered in response to a moderate decrease in oxygen concentrations. Low oxygen leads to a preferential up-regulation of genes that might be important to trigger adaptive responses in the plant. A small but highly specific set of genes is induced very early in response to a moderate decrease in oxygen concentrations. Genes that were down-regulated mainly encoded proteins involved in energy-consuming processes. In line with this, root extension growth was significantly decreased which will ultimately save ATP and decrease oxygen consumption. This was accompanied by a differential regulation of metabolite levels at short- and long-term incubation at low oxygen. The results show that there are adaptive changes in root extension involving large-scale reprogramming of gene expression and metabolism when oxygen concentration is decreased in a very narrow range