94 research outputs found

    Prolonged jaundice in an apparently healthy baby: A review

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    Jaundice persisting beyond 14 days of life is a commonly encountered problem in the neonatal follow-up clinic. Although by far the most common underlying etiology is breast milk jaundice, clinician should not miss out an important surgical condition the extrahepatic biliary atresia (an incidence of about 1 in 10000 live births) whose outcome without a surgical intervention before 8 weeks is dismal. Eminently treatable entities such as hypothyroidism and urinary tract infection also can present as prolonged jaundice. This article will synthesize the available literature on this topic and present an algorithm for evaluation of neonates presenting with prolonged jaundice useful to pediatricians in outpatient practice

    Influence of different types of soils on the growth and yield of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.)

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    Quinoa is a resilient high-yielding pseudo cereal, gaining attention because of its high nutritional value, strong growth potential, and tremendous source of essential amino acids, micronutrients, vitamins, phenolic compounds, and minerals. The main aim of this investigation was to find the best suitable soil type for maximizing the growth and yield of Quinoa. The pot study was undertaken at the Department of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during the Kharif 2022 season. Eight soil samples (clay loam soils of wetlands of TNAU, sandy loam soils of eastern block of TNAU, sandy loam soils of Mettupalayam, sandy clay loam soils of 36 B eastern block of TNAU, sandy clay loam soils of 37 B eastern block of TNAU, clay loam soils of Ooty, sandy clay loam soils of Govindanaickenpalayam and sandy clay loam soils of Annur) were collected round Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and tested in a complete randomized design with three replications. The pot study results revealed that growth parameters viz. Plant height (81.5 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (164.8), leaf area (317.7 cm2), number of branches plant-1 (38.0) and dry matter production (22.78 g) were significantly higher in the clay loam soils of Ooty than all other soil types. Similarly, yield attributes such as the number of panicles plant-1 (21.7), panicle length (13.08 cm), number of grains panicle-1 (3050) and grain yield plant-1 (9.60 g) of Quinoa were also higher in the same clay loam soils followed by that in sandy clay loam soils of Govindanaickenpalayam. Red soils of Mettupalayam had shown the lowest growth, yield and yield attributes of Quinoa. Based on the above results, it was concluded that the clay loam soil of Ooty was the best suited for cultivating Quinoa crops

    Wifi Infrastructure Security System from Vulnerable Attacks

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    Abstract Wi-Fi is a very popular wireless technology which is powerful core for the global digital infrastructure. A device connected using Wi-Fi can access the network resource such as the Internet via a wireless network access point. Recent discoveries and initiatives highlight a simple fact that the core is just as vulnerable as the edge. Wi-Fi can be less secure than wired connections because an intruder does not need a physical connection. Though security threats are imminent due to the open nature of communication, there are certain ways to protect the infrastructure of a network.In this paper, we examine the vulnerabilities of Wi-Fi network and this includes the intrusion detection in the security architecture of that network. We have shown such mechanism to solve arrival of intruders by Man-in -the-middle attack on a Wi-Fi network. Also, provide the steps to eliminate hackers from the Wi-Fi network and descriptions regarding the operations performed by different tools to avoid attackers from network. There are several holes in the wireless environment through which the attacks enter the network. In future those holes may be blocked completely by eliminating hackers from all attacks through which they enter. We also discuss a number of available solutions for controlling those threats


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    The study of microbial genomes through direct extraction, DNA cloning, and a panel of microorganisms is known as metagenomics.We all know that microbes are omni present in the world. Using microbial techniques for organism identification will be more helpful in understanding all the microbes that make up diversity. Microbiologists usually do all the laboratory works for the identification and characterization of the particular organisms based on their morphology. But this method of identification is not sufficient for the complete identification of microbes in the particular diversity. To fulfil this issues, we microbiologists need a better method to identify all the microbes present in the entire environment. Metagenomic methods play a major role to identify all the genes present in the particular community by means of both functional based and sequence-based screening. This method also plays a way to know the taxonomic understanding with gene profiling.Shotgun sequencing was supplanted in the area of sequencing by high-throughput third-generation sequencing (TGS) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. The rapid identification of pathogenic microorganisms has been shown to be an advantage by NGS and TGS. The effectiveness of petrographic profiling and genetic prediction of microbiological species will be improved by the application of new algorithms. New bioactive compounds, functional microbial genes, and microbial metabolites were studied using functional metagenomics. In this review, the main applications of metagenomics in microbiology can be elucidate

    Comparison of nutrient composition of wild Dioscorea species consumed by ethnic groups of Odisha in India with commercially cultivated roots and tubers

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    This study was carried out to analyze the nutrient composition of wild tubers belonging to Dioscorea genus of the Dioscoreaceae family consumed by the ethnic groups in the Jeypore District of Koraput region in Odisha, India. The collected tubers are significant storehouses of energy and nutrition and also, they are known to produce large quantities of energy in relatively less time than the other crops. We have selected six wild species of Dioscorea collected from Odisha among the twenty-six reported species of India, along with five locally available cultivated tuber varieties of different genera from Tamil Nadu markets for comparison. The objective of this study is to understand the major source of nutrition of the ethnic groups, who consume local plant varieties collected from the wild and also to compare them with that of commercially available cultivated varieties in the view of the prevailing biodiversity and the varied agro-climatic conditions in India

    Comparison of nutrient composition of wild Dioscorea species consumed by ethnic groups of Odisha in India with commercially cultivated roots and tubers

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    799-802This study was carried out to analyze the nutrient composition of wild tubers belonging to Dioscorea genus of the Dioscoreaceae family consumed by the ethnic groups in the Jeypore District of Koraput region in Odisha, India. The collected tubers are significant storehouses of energy and nutrition and also, they are known to produce large quantities of energy in relatively less time than the other crops. We have selected six wild species of Dioscorea collected from Odisha among the twenty-six reported species of India, along with five locally available cultivated tuber varieties of different genera from Tamil Nadu markets for comparison. The objective of this study is to understand the major source of nutrition of the ethnic groups, who consume local plant varieties collected from the wild and also to compare them with that of commercially available cultivated varieties in the view of the prevailing biodiversity and the varied agro-climatic conditions in India

    Thyroid pathology in canine parvoviral infection

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    The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis is suppressed by pro-inflammatory mediators in systemic disease, which affects the thyroid hormone level. Canine parvovirus is one of the important infectious diseases which causes profound morbidity as well as mortality in dogs. It is found that canine parvovirus infection can result in non-thyroidal sickness syndrome. The relation between thyroid pathology and canine parvovirus infection will pave the way for therapeutic and preventive measures for this infectious disease. This study was conducted on 61 dog carcasses brought to the Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode during one year period. Among 61 cases, nine were found to be positive for canine parvovirus which constitutes an incidence of 14.75 per cent. Analysis of gross and histopathological lesions in canine parvovirus positive cases was the goal of this investigation. The gross lesions observed were paleness and nodular growth and histopathological lesions encountered were lymphocytic thyroiditis, colloidal goiter, c cell hyperplasia, severe fibrotic changes and neoplastic lesions. Further research is required to understand the pathophysiology of the euthyroid sick syndrome in canine parvoviral infection

    Revolutionizing Crop Production: The Imperative of Speed Breeding Technology in Modern Crop Improvement

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    Speed breeding (SB) technology is an innovative solution to shorten the breeding cycle and accelerate crop improvement. The key factors of plant growth and development, including photoperiod, light intensity and quality, temperature, relative humidity, planting density and plant nutrition are manipulated in such a way as to stimulate flowering and seed set under controlled conditions. The development of SB technology may be challenging as crops tend to vary in their response to physiological manipulations. Therefore, crop-specific optimization is highly critical to developing successful SB technology in crops. The SB technology can also be synergistically integrated with cutting edge genomics and marker-assisted selection technologies to enhance genetic gain in crop breeding programmes. In this review, various aspects concerning the science and techniques underpinning SB technology, the successful implementation of SB technology in different crops, the inherent challenges faced, and the potential opportunities to integrate SB technology with cutting-edge genomics technologies towards accelerating crop improvement are discussed

    Application of Linear Discriminant Analysis in Dimensionality Reduction for Hand Motion Classification

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    The classification of upper-limb movements based on surface electromyography (EMG) signals is an important issue in the control of assistive devices and rehabilitation systems. Increasing the number of EMG channels and features in order to increase the number of control commands can yield a high dimensional feature vector. To cope with the accuracy and computation problems associated with high dimensionality, it is commonplace to apply a processing step that transforms the data to a space of significantly lower dimensions with only a limited loss of useful information. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) has been successfully applied as an EMG feature projection method. Recently, a number of extended LDA-based algorithms have been proposed, which are more competitive in terms of both classification accuracy and computational costs/times with classical LDA. This paper presents the findings of a comparative study of classical LDA and five extended LDA methods. From a quantitative comparison based on seven multi-feature sets, three extended LDA-based algorithms, consisting of uncorrelated LDA, orthogonal LDA and orthogonal fuzzy neighborhood discriminant analysis, produce better class separability when compared with a baseline system (without feature projection), principle component analysis (PCA), and classical LDA. Based on a 7-dimension time domain and time-scale feature vectors, these methods achieved respectively 95.2% and 93.2% classification accuracy by using a linear discriminant classifier