876 research outputs found

    Continuous norming in learning progress monitoring—An example for a test in spelling from grade 2–4

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    One of the main goals of the teacher and the school system as a whole is to close learning gaps and support children with difficulties in learning. The identification of those children as well as the monitoring of their progress in learning is crucial for this task. The derivation of comparative standards that can be applied well in practice is a relevant quality criterion in this context. Continuous normalization is particularly useful for progress monitoring tests that can be conducted at different points in time. Areas that were not available in the normalization sample are extrapolated, closing gaps in applicability due to discontinuity. In Germany, teachers participated in a state-funded research project to formatively measure their children's spelling performance in primary school. Data (N = 3000) from grade two to four were scaled, linked and translated into comparative values that can be used in classrooms independently from specific times. The tests meet the requirements of item response models and can be transferred well to continuous norms. However, we recommend using the 10th or 20th percentile as cut-off points for educational measures, as the 5th percentile is not discriminating enough

    Minimization of a short computer-based test in reading

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    Formative tests and assessments have high potential in supporting learning, especially for students with special educational needs. One approach to gain assessment information on student learning is to monitor learning progress. For that, multiple repeated tests are often performed by practitioners. In order to be useful in practice, tests must meet various interdependent quality criteria. A property of tests that touches various criteria as the utility and economy is the length. A test has to be long enough to give a meaningful, reliable and comparable measure but short enough to be usable in classroom situations. An approach to evaluate and minimize the length of a computer-based test on sentence comprehension is introduced. It is shown that the test can be shortened from eight to 5 min while the estimation of the student´s abilities remains relatively stable for a random item order and a fixed item order variant. The consequences of test development of progress monitoring and the procedure for test time reduction for the different quality criteria are outlined. An approach to evaluate and minimize the length of a computer-based test by using a one parameter logistic model on a test of sentence comprehension (N = 761) is introduced. The data and the syntax is published in the OSF project https://osf.io/hnbs8/

    BAW-Brief Nr. 1 - Juni 2009

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    600-W, Wasserbau, Reglerentwurf und automatische Codegenerierung599-W, Wasserbau, Erste Erfahrungen mit der Umsetzung der automatisierten Abfluss- und Stauzielregelung an der Mosel598-W, Wasserbau, Modellgestützte Festlegung von Regelungsparameter

    Hydraulische und statische Bemessung von Schlauchwehren

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    Vorgestellt werden die Grundlagen für die hydraulische und statische Bemessung von Schlauchwehren auf Basis von Laboruntersuchungen sowie analytischer und numerischer Berechnungen. Ursache und Vermeidung von Schwingungen sind zentrale Punkte
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