97 research outputs found

    Aesthetics of systems / Systems of aesthetics

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    This paper investigates the role artists play in maintaining their legitimacy through participating in various roles across the entire art world by tracing the careers of selected artists with expanded practices. Where actions are performed on behalf of artists, artists lose the ability to represent themselves and even participate in their own disenfranchisement. Systems and systems aesthetics are first explored before the art world itself is revealed as a system. The positions that artists take up in the system is explored through the careers of various artists, including those that work as curators, writers and gallerists, challenging the hegemony that threatens to manipulate the system and remove the independence of the art object

    Law of similitude for the surface resistance of lacquered planes moving in a straight line through water

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    The proof of the validity of the Reynolds law of similitude for the surface resistance of planes has been developed with an accuracy hitherto unattained and for a large range of lengths and speeds. It has been shown that, in addition to the form resistance, the resistance of the longitudinal edges must be taken into account

    Health of street children in Cape Town, May-November 1989

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    This cross-sectional study looks at the health profiles of street children both in institutions and on the street between May and November 1989. The former group had a clinical examination, with blood and urine investigations done where possible; the latter group were only interviewed. 159 street children were interviewed of whom 47 were interviewed on the street. 73 children had clinical examinations; 64 of these had blood and urine investigations. The age range was 8 years to 19.8 years. 18.2% were females and 28.3% were black. 59,6% of those interviewed on the street had not been in an institution or shelter for street children. 27, 2% of the total group had been on the street for more 3 years. 3 7, 1 % perceived colds and chest complaints as their main physical health problem. This was confirmed by the fact that 69,2% had a history of respiratory problems. 44,7% said that they would go to a hospital if they injured themselves or were ill; however, 36,5% said they would not use or get any medication for problems such as a headache or a bad cold. 37·, 7% of children used a hospital while they were on street but 59, 7% had not used any facility while on the street. Most street children (72,8%) washed themselves at least occasionally and 61% washed their clothes. 47,2% had suffered trauma significant enough to seek hospital attention. 56% had skin problems (including lice and scabies) while on the street. 15,7% complained of visual problems and 10,7% complained of reduced hearing. Dental problems appeared to be of major concern with 37,7% complaining of either toothache or dental caries (23,3% had obvious caries on examination). 73,4% admitted to solvent abuse, 49,9% had never taken alcohol and 12,7% had never smoked. 43% had tried dagga, 10,8% white pipe (mixture of dagga and "Mandrax" which is smoked) and only 7,6% "Mandrax" alone. 10, 9% of boys and 10, 0% of girls indicated that they had been sexually exploited. Of the 67 examined 32,8% were below 90% of expected height for age, 44,8% were below 80% of expected weight for age and 8,6% had a circumference of head below 95% of standard. There is a 9,4% Hepatitis Bs ag carrier rate. No HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) antibodies were detected in 64 sera tested. On the basis of these results, the following are recommended: 1) Improving accessibility of health care resources. 2) Improving the availability of health care resources. 3)· Initiating contacts with street children by employing field health workers. 4) Drawing up a health care policy for street children institutions and field care workers. 5) Limit venereal disease management to single dose treatment where possible. 6) Further studies need to be undertaken in the following areas: - solvent abuse - utilisation of health care resources utilisation institutions of street children shelters and Further breakdown of habits, physical problems and results of examinations are presented

    Pharmacy personnel practices with regard to the sale of non-prescription asthma medication in community pharmacies in the Eastern and Western Cape

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    Short Acting Beta Agonist (SABA) inhalers in South Africa are available to patients without a prescription from an authorised prescriber. This study utilised a mystery shopping technique to observe, record and compare the dispensing practices of pharmacy personnel, when dispensing a reliever inhaler, to the minimum requirements set out by the South African Pharmacy Council. The results of this study indicated that there was no adherence to the minimum requirements when dispensing a reliever inhaler

    Environnement numérique de lecture : instrumentation de l'activité de lecture savante sur support numérique

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    Our research focuses on the instrumentation of scholarly reading, an intensive reading which aims the production of a new content reifying the reader's interpretation of a corpus. Despite the emergence of a digital culture, paper remains the preferred media for such practices. In order to prevail, digital medium has to offer more than paper. In addition to the graphical reason introduced by the latter, it has to offer its computational reason. Our thesis proposes that, for a successful exploitation of digital documents in a scholarly reading activity, one has to consider the reader's environment as the center of the computerization process instead of the sole document. We base our study on the disciplines of document and knowledge engineering to demonstrate that with this approach it is possible nowadays to produce software devices answering to the criticism of digital documents. Moreover, these devices can offer unique objectification and appropriation possibilities.Nos travaux de recherche portent sur l'instrumentation de la lecture savante, lecture intensive dont le but est de produire un nouveau contenu qui réifie l'interprétation d'un corpus par un lecteur. Malgré l'émergence d'une culture numérique, le papier reste le support privilégié de cette pratique. Pour s'imposer, le numérique doit offrir plus que le papier. À la raison graphique introduite par ce dernier il doit offrir en plus sa raison computationnelle. Notre thèse postule que pour la réussite de l'exploitation de documents numériques dans une activité de lecture savante, le processus d'informatisation doit porter sur l'environnement du lecteur et non sur le document seul. Nous mobilisons les disciplines de l'ingénierie documentaire et de l'ingénierie des connaissances pour démontrer qu'avec ce positionnement il est possible aujourd'hui de produire des dispositifs logiciels répondant aux critiques des documents numériques et offrant une objectivation et une appropriation inédites

    Supernumerary registrars: The unsung heroes facing unprecedented predicaments

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