1,117 research outputs found

    Coupled KdV equations derived from atmospherical dynamics

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    Some types of coupled Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equations are derived from an atmospheric dynamical system. In the derivation procedure, an unreasonable yy-average trick (which is usually adopted in literature) is removed. The derived models are classified via Painlev\'e test. Three types of Ï„\tau-function solutions and multiple soliton solutions of the models are explicitly given by means of the exact solutions of the usual KdV equation. It is also interesting that for a non-Painlev\'e integrable coupled KdV system there may be multiple soliton solutions.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    On the form of growing strings

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    Patterns and forms adopted by Nature, such as the shape of living cells, the geometry of shells and the branched structure of plants, are often the result of simple dynamical paradigms. Here we show that a growing self-interacting string attached to a tracking origin, modeled to resemble nascent polypeptides in vivo, develops helical structures which are more pronounced at the growing end. We also show that the dynamic growth ensemble shares several features of an equilibrium ensemble in which the growing end of the polymer is under an effective stretching force. A statistical analysis of native states of proteins shows that the signature of this non-equilibrium phenomenon has been fixed by evolution at the C-terminus, the growing end of a nascent protein. These findings suggest that a generic non-equilibrium growth process might have provided an additional evolutionary advantage for nascent proteins by favoring the preferential selection of helical structures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Multiwaveband Observations of Quasars with Flat Radio Spectra and Strong Millimeter Emission

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    We present multiwaveband observations of a well selected sample of 28 quasars and two radio galaxies with flat radio spectra and strong millimeter wave emission (referred to here as FSRQ's). The observations include multifrequency VLBI measurements, X-ray observations with ROSAT and submillimeter observations with the JCMT. Particularly interesting among many findings is a correlation between the X-ray to millimeter spectral index and fraction of flux density contained in the VLBI core. This tendency toward higher X-ray fluxes from sources with stronger jet emission implies that the knots in the jet are the prominent source of X-rays.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figures, 12 tables, accepted for publication in Ap J Suppl, May 199

    Cm-Wavelength Total Flux and Linear Polarization Properties of Radio-Loud BL Lacertae Objects

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    Results from a long-term program to quantify the range of behavior of the cm-wavelength total flux and linear polarization variability properties of a sample of 41 radio-loud BL Lac objects using weekly to tri-monthly observations with the University of Michigan 26-m telescope operating at 14.5, 8.0, and 4.8 GHz are presented; these observations are used to identify class-dependent differences between these BL Lacs and QSOs in the Pearson-Readhead sample. The BL Lacs are found to be more highly variable in total flux density than the QSOs, exhibiting changes that are often nearly-simultaneous and of comparable amplitude at 14.5 and 4.8 GHz in contrast to the behavior in the QSOs and supporting the existence of class-dependent differences in opacity within the parsec-scale jet flows. Structure function analyses of the flux observations quantify that a characteristic timescale is identifiable in only 1/3 of the BL Lacs. The time-averaged fractional linear polarizations are only on the order of a few percent and are consistent with the presence of tangled magnetic fields within the emitting regions. In many sources a preferred long-term orientation of the EVPA is present; when compared with the VLBI structural axis, no preferred position angle difference is identified. The polarized flux typically exhibits variability with timescales of months to a few years and shows the signature of a propagating shock during several resolved outbursts. The observations indicate that the source emission is predominately due to evolving source components and support the occurrence of more frequent shock formation in BL Lac parsec-scale flows than in QSO jets. The differences in variability behavior and polarization between BL Lacs and QSOs can be explained by differences in jet stability.Comment: 1 LaTex (aastex) file, 21 postscript figure files, 2 external LaTex table files. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Functional and Biogenetical Heterogeneity of the Inner Membrane of Rat-Liver Mitochondria

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    Rat liver mitochondria were fragmented by a combined technique of swelling, shrinking, and sonication. Fragments of inner membrane were separated by density gradient centrifugation. They differed in several respects: electronmicroscopic appearance, phospholipid and cytochrome contents, electrophoretic behaviour of proteins and enzymatic activities. Three types of inner membrane fractions were isolated. The first type is characterized by a high activity of metal chelatase, low activities of succinate-cytochrome c reductase and of glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase, as well as by a high phospholipid content and low contents of cytochromes aa3 and b. The second type displays maximal activities of glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase and metal chelatase, but contains relatively little cytochromes and has low succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity. The third type exhibits highest succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity, a high metal chelatase activity and highest cytochrome contents. However, this fraction was low in both glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase activity and phospholipid content. This fraction was also richest in the following enzyme activities: cytochrome oxidase, oligomycin-sensitive ATPase, proline oxidase, 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and rotenone-sensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase. Amino acid incorporation in vitro and in vivo in the presence of cycloheximide occurs predominantly into inner membrane fractions from the second type. These data suggest that the inner membrane is composed of differently organized parts, and that polypeptides synthesized by mitochondrial ribosomes are integrated into specific parts of the inner membrane

    Herschel and JCMT observations of the early-type dwarf galaxy NGC 205

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    We present Herschel dust continuum, James Clerk Maxwell Telescope CO(3-2) observations and a search for [CII] 158 micron and [OI] 63 micron spectral line emission for the brightest early-type dwarf satellite of Andromeda, NGC 205. While direct gas measurements (Mgas ~ 1.5e+6 Msun, HI + CO(1-0)) have proven to be inconsistent with theoretical predictions of the current gas reservoir in NGC 205 (> 1e+7 Msun), we revise the missing interstellar medium mass problem based on new gas mass estimates (CO(3-2), [CII], [OI]) and indirect measurements of the interstellar medium content through dust continuum emission. Based on Herschel observations, covering a wide wavelength range from 70 to 500 micron, we are able to probe the entire dust content in NGC 205 (Mdust ~ 1.1-1.8e+4 Msun at Tdust ~ 18-22 K) and rule out the presence of a massive cold dust component (Mdust ~ 5e+5 Msun, Tdust ~ 12 K), which was suggested based on millimeter observations from the inner 18.4 arcsec. Assuming a reasonable gas-to-dust ratio of ~ 400, the dust mass in NGC 205 translates into a gas mass Mgas ~ 4-7e+6 Msun. The non-detection of [OI] and the low L_[CII]-to-L_CO(1-0) line intensity ratio (~ 1850) imply that the molecular gas phase is well traced by CO molecules in NGC 205. We estimate an atomic gas mass of 1.5e+4 Msun associated with the [CII] emitting PDR regions in NGC 205. From the partial CO(3-2) map of the northern region in NGC 205, we derive a molecular gas mass of M_H2 ~ 1.3e+5 Msun. [abridged]Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Multiscale Computations on Neural Networks: From the Individual Neuron Interactions to the Macroscopic-Level Analysis

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    We show how the Equation-Free approach for multi-scale computations can be exploited to systematically study the dynamics of neural interactions on a random regular connected graph under a pairwise representation perspective. Using an individual-based microscopic simulator as a black box coarse-grained timestepper and with the aid of simulated annealing we compute the coarse-grained equilibrium bifurcation diagram and analyze the stability of the stationary states sidestepping the necessity of obtaining explicit closures at the macroscopic level. We also exploit the scheme to perform a rare-events analysis by estimating an effective Fokker-Planck describing the evolving probability density function of the corresponding coarse-grained observables

    SMA Imaging of CO(3-2) Line and 860 micron Continuum of Arp 220 : Tracing the Spatial Distribution of Luminosity

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    We used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to image 860 micron continuum and CO(3-2) line emission in the ultraluminous merging galaxy Arp 220, achieving a resolution of 0.23" (80 pc) for the continuum and 0.33" (120 pc) for the line. The CO emission peaks around the two merger nuclei with a velocity signature of gas rotation around each nucleus, and is also detected in a kpc-size disk encompassing the binary nucleus. The dust continuum, in contrast, is mostly from the two nuclei. The beam-averaged brightness temperature of both line and continuum emission exceeds 50 K at and around the nuclei, revealing the presence of warm molecular gas and dust. The dust emission morphologically agrees with the distribution of radio supernova features in the east nucleus, as expected when a starburst heats the nucleus. In the brighter west nucleus, however, the submillimeter dust emission is more compact than the supernova distribution. The 860 micron core, after deconvolution, has a size of 50-80 pc, consistent with recent 1.3 mm observations, and a peak brightness temperature of (0.9-1.6)x10^2 K. Its bolometric luminosity is at least 2x10^{11} Lsun and could be ~10^{12} Lsun depending on source structure and 860 micron opacity, which we estimate to be of the order of tau_{860} ~ 1 (i.e., N_{H_2} ~ 10^{25} cm^{-2}). The starbursting west nuclear disk must have in its center a dust enshrouded AGN or a very young starburst equivalent to hundreds of super star clusters. Further spatial mapping of bolometric luminosity through submillimeter imaging is a promising way to identify the heavily obscured heating sources in Arp 220 and other luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: ApJ. in press. 26 pages, 10 figure

    Multiwavelength Observations of a Flare from Markarian 501

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    We present multiwavelength observations of the BL Lacertae object Markarian 501 (Mrk 501) in 1997 between April 8 and April 19. Evidence of correlated variability is seen in very high energy (VHE, E > 350 GeV) gamma-ray observations taken with the Whipple Observatory gamma-ray telescope, data from the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment of the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, and quicklook results from the All-Sky Monitor of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer while the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope did not detect Mrk 501. Short term optical correlations are not conclusive but the U-band flux observed with the 1.2m telescope of the Whipple Observatory was 10% higher than in March. The average energy output of Mrk 501 appears to peak in the 2 keV to 100 keV range suggesting an extension of the synchrotron emission to at least 100 keV, the highest observed in a blazar and ~100 times higher than that seen in the other TeV-emitting BL Lac object, Mrk 421. The VHE gamma-ray flux observed during this period is the highest ever detected from this object. The VHE gamma-ray energy output is somewhat lower than the 2-100 keV range but the variability amplitude is larger. The correlations seen here do not require relativistic beaming of the emission unless the VHE spectrum extends to >5 TeV.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The Nuclear Starburst in NGC 253

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    We have obtained long-slit spectra of NGC 253 in the J, H, K, and N bands, broadband images in the J, H, and Ks bands, narrowband images centered at the wavelengths of BrGamma and H2(1,0)S(1), and imaging spectroscopy centered on [NeII](12.8um). We use these data and data from the literature in a comprehensive re-assessment of the starburst in this galaxy. We derive the supernova rate from the strength of the infrared [FeII] lines. We find that most of the H2 infrared luminosity is excited by fluorescence in low density gas. We derive a strong upper limit of ~37,000K for the stars exciting the emission lines. We use velocity-resolved infrared spectra to determine the mass in the starburst region. Most of this mass appears to be locked up in the old, pre-existing stellar population. Using these constraints and others to build an evolutionary synthesis model, we find that the IMF originally derived to fit the starburst in M 82 (similar to a Salpeter IMF) also accounts for the properties of NGC 253. The models indicate that rapid massive star formation has been ongoing for 20-30 million years in NGC 253---that is, it is in a late phase of its starburst. We model the optical emission line spectrum expected from a late phase starburst and demonstrate that it reproduces the observed HII/weak-[OI] LINER characteristics.Comment: 48 pages, 14 figures, uses AASTeX macros, to appear in Ap
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