30,721 research outputs found

    Characterisation of pressure-concentration-temperature profiles for metal hydride hydrogen storage alloys with model development

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    Metal hydride (MH) alloys have been applied to hydrogen storage and various energy conversion systems such as refrigeration, heat pump and heat transformer. However, to facilitate and efficiently investigate efficiently a particular application, an MH alloy must firstly be characterised with a purposely built test facility to measure profiles of pressure, MH hydrogen concentration and temperature (PCT). Obtaining detailed PCT profiles or curves could be an arduous and expensive task as each isothermal hydrogen absorption or desorption line requires hundreds of measurement points. It is thus desirable to develop an accurate correlative model for the PCT profiles with limited measurements of thermophysical property data for the purpose of characterisation of each MH alloy. This correlative model or characterisation process has been developed and is described in detail in this article. The correlative PCT MH alloy profiles can cover all applicable hydrogen storage phase regions of α, α + β and β as well as the phase transition dome curve and critical point such that a PCT phase diagram for a particular MH alloy can be depicted and characterised. As an application example, the correlative model is applied to predict an MH alloy's hydrogen storage capacity and hysteresis at a specific MH temperature. It has been discovered that each of these two parameters shows comparative trends in variation with reduced temperature. Correspondingly, for each parameter, a correlative function with reduced temperature has been produced. The MH alloy characterisation process is an essential step towards a detailed dynamic MH energy system modelling, simulation and optimisation as well as experimental investigation

    Performance analysis of a metal hydride refrigeration system

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    The varying applications of metal hydride refrigeration systems, such as cold storage and space air conditioning, grant them important advantages over conventional ones. These advantages include being a low-grade heat driven, more environmentally friendly and renewable working fluid with greater compactness and fewer moving parts. However, a metal hydride refrigeration system always operates under unsteady conditions due to the cyclic hydriding and dehydriding processes involved. To analyse and optimise the metal hydride refrigeration system’s design and performance, in this paper, a comprehensive transient system model has been developed with a new and revised intrinsic kinetic correlation inclusive of the essential operating controls and applicable process conditions of regeneration, cooling and transitions in between. In addition, the correlative model on the characterisation process of pressure, concentration and temperature (PCT) profiles for the metal hydride alloys employed in the system has been developed and is introduced briefly in this paper. It is integrated in the system model and ensures the accurate prediction of maximum capacities for the metal hydride isothermal desorption and absorption processes. The developed transient system model has been validated through comparison with experimental results from literature on the medium-temperature cooling process of a metal hydride refrigeration system. The model simulation is conducted for a specially designed low-temperature metal hydride refrigeration system at different operating conditions and controls. In quantity, when the high-grade heat source temperature increases from 90 ◦C to 120 ◦C, the low-grade heat source temperature increases from − 20 ◦C to 10 ◦C, the medium-grade heat sink temperature decreases from 30 ◦C to 15 ◦C, and the time period for regeneration or cooling process decreases from 10 min to 4 min, the cooling COP increases by 112.0%, 136.6%, 19.3% and 31.8% respectively. The optimisation strategies for the system operating conditions and controls are therefore recommended based on the detailed performance analyses of the system simulation results

    Density Dependence of Transport Coefficients from Holographic Hydrodynamics

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    We study the transport coefficients of Quark-Gluon-Plasma in finite temperature and finite baryon density. We use AdS/QCD of charged AdS black hole background with bulk-filling branes identifying the U(1) charge as the baryon number. We calculate the diffusion constant, the shear viscosity and the thermal conductivity to plot their density and temperature dependences. Hydrodynamic relations between those are shown to hold exactly. The diffusion constant and the shear viscosity are decreasing as a function of density for fixed total energy. For fixed temperature, the fluid becomes less diffusible and more viscous for larger baryon density.Comment: LaTeX, 1+33 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    Origami inspired design for capsule endoscope to retrograde using intestinal peristalsis

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    Capsule endoscopy has gained a lot of attention in the medical field in the recent past as an effective way of investigating unusual symptoms experienced in places such as esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. However, motion control of the capsule endoscope is challenging and often requires a power source and miniature actuators. To address these issues, we present a novel origami inspired structure as an attachment to the capsule endoscope. The proposed origami structure utilizes the wave generated by peristalsis of the intestine to move it forward and backward. When the origami structure is folded, the capsule endoscope is propelled forward by intestinal peristalsis. When the origami structure is unfolded, the intestinal peristalsis squeezes the origami structure to drive the capsule endoscope to move in the opposite direction. Therefore, folding and unfolding of the proposed origami structure would allow to control the movement direction of the capsule endoscope. In this paper, we present the design, simulations and experimental validation of the proposed origami structure

    Root development controls hotspots localization and temperature sensitivity of enzyme activity in the rhizosphere

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    The rhizosphere is a very important and dynamic hotspot of microbial activity in soil. Consequently, the enzyme activities in the rhizosphere are a footprint of complex plant-microbial interactions and may reflect functional response to climate changes.The temperature sensitivity of enzymes responsible for organic matter decomposition in soil is crucial for predicting the effects of global warming on the carbon cycle and sequestration. For the first time, we applied the in situ soil zymography for identification and localization of hotspots of phosphatase and chitinase activity in the rhizosphere of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under warming effect - (18 and 25 °C) after 14 and 30 days. Thus, we test the hypotheses that due to high inputs of easily degradable organic compounds from the roots canceling effect: strong reduction of temperature sensitvity (Q10~1) of catalytic reactions will not accoure in the rhizosphere. Correspondingly, the Q10 values for reaction rates were always >1, at root-soil interface, with the average range of 1.3 –1.4 Independent of enzymes, canceling was never observed at vicinity of root. Thus, canceling effect is a substrate concentration dependence phenomenon. To our knowledge, this is the first study explored the canceling effect in the rhizosphere. Absence of canceling at root-soil interface for phosphates and chitinase revealed that warming will accelerate P and N mobilization in the rhizosphere. Altogether, for the first time we showed that extent of enzyme activity’s rhizosphere is constant, temporally however, there is a temporal heterogeneity of enzymatic hotspots localization in soil. Thus, increasing in temperature had a positive impact on overall enzyme activities, Rice growth and root development, conducted an enzyme specific impact on hotspots percentage and localization patterns. We conclude that absence of canceling at root-soil interface for tested enzymes revealed that warming will accelerate nutrient mobilization in the rhizosphere more than root free soil

    Detecting time-fragmented cache attacks against AES using Performance Monitoring Counters

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    Cache timing attacks use shared caches in multi-core processors as side channels to extract information from victim processes. These attacks are particularly dangerous in cloud infrastructures, in which the deployed countermeasures cause collateral effects in terms of performance loss and increase in energy consumption. We propose to monitor the victim process using an independent monitoring (detector) process, that continuously measures selected Performance Monitoring Counters (PMC) to detect the presence of an attack. Ad-hoc countermeasures can be applied only when such a risky situation arises. In our case, the victim process is the AES encryption algorithm and the attack is performed by means of random encryption requests. We demonstrate that PMCs are a feasible tool to detect the attack and that sampling PMCs at high frequencies is worse than sampling at lower frequencies in terms of detection capabilities, particularly when the attack is fragmented in time to try to be hidden from detection

    A Novel Method to Prevent Misconfigurations of Industrial Automation and Control Systems

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    Configuration errors are among the dominant causes of system faults for the industrial automation and control systems (IACS). It is difficult to detect and correct such errors of IACS as there are various kinds of systems and devices with miscellaneous configuration specifications. In this paper, we first propose a streaming algorithm to keep all the configuration changes in the limited memory space. And, when making a new configuration change, another novel streaming algorithm is proposed to search and return all the similar historical changes which can be used to validate this new one. So far, we are the first to model the configuration changes of IACS as a data stream and apply the streaming similarity search in correcting configuration errors while overcoming the inherent unbounded-memory bottleneck. The theoretical correctness and complexity analyses are presented. Experiments with real and synthetic datasets confirm the theoretical analyses and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in preventing misconfigurations of IACS

    Scanning tunneling microscopy of MnOx ultrathin films on Au(111)

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    Two structurally distinct phases of manganese oxide ultrathin films were grown on Au(111) substrates and imaged at atomic resolution by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The so-called MnOx fishbone phase is only a few monolayers thick and nucleates epitaxially on the bare Au(111) substrate. The surface of this phase exhibits two parallelogram unit cells with sizes and included angles of (14.6 ± 0.2) × (5.6 ± 0.2) Å2, 88 ± 1° and (13.6 ± 0.1) × (5.6 ± 0.2) Å2, 80 ± 1°. The other thicker phase is called the square phase. It is only observed growing on top of the fishbone phase and has a surface unit cell of edge dimension 5.8 ± 0.1 Å. The square phase is thought to be a (001) termination of hausmannite Mn3O4. In addition, less common intermediary surface structures are also observed. This study demonstrates the transition of the crystal structure of an oxide film from a unique ultrathin film structure that is epitaxially constrained by the interaction with the Au(111) substrate to that of a thicker film with the structure of a bulk crystal