45 research outputs found

    Sejarah kota Denpasar 1945-1979

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    Pengertian "Sejarah Kota" dalam hal ini ialah sejarah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kota-kota besar di Indonesia ditinjau dari segj politik, ekonomi dan sosial-budaya pada periode tertentu (19SO - 1979). Dengan tersusunnya "Sejarah Kota" tiap-tiap daerah di wilayah Indonesia, diharapkan masyarakat luas akan memperoleh bahan-bahan informasi mengenai pertumbuhan dan perkembangan suatu kota. Adanya informasi yang disajikan kepada masryarakat dalam bentuk tulisan sejarah akan membuka kemungkinan tercapainya suasana dinamis serta dapat memancing partisipasi masyarakat dalam usaha-usaha pembangunan


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    ABSTRAK Kriptografi Visual merupakan perluasan teknik kriptografi dari secret sharing untuk mengamankan sebuah citra. Secret sharing adalah salah satu metode untuk mengamankan suatu rahasia dengan membagi data tersebut menjadi beberapa bagian yang di sebut share. Tujuan dari pembagian tersebut adalah agar pengguna dapat melindungi kunci tanpa takut terlupa atau hilang. Sebelumnya telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai Kriptografi Visual untuk mengetahui keberhasilan dalam pengimplementasian Kriptografi Visual jika di aplikasikan. Kemudian dilakukan juga penelitian mengenai pengimplementasian Kriptografi Visual pada RGB image . Terdapat juga penelitian bagaimana cara untuk mengembangkan Kriptografi Visual dengan algoritma lainnya dan juga pemanfaatan steganografi pada Kriptografi Visual. Pada tugas akhir ini akan mencoba mengaplikasikan metoda Kriptografi Visual pada citra digital dan menghitung waktu komputasinya. Enkripsi yang dilakukan adalah pembentukan 2 share dan 4 share. Teknik yang digunakan yaitu eksperimental. Pengimplementasian akan menggunakan software MATLAB R2014a untuk Bahasa pemrogramannya. Pada tugas akhir ini juga akan melihat perbedaan hasil dekripsi pada hasil pembentukan 2 share image dan 4 share image serta dampaknya jika terkena noise. Pengujian kinerja kriptografi dilakukan dengan membandingkan data dari hasil implementasi 2 share dan 4 share. Data yang dilihat adalah waktu komputasi yang diperlukan untuk keduanya dapat mengenkripsi pesan, kualitas gambar, dan ketahanan noise. Dari hasil pengukuran setelah mencoba pada beberapa citra digital maka diketahui waktu enkripsi berkisar di 2-6 detik untuk 2 share dan 4-10 detik untuk 4 share. Hasil dekripsi pada Kriptografi ini mengalami perbedaan pada saat terkena serangan noise. Kata kunci : Kriptografi, visual, enkripsi, dekripsi, citr

    Sejarah sosial bali kota singaraja

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    Buku ini berisi tentang sejarah sosial Bali yaitu di kota Singaraja. Pada periode masa kolonial, perkembangan Kota Singara-ja mulai tμmbuh sebagai kota pemerintahan, hal ini disebabkan Kota Singaraja dipakai sebagai ibukota Keresidenan Bali dan Lombok. Sebagai ibukota, sudah tentu mendapat prioritas dalam fasilitas pembangunan, baik dalam pembangunan kantor-kantor administrasi maupun sarana jalan. Kedudukannya seperti itu memungkinkan Kota Singaraja berkembang menjadi kota yang paling maju di seluruh Bali


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    Fraud in the financial statements is committed due to misstatement or intentional or unintentional impact both material and non-material. These mistakes must be avoided because they will have a detrimental impact on the company and outsiders such as the editorial party, the government and shareholders. Fraud prevention is an activity that is carried out in terms of establishing policies, systems and procedures that help ensure that the necessary actions have been taken by the board of commissioners, management and other personnel in the company to be able to provide adequate assurance in achieving organizational goals. This study aims to determine the effect of the role of internal audit, morality and the suitability of compensation on the prevention of accounting fraud. This research was conducted at PT. Puri Santrian. The sample in this study were 40 employees. The data were tested using the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that the internal audit role variable had a positive and significant effect on the prevention of accounting fraud. Morality has a positive and significant effect on the prevention of accounting fraud. Compensation suitability has a positive and significant effect on the prevention of accounting fraud

    Local Wisdom, the Muslim Community and the Strengthening of Pancasila Ideology in Bali

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    Studies on local wisdom, the dynamic practices of the Muslim community as a minority, and the Hindu majority in Bali are few. These kinds of studies are significant, concerning existing local wisdom. Spiritual values and noble cultural values need to be understood with societal development. Official religions often cause community fragmentation. There are several questions. First, how does a community adapt local knowledge to local wisdom? Second, what forms of tolerant spiritual and religious practices should be prominent concerning the influence of Islam? The majority of Balinese Hindu traditions and religion are different. Third, how do Bali’s communities interpret local wisdom with religious tolerance and moderation? Pancasila ideology in Indonesia’s national life is not only for the present; but for the future


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    Sebagai tempat tujuan wisata, Sanur memiliki sense of place yang kuat sebagai tempat yang tenang, menyenangkan dan damai. Namun perubahan yang terjadi pada suatu tempat, dapat merubah sense of place, termasuk Sanur sebagai tujuan wisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana data sense of place masyarakat lokal dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam serta sense of place wisatawan dikumpulkan dengan metode netnografi. Semua temuan disajikan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penduduk setempat dan wisatawan masih dapat merasakan Sanur sebagai tempat yang tenang, menyenangkan dan damai, meskipun sekarang indra tersebut telah berkurang. Mereka juga menegaskan bahwa perubahan fisik menjadi faktor yang paling mempengaruhi sense of place mereka terhadap Sanur. Karena Sanur saat ini dalam tahap konsolidasi, peremajaan dianggap perlu untuk menopang pengembangan pariwisata di Sanur


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    Purpose: This article reviews the theoretical foundations, methodologies, and applications of emotional design, a concept that emphasizes the importance of creating an emotional connection between users and products. The article provides an overview of the three levels of emotional design - visceral, behavioral, and reflective - and their underlying principles. Research methods: Deep and comprehensive review of literature from multidiscipline field of studies related to emotional design conducted with retrospective reasoning. The article then provides an overview of various applications of emotional design in product design and visual communication design, including digital interfaces, automotive design, and healthcare. The article concludes by discussing the future directions of emotional design research and its potential impact on the design industry. Findings: Emotional design is a promising approach to product design and visual communication design that can enhance the user experience by creating an emotional connection between users and products. The three levels of emotional design and various research methodologies can be used to measure emotional responses to design. Implications: Emotional design has been applied in various industries, and its potential impact on the design industry is significant. Future research in emotional design can explore the interplay between the different levels of emotional design and its impact on user behavior and product success

    The Effect of Cooperative's Characteristic on Financial Reporting Timeliness

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    The purpose of this study is to do more in-depth analysis about factors that affect the financial reporting timeliness. The sample used in this study consists of 90 existing cooperatives in Denpasar city. Secondary data obtained from the Department of Cooperatives, Small, and Medium Enterprises. The primary data collected from the questionnaires. The analytical technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study found that profitability, leverage, and total assets are significantly effecting on financial reporting timeliness of the cooperative. On the other hand, the performance of the executive board and the participation of members are not significantly affected on financial reporting timeliness. The results of this study are expected to be input for service Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprise Office in oversees cooperative for the sake of realization of the principle of accountability and financial transparency

    The Effect of Internal Control System, Tri Hita Karana Culture and Good Governance on Government Performance

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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of the influence of internal control systems, Tri Hita Karana Culture and good governance on government performance. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression. The population in this study is the Regional Device Organization (OPD) in the Badung District Government as many as 35 OPD. The sample was chosen using nonprobability sampling method with saturated sample technique. With the respondent of Regional Administration Organization Financial Administration Officer (PPK-OPD) consisting of one head of field / secretary / sub-District head, head of planning sub-section, and head of sub-finance section so that the number of respondents is 105 respondents. The results show that the internal control system has a positive effect on government performance. Tri Hita Karana culture has a positive effect on government performance. Good governance has a positive effect on government performance