87 research outputs found

    Exploring science identity among Jordanian high school students: a case study

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    This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Arabic version of the science identity scale (SIS) and to explore any differences in levels of science identity due to gender. The study sample comprised 304 male and female high school students who had completed the SIS. To achieve study objectives, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that four factors explained (40.542%) of total variance. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good model fit, and the Cronbach alpha was calculated to be 0.85 for the SIS. Finally, the results revealed statistically significant differences in the level of science identity and its subscales (science performance, science competence, science recognition, and science interest) based on the gender variable, with females scoring higher. The study recommends that teachers utilize the SIS to assess the level of science identity among students and implement teaching practices aimed at enhancing the science identity of secondary school students

    Identificación de las fortalezas y debilidades de la competencia digital en el uso de aplicaciones de internet del alumno de primer curso del Grado de Magisterio

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    El objetivo de este estudio se centra en identificar la competencia digital en el uso de aplicaciones de internet en los estudiantes del primer curso del Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Zaragoza del curso académico 2014-2015, un total de 960 alumnos, de los cuales 240 estaban matriculados en la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca, 240 en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de Teruel y 480 en la Facultad de Educación de Zaragoza. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario de elaboración propia, realizado por profesores del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, del Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad de Zaragoza y por profesores del área de Tecnología y del área de Matemáticas de dos Institutos de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los estudiantes que llegan a la Universidad, a pesar de ser de la generación de la era digital, tienen debilidades importantes en el uso de las herramientas de internet que analizamos en este estudio. El análisis cualitativo de los resultados muestra que la mayoría de los estudiantes conocen y usan frecuentemente tan solo cuatro de las veinte herramientas sobre las que se les pregunta en esta investigación. The aim of this research is to identify the digital competence in the use of internet tools in firstyear students of Preschool and Primary Education Teacher Training Degree at the University of Zaragoza in the academic year 2014-2015. The sample included a total of 960 students, from which 240 were enrolled in the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of Huesca, 240 in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Teruel and 480 in the Faculty of Education of Zaragoza). They were given a questionnaire, specifically designed by teachers of the Departments of Educational Sciences, Computer Science and Systems Engineering of the University of Zaragoza and by teachers of Technology and of Mathematics of two Secondary Education Schools of the Autonomous Community of Aragon. The results indicate that students arriving at University for the first time, despite belonging to the digital era, have serious weakness in digital skills, in the use of the internet tools analyzed in this study. The qualitative analysis of the results shows that the majority of students knows and uses frequently only four of twenty tools considered in this research


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    The social dimension of higher education is one of the fundamental elements of university policies at an international level in this early twenty-first century. Among the retention measures, scholarship policies and study aids support equity and guarantee an income for families with lower levels of resources.In Spain, within the framework of the 2015 Strategy, the implementationof the «salary scholarships» aimed to ensure access and persistence atuniversity for those economically disadvantaged social groups. This research uses a logistic regression model aimed at seeking the determinants of retention of students on a scholarship. The study was conducted with a total of 642 undergraduate «scholarship salary» students of the class of 2010-11 at the University of Barcelona. Based on the results we can say that the probability of a scholarship student in this study population persisting with their studies increases with an increased filing fee and a high percentage of subjects passed. The estimated results suggest that the scholarship provides greater dedication to study and compensates the difficulties of students from low-income families. And so it becomes a powerful tool to ensure social equity.La dimensión social de la Educación Superior constituye uno de los elementos fundamentales de las políticas universitarias a nivel internacional en estos inicios del siglo xxi. Entre las medidas de retención, las políticas de becas y ayudas al estudio favorecen la equidad ya que garantiza una renta a las familias con menor nivel de recursos. En España, dentro del marco de la Estrategia 2015, la implantación de las becas salario pretendía garantizar el acceso y la persistencia a los estudios universitarios a aquellos grupos sociales más desfavorecidos económicamente. La presente investigación utiliza un modelo de regresión logística dirigido a buscar los factores determinantes de la permanencia del alumnado becado. El estudio se ha realizado con un total de 642  estudiantes de grado con beca salario de la cohorte 2010-11 de la universidad de Barcelona. Con base a los resultados se puede afirmar que la probabilidad de que un o una estudiante becada de la población objeto de estudio presente persistencia, aumenta con el incremento de la tasa de presentación y con un alto porcentaje de asignaturas aprobadas. Los resultados estimados parecen indicar que la beca proporciona mayor dedicación al estudio y permite compensar las dificultades del alumnado procedente de familias con bajos ingresos. Y por lo tanto se constituye en un instrumento potente para garantizar la equidad social

    Bioethics as mental health? the core response on typhoon rai in southern leyte, philippines

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    Super Typhoon Rai recently devastated the Philippines in December of 2021 and consequently disrupted its public and mental health interventions. With glocality standing at the interface between the global and the local, the objective of the study is to gather the core mental health response of those affected by the Typhoon in the province of Southern Leyte. As a methodology, the paper utilized face-to-face and online qualitative investigation from selected key informants in the province’s towns and islands. The paper is significant since it aims to add to the existing discussion from a province not reported in recent literature from disasters. This study preliminarily enables the emergence of glocal emergency bioethics as a link to disaster mental health

    Ground state and stability of the fractional plateau phase in metallic Shastry Sutherland system TmB4

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    We present a study of the ground state and stability of the fractional plateau phase FPP with M Msat 1 8 in the metallic Shastry Sutherland system TmB4. Magnetization M measurements show that the FPP states are thermodynamically stable when the sample is cooled in constant magnetic field from the paramagnetic phase to the ordered one at 2 K. On the other hand, after zero field cooling and subsequent magnetization these states appear to be of dynamic origin. In this case the FPP states are closely associated with the half plateau phase HPP, M Msat , mediate the HPP to the low field antiferromagnetic AF phase and depend on the thermodynamic history. Thus, in the same place of the phase diagram both, the stable and the metastable dynamic fractional plateau FP states, can be observed, depending on the way they are reached. In case of metastable FP states thermodynamic paths are identified that lead to very flat fractional plateaus in the FPP. Moreover, with a further decrease of magnetic field also the low field AF phase becomes influenced and exhibits a plateau of the order of 1 1000 Msa

    Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea. Encounter rate, dominant species, and diversity hotspots

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    We investigated the presence and diversity of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea, analysing the data collected by 32 different research units, over a period of 15 years (2004–2018), and shared on the common web-GIS platform named Intercet. We used the encounter rate, the species prevalence, and the Shannon diversity index as parameters for data analysis. The results show that cetacean diversity, in the context of the Mediterranean basin, is generally quite low when compared with the eastern Atlantic, as few species, namely the striped dolphin, the bottlenose dolphin, the fin whale, and the sperm whale, dominate over all the others. However, some areas, such as the Alboran Sea or the north-western Mediterranean Sea, which includes the Pelagos Sanctuary (the Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Interest located in the northern portion of the western basin), show higher levels of diversity and should be considered hotspots to be preserved. Primary production and seabed profile seem to be the two main drivers influencing the presence and distribution of cetaceans, with the highest levels of diversity observed in areas characterized by high levels of primary production and high bathymetric variability and gradient. This collective work underlines the importance of data sharing to deepen our knowledge on marine fauna at the scale of the whole Mediterranean Sea and encourages greater efforts in the networking process, also to accomplish the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, with particular reference to Descriptor 1: biological diversity is maintained

    Deletion variants of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus from humans, Jordan, 2015

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    We characterized Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviruses from a hospital outbreak in Jordan in 2015. The viruses from Jordan were highly similar to isolates from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, except for deletions in open reading frames 4a and 3. Transmissibility and pathogenicity of this strain remains to be determined