374 research outputs found

    Chirally motivated K^- nuclear potentials

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    In-medium subthreshold KbarN scattering amplitudes calculated within a chirally motivated meson-baryon coupled-channel model are used self consistently to confront K^- atom data across the periodic table. Substantially deeper K^- nuclear potentials are obtained compared to the shallow potentials derived in some approaches from threshold amplitudes, with Re V_{chiral} = -(85+/-5) MeV at nuclear matter density. When KbarNN contributions are incorporated phenomenologically, a very deep K^- nuclear potential results, Re V_{chiral+phen.} = -(180+/-5) MeV, in agreement with density dependent potentials obtained in purely phenomenological fits to the data. Self consistent dynamical calculations of K^- nuclear quasibound states are reported and discussed.Comment: extended discussion, unchanged results and conclusions, accepted by PL

    No-Core Shell Model for Nuclear Systems with Strangeness

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    We report on a novel ab initio approach for nuclear few- and many-body systems with strangeness. Recently, we developed a relevant no-core shell model technique which we successfully applied in first calculations of lightest Λ\Lambda hypernuclei. The use of a translationally invariant finite harmonic oscillator basis allows us to employ large model spaces, compared to traditional shell model calculations, and use realistic nucleon-nucleon and nucleon-hyperon interactions (such as those derived from EFT). We discuss formal aspects of the methodology, show first demonstrative results for Λ3{}_{\Lambda}^3H, Λ4{}_{\Lambda}^4H and Λ4{}^4_\LambdaHe, and give outlook.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, 9 - 13 September, 2013, Cracow, Polan

    Multi-Kˉ\bar{K} nuclei and kaon condensation

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    We extend previous relativistic mean-field (RMF) calculations of multi-Kˉ\bar K nuclei, using vector boson fields with SU(3) PPV coupling constants and scalar boson fields constrained phenomenologically. For a given core nucleus, the resulting Kˉ\bar K separation energy BKˉB_{\bar K}, as well as the associated nuclear and Kˉ\bar K-meson densities, saturate with the number κ\kappa of Kˉ\bar K mesons for κ>κsat10\kappa > \kappa_{\rm sat} \sim 10. Saturation appears robust against a wide range of variations, including the RMF nuclear model used and the type of boson fields mediating the strong interactions. Because BKˉB_{\bar K} generally does not exceed 200 MeV, it is argued that multi-Kˉ\bar K nuclei do not compete with multihyperonic nuclei in providing the ground state of strange hadronic configurations and that kaon condensation is unlikely to occur in strong-interaction self-bound strange hadronic matter. Last, we explore possibly self-bound strange systems made of neutrons and Kˉ0{\bar K}^0 mesons, or protons and KK^- mesons, and study their properties.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, revised text and reference

    Nuclear physics uncertainties in light hypernuclei

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    The energy levels of light hypernuclei are experimentally accessible observables that contain valuable information about the interaction between hyperons and nucleons. In this work we study strangeness S=1S = -1 systems Λ3,4^{3,4}_\LambdaH and Λ4,5^{4,5}_\LambdaHe using the ab initio no-core shell model (NCSM) with realistic interactions obtained from chiral effective field theory (χ\chiEFT). In particular, we quantify the finite precision of theoretical predictions that can be attributed to nuclear physics uncertainties. We study both the convergence of the solution of the many-body problem (method uncertainty) and the regulator- and calibration data-dependence of the nuclear χ\chiEFT Hamiltonian (model uncertainty). For the former, we implement infrared correction formulas and extrapolate finite-space NCSM results to infinite model space. We then use Bayesian parameter estimation to quantify the resulting method uncertainties. For the latter, we employ a family of 42 realistic Hamiltonians and measure the standard deviation of predictions while keeping the leading-order hyperon-nucleon interaction fixed. Following this procedure we find that model uncertainties of ground-state Λ\Lambda separation energies amount to 20(100)\sim 20(100) keV in Λ3^3_\LambdaH(Λ4^4_\LambdaH,He) and 400\sim 400 keV in Λ5^5_\LambdaHe. Method uncertainties are comparable in magnitude for the Λ4^4_\LambdaH,He 1+1^+ excited states and Λ5^5_\LambdaHe, which are computed in limited model spaces, but otherwise much smaller. This knowledge of expected theoretical precision is crucial for the use of binding energies of light hypernuclei to infer the elusive hyperon-nucleon interaction.Comment: 16 pages with 8 figure

    Effects of Spreading Sequences on the Performance of MC-CDMA System with Nonlinear Models of HPA

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    Performance evaluation and comparison of multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) system model for different spreading sequences at the presence of Saleh and Rapp model of high power amplifier (HPA) is investigated. Nonlinear amplification introduces degradation of bit error performance and destroys the orthogonality among subcarriers. In order to avoid performance degradation without requiring extremely large backoffs in the transmitter amplifier, it becomes convenient to use nonlinear multi-user detection techniques at the receiver side. In order to illustrate this fact, microstatistic multi-user receiver (MSF-MUD) and conventional minimum mean square error receiver (MMSE-MUD) are considered and mutually compared. The results of our analyses based on computer simulations will show very clearly, that the application of nonlinear MSF-MUD in combination with Golay codes can provide significantly better results than the other tested spreading codes and receivers. Besides this fact, a failure of Walsh codes especially at the Saleh model of HPA will be outlined by using constellation diagram

    The methodology and model for in-process inventories calculation in the conditions of metallurgy production

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    In the paper a methodology and model for “In-process inventories calculation“ in the metallurgy production conditions is described. The model was designed based on the factors affecting the in-process inventories levels. The inprocess inventories levels have to respect different efficiency of the aggregates in sequence, idle times, technological safety and the production continuity. For the calculation of the in-production inventories levels a dynamic model was designed. In the paper the results are compared from the analyses of real metallurgical production division and this model too

    Application of balance models in metallurgy

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    In general, management is the planning and coordination of all processes and their elements in enterprises in order to achieve the objectives with the highest efficiency. The basic management tools, especially in companies with complex production processes with high inertia and long production time, include balance models. The paper points out the methodology, principles and importance of balance models in metallurgy and describes the methodology for material-energy, capacity and economic balance of this process