264 research outputs found

    Représentation sociale et modèles normatifs dans un contexte biculturel

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    La recherche présentée ici s\u27inscrit dans le champ d\u27étude des représentations sociales et des normes, en lien avec une problématique d\u27appartenance biculturelle chez des jeunes filles franco-maghrébines. Afin d\u27étudier l\u27influence des normes sur les réponses des sujets, on utilise des consignes spécifiques dites consignes de substitution, amenant les sujets à répondre au nom de quelqu\u27un d\u27autre. L\u27analyse de régression multiple montre la relation entre les réponses des sujets consécutives à une consigne standard (sans substitution) et les réponses des sujets faisant suite à une consigne de substitution. Les réponses des sujets sont ainsi largement influencées par des modèles normatifs

    Pedestrian representation through the analysis of little stories

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    This research is concerned with the problem of pedestrians as vulnerable road users. It falls within the study of social representations and risk. In this study, the representation of pedestrians by both young and experienced drivers was analyzed. A questionnaire of eleven little stories was devised and used to contextualize the environment more clearly. The participants had to make up an ending for the story according to their own behavior or feelings in each situation. Multiple correspondence analysis via the categorization of the verbatim accounts reveals homogeneity in the reactions and feelings of both groups. This homogeneity reflects the importance of civil attitudes in situations of interaction since they call on the notion of “respect.” Finally, the qualitative approach of the little stories highlights the place of emotions in specific driver-pedestrian interaction contexts

    Conditionality and normative models in the field of social thinking

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    In the field of study of social representations and the structural approach the works focusing on the question of norms date back about fifteen years. The conditionality theory (Gaymard, 1999, 2014) helps to explain the normative variations and legitimate transgressions. Its application to the field of traffic psychology shows that social norms exist alongside the system of legal norms and can offset the discrepancy between the rule and its application. Other studies defend the existence of normative models in social representations. These normative models refer to specific contexts and testify to the ability of individuals to call upon other representations than their own but they also confirm the place of reference models. In this case, the question of norms must be connected to the influence of certain groups in the social representation. This chapter recounts these different aspects starting from illustrative examples linked to safety, educational or cultural problems (e.g., Gaymard, 2003b, 2007; Gaymard & Andrés, 2009)

    Représentation sociale et algèbre de Boole : une étude des modèles normatifs dans une situation de biculturalisme

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    Cette étude repose sur l\u27articulation entre le domaine des représentations sociales et des normes et la problématique du biculturalisme chez des jeunes filles d\u27origine maghrébine. L\u27utilisation de l\u27algèbre de Boole met en évidence des structures compensatoires et nous permet d\u27opérationnaliser le concept de «modèles normatifs »: pour ces jeunes filles à la fois françaises et maghrébines, il y a différentes façons d\u27être dans la norme. Les étudiantes présentent des structures compensatoires qui illustrent bien leur démarche de négociation avec la famille. Ces compensations leur permettent de ne pas être « hors normes » par rapport à leur culture d\u27origine; de plus, elles mettent en évidence une estime de soi positive. A la différence des étudiantes, les non-étudiantes en conflit avec leur famille, cherchent moins à compenser les écarts à la majorité. Leurs structures compensatoires présentent une certaine incohérence et une estime de soi négative. Le système normatif des étudiantes apparaît plus structuré et plus équilibré que celui des non-étudiantes

    Norms in social representations: two studies with french young drivers.

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    This paper deals witha representational and conditional approach regarding norms. In the framework of social representations, conditionality is linked to individual practices or behaviors. Taking a questionnaire based on conditional scenarios that permitted to articulate individual and group behaviors to the prescriptions of Highway Code, two studies manipulating instructions with samples of young drivers were designed. The first study confirmed that conditional transgressions declared through individual practices refer to what young drivers fell acceptable to contravene. In the second study, substitution instructions i.e., to answer at the scenario “to be well-seen by yours friends” or “to be badly-seen by yours friends”, and standard instructions (e.g., “response as you behave”), were administrated, using a scenario of speed limit, to study the influence of norms in subjects’ responses. A multiple regression analysis showed that the responses were mediated by normative models. In conclusion, the studies illustrated an important complementary aspect of road safety concerning the social perception of rules, the influence of normative models and theirs impacts on young driver behavior

    The representation of old people: comparison between the professionals and students

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    The perception of school climate in two Secondary Schools during the implementation of a peer support programme

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    Représentations, modèles normatifs et compétences sociales : une étude exploratoire dans un lycée sensible en Espagne.

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    This exploratory research conducted in a Spanish Secondary school proposes to structure the study of social representations with the domain of social competencies and is in line with the psychology of social education. The rapid social changes in Spain during the last decades have had a strong influence on education. A number of school conflicts linked to social interaction are at the origin of a vast variety of intervention programs focused on the development of student social skills. From this perspective, it is necessary to take the representations of different community members (families, students, teachers) into account. To evaluate students’ « social skills » a questionnaire was administered in a secondary school located in a deprived area of Madrid. In order to study families’ and teachers’ reference models, we substituted instructions in pro conditions (well-viewed) and against-normative conditions (badly-viewed). Factor analysis in the main components of the different normative models detects an interesting Guttman effect. Results show a social competence representation linked to the behavior expectations promoted by traditional society. With peers, this representation is not adapted to favourable individual and social development
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