151 research outputs found

    El ritual de pas en el poble momarlan

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    Resum:Els momarlani són coneguts com descendents directes dels dacis. Moltes de les seves tradicions, costums i supersticions més antigues encara es conserven. Els rituals de pas i, especialment, els d’enterrament, presenten com aquests costums i tradicions ancestrals s’uneixen en harmonia amb les doctrines cristianes, però sense perdre el seu significat i simbolisme original.Resumen:Ritual de paso en el pueblo momarlanLos momarlani son descendientes directos de los dacios y muchas de sus tradiciones, costumbres y supersticiones más antiguas aún se conservan. Los rituales de paso y, especialmente, los de entierro, presentan cómo estas costumbres y tradiciones ancestrales se unen en armonía con las doctrinas cristianas, pero sin perder su significado y el simbolismo original.Abstract:Rite of Passage through Momarlan PeopleMomarlan people are direct descendants of Dacians and many of their ancient traditions, customs and superstitions are still in use. Rite of passage and, specially, the burial ritual, show how these ancestral customs and traditions come together in harmony with the Christian doctrines, without losing its original meaning and symbolism

    Wave maps on (1+2)-dimensional curved spacetimes

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    In this article we initiate the study of 1+ 2 dimensional wave maps on a curved spacetime in the low regularity setting. Our main result asserts that in this context the wave maps equation is locally well-posed at almost critical regularity. As a key part of the proof of this result, we generalize the classical optimal bilinear L^2 estimates for the wave equation to variable coefficients, by means of wave packet decompositions and characteristic energy estimates. This allows us to iterate in a curved X^{s,b} space.Comment: 100 pages, 1 figur

    The gauge-invariant I-method for Yang-Mills

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    We prove global well-posedness of the 3d 3d Yang-Mills equation in the temporal gauge in Hσ H^{\sigma} for σ>56 \sigma > \frac{5}{6} . Unlike related equations, Yang-Mills is not directly amenable to the method of almost conservation laws (I-method) in its Fourier and global version. We propose a modified energy which: 1) Is gauge-invariant and easy to localize 2) Provides local gauges which give control of local Sobolev norms (through an Uhlenbeck-type lemma for fractional regularities) 3) Is slightly smoother in time compared to the classical I-method energy for related systems. The spatial smoothing is realized via the Yang-Mills heat flow instead of the multiplier II. Due to the temporal condition and its finite speed of propagation, the local gauge selection is compatible with recent initial data extension results. Therefore, smoothened energy differences can be partitioned into local pieces whose (appropriately extended) bounds can be square summed. After revealing the null structure within the trilinear integrals, these can be estimated using known methods. In an appendix we show how an invariant modified energy for Maxwell-Klein-Gordon can extend previous results to regularities σ>56 \sigma > \frac{5}{6}

    Otakus de Barcelona: estudio de la comunidad

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    Resumen:Aunque el movimiento otaku en Barcelona nació alrededor del año 1990, coincidiendocon el éxito del manga-anime Bola de Drac, desde entonces no ha parado de crecer y se ha investigado muy poco dentro del ámbito de las ciencias sociales. La finalidad de este trabajo es descubrir cómo se conforma el grupo, si este ofrece posibilidades de destacar y desarrollarse más allá de la simple afición y si es posible hablar de una comunidad otaku.Resum:Otakus a Barcelona: estudi de la comunitatEncara que el moviment otaku a Barcelona va néixer al voltant de l’any 1990, coincidint amb l’èxit del manga-anime Bola de Drac, des de llavors no ha parat de créixer i s’ha investigat molt poc dins de l’àmbit de les ciències socials. La finalitat d’aquest treball és descobrir com es conforma el grup, si aquest ofereix possibilitats de destacar i desenvolupar-se més enllà de la mera afició, i si és possible parlar d’una comunitat otaku.Abstract:Otakus in Barcelona: community studyAlthough the otaku movement appeared in Barcelona in 1990, coinciding with Dragon Ball’s success, and has since continued to grow, it has been very little researched in the field of social sciences. The purpose of this research is to discover how the group is constituted; whether this group offers opportunities to stand out and develop beyond those offered by a mere hobby; and whether it is possible to consider otakus as a community

    An Anisotropic Behaviour Analysis of AA2024 Aluminium Alloy Undergoing Large Plastic Deformations

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    International audienceThe mechanical behaviour of metals during real forming processes must be related to their anisotropic properties. Concerning the analysis of the anisotropic behaviour of aluminium alloys this one has been the subject of various studies, generally in the field of sheet forming processes ((Malo et al., 1998), (Lademo et al., 1999)). In the last decades the majority of the fundamentals works search to define the mathematical description of the anisotropy starting from modified quadratic Hill criteria, non-quadratic ones such as Cazacu-Barlat (Cazacu & Barlat, 2001), Banabic (Banabic, 2002) or other sophisticated models synthesized in (Khalfallah, 2004). On the experimental point of view the many researches describe the rolled sheet properties of aluminium alloys (Choi & Barlat, 1999), (Li et al., 2004), (Park, 1999)) and report the anisotropic response during the mechanical deformation from uniaxial tensile tests, wire drawing or simple shear ones ((Fjeldl & Roven , 1996), (Hu et al., 1998), (Lloyd & Kenny, 1980), (Yonn, 2005)). Until now relatively few studies concerns the use of the channel die compression test, where deformation history is close of the principal sheet forming process such as the cold rolling one (Francillette et al., 1998). In this study an aluminium alloy (AA2024) is analyzed in order to characterize its anisotropy and its mechanical behaviour with this latter mechanical test. In a first part, the microstructure of the material is defined through optical and SEM microscopy, EBSD and X ray measurements. Micro-macro approaches will be used to valid the experimental measurements. Next, mechanical tests mainly the channel die compression one (see Francillette et al, 2003) and the tensile one are used in order to determine the macroscopic anisotropic behaviour of the material. A rigorous analytical model, able to describe the large plastic deformation of the material specimen which occurs during these experimental tests, will be developed. The main idea consist to define analytical equations which permits to compute the stress, the plastic strain rate and the cumulated plastic strain corresponding to a parallelepiped material undergoing a channel die upsetting loading. Final formula will be established to compute all the coefficients corresponding to a quadratic Hill criterion. A comparison with the well known computation model corresponding to the tensile test will be made. Next, a more general Hill criterion, taking into account variation of its coefficients with the plastic strain, will be analyzed. Starting from the previous mathematical description, a general methodology, able to identify rigorously all the parameters defining Aluminium Alloys, Theory and Applications. The laws of variation of the computed quantities with the plastic strain, will be presented. Finally an application for a plan and normal anisotropic formulation, corresponding to AA2024 aluminium alloy rolled plate, will be detailed. A new approach will be then proposed in order to predict the Lankford coefficient values and a validation will be made by a comparison of these ones with those obtained from classical tensile tests

    Interacciones y patrones evolutivos de los caracteres de historia de vida en humanos. Influencia de los factores sociales y culturales sobre el patrón reproductivo

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    [spa] En nuestra especie, los hombres y las mujeres presentan un patrón reproductivo diferenciado: los hombres retienen el potencial reproductivo hasta edades avanzadas, mientras que las mujeres ven restringida su vida reproductiva por la menarquia y la menopausia. Los caracteres de historia de vida (LHT, del inglés Life History Traits) son aquellos caracteres relacionados con la supervivencia y la reproducción, tales como la longevidad, el período reproductivo, el número de hijos y su supervivencia. Estos caracteres están determinados por la selección sexual y están relacionados con diferentes factores ambientales. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es ahondar en los patrones evolutivos de los LHT y la influencia de los factores sociales y culturales en el patrón reproductivo humano. La historia familiar de Hallstatt (Austria) reconstruida gracias a los registros parroquiales de nacimientos, matrimonios y defunciones de 1602 a 1900 para católicos y de 1783 a 1906 para protestantes ha permitido alcanzar este propósito. Los resultados obtenidos se detallan en tres manuscritos. En el primer manuscrito se evaluó y comparó la heredabilidad de los LHT y de los caracteres morfológicos (MT); en el segundo se compararon la supervivencia y la reproducción de los católicos y los protestantes para determinar la influencia de la religión sobre los LHT; mientras que en el tercero se analizó la influencia de factores ambientales y de historia de vida sobre la supervivencia infantil a un año. En el primer artículo, los LHT mostraron una baja heredabilidad (h2) en comparación con los MT debido a una alta influencia de los factores ambientales en los LHT. En el segundo trabajo, se observaron diferencias entre católicos y protestantes en cuanto a la mortalidad y supervivencia, seguramente debido a diferencias a nivel socioeconómico entre los miembros de ambas congregaciones. Y, finalmente, en el tercer manuscrito, se destacó el papel fundamental de la supervivencia de la madre en la supervivencia del niño al año así como de otros factores relacionados con la historia de vida y factores ambientales. En conclusión, la baja heredabilidad de los LHT sugiere un papel relevante de los factores ambientales en los mismos, sin descartar su potencial evolutivo. La religión como indicador de estatus socioeconómico ha jugado un rol significativo en la supervivencia y el patrón reproductivo de los habitantes de Hallstatt durante los tres siglos estudiados.[eng] In our species, men and women present a differentiated reproductive pattern: men retain reproductive potential until advanced ages, a fact that enable them to increase fitness in old ages, while women have their reproductive life restricted by menarche and menopause. Life history traits (LHT) are related to survival and reproduction, such as longevity, reproductive period, the number of offspring and their survival. These traits are determined by sexual selection and are related to different environmental factors. The main objective of this thesis is to address the evolutionary patterns of LHT and the influence of social and cultural factors on the human reproductive pattern. Familiar history of Hallstatt (Austria) reconstructed thanks to the parish records of births, marriages and deaths from 1602 to 1900 for Catholics and from 1783 to 1906 for Protestants has enabled this purpose to be achieved. The results obtained are detailed in three manuscripts. The first manuscript evaluated and compared the heritability of LHT and morphological traits (MT); the second compared the survival and reproduction of Catholics and Protestants in order to determine the influence of religion on LHT; while the third analyzed the influence of environmental and life history factors on infant survival. In the first manuscript, LHT showed low heritability (h2) compared to MT due to a high influence of environmental factors. Regarding the second manuscript, differences between Catholics and Protestants in terms of mortality and survival, were probably due to differences at the socioeconomic level between the members of both congregations. And, finally, in the third manuscript, the critical role of the mother's survival in infant’s survival at one year was highlighted, as well as the influence of other factors related to life history and environmental factors. In conclusion, the low heritability of LHT suggests a relevant role of environmental factors on them, without ruling out their evolutionary potential. Religion as an indicator of socioeconomic status has played a significant role in the survival and reproductive pattern of Hallstatt inhabitants during the three centuries studied

    Principes pédagogiques d'enseignement et d'évaluation dans le domaine de la Mécanique Appliquée. Cohérence COURS-TD-TP-PROJET

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    Depuis la réforme pédagogique menée en 2006 à l'INSA de RENNES, l'enseignement du 1ère Cycle Ingénieur à chercher à introduire des modules d'enseignement type sensibilisation et pré-spécialisation, le principal objectif étant l'introduction des connaissances fondamentales dans le domaine de sciences appliquées, notamment dans le domaine de la Mécanique Appliquée, en forte corrélation avec les modules d’enseignement des filières de spécialisation du 2ème Cycle. Ceci a conduit tout d'abord à la conception des modules d’enseignement axés sur une imbrication forte entre les notions théoriques et les applications. Des exercices académiques, avec des degrés de complexité croissants, on été introduites, en aboutissant toujours sur des applications de synthèses. Il a été aussi nécessaire de faire évoluer l'enseignement de ces disciplines en 2ème Cycle, sous forme de module scientifiques en utilisant une cohérence globale, partant des notions acquises de mathématiques et physique. En tenant compte de cette évolution, il est connu que pour améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement, l’utilisation d’une pédagogie active joue un rôle fondamental. Elle doit être centrée sur la motivation continue des élevés en présentant d’une manière pragmatique les besoins des notions qui vont été introduites, le rôle de la capacité cognitive, du « stockage » et de la « compréhension » des informations. Il a été aussi important d’assurer la cohérence et la logique entre la théorie et la pratique, en introduisant pendant le cursus d'enseignement des évaluations périodiques et continues, voir des Mini-Projets. Une telle méthodologie a été employée pour l'enseignement des Cours, TD et TP du 2ème Cycle du Département GMA dans le domaine de la Mécanique. L’idée centrale a été toujours de s’appuyer fortement sur l’utilisation des exemples concrets et bien identifiés dès le départ, constituant le fil rouge du contenu de l’enseignement. Cet article détaille la méthode employée et les principes d’enseignement et d'évaluation utilisés

    Conception d'un nouveau test de frottement pour le forgeage à froifd par extrusion et études tribologiques d'un alliage d'aluminium

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    Pour mieux caractériser le frottement lors des procédés de mise en forme, il faut utiliser des tests tribologiques capables de reproduire les conditions réelles de contact. Les auteurs proposent ainsi la conception optimale d'une filière d'extrusion afin de pouvoir mieux identifier le frottement à partir d'une technique d'Analyse Inverse. Des tests sur des tribomètres classiques seront aussi utilisés, ainsi que des analyses expérimentales a posteriori de la surface de l'échantillon afin de mieux expliquer les phénomènes de contact
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