21 research outputs found

    Serological monitoring of ornitobacteriosis in broilers in South Banat district

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    Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale is a relatively recently discovered bacterium and its role in the pathology of avian respiratory infections has not yet been clarified. Since there was no data relating to the prevalence of this infection in Serbia at the time of carrying out our investigations, we decided to explore the prevalence of the infection in broilers and its influence on clinical manifestations at the selected apizootiological area with developed poultry industry. A total of 430 blood samples from 26 flocks of broilers of different ages, from five municipalities were taken for examination. The serum samples were tested by ELISA for the presence of specific antibodies to the agent. Epizootiological investigation was carried out based on the results obtained with serological testing and epizootiological data, collected from the farms. The data were analyzed statistically to identify association between the infection and manifestation of clinical symptoms by Fisher’s exact test. Seropositive chickens were detected in 16 out of 26 examined broiler flocks at the age of 3 to 56 days. The percentage of seropositive samples per flock was 5-30%. The titer values of specific antibodies ranged from 946 to 6886. Serological response to O. rhinotracheale was evidenced in five flocks which had clinical symptoms in the form of respiratory tract disorders or stunting. However, specific antibodies against the agent were discovered in 11 flocks which did not show clinical symptoms. Statistical analysis revealed no association between the presence of infection and the appearance of clinical symptoms (p = 0.1213). The results are in agreement with those of other authors who investigated the prevalence of this infection and its manifestations in other countries. The present investigation determined indirectly, serologically a presence of O. rhinotracheale in the majority of examined broiler flocks (61,54%) and a small average number of individual seropositive chickens per flock - 10 % of all examined samples. Although O. rhinotracheale is wide-spread in intensive broiler production in South Banat its presence does not always lead to clinical manifestation of respiratory tract disorders. Seropositive chickens are detected in the first week of life, which indicates the presence of maternal antibodies. Presence of antibodies as the response of organism to the natural infection is detected in chickens after four weeks of age

    Ispitivanje prisustva D. Immitis kod lisica u Srbiji

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    Dirofilarioza je parazitska bolest od koje najčešće oboljevaju psi, ali se može javiti i kod drugih karnivora. Pošto se kod pasa u nekim krajevima Srbije bolest javlja enzootski, cilj ispitivanja je da se utvrdi da li ova parazitoza egzistira i kod divljih životinja. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 150 lisica (Vulpes vulpes). Sa područja Južnobanatskog, Raškog, Rasinskog, Moravičkog i Zlatiborskog okruga ispitano je po 30 odstreljenih lisica. Leševi lisica su obdukovani, a srce i krvni sudovi pregledani su makroskopski na prisusvo odraslih oblika D. immitis. Prisustvo uzročnika utvrđeno je kod četiri lisice sa teritorije tri opštine Južnog Banata: Kovin, Alibunar i Opovo, što čini 13,33% od ukupnog broja ispitanih lisica iz ove regije. Ni kod jedne od 120 obdukovanih lisica iz četiri okruga centralne Srbije nisu nađene dirofilarije. Iz dobijenih rezultata može da se zaključi da dirofilarioza egzistira kao parazitska bolest lisica u Južnom Banatu

    Cardiopulmonary parasitic nematodes of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Serbia

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    Among the wild canids, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is recognised as an important reservoir species for a range of parasites, including cardiopulmonary nematodes of public health and veterinary importance. As cross-host transmission between the red fox and domestic carnivores can play an important role in the epizootiology of cardiopulmonary parasitic diseases, the aim of the present investigations was to obtain data on the geographical distribution of cardiopulmonary nematodes of the red fox. The material for examination consisted of 83 foxes which were legally hunted at different locations during a three-month period from December 2017 to February 2018. The presence of four emerging species in Europe (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Crenosoma vulpis, Dirofilaria immitis and Eucoleus aerophilus) was revealed in red foxes of Serbia. Crenosoma vulpis and E. aerophilus were detected in foxes in both the plain and the mountainous areas across the country. Dirofilaria immitis is distributed in red foxes near alluvial rivers in Vojvodina province (northern Serbia). Angiostrongylosis caused by A. vasorum was demonstrated to exist in two enzootic foci with a high percentage of infected foxes in a plain area of northern Serbia. To the best of our knowledge, C. vulpis and A. vasorum were discovered for the first time in red foxes in central Serbia. The results provide strong evidence for veterinarians to take into consideration the parasitic nematodes discovered in red foxes in the differential diagnosis of diseases of companion animals. In the context of the ‘One Health’ approach the results related to the distribution of the zoonotic species E. aerophilus and D. immitis can be useful for medical epidemiology

    Examination of the influence of ornithobacterium rhinotracheale on the appearance of pathomorphological lesions in respiratory organs of broiler breeders and pheasants after experimental infection

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    Prvi podaci o oboljenju prouzrokovanom O. rhinotracheale datiraju iz 1991. godine kada je u južnoj Africi, Jan du Preez (Žan di Prez) otkrio novo oboljenje brojlera koje se manifestovalo blagim respiratornim simptomima. Bakteriološkim ispitivanjem organa obolelih brojlera otkrivena je gram-negativna, pleomorfna, štapiasta bakterija, sporog rasta, koja se nije mogla identifikovati kao neka od poznatih bakterijskih vrsta. Današnji naziv Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale prihvaen je 1994. godine, kada je izvršena i klasifikacija uzronika. Prema podacima iz literature infekcija O. rhinotracheale dovodi do znaajnih ekonomskih gubitaka u živinarskoj proizvodnji koji su posledica poveanog mortaliteta, suprimiranog rasta, smanjene proizvodnje jaja i odbacivanja trupova na klanici. U literaturi ima veoma malo podataka o klinikoj slici kod brojlerskih roditelja, dok podaci o patomorfološkim promenama ne postoje. Prema navodima iz literature O. rhinotracheale je izolovan iz nekoliko razliitih vrsta divljih ptica, ali nema podataka o ornitobakteriozi fazana. Zbog toga su sprovedena ispitivanja imala za cilj da se utvrdi uticaj O. rhinotracheale na razvoj patomorfoloških promena u respiratornim organima i zdravstveno stanje kokoši brojlerskih roditelja i fazana iz odgoja. Za eksperiment je odabrano 22 fazana starosti 19 nedelja i 22 kokoši brojlerskih roditelja hibrida „Ross 308“ starosti 15 nedelja. Ptice su podeljene u etiri grupe koje su držane na podnom sistemu, u odvojenim prostorijama. Nakon sedmodnevne aklimatizacije, inficirana je po jedna grupa od 16 fazana i 16 brojlerskih roditelja intratrahealnom aplikacijom suspenzije 48-asovne kulture O. rhinotracheale, soj B3263/91 u sterilnom fiziološkom rastvoru, u koncentraciji od 5 X 1011 CFU/ml. Po jedna grupa od šest fazana i šest brojlerskih roditelja služile su kao kontrolne grupe kojima je intratrahealno aplikovan po 1 ml sterilnog fiziološkog rastvora. Posle inficiranja ptice su svakodnevno opservirane i merena im je telesna masa neposredno pre inficiranja i sedam dana kasnije. Sedmog dana od inficiranja eutanazirano je po šest ptica iz inficiranih i etiri ptice iz kontrolnih grupa, intravenskom aplikacijom preparata „61“ proizvoaa Intervet. Dvanaestog dana od inficiranja eutanazirane su po etiri ptice iz inficiranih i dve ptice iz kontrolnih grupa...The first data relating to disease caused by O. rhinotracheale originate from 1991, when Jan du Preez discovered a new disease in broiler chickens in South Africa, which manifested itself with mild respiratory symptoms. Bacteriological examination of infected birds’ organs revealed a gram-negative, pleomorphic, slow growing, rod bacterium, which could not be identified as any of the known bacterial species. The present name Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale was accapted and the agent was classified in 1994. The literature states that the O. rhinotracheale infection can cause significant economic losses in the poultry industry as a consequence of increased mortality, suppressed growth, reduced egg production and increased carcase condemnation rate at processing. There are few data about clinical features in broiler breeders nor can data about the gross lesions be found in the literature. According to the literature, O. rhinotracheale has been isolated from several different wild bird species, but there are no data relating to ornithobacteriosis in pheasants. For these reasons investigations were carried out to determine the influence of O. rhinotracheale on the development of pathomorphological lesions in the respiratory organs and on the health status of broiler breeders and pheasants from the rearing stage. A total of 22 pheasants, 19 weeks of age and 22 "Ross 308" broiler breeder hens, 15 weeks of age were used in this study. The birds were divided into four groups which were housed in a floor system, in separate rooms. After seven days of acclimatization, one group of 16 pheasants and 16 broiler breeder hens were infected intratracheally with a suspension of 48-hour culture of O. rhinotracheale strain B3263/91 in sterile saline in concentration of 5 X 1011 CFU/ml. Six pheasants and six broiler breeders served as control groups and were inoculated intratracheally with 1 ml of sterile saline per bird. After infection, the birds were observed daily and weighed at the time of infection and seven days post-inoculation. On the seventh day post-inoculation, 6 birds from infected groups, and 4 birds from control groups were euthanized by intravenous application of the euthanasia drug "T61" produced by Intervet. On the twelfth day post-inoculation, 4 birds from infected groups and two birds from control groups were euthanized. Immediately prior to euthanasia, blood samples were taken for serological examination by a puncture, from the brachial vein..

    First report of pneumonia caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum in a golden jackal

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    Angiostrongylosis caused by metastrongyloid nematode Angiostrongylus vasorum is an emerging parasitic disease in Europe and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is considered as a main reservoir species for this parasite. Little is known about the role of other wild canids in the epidemiology of angiostrongylosis. The present paper provides the first description of pathomorphological lesions caused by A. vasorum in a golden jackal (Canis aureus). The paper describes a case of co-infection with A. vasorum and Dirofilaria immitis in a one-year-old female golden jackal, legally hunted near the City of Kovin, South Banat, Serbia, The postmortem examination revealed severe pneumonia, proliferative endarteritis, the presence of two adult males of D. immitis in the right atrium, and the presence of 15 adult forms of A. vasonun (11 females and 4 males) in the pulmonary arteries. Native microscopy of an impression smear of the lung tissue found numerous larvae compatible with the A. vasorum first larval stage. This paper provides the first evidence that angiostrongylosis exists in the golden jackal in Serbia and confirms that the golden jackal should be considered as a very suitable definitive host for A. vasorum. The results suggest the possibility that the golden jackal may act as reservoir species and as an important transmitter of A. vasorum larvae

    Fatal aelurostrongylosis in a kitten in Serbia

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    This paper describes a case of aelurostrongylosis in a four-month old female domestic cat (Felis catus) from South Banat, Serbia. The kitten that had died suddenly without signs of illness was autopsied in the Veterinary Specialised Institute Pancevo. The macroscopic finding was typical of granulomatous pneumonia and subsequently, histopathology revealed verminous pneumonia. Based on the parasite morphology, it was confirmed that the lung lesions were caused by Aelurostrongylus abstrusus. The present finding contributes to the knowledge of the prevalence of this underestimated parasite in the Balkan Peninsula

    Are golden jackals (Canis aureus) definitive hosts for Angiostrongylus vasorum?

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    Angiostrongylosis caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum is an emerging disease in Europe. Recent reports have shown that, besides the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) recognized as the main definitive host and reservoir for the parasite, the role of the definitive host can be taken by a range of mammals. We considered that, due to the rapid large-scale expansion of its populations in Europe, the golden jackal (Canis aureus) could assume an important role in the epidemiology of the disease. The aim of the investigations was to explore the role of the golden jackal as the definitive host for A. vasorum. Sixty-three golden jackals, legally hunted in lowlands around the Danube River in Serbia recognized as the core area of the species distribution in Europe, were subjected to patho-morphological and parasitological examination. The adult forms of A. vasorum were detected in the pulmonary arteries in six golden jackals with gross lesions manifested in the lungs. The finding of first stage larvae (L1) of A. vasorum in microscopic smears of the lung tissue altered by infection, which was consistent with the presence of adult parasites and manifestation of gross lesions in the lungs, confirms the successful reproduction of the parasite in the golden jackal. Migration of L1 from the blood vessels to the airways was confirmed by histopathology and, subsequently, their shedding was demonstrated by the Baermann method. The results support the hypothesis that the golden jackal acts as a suitable definitive host for A. vasorum. As a definitive host with a large-scale expansion of its populations in Europe, the golden jackal may be an important part of the parasites host repertoire by spreading the parasite into previously non-endemic areas and by being an additional definitive host in endemic areas of vulpine angiostrongylosis

    Examination of D. immitis presence in foxes in Serbia

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    Dirofilarioza je parazitska bolest od koje najčešće oboljevaju psi, ali se može javiti i kod drugih karnivora. Pošto se kod pasa u nekim krajevima Srbije bolest javlja enzootski, cilj ispitivanja je da se utvrdi da li ova parazitoza egzistira i kod divljih životinja. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 150 lisica (Vulpes vulpes). Sa područja Južnobanatskog, Raškog, Rasinskog, Moravičkog i Zlatiborskog okruga ispitano je po 30 odstreljenih lisica. Leševi lisica su obdukovani, a srce i krvni sudovi pregledani su makroskopski na prisusvo odraslih oblika D. immitis. Prisustvo uzročnika utvrđeno je kod četiri lisice sa teritorije tri opštine Južnog Banata: Kovin, Alibunar i Opovo, što čini 13,33% od ukupnog broja ispitanih lisica iz ove regije. Ni kod jedne od 120 obdukovanih lisica iz četiri okruga centralne Srbije nisu nađene dirofilarije. Iz dobijenih rezultata može da se zaključi da dirofilarioza egzistira kao parazitska bolest lisica u Južnom Banatu

    Examination of D. immitis presence in foxes in Serbia

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    Dirofilariosis is a parasitic disease that usually affects dogs, but it can occur in other carnivore species. Since the disease appears endemically in dogs in some parts of Serbia, the aim of our investigation was to determine whether dirofilariosis exists in wild animals. The study included a total of 150 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 30 hunted foxes per region of South Banat, Raska, Rasina, Morava and Zlatibor were examined. After the corpses of foxes were autopsied, the heart and blood vessels were examined macroscopically for the evidence of adult forms of D. immitis. The presence of the agent was found in four foxes from the territory of three municipalities of South Banat: Kovin, Alibunar and Opovo, representing 13.33% of the total number of examined foxes in this region. None of the 120 autopsied foxes from four districts of central Serbia was found to have dirofilaria. The results obtained in investigation lead to conclusion that dirofilariosis exists as a parasitic disease in red foxes in South Banat

    Dirofilarioza kod divljih mesojeda u Južnom Banatu

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    Дирофилариоза проузрокована врстом Dirofilaria immitis је паразитска болест паса и других карнивора. Узрочник паразитира у плућним артеријама и десном срцу правих домаћина, а за употпуњење развојног циклуса користи преко 60 врста комараца који имају улогу прелазног домаћина. Поред пса, прави домаћин могу да буду: вук, шакал, којот, лисица, мачка, дивље фелиде и неке друге врсте животиња, али се пас сматра најкомпетентнијим природним правим домаћином. У Ветеринарском специјалистичком институту „Панчево“ од 2004. године бележи се висока инциденција дирофилариозе код обдукованих паса што је био разлог да се испитивања преусмере на дивље месоједе. У периоду од 2013. до 2018. године, обдуковано је 100 лисица, 30 шакала и три вука. У отвореној десној срчаној преткомори, комори, плућној артерији и њеним гранама испитивано је присуство одраслих облика D. immitis. Од појединих животиња узимани су и узорци за хистопатолошко испитивање. Одрасли облици паразита доказани су код 19 лисица, 5 шакала и једног вука. Макроскопске промене у срцу и плућима установљене су само код вука у виду емболије плућа и дилатације и хипертрофије десног срца. Хистопатолошке промене манифестовале су се у плућној артерији на месту паразитирања одраслих облика паразита у виду пролиферативног ендартеритиса. Истраживања спроведена у јужном Банату показала су да је дирофилариоза распрострањена код дивљих канида: лисица, шакала и вукова, што указује на могућност њеног одржавања у силватичном циклусу. Због тога у изради стратегије сузбијања дирофилариозе треба имати у виду дивље каниде као могуће резервоаре узрочника.Dirofilariosis caused by Dirofilaria immitis is a parasitic disease of dogs and other carnivores. The agent parasitizes the pulmonary arteries and right heart of definitive hosts, and for completion of its lifecycle uses over 60 species of mosquitoes which act as the intermediate host. In addition to the dog, the definitive host can be: the wolf, jackal, coyote, red fox, cat, wild felids and some other animal species, but the dog is considered as the most competent natural definitive host. Since 2004, a high incidence of dirofilariosis has been recorded in necropsied dogs in the Veterinary Specialized Institute "Pančevo", the reason to aim the investigations in wild carnivores. In a period from 2013 to 2018, 100 red foxes, 30 jackals and three wolves were necropsied. The presence of adult forms of D. immitis was examined in the cut-open right heart atrium, ventricle, pulmonary artery and its branches. From some animals, samples were taken for histopathology. Adult forms of the parasite have been revealed in 19 foxes, 5 jackals and one wolf. Macroscopic alterations in the heart and lungs were found only in the wolf in a form of pulmonary embolism, and dilation and hypertrophy of the right heart. Histopathological lesions were observed in the pulmonary artery, at the site of parasitism of adult parasites, in a form of proliferative endarteritis. Studies conducted in south Banat have shown that dirofilariosis is widespread in wild canids: foxes, jackals and wolves, implying the possibility of its maintenance in the sylvatic cycle. Therefore, in designing a strategy for the control of dirofilariosis, wild canids should be considered as potential reservoirs for the parasite.Zbornik kratkih sadržaj