157 research outputs found

    Negotiating territories of knowledge: on interpreting talk in guided tours

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    The problem of interpreting what is “behind the turns”, not explicitly said by participants in their utterances, has presented a dilemma in studies of dialogue interpreting, leading to controversies about how far interpreters should engage in dealing with implicit issues they know about, but which are not made clear by the interlocutors. In this paper, I analyse data where a guide and an interpreter present a group of tourists with locations where the history and tradition of local products are exhibited. In my data interpreters expand the guides’ presentation in their rendition, adding quite a lot of information they know about, but which has not been explicitly mentioned by the guide. I suggest that the notion of epistemics, developed in conversation analysis, may help explain the dynamics regulating the distribution of responsibilities of guides and interpreters in dealing with relevant contents and I conclude that rights and obligations to explicate what is behind the guides’ talk can largely be seen as a product of the interaction

    Reunir totes les plantes de Catalunya: adquisició de 5 herbaris de l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona a través de les cartes de Pius Font i Quer

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    48 p. -- Trabajo final del máster interuniversitario (UAB-UB) "Història de la Ciència: Ciència, Història i Societat"[EN]In this work we study the role of Pius Font i Quer in the acquisition of the herbaria Cadevall, Trèmols, Vayreda, Salvador, and Sennen, analyzing the documents preserved in the archive of the Institut Botànic de Barcelona. We tried to reconstruct the impact that Font Quer had between 1919 and 1939 in the formation of the herbarium of the Institut Botànic de Barcelona managing and organizing the transfer of these five herbaria, their incorporation and preparation. Through the analysis of more than 150 letters and documents, we tried to pinpoint the strategy, policies, tools and personal relations used by Font i Quer. The work is thus able to describe a complex scientific and intellectual figure capable of using different levels of communication, endowed with strong persuasive skills and perseverance in pursuing the goal of creating a herbarium and a Botanical Institute of international standing that allowed him to realize this project in these two decades of political turmoil.[CAT]En aquest treball s'ha estudiat el paper de Pius Font i Quer en l'adquisició dels herbaris Cadevall, Trèmols, Vayreda, Salvador i Sennen, analitzant els documents conservats en l'arxiu de l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona. S'ha intentat aprofundir l'impacte que va tenir Font i Quer, entre els anys 1919 i 1939, en la formació de l'herbari de l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona gestionant i organitzant la cessió d'aquests cinc herbaris i de les seves tasques d'arranjament i preparació. A través de l'anàlisi de més 150 cartes i documents s'ha delineat l'estratègia, les polítiques, les eines, les relacions personals i l'argumentari utilitzats per Font i Quer. El treball ha permès de mostrar una figura científica i intel·lectual complexa capaç d'utilitzar diferents nivells de comunicació, amb fortes capacitats persuasives i una constància en el perseguir l'objectiu de crear un herbari i un Institut Botànic de nivell internacional que li van consentir de realitzar aquest projecte en pocs i turbulents anys.Peer reviewe

    Estudios sobre el herbario Trèmols del Instituto Botánico de Barcelona (BC-Trèmols)

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    Desde principios de 2011 se lleva a cabo el estudio, acondicionamiento e informatización del herbario Trèmols, una de las colecciones históricas del Instituto Botánico de Barcelona formada durante el último tercio del siglo XIX, la cual alberga más de 9.000 pliegos. En este trabajo presentamos un breve apunte histórico sobre el herbario y su autor, así como una primera caracterización de la colección a partir de los materiales ya informatizados (los 12 primeros volúmenes). El principal interés de esta colección radica en las plantas obtenidas por intercambio, de procedencia geográfica muy variada, que permiten considerarla como uno de los primeros herbarios europeos que se formaron en Cataluña

    Type specimens preserved in the Trèmols and Costa herbaria (BC)

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    The Trèmols herbarium, preserved at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona, is one of the oldest herbaria in Catalonia, largely made up of European plants collected in 19th century. The digitization of this historical collection, currently in progress, has made possible to locate nomenclatural types of various authors, acquired through exchange. In this article, we indicate two syntypes (for Fumaria caespitosa Loscos and Carex loscosii Lange), and one isolectotype (Polygala vayredae Costa) in Trèmols herbarium. Additionally, we designate the lectotype of Polygala vayredae in the Costa herbarium and its isolectotype in the Vayreda herbarium

    L’herbari de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona com una eina per la conservació dels tàxons endèmics i amenaçats de Catalunya

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    21 p.[EN]The herbarium of the Botanic Institute of Barcelona (BC) is the largest collection of plants of Catalonia and the second of Spain due to its volume, and it is representative of the flora of the western Mediterranean region. It includes, apart from the general collection, other historical collections (from 17th to early 20th century). The main objectives of this study were to evaluate if the endemic and threatened taxa of Catalonia are represented in the herbarium. We also provide chronological and geographical information of herborization intensity, as well as altitudinal, chorological, chronological, phenological and over-collection risk new data. We analyzed the general collection and part of informatized historical herbaria (Cadevall, Hieraciotheca Gallica et Hispanica, Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, Salvador, Societat Botànica Barcelonesa and Trèmols [volumes I-XXI]). Specimens collected from Catalonia have been found to represent 82.24% of the 304 endemic and threatened taxa. The areas with more herborization pressure were Ribes Valley, Montserrat, Port Massif, Cardó Mountains, Montseny and Montsec Mountains. The new chorological data provided expands the distribution of Berberis vulgaris L. subsp. seroi O. Bolòs & Vigo and Stachys maritima Gouan. New altitudinal and phenological data are provided for nine and 40 taxa, respectively.[ES]El herbario del Instituto Botánico de Barcelona (BC) es la colección de plantas más importante de Cataluña y la segunda de España y es representativo de la flora de la región mediterránea occidental. Incluye la colección general y otras colecciones históricas (desde el siglo XVII hasta principios del XX). Los objetivos principales de este trabajo han sido evaluar la representatividad de los táxones endémicos y amenazados de Cataluña en el herbario así como aportar información de tipo cronológico y geográfico de intensidad de recolección y nuevos datos altitudinales, corológicos, cronológicos, fenológicos y de riesgo de sobrerecolección. Se ha analizado la colección general y una parte de los herbarios históricos informatizados (Cadevall, Hieraciotheca Gallica et Hispanica, Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, Salvador, Societat Botànica Barcelonesa y Trèmols [volúmenes I-XXI]). Se han encontrado ejemplares de Cataluña del 82,24% de los 304 táxones endémicos y amenazados. Las zonas más herborizadas son el valle de Ribes, Montserrat, el macizo del Port, la sierra de Cardó, el macizo del Montseny y la sierra del Montsec. Se amplía la distribución de Berberis vulgaris L. subsp. seroi O. Bolòs & Vigo y Stachys maritima Gouan. Se aportan nuevos datos altitudinales y fenológicos para nueve y 40 táxones, respectivamente.[CA]L’herbari de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona (BC) és, pel seu volum, la col·lecció de plantes més important de Catalunya i la segona d’Espanya i és representatiu de la flora de la regió mediterrània occidental. Inclou, a banda de la col·lecció general, altres col·leccions històriques (des del segle XVII fins a principis del XX). Els objectius principals d’aquest treball han estat avaluar la representativitat a l’herbari dels tàxons endèmics i amenaçats de Catalunya així com aportar informació de caire cronològic i geogràfic d’intensitat de recol·lecció i noves dades altitudinals, corològiques, cronològiques, fenològiques i de risc de sobrerecol·lecció. S’ha analitzat la col·lecció general i una part dels herbaris històrics informatitzats (Cadevall, Hieraciotheca Gallica et Hispanica, Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, Salvador, Societat Botànica Barcelonesa i Trèmols [volums I-XXI]). S’han trobat exemplars de Catalunya del 82,24% dels 304 tàxons endèmics i amenaçats. Les zones més herboritzades són la vall de Ribes, Montserrat, el massís del Port, la serra de Cardó, el massís del Montseny i la serra del Montsec. S’amplia la distribució de Berberis vulgaris L. subsp. seroi O. Bolòs & Vigo i Stachys maritima Gouan. S’aporten noves dades altitudinals i fenològiques per a nou i 40 tàxons, respectivament.Peer reviewe

    Aston, Ciliberti, Zorzi: a bibliographical repertoire

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    Repertorio ragionato dei lavori a stampa di Guy Aston, Anna Ciliberti e Daniela Zorzi, tre delle figure più importanti della linguistica inglese, la linguistica applicata e la glottodidattica italiana del periodo 1970-2015 circa. Frutto di un attento lavoro di ricerca di archivio e recupero di materiali presenti in raccolte private, il repertorio è suddiviso per argomenti e organizzato cronologicamente in ordine inverso in modo da evidenziare il contributo dei tre studiosi a vari filoni di ricerca, dalla ricerca sul campo nell'ambito della pragmatica contrastiva (progetto PIXI), alla linguistica dei corpora, dall'analisi conversazionale sull'interazione ordinaria all'interazione in contesti istituzionali, dalla ricerca in classe alla creazione di materiali didattici, dai lavori sulla traduzione e l'interpretazioneComprehensive bibliography of the publications of Guy Aston, Anna Ciliberti and Daniela Zorzi, three of the most important figures in the fields of English linguistics, applied linguistics and language teaching in Italy during the period 1970-2015 circa. The bibliography is the result of careful archival research and of a search for materials also present in private collections.. The bibliography is organised by topics and chronologically in inverse chronological order in order to highlight the contribution of the three scholars to various lines of research, from field research in the area of contrastive pragmatics (PIXI project) to corpus linguistics, from the conversational analysis of everyday conversation to research on interaction in institutional contexts, from classroom research to the creation ot teaching materials, from work on translation to research on interpretation

    Translation And Interpreting for Language Learners. An introduction

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    Introduction to Translation And Interpreting for Language Learners (TAIL), a joint publication of the online journal InTRAlinea (ISSN 1827-000X) and Collana AItLA 8 (ISBN 978-88-97657-XX-Y). This introduction presents the volume (453 pages) edited by Laurie Anderson, Laura Gavioli and Federico Zanettin in honour of Guy Aston, Anna Ciliberti and Daniela Zorzi. It highlights the importance of a renewed attention to the pedagogy of translating and interpreting both for translator/interpreter training and for foreign/second language learning. More specifically outlines emerging trends, and underlines the importance of considering how interpreter/translator training can be enhanced by greater attention to what happens in the classroom, and how can general language learning be furthered by recognising interpreting/translating as abilities worthy of attention alongside the traditional “four skills”

    The usefulness of Moynihan questionnaire in the evaluation of knowledge on healthy diet of patients undergoing cardiology rehabilitation

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of study was to test the usefulness of Moynihan questionnaire in the evaluation of knowledge on healthy diet of patients undergoing cardiology rehabilitation. METHODS: We enrolled 51 patients (pts): 41 men and 10 women, mean age 67.97 +/-11.2 years. The case study included: 21 pts that underwent coronary bypass surgery, 16 pts replaced plastic tube, 14 pts had surgery for the other reasons. All pts underwent nutritional investigation by a dietitian. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were detected and, by the end, the Moynihan questionnaire was administrated. Pts underwent nutritional coaching, and questionnaire and dietary assessment were rechecked after 3 months. RESULTS: At baseline, the mean Questionnaire score was 22.4 +/- 3.2 points, decreased to 20.6 +/-3.1 points after 3 months (p<0.05). A detailed analysis of the questions showed that the major informations gaps were related to consumption of fruits and vegetables, consumption of fat and salt. In addition pts have acquired more general knowledge about food composition. CONCLUSIONS: The Moynihan questionnaire is an useful instrument of evaluation of dietary knowledge even in selected patients population. In the present study involving patients after cardiac surgery the main difficulties were related to high age of pts, the low cultural level and, mainly, to the post-surgery stress. However, an increase of correct answers as well as an increased knowledge about food composition were detected after educational intervention performed by the dietitian