87 research outputs found

    How does invasion degree shape alpha and beta diversity of freshwater fish at a regional scale?

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    FFreshwater ecosystems appear more vulnerable to biodiversity loss due to several anthropogenic disturbances and freshwater fish are particularly vulnerable to these impacts. We aimed to (1) identify the contribution of land use, spatial variables, and invasion degree in determining freshwater fish alpha (i.e., species richness) and beta (i.e., local contributions to beta diversity, LCBD) diversity, evaluating also the relationship between invasion degree and nestedness ((Formula presented.) nes) and turnover ((Formula presented.) sim) components of beta diversity. (2) Investigate the relationship between alpha diversity and LCBD, under the hypothesis that alpha diversity and LCBD correlate negatively and (3) investigate the relationship between species contributions to beta diversity (SCBD) and species occurrence, hypothesizing that non-native species show a lower contribution to beta diversity. The linear mixed models and the partition of R2 retained the invasion degree as the most important variables explaining alpha and beta diversity, having a positive relationship with both diversity components. Furthermore, land use related to human impacts had a positive influence on alpha diversity, whereas it showed a negative effect on LCBD. Regression model further showed that invasion degree related positively with (Formula presented.) sim, but negatively with (Formula presented.) nes, suggesting that non-native species were involved in the replacement of native species in the fish community. Alpha diversity and LCBD showed a weak positive correlation, meaning that sites with low species richness have higher LCBD. SCBD scaled positively with species occurrence highlighting that rarer species contribute less to SCBD. Finally, native and exotic species contributed similarly to beta diversity. These results suggest that invasion degree plays a central role in shaping alpha and beta diversity in stream fish, more than land use features reflecting habitat alteration or other geospatial variables. Furthermore, it is important to evaluate separately the native and the non-native components of biotic communities to identify linkages between invasion dynamics and biodiversity loss.Peer reviewe

    The usefulness of Moynihan questionnaire in the evaluation of knowledge on healthy diet of patients undergoing cardiology rehabilitation

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of study was to test the usefulness of Moynihan questionnaire in the evaluation of knowledge on healthy diet of patients undergoing cardiology rehabilitation. METHODS: We enrolled 51 patients (pts): 41 men and 10 women, mean age 67.97 +/-11.2 years. The case study included: 21 pts that underwent coronary bypass surgery, 16 pts replaced plastic tube, 14 pts had surgery for the other reasons. All pts underwent nutritional investigation by a dietitian. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were detected and, by the end, the Moynihan questionnaire was administrated. Pts underwent nutritional coaching, and questionnaire and dietary assessment were rechecked after 3 months. RESULTS: At baseline, the mean Questionnaire score was 22.4 +/- 3.2 points, decreased to 20.6 +/-3.1 points after 3 months (p<0.05). A detailed analysis of the questions showed that the major informations gaps were related to consumption of fruits and vegetables, consumption of fat and salt. In addition pts have acquired more general knowledge about food composition. CONCLUSIONS: The Moynihan questionnaire is an useful instrument of evaluation of dietary knowledge even in selected patients population. In the present study involving patients after cardiac surgery the main difficulties were related to high age of pts, the low cultural level and, mainly, to the post-surgery stress. However, an increase of correct answers as well as an increased knowledge about food composition were detected after educational intervention performed by the dietitian

    Long-term fish monitoring underlines a rising tide of temperature tolerant, rheophilic, benthivore and generalist exotics, irrespective of hydrological conditions

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    The invasion of exotic species is one of the main threats to worldwide biodiversity and can be aided by changes in environmental conditions. We hypothesized that a temporal trend of decreasing discharge and increasing temperature might have favored the invasion of warm-adapted, lentic exotic fish species in the lower Po River, northern Italy. We used presence/absence data over a long-term period (over 20 years) to investigate the dynamics of exotic fish invasion along water temperature and discharge gradients. Mean annual discharge and temperature did not show a clear trend and did not affect exotic fish species invasion, which progressed with time irrespective of these factors. The total number of species fluctuated without a clear trend, which underlined a progressive substitution of native species with exotic ones. Perhaps surprisingly, the community composition changed over time towards more temperature tolerant but also rheophilic, benthivore and generalist fish species. These results highlight how species interactions could be one of the main factors driving the invasion. Furthermore, our data underlines a continuously rising tide of exotics, which questions the success of past control strategies. Considering the current conservation resources limitations, priority should be given to the development of prevention strategies in order to avoid new species introductions

    Exotic species invasions undermine regional functional diversity of freshwater fish

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    Exotic species invasions often result in native biodiversity loss, i.e. a lower taxonomic diversity, but current knowledge on invasions effects underlined a potential increase of functional diversity. We thus explored the connections between functional diversity and exotic species invasions, while accounting for their environmental drivers, using a fine-resolution large dataset of Mediterranean stream fish communities. While functional diversity of native and exotic species responded similarly to most environmental constraints, we found significant differences in the effects of altitude and in the different ranking of constraints. These differences suggest that invasion dynamics could play a role in overriding some major environmental drivers. Our results also showed that a lower diversity of ecological traits in communities (about half of less disturbed communities) corresponded to a high invasion degree, and that the exotic component of communities had typically less diverse ecological traits than the native one, even when accounting for stream order and species richness. Overall, our results suggest that possible outcomes of severe exotic species invasions could include a reduced functional diversity of invaded communities, but analyzing data with finer ecological, temporal and spatial resolutions would be needed to pinpoint the causal relationship between invasions and functional diversity.Peer reviewe

    Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network for freshwater fish conservation in a Mediterranean region

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    Protected areas (PAs) are the cornerstones of global biodiversity conservation efforts, but to fulfil this role they must be effective at conserving both habitat and species. Among protected taxa, freshwater fish are exposed to multiple disturbances and are considered one of the most endangered. The Natura 2000 reserves network was established with the aim of preserving biodiversity across Europe, but few assessments have been made on its effectiveness on the conservation of freshwater fish species. We tested the hypothesis that fish community is exposed to less anthropogenic pressures within the Natura 2000 sites than outside, hosting a higher number of native species and maintain lower number of non-native species. We tested these hypotheses considering 3,777 sampling sites, found across the entire Italian territory. Results showed that PAs did not guarantee less anthropogenic impacts and higher fish species richness than outside PAs, suggesting that PAs are not a panacea for anthropogenic pressures and safeguarding fish diversity. Nevertheless, more caution should be applied to the management measures and the design of new PAs due to the limitations of the protection of a single stretch within a whole river ecosystem. Moreover, the impossibility to operate any management of invasive fish species on the broad scale of a whole river basin is likely the most limiting factor to fish biodiversity conservation in Italy. Finally, it is also necessary to extend the analysis to other basins and Natura 2000 sites in Europe

    The usefulness of Moynihan questionnaire in the evaluation of knowledge on healthy diet of patients undergoing cardiology rehabilitation

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    Background. The aim of study was to test the usefulness of Moynihan questionnaire in the evaluation of knowledge on healthy diet of patients undergoing cardiology rehabilitation. Methods. We enrolled 51 patients (pts): 41 men and 10 women, mean age 67.97 + 11.2 years. The case study included: 21 pts that underwent coronary bypass surgery, 16 pts replaced plastic tube, 14 pts had surgery for the other reasons. All pts underwent nutritional investigation by a dietitian. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were detected and, by the end, the Moynihan questionnaire was administrated. Pts underwent nutritional coaching, and questionnaire and dietary assessment were rechecked after 3 months. Results. At baseline, the mean Questionnaire score was 22.4 + 3.2 points, decreased to 20.6 + 3.1 points after 3 months (p<0.05). A detailed analysis of the questions showed that the major informations gaps were related to consumption of fruits and vegetables, consumption of fat and salt. In addition pts have acquired more general knowledge about food composition. Conclusions. The Moynihan questionnaire is an useful instrument of evaluation of dietary knowledge even in selected patients population. In the present study involving patients after cardiac surgery the main difficulties were related to high age of pts, the low cultural level and, mainly, to the post-surgery stress. However, an increase of correct answers as well as an increased knowledge about food composition were detected after educational intervention performed by the dietitian

    Distance decay 2.0-A global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities

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    Aim: Understanding the variation in community composition and species abundances (i.e., beta-diversity) is at the heart of community ecology. A common approach to examine beta-diversity is to evaluate directional variation in community composition by measuring the decay in the similarity among pairs of communities along spatial or environmental distance. We provide the first global synthesis of taxonomic and functional distance decay along spatial and environmental distance by analysing 148 datasets comprising different types of organisms and environments. Location: Global. Time period: 1990 to present. Major taxa studied: From diatoms to mammals. Method: We measured the strength of the decay using ranked Mantel tests (Mantel r) and the rate of distance decay as the slope of an exponential fit using generalized linear models. We used null models to test whether functional similarity decays faster or slower than expected given the taxonomic decay along the spatial and environmental distance. We also unveiled the factors driving the rate of decay across the datasets, including latitude, spatial extent, realm and organismal features. Results: Taxonomic distance decay was stronger than functional distance decay along both spatial and environmental distance. Functional distance decay was random given the taxonomic distance decay. The rate of taxonomic and functional spatial distance decay was fastest in the datasets from mid-latitudes. Overall, datasets covering larger spatial extents showed a lower rate of decay along spatial distance but a higher rate of decay along environmental distance. Marine ecosystems had the slowest rate of decay along environmental distances. Main conclusions: In general, taxonomic distance decay is a useful tool for biogeographical research because it reflects dispersal-related factors in addition to species responses to climatic and environmental variables. Moreover, functional distance decay might be a cost-effective option for investigating community changes in heterogeneous environments

    HIV-1 Tat immunization restores immune homeostasis and attacks the HAART-resistant blood HIV DNA: results of a randomized phase II exploratory clinical trial

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    Original Article

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    The pancreas taken from the frog (Rana nigromaculata) was fixed in 1% OsO_4 and sliced into ultrathin sections for electron microscopic studies. The following observations were made: 1. A great \u27number of minute granules found in the cytoplasm of a pancreatic cell were called the microsomes, which were divided into two types, the C-microsome and S-microsome. 2. Electron microsopic studies of the ergastoplasm showed that it is composed of the microsome granules and A-substance. The microsomes were seen embedded in the A-substance which was either filamentous or membranous. The membranous structure, which was called the Am-membrane, was seen to form a sac, with a cavity of varying sizes, or to form a lamella. 3. The Am-membrane has close similarity to α-cytomembrane of Sjostrand, except that the latter is rough-surfaced. It was deduced that the Am-membrane, which is smooth-surfaced, might turn into the rough-surfaced α-cytomembrane. 4. There was the Golgi apparatus in the supranuclear region of a pancreatic cell. It consisted of the Golgi membrane, Golgi vacuole and. Golgi vesicle. 5. The mitochondria of a pancreatic cell appeared like long filaments, and some of them were seen to ramify. 6. The membrane of mitochondria, i. e. the limiting membrane, consisted of the Ammembrane. The mitochondria contained a lot of A-substances, as well as the C-microsomes and S-microsomes. When the mitochondria came into being, there appeared inside them chains of granules, which appeared like strips of beads, as the outgrowths of the A-substance and the microsome granules attached to the Am-membrane. They are the so-called cristae mitochondriales. 7. The secretory granules originate in the microsomes. They came into being when the microsomes gradually thickened and grew in size as various substances became adhered to them. Some of the secretory granules were covered with a membrane and appeared like what they have called the intracisternal granule of Palade.It seemed that this was a phenomenon attendant upon the dissolution and liqutefaction of the secretory granule. 8. Comparative studies were made of the ergastoplasm of the pancreatic cells from the frogs in hibernation, the frogs artificially hungered, the frogs which were given food after a certain period of fasting, the frogs to which pilocarpine was given subcutaneously, and the very young, immature frogs. The studies revealed that the ergastoplasm of the pancreatic cells greatly varied in form with the difference in nutritive condition and with different developmental stages of the cell. The change in form and structure occured as a result of transformation of the microsomes and A-substance. The ergastoplasm, even after it has come into being, might easily be inactivated if nutrition is defective. The ergastoplasm is concerned in the secretory mechanism, which is different from the secretory phenomenon of the secretory granules. It would seem that structurally the mitochondria have no direct relation to this mechanism

    HIV-Tat immunization induces cross-clade neutralizing antibodies and CD4+ T cell increases in antiretroviral-treated South African volunteers: a randomized phase II clinical trial

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