2,498 research outputs found

    Mistaking U.S. Citizenship

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    United States (“U.S.”) citizenship has been closely protected from those who cannot claim it. In fact, the value of citizenship is so strong that the law penalizes any who falsely claim citizenship or the benefits derived from being a citizen. Such penalties are imposed even upon those who have not intentionally claimed citizenship, but merely have mistakenly done so. Ironically, despite these efforts to safeguard U.S. citizenship’s privileges and protections, those who rightfully claim citizenship have been deported as aliens because of mistakes made by those enforcing immigration laws. Such juxtaposition leaves us wondering what the real value of citizenship is

    Development of an Ackermann-type Mobile Platform for the Validation of Autonomous Navigation Algorithms within the ESPOCH Campus

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    The continual development of the automotive industry has evolved to astronomical levels, capable of promoting a new technological generation of several automated systems (both mechanical and electronic systems). As a result, a generation of autonomous vehicles – also known as intelligent vehicles – capable of avoiding human errors has emerged. In the present investigation, an Ackermann-type mobile prototype is used to validate autonomous navigation algorithms in different environmental conditions, which is developed by covering artificial vision stages such as the detection of the bicycle lane and traffic signals at scale. The control system consists of three parts – First is the detection algorithm through an artificial vision to collect information from the environment through a Pi camera that can later be processed through Python with its OpenCV tool. The second deals with the training of traffic signs (Stop and Speed Signage) through the Haar Cascade, as well as the detection of road lines through which various filters such as Canny, edge detection, and the transformation of Hough are executed on the Python platform with the OpenCV tool. The third part is the communication between the processing of the codes and their respective actuators (Motor, Servomotor) to finally collect the statistical data and validate the algorithms in the Ackerman-type mobile prototype. Keywords: Python, OpenCV, Canny Filter, Hough Transform, Haar Cascade. Resumen El desarrollo constante de la industria automotriz evoluciono a niveles astronómicos capaz de impulsar una nueva generación tecnológica de automatización de varios los sus sistemas ya sean: mecánicos o electrónicos y así forma la generación de vehículos autónomos o llamados también vehículos inteligentes, capaces de evitar errores humanos al conducir. En la presente investigación se implementa un prototipo móvil tipo Ackermann para validar algoritmos de navegación autónoma en diferentes condiciones de su entorno que se desarrolle cubriendo etapas de visión artificial como la detección del carril de una ciclovía y señales de tránsito a escala. El sistema de control consta de tres partes, la primera parte es el algoritmo de detección por medio de visión artificial para recolectar información del entorno a través de una cámara Pi y posteriormente ser procesada a través de Python con su herramienta OpenCV. La segunda parte se encarga del entrenamiento de las señales de tránsito (Pare y Señalética de Velocidad) por medio de Haar cascade, además la detección las líneas de la carretera las cuales a través. de varios filtros como Canny, detección de bordes y la transformada de Hough todos estos filtros se lo ejecutan en la plataforma de Python con la herramienta de OpenCV, y la tercera parte es la comunicación entre el procesamiento de los códigos a sus respectivos actuadores (Motor, Servomotor) para finalmente recolectar datos estadísticos y Validar los algoritmos en el prototipo móvil tipo Ackerman. Palabras Clave: Python, Open, Filtro Canny, Tranformada de Houg, Haar Cascade

    A systematic review of risk and protective factors for mental health among Latinx college students

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    A quantitative studies systematic review with narrative synthesis was conducted to explore the risk and protective factors among Latinx college students’ mental health. This systematic review also aimed to identify the relevant demographic variability to the mental health of Latinx college students, and the relationship between mental health and academic performance within this population. Data was collected from four electronic databases and included peer-reviewed articles published between 2000 and 2022, conducted within the United States, participants over the age of 17, and samples comprised of or including Latinx college students. Studies utilizing quantitative designs, and quantitative portions of mixed method designs were included for analysis. Sixty studies were identified as providing information on risk factors and protective factors for mental health, and academic performance variables. A wide array of risk factors were identified and categorized into four main themes: identity and culture, college/work, social interactions, and stressors. Protective factors were identified and categorized within four main themes: identity and culture, college/ work, social interactions, and coping. A total of 58 mental health outcomes were examined and categorized within the following themes: Academics/college, symptoms, stress, belonging, coping, and suicide. Differences within the demographic variability of the samples included entirely Latinx versus mixed samples, and gender. Lastly, risk factors, protective factors, and mental health outcomes, were found to be related to academic performance variables. Risk and protective factors among Latinx college students’ mental health highlights the nuances of context. Meanwhile, the number of mental health outcomes and the categories in which they fall demonstrate the uncoordinated plethora of research foci. This diversity indicated that the demographic variability relevant to mental health of Latinx college students was limited to broader observations. Yet, utilizing the surplus of variables emphasized the need to expand upon our understanding of academic performance to capture how mental health and additional variables either worsen or improve academic performance. Academia is called to take this niche topic out of obscurity and into the forefront of research to encourage colleges and universities to provide well-funded services and programs aimed at supporting these students’ mental health, academic performance, and personhood

    Mistaking U.S. Citizenship

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    United States (“U.S.”) citizenship has been closely protected from those who cannot claim it. In fact, the value of citizenship is so strong that the law penalizes any who falsely claim citizenship or the benefits derived from being a citizen. Such penalties are imposed even upon those who have not intentionally claimed citizenship, but merely have mistakenly done so. Ironically, despite these efforts to safeguard U.S. citizenship’s privileges and protections, those who rightfully claim citizenship have been deported as aliens because of mistakes made by those enforcing immigration laws. Such juxtaposition leaves us wondering what the real value of citizenship is

    Las Casas de Oficios del Escorial en seis planos inéditos de su arquitecto: Juan de Herrera.

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    Las Casas de Oficios del Escorial en seis planos inéditos de su arquitecto: Juan de Herrera

    Chueca desde dentro. A los cincuenta años del libro "Invariantes castizos de la arquitectura española"

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    Chueca desde dentro. A los cincuenta años del libro Invariantes castizos de la arquitectura español

    El Real Gabinete Topográfico del Buen Retiro (1832-1854)

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    El Real Gabinete Topográfico del Buen Retiro (1832-185

    Descripción del edificio del RL. Museo, por su autor D. Juan de Villanueva

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    Descripción del edificio del Rl. Museo, por su autor D. Juan de Villanuev