40 research outputs found

    Hiljainen tieto Puolustusvoimien Johtamisjärjestelmäkeskuksessa

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kartoittaa hiljaisen tiedon tietämyksen nykytilannetta, ja sitä kuinka tiedon hyödyntämistä voidaan kehittää Puolustusvoimien Johtamisjärjestelmäkeskuksen hallinto-osastolla. Tutkimuksen tuloksista saatiin hallinto-osaston esimiehille kehitysehdotuksia hiljaisen tiedon hyödyntämiseksi. Teoreettinen viitekehys koostui hiljaisen tiedon käsitteestä, oppimisesta ja hiljaisen tiedon syntymisestä, tiedon siirtämisestä ja mahdollisista esteistä tiedon siirtämisessä. Teoriaosassa esiteltiin myös Nonakan ja Takeuchin hiljaisen tiedon kehittymisen SECI-malli. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio Puolustusvoimien Johtamisjärjestelmäkeskus ja sen hallinto-osasto esiteltiin teoriaosuudessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena Puolustusvoimien Johtamisjärjestelmäkeskuksen hallinto-osaston työntekijöille. Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksan erilaisen työuran omaavaa työntekijää, joille tehtiin kahdenkeskiset teemahaastattelut. Tutkimuksen tuloksista selvisi, ettei hiljaista tietoa ole hyödynnetty Puolustusvoimien Johtamisjärjestelmäkeskuksen hallinto-osastolla. Rekrytoinnin vaikeus, vähäinen hiljaisen tiedon dokumentointi sekä hiljaisen tiedon siirtäminen työntekijän poistuessa organisaatiosta olivat epäkohtia. Näihin ongelmiin saatiin kehitysehdotuksia, joita jatkossa voidaan toteuttaa hallinto-osastolla.The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to scan the present status of tacit knowledge and to settle how to elaborate the utilization in the Administration Department of the Defence Forces C4 Agency. The results of this survey are intended to offer development proposals in virtually exploiting tacit knowledge for the superiors of the Administration Department. The theoretical frame of reference consists of the concept of tacit knowledge itself as well as the emergence of tacit knowledge, learning, transferring tacit knowledge and possible obstacles concerning the transfer. Also the SECI-model for the development of tacit knowledge created by Nonaka and Takeuchi is presented in the theoretical section. The target organization of this research, The Defence Forces C4 Agency and its Administration Department,are also presented in the theoretical section. The survey was implemented as a qualitative research among the employes of the Defence Forces C4 Agency. Eight employees with diverse careers participated in the survey by person-to-person thematical interviews. From the results of this survey it was transpired that tacit knowledge is not exploited in the Administrative Department of the Defence Forces C4 Agency. The difficulties in recruiting, minor documentation of tacit knowledge as well as minor transferring of tacit knowledge as an employee leaves the organization were discovered to be the anomalies in the organizational operations. With this survey development proposals for these anomalies were obtained and are to be implemented in the Administration Department in the future

    Optimización de algoritmos de cálculo numérico

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    Modelling of the advection-diffusion equation with a meshless method without numerical diffusion

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    A comprehensive study is presented regarding the stability of the forward explicit integration technique with generalized finite difference spatial discretizations, free of numerical diffusion, applied to the advection-diffusion equation. The modified equivalent partial differential equation approach is used to demonstrate that the approximation is free of numerical diffusion. Two-dimensional results are obtained using the von Neumann method of stability analysis. Numerical results are presented showing the accuracy obtaine

    Modelling of the advection-diffusion equation with the generalized finite difference method

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    In this paper this meshless method is applied to 2D advection-diffusion problems. The results show the stability, simplicity, applicability and accuracy of this method

    Application of the generalized finite difference method to seismic wave propagation in 2D

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    This paper shows the application of generalized finite difference method (GFDM) to the problem of seismic wave propagation. We investigated stability and star dispersion in 2-D. We obtained indepedent stability conditions and star dispersion for the P and S waves. Also, we are obtained P and S-wave group velocity

    Una forma de aproximar el error en el método EFG

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    Generalización de elementos infinitos

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    A note on the application of the generalized finite difference method to seismic wave propagation in 2D

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    AbstractThis paper shows the application of generalized finite difference method (GFDM) to the problem of seismic wave propagation. We investigated stability and star dispersion in 2D.We obtained independent stability conditions and star dispersion of the phase velocity for the P and S waves. Also, P and S waves group velocity dispersion have been obtained

    Aplicación del método de diferencias finitas generalizadas a al resolución del problema de propagación de ondas en 2-D. Convergencia y estabilidad

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    En esta comunicacion se muestra la aplicacion del Metodo de Diferencias Fintas Generalizadas al problema de la propagacion de ondas sismicas, y mas concretamente se analiza la estabilidad y la dispersi on en la estrella para el caso 2-D. Se obtienen condiciones de estabilidad y dispersion en la estrella para las ondas S y P . Tambien se obtienen las velocidades de grupo de las ondas P y