73 research outputs found

    Extensive light profile fitting of galaxy-scale strong lenses

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    We investigate the merits of a massive forward modeling of ground-based optical imaging as a diagnostic for the strong lensing nature of Early-Type Galaxies, in the light of which blurred and faint Einstein rings can hide. We simulate several thousand mock strong lenses under ground- and space-based conditions as arising from the deflection of an exponential disk by a foreground de Vaucouleurs light profile whose lensing potential is described by a Singular Isothermal Ellipsoid. We then fit for the lensed light distribution with sl_fit after having subtracted the foreground light emission off (ideal case) and also after having fitted the deflector's light with galfit. By setting thresholds in the output parameter space, we can decide the lens/not-a-lens status of each system. We finally apply our strategy to a sample of 517 lens candidates present in the CFHTLS data to test the consistency of our selection approach. The efficiency of the fast modeling method at recovering the main lens parameters like Einstein radius, total magnification or total lensed flux, is quite comparable under CFHT and HST conditions when the deflector is perfectly subtracted off (only possible in simulations), fostering a sharp distinction between the good and the bad candidates. Conversely, for a more realistic subtraction, a substantial fraction of the lensed light is absorbed into the deflector's model, which biases the subsequent fitting of the rings and then disturbs the selection process. We quantify completeness and purity of the lens finding method in both cases. This suggests that the main limitation currently resides in the subtraction of the foreground light. Provided further enhancement of the latter, the direct forward modeling of large numbers of galaxy-galaxy strong lenses thus appears tractable and could constitute a competitive lens finder in the next generation of wide-field imaging surveys.Comment: A&A accepted version, minor changes (13 pages, 10 figures

    Constraints on MOND from the lensing cluster MS2137-23

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    The cluster of galaxies MS2137-23 presents the most constrained lensing configuration of gravitational images ever detected in a distant cluster of galaxies. With a set of two arc systems with known redshifts and many other arclets spread between ~30 h-1 kpc and 1 h-1 Mpc, MS2137-27 is well suited to probe its mass profile and to challenge theoretical expectations from CDM scenario with more speculative alternatives, like MOND models. In this note, I describe the recent lensing analysis I carried out on this cluster using together arcs and CHANDRA X-ray data. Even with this unique data set, I cannot reject neither an isothermal model nor an NFW model. The MOND model is not compatible with the observations, unless a significant fraction of the baryonic matter has not been detected by CHANDRA. The need for much more baryons in the MOND model than for the dark matter paradigm implies significant dynamical differences between these models which can be explored at very large radial distance. In particular, MOND lensing signal becomes isotropic beyond 1 h-1 Mpc, in contrast with collisionless DM halos which produce elliptical potentials. This difference can in principle be used to test MOND prescriptions, regardless the exact relation between matter and the gravitational deflection law assumed for MOND

    RingFinder: automated detection of galaxy-scale gravitational lenses in ground-based multi-filter imaging data

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    We present RingFinder, a tool for finding galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses in multiband imaging data. By construction, the method is sensitive to configurations involving a massive foreground early-type galaxy and a faint, background, blue source. RingFinder detects the presence of blue residuals embedded in an otherwise smooth red light distribution by difference imaging in two bands. The method is automated for efficient application to current and future surveys, having originally been designed for the 150-deg2 Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS). We describe each of the steps of RingFinder. We then carry out extensive simulations to assess completeness and purity. For sources with magnification mu>4, RingFinder reaches 42% (resp. 25%) completeness and 29% (resp. 86%) purity before (resp. after) visual inspection. The completeness of RingFinder is substantially improved in the particular range of Einstein radii 0.8 < REin < 2. and lensed images brighter than g = 22.5, where it can be as high as 70%. RingFinder does not introduce any significant bias in the source or deflector population. We conclude by presenting the final catalog of RingFinder CFHTLS galaxy-scale strong lens candidates. Additional information obtained with Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Adaptive Optics high resolution imaging, and with Keck and Very Large Telescope spectroscopy, is used to assess the validity of our classification, and measure the redshift of the foreground and the background objects. From an initial sample of 640,000 early type galaxies, RingFinder returns 2500 candidates, which we further reduce by visual inspection to 330 candidates. We confirm 33 new gravitational lenses from the main sample of candidates, plus an additional 16 systems taken from earlier versions of RingFinder. First applications are presented in the SL2S galaxy-scale Lens Sample paper series.Comment: 32 pages (aastex 2col format), 6 figs, ApJ Accepte

    On the Complementarity of Different Cosmological Probes with SLACS, BELLS and SL2S Strong Gravitational Lensing Data

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    Accelerating expansion of the Universe is now an indisputable observational fact and became one of the most important issues of both physics and cosmology today, known as dark energy (DE) problem. The nature of this phenomenon is still unknown and from observational point of view the only way to put some light on cosmic expansion history is to combine different methods which are alternative to each other. In this light, we explore the idea that strong gravitational lensing systems offer new opportunity to constrain DE parameters in a way complementary to other cosmological probes. It turns out that the angle of the confidence contour major axis for strong lensing measurements depends on the redshift of the sample what may help to break the degeneracy in the w0–wa parameters plane in the Chevalier–Polarski–Linder parametrization of DE equation of state

    Caustics in Dark Matter Haloes

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    Caustics are formally singular structures, with infinite density, that form in collisionless media. The non-negligible velocity dispersion of dark matter particles renders their density finite. We evaluate the maximum density of the caustics within the framework of secondary infall model of formation of dark matter haloes. The result is then used to demonstrate that caustics can be probed by properly stacking the weak-lensing signal of about 600 haloes. CFHTLS accompanied by X-ray observations and the space-based experiments like SNAP or DUNE can provide us with the required statistics and hence a way of distinguishing between the viable dark matter particle candidates. The extension of our results to more realistic models including the effects of mergers of haloes is briefly outlined.Comment: Minor changes, two references added, 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proc. 21st IAP Colloquium "Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures", Paris 4-9 July 2005, [EAS Publications Series, eds: G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, B. Fort

    The SL2S Galaxy-scale Lens Sample. V. Dark Matter Halos and Stellar IMF of Massive Early-type Galaxies out to Redshift 0.8

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    We investigate the cosmic evolution of the internal structure of massive early-type galaxies over half of the age of the Universe. We perform a joint lensing and stellar dynamics analysis of a sample of 81 strong lenses from the SL2S and SLACS surveys and combine the results with a hierarchical Bayesian inference method to measure the distribution of dark matter mass and stellar IMF across the population of massive early-type galaxies. Lensing selection effects are taken into account. We find that the dark matter mass projected within the inner 5 kpc increases for increasing redshift, decreases for increasing stellar mass density, but is roughly constant along the evolutionary tracks of early-type galaxies. The average dark matter slope is consistent with that of an NFW profile, but is not well constrained. The stellar IMF normalization is close to a Salpeter IMF at log⁡M∗=11.5\log{M_*} = 11.5 and scales strongly with increasing stellar mass. No dependence of the IMF on redshift or stellar mass density is detected. The anti-correlation between dark matter mass and stellar mass density supports the idea of mergers being more frequent in more massive dark matter halos.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journal. Revised version. (25 pages, 18 figures

    A weak lensing study of the Coma cluster

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    Due to observational constraints, dark matter determinations in nearby clusters based on weak lensing are still extremely rare, in spite of their importance for the determination of cluster properties independent of other methods. We present a weak lensing study of the Coma cluster (redshift 0.024) based on deep images obtained at the CFHT. After obtaining photometric redshifts for the galaxies in our field based on deep images in the u (1x1 deg2), and in the B, V, R and I bands (42'x52'), allowing us to eliminate foreground galaxies, we apply weak lensing calculations on shape measurements performed in the u image. We derive a map of the mass distribution in Coma, as well as the radial shear profile, and the mass and concentration parameter at various radii. We obtain M_200c = 5.1+4.3-2.1 x10^14 Msun and c_200c=5.0+3.2-2.5, in good agreement with previous measurements. With deep wide field images it is now possible to analyze nearby clusters with weak lensing techniques, thus opening a broad new field of investigation

    Intrinsic alignment of simulated galaxies in the cosmic web: implications for weak lensing surveys

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    The intrinsic alignment of galaxy shapes (by means of their angular momentum) and their cross-correlation with the surrounding dark matter tidal field are investigated using the 160 000, z=1.2 synthetic galaxies extracted from the high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulation Horizon-AGN. One- and two-point statistics of the spin of the stellar component are measured as a function of mass and colour. For the low-mass galaxies, this spin is locally aligned with the tidal field `filamentary' direction while, for the high-mass galaxies, it is perpendicular to both filaments and walls. The bluest galaxies of our synthetic catalog are more strongly correlated with the surrounding tidal field than the reddest galaxies, and this correlation extends up to 10 Mpc/h comoving distance. We also report a correlation of the projected ellipticities of blue, intermediate mass galaxies on a similar scale at a level of 10^(-4) which could be a concern for cosmic shear measurements. We do not report any measurable intrinsic alignments of the reddest galaxies of our sample. This work is a first step toward the use of very realistic catalog of synthetic galaxies to evaluate the contamination of weak lensing measurement by the intrinsic galactic alignments.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Strong lensing selection effects

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    Context. Strong lenses are a biased subset of the general population of galaxies. Aims. The goal of this work is to quantify how lens galaxies and lensed sources differ from their parent distribution, namely the strong lensing bias. Methods. We first studied how the strong lensing cross-section varies as a function of lens and source properties. Then, we simulated strong lensing surveys with data similar to that expected for Euclid and measured the strong lensing bias in different scenarios. We focused particularly on two quantities: the stellar population synthesis mismatch parameter, αsps\alpha_{sps}, defined as the ratio between the true stellar mass of a galaxy and the stellar mass obtained from photometry, and the central dark matter mass at fixed stellar mass and size. Results. Strong lens galaxies are biased towards larger stellar masses, smaller half-mass radii and larger dark matter masses. The amplitude of the bias depends on the intrinsic scatter in the mass-related parameters of the galaxy population and on the completeness in Einstein radius of the lens sample. For values of the scatter that are consistent with observed scaling relations and a minimum detectable Einstein radius of 0.5â€Čâ€Č0.5'', the strong lensing bias in αsps\alpha_{sps} is 10%10\%, while that in the central dark matter mass is 5%5\%. The bias has little dependence on the properties of the source population: samples of galaxy-galaxy lenses and galaxy-quasar lenses that probe the same Einstein radius distribution are biased in a very similar way. Conclusions. Given current uncertainties, strong lensing observations can be used directly to improve our current knowledge of the inner structure of galaxies, without the need to correct for selection effects. Time-delay measurements of H0H_0 from lensed quasars can take advantage of prior information obtained from galaxy-galaxy lenses with similar Einstein radii.Comment: Published on Astronomy & Astrophysics. A two-minute summary video of this paper is available at https://youtu.be/UmS9jRHTmZ
