857 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of Recall Regimen and Maintenance Regimen of Patients with Dental Restorations. Part 2: Implant-Borne Restorations

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    Purpose To evaluate the current scientific evidence on patient recall and maintenance of implant-supported restorations, to standardize patient care regimens and improve maintenance of oral health. An additional purpose was to examine areas of deficiency in the current scientific literature and provide recommendations for future studies. Materials and Methods An electronic search for articles in the English language literature from the past 10 years was performed independently by multiple investigators using a systematic search process. After application of predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final list of articles was reviewed to meet the objectives of this review. Results The initial electronic search resulted in 2816 titles. The systematic application of inclusion and exclusion criteria resulted in 14 articles that satisfied the study objectives. An additional 6 articles were added through a supplemental search process for a total of 20 studies. Of these, 11 were randomized controlled clinical trials, and 9 were observational studies. The majority of the studies (15 out of 20) were conducted in the past 5 years and most studies were conducted in Europe (15), followed by Asia (2), South America (1), the United States (1), and the Middle East (1). Results from the qualitative data on a combined 1088 patients indicated that outcome improvements in recall and maintenance regimen were related to (1) patient/treatment characteristic (type of prosthesis, type of prosthetic components, and type of restorative materials); (2) specific oral topical agents or oral hygiene aids (electric toothbrush, interdental brush, chlorhexidine, triclosan, water flossers) and (3) professional intervention (oral hygiene maintenance, and maintenance of the prosthesis). Conclusions There is minimal evidence related to recall regimens in patients with implant-borne removable and fixed restorations; however, a considerable body of evidence indicates that patients with implant-borne removable and fixed restorations require lifelong professional recall regimens to provide biological and mechanical maintenance, customized for each patient. Current evidence also demonstrates that the use of specific oral topical agents and oral hygiene aids can improve professional and at-home maintenance of implant-borne restorations. There is evidence to demonstrate differences in mechanical and biological maintenance needs due to differences in prosthetic materials and designs. Deficiencies in existing evidence compel the forethought of creating clinical practice guidelines for recall and maintenance of patients with implant-borne dental restorations

    Geometric Loss for Deep Multiple Sclerosis lesion Segmentation

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions occupy a small fraction of the brain volume, and are heterogeneous with regards to shape, size and locations, which poses a great challenge for training deep learning based segmentation models. We proposed a new geometric loss formula to address the data imbalance and exploit the geometric property of MS lesions. We showed that traditional region-based and boundary-aware loss functions can be associated with the formula. We further develop and instantiate two loss functions containing first- and second-order geometric information of lesion regions to enforce regularization on optimizing deep segmentation models. Experimental results on two MS lesion datasets with different scales, acquisition protocols and resolutions demonstrated the superiority of our proposed methods compared to other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 5 pages, three figure

    Larger lesion volume in people with multiple sclerosis is associated with increased transition energies between brain states and decreased entropy of brain activity

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    AbstractQuantifying the relationship between the brain’s functional activity patterns and its structural backbone is crucial when relating the severity of brain pathology to disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). Network control theory (NCT) characterizes the brain’s energetic landscape using the structural connectome and patterns of brain activity over time. We applied NCT to investigate brain-state dynamics and energy landscapes in controls and people with MS (pwMS). We also computed entropy of brain activity and investigated its association with the dynamic landscape’s transition energy and lesion volume. Brain states were identified by clustering regional brain activity vectors, and NCT was applied to compute the energy required to transition between these brain states. We found that entropy was negatively correlated with lesion volume and transition energy, and that larger transition energies were associated with pwMS with disability. This work supports the notion that shifts in the pattern of brain activity in pwMS without disability results in decreased transition energies compared to controls, but, as this shift evolves over the disease, transition energies increase beyond controls and disability occurs. Our results provide the first evidence in pwMS that larger lesion volumes result in greater transition energy between brain states and decreased entropy of brain activity

    RSANet: Recurrent Slice-wise Attention Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation

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    Brain lesion volume measured on T2 weighted MRI images is a clinically important disease marker in multiple sclerosis (MS). Manual delineation of MS lesions is a time-consuming and highly operator-dependent task, which is influenced by lesion size, shape and conspicuity. Recently, automated lesion segmentation algorithms based on deep neural networks have been developed with promising results. In this paper, we propose a novel recurrent slice-wise attention network (RSANet), which models 3D MRI images as sequences of slices and captures long-range dependencies through a recurrent manner to utilize contextual information of MS lesions. Experiments on a dataset with 43 patients show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches. Our implementation is available online at https://github.com/tinymilky/RSANet.Comment: Accepted for publication in MICCAI 201

    Maximum Spherical Mean Value (mSMV) Filtering for Whole Brain Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping

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    To develop a tissue field filtering algorithm, called maximum Spherical Mean Value (mSMV), for reducing shadow artifacts in quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) of the brain without requiring brain tissue erosion.Residual background field is a major source of shadow artifacts in QSM. The mSMV algorithm filters large field values near the border, where the maximum value of the harmonic background field is located. The effectiveness of mSMV for artifact removal was evaluated by comparing with existing QSM algorithms in numerical brain simulation as well as using in vivo human data acquired from 11 healthy volunteers and 93 patients. Numerical simulation showed that mSMV reduces shadow artifacts and improves QSM accuracy. Better shadow reduction, as demonstrated by lower QSM variation in the gray matter and higher QSM image quality score, was also observed in healthy subjects and in patients with hemorrhages, stroke and multiple sclerosis. The mSMV algorithm allows QSM maps that are substantially equivalent to those obtained using SMV-filtered dipole inversion without eroding the volume of interest.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    MRI Analysis of White Matter Myelin Water Content in Multiple Sclerosis: A Novel Approach Applied to Finding Correlates of Cortical Thinning

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    A novel lesion-mask free method based on a gamma mixture model was applied to myelin water fraction (MWF) maps to estimate the association between cortical thickness and myelin content, and how it differs between relapsing-remitting (RRMS) and secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) groups (135 and 23 patients, respectively). It was compared to an approach based on lesion masks. The gamma mixture distribution of whole brain, white matter (WM) MWF was characterized with three variables: the mode (most frequent value) m1 of the gamma component shown to relate to lesion, the mode m2 of the component shown to be associated with normal appearing (NA) WM, and the mixing ratio (λ) between the two distributions. The lesion-mask approach relied on the mean MWF within lesion and within NAWM. A multivariate regression analysis was carried out to find the best predictors of cortical thickness for each group and for each approach. The gamma-mixture method was shown to outperform the lesion-mask approach in terms of adjusted R2, both for the RRMS and SPMS groups. The predictors of the final gamma-mixture models were found to be m1 (β = 1.56, p \u3c 0.005), λ (β = −0.30, p \u3c 0.0005) and age (β = −0.0031, p \u3c 0.005) for the RRMS group (adjusted R2 = 0.16), and m2 (β = 4.72, p \u3c 0.0005) for the SPMS group (adjusted R2 = 0.45). Further, a DICE coefficient analysis demonstrated that the lesion mask had more overlap to an ROI associated with m1, than to an ROI associated with m2 (p \u3c 0.00001), and vice versa for the NAWM mask (p \u3c 0.00001). These results suggest that during the relapsing phase, focal WM damage is associated with cortical thinning, yet in SPMS patients, global WM deterioration has a much stronger influence on secondary degeneration. Through these findings, we demonstrate the potential contribution of myelin loss on neuronal degeneration at different disease stages and the usefulness of our statistical reduction technique which is not affected by the typical bias associated with approaches based on lesion masks

    Toward Precision Phenotyping of Multiple Sclerosis

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    The classification of multiple sclerosis (MS) has been established by Lublin in 1996 and revised in 2013. The revision includes clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting, primary progressive and secondary progressive MS, and has added activity (i.e., formation of white matter lesions or clinical relapses) as a qualifier. This allows for the distinction between active and nonactive progression, which has been shown to be of clinical importance. We propose that a logical extension of this classification is the incorporation of additional key pathological processes, such as chronic perilesional inflammation, neuroaxonal degeneration, and remyelination. This will distinguish MS phenotypes that may present as clinically identical but are driven by different combinations of pathological processes. A more precise description of MS phenotypes will improve prognostication and personalized care as well as clinical trial design. Thus, our proposal provides an expanded framework for conceptualizing MS and for guiding development of biomarkers for monitoring activity along the main pathological axes in MS.</p

    Molecular Mechanisms Generating and Stabilizing Terminal 22q13 Deletions in 44 Subjects with Phelan/McDermid Syndrome

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    In this study, we used deletions at 22q13, which represent a substantial source of human pathology (Phelan/McDermid syndrome), as a model for investigating the molecular mechanisms of terminal deletions that are currently poorly understood. We characterized at the molecular level the genomic rearrangement in 44 unrelated patients with 22q13 monosomy resulting from simple terminal deletions (72%), ring chromosomes (14%), and unbalanced translocations (7%). We also discovered interstitial deletions between 17–74 kb in 9% of the patients. Haploinsufficiency of the SHANK3 gene, confirmed in all rearrangements, is very likely the cause of the major neurological features associated with PMS. SHANK3 mutations can also result in language and/or social interaction disabilities. We determined the breakpoint junctions in 29 cases, providing a realistic snapshot of the variety of mechanisms driving non-recurrent deletion and repair at chromosome ends. De novo telomere synthesis and telomere capture are used to repair terminal deletions; non-homologous end-joining or microhomology-mediated break-induced replication is probably involved in ring 22 formation and translocations; non-homologous end-joining and fork stalling and template switching prevail in cases with interstitial 22q13.3. For the first time, we also demonstrated that distinct stabilizing events of the same terminal deletion can occur in different early embryonic cells, proving that terminal deletions can be repaired by multistep healing events and supporting the recent hypothesis that rare pathogenic germline rearrangements may have mitotic origin. Finally, the progressive clinical deterioration observed throughout the longitudinal medical history of three subjects over forty years supports the hypothesis of a role for SHANK3 haploinsufficiency in neurological deterioration, in addition to its involvement in the neurobehavioral phenotype of PMS
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