132 research outputs found

    Deutsch lernen nach (und trotz) der Bildungsreform in Frankreich - eine Zwischenbilanz

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    Cet article propose de revenir sur les consĂ©quences de la rĂ©forme du collĂšge de 2015 pour l’apprentissage de l’allemand et les conditions de sa mise en place Ă  la rentrĂ©e 2016/2017. La rĂ©flexion sur l’arrĂȘtĂ© du 16 juin 2017 publiĂ© par le nouveau gouvernement permet de mesurer si les modifications apportĂ©es relĂšvent d’un rĂ©tropĂ©dalage institutionnel ou d’une possibilitĂ© de restaurer ce qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©truit par la rĂ©forme de la prĂ©cĂ©dente ministre de l’Education Nationale. La derniĂšre partie examinera diverses actions inscrites dans une constante de la politique Ă©ducative de ces quinze derniĂšres annĂ©es : faciliter l’intĂ©gration des apprenant.e.s dans le monde professionnel par le dĂ©veloppement des compĂ©tences.This article focuses on the consequences of the secondary school reform in France for learning German in 2015 and its implementation in 2016/2017. The by-law decided by the new government on June 16, 2017 allows us to judge whether the latest changes are due to retrograde politics or to the possibility to restore the measures the previous reform destroyed. Several concrete actions are examined as being regular and recurrent features of the French education system over the last fifteen years: facilitating the integration of students into the business world by skills development

    La dĂ©signation « politiquement correcte » des Ă©trangers dans les manuels d’enseignement de l’allemand langue Ă©trangĂšre en France

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    L’article Ă©tudie la dĂ©signation des groupes migratoires Ă©trangers dans les manuels d’enseignement de l’allemand langue Ă©trangĂšre au lycĂ©e français. Il s’agit de dĂ©terminer dans quelle mesure les dĂ©signations prĂ©sentes dans les manuels relĂšvent d’une stratĂ©gie discursive antidiscriminatoire « politiquement correcte ». Dans un premier temps, l’article prĂ©cise le contexte institutionnel français faisant de la dĂ©signation de l’Autre un enjeu pragmatique actuel. L’article procĂšde ensuite Ă  une analyse quantitative des procĂ©dĂ©s lexicaux relevĂ©s dans un corpus composĂ© de 54 manuels Ă©ditĂ©s depuis l’annĂ©e 2001, pour montrer l’évolution sĂ©mantique et idĂ©ologique en matiĂšre de dĂ©signation des Ă©trangers. La mise en perspective des rĂ©sultats dans les manuels Ă©ditĂ©s suite aux derniers Programmes de langues vivantes de l’Éducation nationale parus le 22 janvier 2019 permet de dĂ©terminer en quoi la dĂ©signation « politiquement correcte » des Ă©trangers s’inscrit dans une dĂ©marche prescriptive de l’institution auprĂšs des enseignant.e.s. L’article conclut sur l’enjeu pĂ©dagogique que reprĂ©sente la dĂ©signation « politiquement correcte » dans l’enseignement de l’allemand langue Ă©trangĂšre.This article examines designations used to describe foreign migratory groups in textbooks for German as a foreign language in French public high school. We raise the question of how the designations found in German textbooks are part of an anti-discriminatory discursive strategy of “political correctness”. The article begins by describing the French institutional context, examining why such designations are a topical pragmatic issue. The article continues with a quantitative, lexical analysis of a corpus of 54 textbooks published since 2001, showing the evolution of semantics and ideology to designate foreigners. The corpus includes textbooks published within the latest National Education Modern Language Programmes of 22 January 2019, permitting analysis of the “politically correct” designation of foreigners as part of the institution’s prescriptive approach by the teachers. The article concludes with a discussion of the pedagogical implications of a “politically correct designation” in the teaching of German as a foreign language

    Le discours public sur la langue Ă©quitable en genre en Allemagne : refus d’une altera lingua

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    La contribution examine les stratĂ©gies discursives par lesquelles certains locuteurs et scripteurs refusent, en Allemagne fĂ©dĂ©rale, une langue « équitable en genre » comme variĂ©tĂ© convenant Ă  tous les usages sociaux. Les prises de position vĂ©hĂ©mentes Ă  son sujet s’efforcent Ă  une destruction argumentative qui pourrait ĂȘtre comprise comme le refus de lui accorder un statut systĂ©mique et social : ce ne peut pas ĂȘtre une langue. Trois types d’arguments effectuent cette mise en altĂ©rité : (1) le refus du statut scientifique Ă  la discussion et Ă  la langue ; (2) le caractĂšre risible de la langue produite ; (3) la nĂ©gation du droit Ă  l’existence de la langue Ă©quitable en genre. Le corpus est constituĂ© d’énoncĂ©s de linguistes aussi bien que de profanes informĂ©s (Ă©crivains, journalistes, humoristes) refusant qu’on touche Ă  la seule vraie langue.This contribution examines the discursive strategies used by certain speakers and writers in the Federal Republic of Germany to reject a gender-inclusive language as a variety suitable for all social uses. The strong positions taken on its subject are aimed at an argumentative destruction that could be understood as a refusal to grant it a systemic and social status: it cannot be a language. Three types of argument are used to achieve this otherness (altera lingua): (1) the denial of scientific status to the discussion and to the language; (2) the ridiculousness of the language produced; (3) the denial of an existence right to gender-inclusive language. The corpus consists of statements by linguists as well as by informed speakers (writers, journalists, humorists) refusing to pervert the only true language.Der Beitrag untersucht einige Diskursstrategien, mit welchen eine geschlechtergerechte Sprache als VarietĂ€t abgelehnt wird, die alle gesellschaftlichen Funktionen der Sprache erfĂŒllen könnte. Lautstarke bis giftige Urteile zeigen die radikale Ablehnung ihres sozialen und systemischen Status‘ durch Sprechende und Schreibende in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: sie gilt nicht als Sprache. Drei Hauptargumente bewirken diese Andersartigkeit (altera lingua): Die Diskussion ĂŒber sie und die Bildung dieser Sprache seien unwissenschaftlich, die Sprache selber lĂ€cherlich, was zur Negierung ihres Existenzrechtes fĂŒhrt. Äußerungen sowohl von LinguistInnen als auch von Laien (Journalisten, Schriftstellern, Kabarettisten) bilden ein Korpus von Stellungnahmen, die sich weigern, eine andere als die einzig richtige Sprache anzuerkennen

    Trophic niche of three carnivores in southern Belgium : raccoon (Procyon lotor), European badger (Meles meles) and stone marten (Martes foina)

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    In Belgium, a sighting of raccoons (Procyon lotor) was recorded for the very first time in 1986. Howerver, expainsion only increased from 2009, particularly in the Ardennes region. It is therefore interesting to study its invasivenees, particulaly in terms of trophic competition in relation to indigenous carnivores. This study will compare the diets of raccoons with badgers (Meles meles) and stone martens (Martes foina). To do this, 142 stomach contents of raccoons and 150 of badgers from the Southern part of Belgium were processed and analysed. For the stone marten, data from a previous study via the faeces, led in same region, were used. Raccoons mainly consume insects, corn, amphibians, dried fruits and fish, but all classes of vertebrates, invertebrates (oligochaetes, gastropods, arthropods), seeds, dried fluits, fleshy fruits and anthropogenic food remains were found. Badgers do not eat aquatic prey but consume a lot of earthworms, and to a lesser extent slugs, chafer larvae, bumblebee larvae and carrion (dormouse, squirrel...). The trophic overlap of the raccoon and badger shows partial overlap, especially of oligochaetes, maize, geotrupes, acorns and carabids (aij Pianka = 0.53). These items are very abundant in natural environnements, especially in open area. Food competition would therefore be quite low for those two species. The stone marten is quite opportunistic. Its diet mainly includes rodents, birds and hen eggs. Trophic overlap is therefore quite low between and raccoons (0.20) or badgers (0.27)

    Radio emission of extensive air shower at CODALEMA: Polarization of the radio emission along the v*B vector

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    Cosmic rays extensive air showers (EAS) are associated with transient radio emission, which could provide an efficient new detection method of high energy cosmic rays, combining a calorimetric measurement with a high duty cycle. The CODALEMA experiment, installed at the Radio Observatory in Nancay, France, is investigating this phenomenon in the 10^17 eV region. One challenging point is the understanding of the radio emission mechanism. A first observation indicating a linear relation between the electric field produced and the cross product of the shower axis with the geomagnetic field direction has been presented (B. Revenu, this conference). We will present here other strong evidences for this linear relationship, and some hints on its physical origin.Comment: Contribution to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009. 4 pages, 8 figures. v2: Typo fixed, arxiv references adde

    Geomagnetic origin of the radio emission from cosmic ray induced air showers observed by CODALEMA

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    The new setup of the CODALEMA experiment installed at the Radio Observatory in Nancay, France, is described. It includes broadband active dipole antennas and an extended and upgraded particle detector array. The latter gives access to the air shower energy, allowing us to compute the efficiency of the radio array as a function of energy. We also observe a large asymmetry in counting rates between showers coming from the North and the South in spite of the symmetry of the detector. The observed asymmetry can be interpreted as a signature of the geomagnetic origin of the air shower radio emission. A simple linear dependence of the electric field with respect to vxB is used which reproduces the angular dependencies of the number of radio events and their electric polarity.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    Emile Bouchez. Le clergĂ© du pays rĂ©mois pendant la RĂ©volution et la suppression de l'archevĂȘchĂ© de Reims (1789-1821)

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    Gautherot Gustave. Emile Bouchez. Le clergĂ© du pays rĂ©mois pendant la RĂ©volution et la suppression de l'archevĂȘchĂ© de Reims (1789-1821). In: Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France, tome 5, n°26, 1914. pp. 216-218

    Paul Pisani. L'Église de Paris et la RĂ©volution

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    Gautherot Gustave. Paul Pisani. L'Église de Paris et la RĂ©volution. In: Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France, tome 4, n°22, 1913. pp. 418-421

    Vom Sprachfeminismus zum gendergerechten Sprachgebrauchin der BRD

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    This article focuses upon the evolution of an ideologically dominated linguistic feminism to the application of gender-sensitive language in contemporary German. Three linguistic strategies – distinction, neutralization, graphostylistic disturbance – with corresponding linguistic forms will be examined in two German university guidelines, intending to reveal which ones are considered as pragmatically acceptable in communicative practice


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    Gautherot Gustave. Robespierre . In: Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France, tome 3, n°16, 1912. pp. 397-420
