300 research outputs found

    Walking with giants: The challenges of variant impact assessment in the giant sarcomeric protein titin

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    Titin, the so-called “third filament” of the sarcomere, represents a difficult challenge for the determination of damaging genetic variants. A single titin molecule extends across half the length of a sarcomere in striated muscle, fulfilling a variety of vital structural and signaling roles, and has been linked to an equally varied range of myopathies, resulting in a significant burden on individuals and healthcare systems alike. While the consequences of truncating variants of titin are well-documented, the ramifications of the missense variants prevalent in the general population are less so. We here present a compendium of titin missense variants—those that result in a single amino-acid substitution in coding regions—reported to be pathogenic and discuss these in light of the nature of titin and the variant position within the sarcomere and their domain, the structural, pathological, and biophysical characteristics that define them, and the methods used for characterization. Finally, we discuss the current knowledge and integration of the multiple fields that have contributed to our understanding of titin-related pathology and offer suggestions as to how these concurrent methodologies may aid the further development in our understanding of titin and hopefully extend to other, less well-studied giant proteins. This article is categorized under: Cardiovascular Diseases > Genetics/Genomics/Epigenetics Congenital Diseases > Genetics/Genomics/Epigenetics Congenital Diseases > Molecular and Cellular Physiology

    Developmental regulation of MURF E3 ubiquitin ligases in skeletal muscle

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    The striated muscle-specific tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins TRIM63/MURF1, TRIM55/MURF2 and TRIM54/MURF3 can function as E3 ubiquitin ligases in ubiquitin-mediated muscle protein turnover. Despite the well-characterised role of MURF1 in skeletal muscle atrophy, the dynamics of MURF isogene expression in the development and early postnatal adaptation of skeletal muscle is unknown. Here, we show that MURF2 is the isogene most highly expressed in embryonic skeletal muscle at E15.5, with the 50 kDa A isoform predominantly expressed. MURF1 and MURF3 are upregulated only postnatally. Knockdown of MURF2 p50A by isoform-specific siRNA results in delayed myogenic differentiation and myotube formation in vitro, with perturbation of the stable, glutamylated microtubule population. This underscores that MURF2 plays an important role in the earliest stages of skeletal muscle differentiation and myofibrillogenesis. During further development, there is a shift towards the 60 kDa A isoform, which dominates postnatally. Analysis of the fibre-type expression shows that MURF2 A isoforms are predominantly slow-fibre associated, whilst MURF1 is largely excluded from these fibres, and MURF3 is ubiquitously distributed in both type I and II fibres

    Cytoskeletal protein kinases: titin and its relations in mechanosensing

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    Titin, the giant elastic ruler protein of striated muscle sarcomeres, contains a catalytic kinase domain related to a family of intrasterically regulated protein kinases. The most extensively studied member of this branch of the human kinome is the Ca2+–calmodulin (CaM)-regulated myosin light-chain kinases (MLCK). However, not all kinases of the MLCK branch are functional MLCKs, and about half lack a CaM binding site in their C-terminal autoinhibitory tail (AI). A unifying feature is their association with the cytoskeleton, mostly via actin and myosin filaments. Titin kinase, similar to its invertebrate analogue twitchin kinase and likely other “MLCKs”, is not Ca2+–calmodulin-activated. Recently, local protein unfolding of the C-terminal AI has emerged as a common mechanism in the activation of CaM kinases. Single-molecule data suggested that opening of the TK active site could also be achieved by mechanical unfolding of the AI. Mechanical modulation of catalytic activity might thus allow cytoskeletal signalling proteins to act as mechanosensors, creating feedback mechanisms between cytoskeletal tension and tension generation or cellular remodelling. Similar to other MLCK-like kinases like DRAK2 and DAPK1, TK is linked to protein turnover regulation via the autophagy/lysosomal system, suggesting the MLCK-like kinases have common functions beyond contraction regulation

    Species-specific differences in the Pro-Ala rich region of cardiac myosin binding protein-C

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    Cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) is an accessory protein found in the A-bands of vertebrate sarcomeres and mutations in the cMyBP-C gene are a leading cause of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The regulatory functions of cMyBP-C have been attributed to the N-terminus of the protein, which is composed of tandem immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains (C0, C1, and C2), a region rich in proline and alanine residues (the Pro-Ala rich region) that links C0 and C1, and a unique sequence referred to as the MyBP-C motif, or M-domain, that links C1 and C2. Recombinant proteins that contain various combinations of the N-terminal domains of cMyBP-C can activate actomyosin interactions in the absence of Ca2+, but the specific sequences required for these effects differ between species; the Pro-Ala region has been implicated in human cMyBP-C whereas the C1 and M-domains appear important in mouse cMyBP-C. To investigate whether species-specific differences in sequence can account for the observed differences in function, we compared sequences of the Pro-Ala rich region in cMyBP-C isoforms from different species. Here we report that the number of proline and alanine residues in the Pro-Ala rich region varies significantly between different species and that the number correlates directly with mammalian body size and inversely with heart rate. Thus, systematic sequence differences in the Pro-Ala rich region of cMyBP-C may contribute to observed functional differences in human versus mouse cMyBP-C isoforms and suggest that the Pro-Ala region may be important in matching contractile speed to cardiac function across species

    Phosphoregulation of the Titin-cap Protein Telethonin in Cardiac Myocytes

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    Telethonin (also known as titin-cap or t-cap) is a muscle-specific protein whose mutation is associated with cardiac and skeletal myopathies through unknown mechanisms. Our previous work identified cardiac telethonin as an interaction partner for the protein kinase D catalytic domain. In this study, kinase assays used in conjunction with MS and site-directed mutagenesis confirmed telethonin as a substrate for protein kinase D and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase II in vitro and identified Ser-157 and Ser-161 as the phosphorylation sites. Phosphate affinity electrophoresis and MS revealed endogenous telethonin to exist in a constitutively bis-phosphorylated form in isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes and in mouse and rat ventricular myocardium. Following heterologous expression in myocytes by adenoviral gene transfer, wild-type telethonin became bis-phosphorylated, whereas S157A/S161A telethonin remained non-phosphorylated. Nevertheless, both proteins localized predominantly to the sarcomeric Z-disc, where they partially replaced endogenous telethonin. Such partial replacement with S157A/S161A telethonin disrupted transverse tubule organization and prolonged the time to peak of the intracellular Ca(2+) transient and increased its variance. These data reveal, for the first time, that cardiac telethonin is constitutively bis-phosphorylated and suggest that such phosphorylation is critical for normal telethonin function, which may include maintenance of transverse tubule organization and intracellular Ca(2+) transients