160 research outputs found

    Placental DAPK1 and autophagy marker LC3B-II are dysregulated by TNF-α in a gestational age-dependent manner

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    Autophagy, a cell-survival process responsible for degradation of protein aggregates and damaged organelles, is increasingly recognized as another mechanism essential for human placentation. A substantial body of experiments suggests inflammation and oxidative stress as the underlying stimuli for altered placental autophagy, giving rise to placenta dysfunction and pregnancy pathologies. Here, the hypothesis is tested whether or not pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-{alpha} are able to influence the expression profile of autophagy genes in human first-trimester villous placenta. Autophagy-focused qPCR arrays identified substantial downregulation of death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK1) in first-trimester placental explants in response to IL-6 and TNF-{alpha}, respectively. Immunohistochemistry of placental explants detected considerable DAPK1 staining in placental macrophages, villous cytotrophoblasts and less intense in the syncytiotrophoblast. Both immunohistochemistry and Western blot showed decreased DAPK1 protein in TNF-{alpha}-treated placental explants compared to control. On cellular level, DAPK1 expression decreased in SGHPL-4 trophoblasts in response to TNF-{alpha}. Observed changes in the expression profile of autophagy-related genes were reflected by significantly decreased lipidation of autophagy marker microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 beta (LC3B-II) in first trimester placental explants in response to TNF-{alpha}. Analysis of TNF-{alpha}-treated term placental explants showed decreased DAPK1 protein, whereas in contrast to first-trimester LC3B expression and lipidation increased. Immunohistochemistry of placental tissues from early-onset preeclampsia (PE) showed less DAPK1 staining, when compared to controls. Accordingly, DAPK1 mRNA and protein were decreased in primary trophoblasts isolated from early-onset PE, while LC3B-I and -II were increased. Results from this study suggest that DAPK1, a regulator of apoptosis, autophagy and programmed necrosis, decreases in human placenta in response to elevated maternal TNF-{alpha}, irrespective of gestational age. In contrast, TNF-{alpha} differentially regulates levels of autophagy marker LC3B in human placenta over gestation

    Downregulation of p53 drives autophagy during human trophoblast differentiation

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    The placental barrier is crucial for the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus and is maintained by differentiation and fusion of mononucleated cytotrophoblasts into the syncytiotrophoblast, a process only partially understood. Here transcriptome and pathway analyses during differentiation and fusion of cultured trophoblasts yielded p53 signaling as negative upstream regulator and indicated an upregulation of autophagy-related genes. We further showed p53 mRNA and protein levels decreased during trophoblast differentiation. Reciprocally, autophagic flux increased and cytoplasmic LC3B-GFP puncta became more abundant, indicating enhanced autophagic activity. In line, in human first trimester placenta p53 protein mainly localized to the cytotrophoblast, while autophagy marker LC3B as well as late autophagic compartments were predominantly detectable in the syncytiotrophoblast. Importantly, ectopic overexpression of p53 reduced levels of LC3B-II, supporting a negative regulatory role on autophagy in differentiating trophoblasts. This was also shown in primary trophoblasts and human first trimester placental explants, where pharmacological stabilization of p53 decreased LC3B-II levels. In summary our data suggest that differentiation-dependent downregulation of p53 is a prerequisite for activating autophagy in the syncytiotrophoblast

    Low-temperature structural model of hcp solid C70_{70}

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    We report intermolecular potential-energy calculations for solid C_70{70} and determine the optimum static orientations of the molecules at low temperature; we find them to be consistent with the monoclinic structural model proposed by us in an earlier report [Solid State Commun. {\bf 105), 247 (1998)]. This model indicates that the C_5 axis of the molecule is tilted by an angle \approx18^o from the monoclinic b axis in contrast with the molecular orientation proposed by Verheijen {\it et al.} [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 166}, 287 (1992)] where the C_5 axis is parallel to the monoclinic b axis. In this calculation we have incorporated the effective bond charge Coulomb potential together with the Lennard-Jones potential between the molecule at the origin of the monoclinic unit cell and its six nearest neighbours, three above and three below. The minimum energy configuration for the molecular orientations turns out to be at θ\theta=18^o, ϕ\phi=8^o, and ψ\psi=5^o, where θ\theta, ϕ\phi, and ψ\psi define the molecular orientations.Comment: ReVTeX (4 pages) + 2 PostScript figure

    Increased expression of endothelial lipase in symptomatic and unstable carotid plaques

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate endothelial lipase (EL) protein expression in advanced human carotid artery plaques (HCAP) with regard to plaque (in)stability and the incidence of symptoms. HCAP were collected from 66 patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA). The degree of plaque (in)stability was estimated by ultrasound and histology. In HCAP sections, EL expression was determined by immunostaining and the intensity was assessed on a semi-quantitative scale (low: <25%, high: >25% positive cells). Monocytes and macrophages in adjacent HCAP sections were stained with a CD163 specific antibody. High EL staining was more prevalent in histologically unstable plaques (in 33.3% of fibrous plaques, 50% of ulcerated non-complicated plaques and 79.2% of ulcerated complicated plaques; χ2 test, p = 0.004) and in the symptomatic group (70.8 vs. 42.9% in the asymptomatic group; χ2 test, p = 0.028). The majority of EL immunostaining was found in those HCAP regions exhibiting a strong CD163 immunostaining. EL in HCAP might be a marker and/or promoter of plaque instability and HCAP-related symptomatology

    Relinquishing and Governing the Volatile: The Many Afghanistans and Critical Research Agendas of NATO's Governance

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    This article invites academics and policy analysts to examine the mechanisms and legacy of NATO's security and development governance of Afghan social spaces by using critical theory concepts. It argues that such scholarly endeavors are growing in importance as the United States and NATO gradually pull their troops out of Afghanistan. Thus, the article suggests a broad twofold research agenda. First, it points out that researching social spaces such as towns, villages, marketplaces, and neighborhoods beyond the realm of intergovernmental politics can lead to thick descriptions of how such places have been governed from within by agents external to them. Second, the study argues for a multifaceted examination of instruments, strategies, and institutions of security governance, its conduct and social effects by deploying critical and Foucauldian concepts such as the rationality and apparatuses of power relations. Thereby, it proposes an inquiry into Provincial Reconstruction Teams and Afghan National Security Forces as spatially and temporally specific apparatuses of surveillance and security

    Hydrological drought characteristics

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    In this chapter, you will find an overview of the most used hydrological drought characteristics and their derivation. This includes single low flow indices, such as percentiles from the flow duration curve; drought deficit characteristics derived by the threshold level method, such as duration and deficit volume, standardised indices, such as the Standardised Groundwater Level Index, multivariate indices based on modelling or a combination of ‘stand alone’ indices, and spatial drought indices. We explain methods of calculation in terms of both time series and single indices and give examples of how to derive different indices through worked examples. The methods described are applicable for both observed and simulated time series of hydrological variables representing a flux, such as river flow, or a state variable, such as groundwater levels. We also give general recommendations for the choice of index based on the problem under study, data availability and climatic and regional characteristics. Finally, we describe the relationship between different drought indices

    Kidney injury caused by preeclamptic pregnancy recovers postpartum in a transgenic rat model

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is characterized by the onset of hypertension (≥140/90 mmHg) and presence of proteinuria (>300 mg/L/24 h urine) or other maternal organ dysfunctions. During human PE, renal injuries have been observed. Some studies suggest that women with PE diagnosis have an increased risk to develop renal diseases later in life. However, in human studies PE as a single cause of this development cannot be investigated. Here, we aimed to investigate the effect of PE on postpartum renal damage in an established transgenic PE rat model. Female rats harboring the human-angiotensinogen gene develop a preeclamptic phenotype after mating with male rats harboring the human-renin gene, but are normotensive before and after pregnancy. During pregnancy PE rats developed mild tubular and glomerular changes assessed by histologic analysis, increased gene expression of renal damage markers such as kidney injury marker 1 and connective-tissue growth factor, and albuminuria compared to female wild-type rats (WT). However, four weeks postpartum, most PE-related renal pathologies were absent, including albuminuria and elevated biomarker expression. Only mild enlargement of the glomerular tuft could be detected. Overall, the glomerular and tubular function were affected during pregnancy in the transgenic PE rat. However, almost all these pathologies observed during PE recovered postpartum