343 research outputs found

    A New Method for the Determination of the Real Part of the Hadron Elastic Scattering Amplitude at Small Angles and High Energies

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    A new method for the determination of the real part of the elastic scattering amplitude is examined for high energy proton-proton elastic scattering at small momentum transfer. This method allows us to decrease the number of model assumptions, to obtain the real part in a narrow region of momentum transfer and to test different models. The real part is computed at a given point t_min near t=0 from the known Coulomb amplitude. Hence one obtains an important constraint on the real part of the forward scattering amplitude and therefore on the rho-parameter (measuring the ratio of the real to imaginary part of the scattering amplitude at t=0), which can be tested at LHC.Comment: 10 pages and 5 figures. Final published form in Physics Letters

    Direct Calculations of the Odderon Intercept in the Perturbative QCD

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    The odderon intercept is calculated directly, from its expression via an average energy of the odderon Hamiltonian, using both trial wave functions in the variational approach and the wave function recently constructed by R.A.Janik and J.Wosiek. The results confirm their reported value for the energy. The odderon intercept is calculated directly, from its expression via an average energy of the odderon Hamiltonian, using both trial wave functions in the variational approach and the wave function recently constructed by R.A.Janik and J.Wosiek.The results confirm their reported value for the energy. Variational calculations give energies some 30% higher. However they also predict the odderon intercept to be quite close to unity. In fact, for realistic values of αs\alpha_s, the intercept calculated variationally is at most 2% lower than the exact one: 0.94 instead of 0.96. It is also found that the solution for q3=0q_3=0 does not belong to the odderon spectrum. The diffusion parameter is found to be of the order 0.6.Comment: 20 page

    A simple recipe to detect possible C-Odd effects in high energy pˉp\bar p p and pppp

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    We provide a theorem to suggest that t=0t=0 data may already be sufficient to detect possible asymptotic C-odd (Odderon) contributions. This can be done by comparing pˉp\bar p p and pppp t=0t=0 observables such as total cross sections, forward angular distributions and ratios of real to imaginary forward amplitudes for which well defined model independent correlations {must} exist which could already show up at RHIC energy but definitely at LHC energies.Comment: 10 pages in TeX, no figur

    Calculation of the real part of the nuclear amplitude at high s and small t from the Coulomb amplitude

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    A new method for the determination of the real part of the elastic scattering amplitude is examined for high energy proton-proton at small momentum transfer. This method allows us to decrease the number of model assumptions, to obtain the real part in a narrow region of momentum transfer and to test different models. The possible non-exponential behavior of the real part was found on the base of the analysis of the ISR experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Talk on XIth International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scatterin

    Exploring power and knowledge in an educational documentary: a visual analysis of a film on the Benin bronzes

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    This research uses visual analysis to explore how an educational documentary portrays power and knowledge in the cultural sector. I examined a documentary I made about an exhibition of the Benin sculptures in 2007. Returning to it in 2018, I was surprised to find out how much the framing, lighting and composition of shots reveal about a museum's control of knowledge. The methodology is based on the visual analysis techniques described by Kress and van Leewen (1996). The research draws on the theories of Foucault (1972), who argues that power and knowledge are inextricably linked, and relate to discourse: the way powerful institutions influence what is thinkable. Bennett (1995) developed Foucault's argument to suggest that museums, like schools and prisons, are weilders of power-knowledge and Said (2003) and Fanon (1997) have argued that Western academia is based on ideas brought back by early colonists about the colonised as subjects to be ruled

    Nucleon Structure and High Energy Scattering

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    If the pomeron is generated by a two gluon exchange there is no a priori reason for a drastic suppression of three gluon exchange with negative parity and charge parity. This would lead to an unacceptably large difference between ppp\,p and ppˉp\, \bar{p} scattering. It is shown that a natural suppression of the CC=PP=--1 contribution to high energy scattering is given by a cluster structure of the nucleon.Comment: 10 pages, epsf.sty and a4wide.sty, 8 eps figs included complete PS-file (with all figs) available at: http://www.thphys.uni-heidelberg.de/~rueter

    A Possible Two-Component Structure of the Non-Perturbative Pomeron

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    We propose a QCD-inspired two-component Pomeron form which gives an excellent description of the proton-proton, pi-proton, kaon-proton, gamma-proton and gamma-gamma total cross sections. Our fit has a better CHI2/dof for a smaller number of parameters as compared with the PDG fit. Our 2-Pomeron form is fully compatible with weak Regge exchange-degeneracy, universality, Regge factorization and the generalized vector dominance model

    The Two-Component Non-Perturbative Pomeron and the G-Universality

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    In this communication we present a generalization of the Donnachie-Landshoff model inspired by the recent discovery of a 2-component Pomeron in LLA-QCD by Bartels, Lipatov and Vacca. In particular, we explore a new property, not present in the usual Regge theory - the G-Universality - which signifies the independence of one of the Pomeron components on the nature of the initial and final hadrons. The best description of all the forward hadron-hadron, gamma- gamma and gamma-proton data is obtained when G-universailty is imposed. Moreover, the maximal (ln)**2 behaviour of the hadron amplitude, first established by Heisenberg, is clearly favoured by the data.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tables, talk at the International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics "Diffraction 2000", Cetraro, Italy, September 2-7, 200

    How can the Odderon be detected at RHIC and LHC

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    The Odderon remains an elusive object, 33 years after its invention. The Odderon is now a fundamental object in QCD and CGC and it has to be found experimentally if QCD and CGC are right. In the present paper, we show how to find it at RHIC and LHC. The most spectacular signature of the Odderon is the predicted difference between the differential cross-sections for proton-proton and antiproton-proton at high s and moderate t. The experiment can be done by using the STAR detector at RHIC and by combining these future data with the already present UA4/2 data. The Odderon could also be found by ATLAS exeperiment at LHC by performing a high-precision measurement of the real part of the hadron elastic scattering amplitude at small t.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, two typographical errors corrected and acknowledgments adde

    Contrôle sismique d'un bâtiment en acier de 3 étages à l'échelle 1/3 par amortisseurs élastomères et contreventements en chevron

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    This study develops an innovative configuration of seismic natural rubber dampers for multistory low- and medium-rise steel braced frames. The dampers are directly integrated in an horizontal position in the seismic force resisting system of the structure. They are connected in a series with typical chevron brace systems.This control system provides not only additional structural damping to the structure but also a period shift, acting in the same way as a base isolation system. First, the fiber reinforced natural rubber used in the application was tested. It exhibited strong non linear dependance of its equivalent viscoelastic properties related to the shear strain. Then, a 1/3-scale 3-story chevron braced steel frame with and without dampers was considered. The structure was build and placed on the shaking table of the University of Sherbrooke Structures Laboratory. Numerical studies show that the efficiency of the control system reduces strongly the seismic induced forces of the undamped structure without any amplification of displacement or drift. Obtained seismic response reduction levels represent significant safety and economical benefits for the proposed application. Finally, the control system viability is experimentally demonstrated by shaking table tests at different reduced seismic intensities. Non linear behavior of the structure due to non linear behavior of the damping material is highlighted, and the dependance of seismic control performances is shown to be related to seismic intensities. Results allow an extrapolation of the experimental control peformances tending to the numerical results at higher intensities