263 research outputs found


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    The structure of the artificial neural network (ANN) to support the selection of organic coatings was developed and verified, and its learning process was carried out. A simulation of the operation of the network was also carried out, which showed that programming of the coating system selection process can be much faster and more accurate, which is important for a system used in industrial conditions.Opracowano i zweryfikowano strukturę sztucznej sieci neuronowej (SSN) służącej do wspomagania procesu doboru powłok organicznych oraz przeprowadzono jej proces uczenia. Dokonano również symulacji działania przedmiotowej sieci, która wykazała, że programowanie procesu doboru systemu powłokowego może być o wiele szybsze i dokładniejsze, co ma istotne znaczenie dla systemu użytkowanego w warunkach przemysłowych


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    The article concerns the evaluation of the possibility of using the optical profilometry method in the analysis of the destruction process of acrylic coatings exposed at a climate station in an industrial-urban atmosphere. It was found that the observed changes do not allow to clearly assess the durability of the tested coatings. It seems that the method used may play a supporting role in assessing the quality of the coatings because the surface maps show the number and size of pores in the coating. Therefore, this method can be used, for example, to help determine the optimal parameters of the coating process (e.g. spray pressure).Artykuł dotyczy oceny możliwości wykorzystania metody profilometrii optycznej w analizie procesu destrukcji renowacyjnych powłok akrylowych przeznaczonych dla przemysłu motoryzacyjnego eksponowanych na stacji klimatycznej w atmosferze przemysłowo-miejskiej. Stwierdzono, że zaobserwowane zmiany nie pozwalają jednoznacznie ocenić trwałości badanych powłok. Wydaje się, że zastosowana metoda może odgrywać rolę pomocniczą w ocenie jakości powłok, ponieważ mapy powierzchni wyraźnie pokazują liczbę i wielkość porów w powłoce. Można więc zastosować tę metodę przykładowo jako wspomagającą ustalenie optymalnych parametrów procesu nakładania powłok (np. ciśnienia natrysku)

    Nickel Base Superalloy Turbine Disk

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    A low solvus, high refractory alloy having unusually versatile processing mechanical property capabilities for advanced disks and rotors in gas turbine engines. The nickel base superalloy has a composition consisting essentially of, in weight percent, 3.0-4.0 N, 0.02-0.04 B, 0.02-0.05 C, 12.0-14.0 Cr, 19.0-22.0 Co, 2.0-3.5 Mo, greater than 1.0 to 2.1 Nb, 1.3 to 2.1 Ta,3.04.OTi,4.1 to 5.0 W, 0.03-0.06 Zr, and balance essentially Ni and incidental impurities. The superalloy combines ease of processing with high temperature capabilities to be suitable for use in various turbine engine disk, impeller, and shaft applications. The Co and Cr levels of the superalloy can provide low solvus temperature for high processing versatility. The W, Mo, Ta, and Nb refractory element levels of the superalloy can provide sustained strength, creep, and dwell crack growth resistance at high temperatures

    A pharmacological approach using optical recording

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    ATP, acting through P2X 2/P2X 3 receptor-channel complexes, plays an important role in carotid body chemoexcitation in response to natural stimuli in the rat. Since the channels are permeable to calcium, P2X activation by ATP should induce changes in intracellular calcium ([Ca 2+] i). Here, we describe a novel ex vivo approach using fluorescence [Ca 2+] i imaging that allows screening of retrogradely labeled chemoafferent neurons in the petrosal ganglion of the rat. ATP-induced [Ca 2+] i responses were characterized at postnatal days (P) 5-8 and P19-25. While all labeled cells showed a brisk increase in [Ca 2+] i in response to depolarization by high KCl (60 mM), only a subpopulation exhibited [Ca 2+] i responses to ATP. ATP (250 -1,000 μM) elicited one of three temporal response patterns: fast (R1), slow (R2), and intermediate (R3). At P5-8, R2 predominated and its magnitude was attenuated 44% by the P2X 1 antagonist, NF449 (10 μM), and 95% by the P2X 1/P2X 3/P2X 2/3 antagonist, TNP-ATP (10 μM). At P19-25, R1 and R3 predominated and their magnitudes were attenuated 15% by NF449, 66% by TNP-ATP, and 100% by suramin (100 μM), a nonspecific P2 purinergic receptor antagonist. P2X 1 and P2X 2 protein levels in the petrosal ganglion decreased with development, while P2X 3 protein levels did not change significantly. We conclude that the profile of ATP-induced P2X-mediated [Ca 2+] i responses changes in the postnatal period, corresponding with changes in receptor isoform expression. We speculate that these changes may participate in the postnatal maturation of chemosensitivity.publishersversionpublishe

    Distinct expression of synaptic NR2A and NR2B in the central nervous system and impaired morphine tolerance and physical dependence in mice deficient in postsynaptic density-93 protein

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    Postsynaptic density (PSD)-93, a neuronal scaffolding protein, binds to and clusters N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) subunits NR2A and NR2B at cellular membranes in vitro. However, the roles of PSD-93 in synaptic NR2A and NR2B targeting in the central nervous system and NMDAR-dependent physiologic and pathologic processes are still unclear. We report here that PSD-93 deficiency significantly decreased the amount of NR2A and NR2B in the synaptosomal membrane fractions derived from spinal cord dorsal horn and forebrain cortex but did not change their levels in the total soluble fraction from either region. However, PSD-93 deficiency did not markedly change the amounts of NR2A and NR2B in either synaptosomal or total soluble fractions from cerebellum. In mice deficient in PSD-93, morphine dose-dependent curve failed to shift significantly rightward as it did in wild type (WT) mice after acute and chronic morphine challenge. Unlike WT mice, PSD-93 knockout mice also showed marked losses of NMDAR-dependent morphine analgesic tolerance and associated abnormal sensitivity in response to mechanical, noxious thermal, and formalin-induced inflammatory stimuli after repeated morphine injection. In addition, PSD-93 knockout mice displayed dramatic loss of jumping activity, a typical NMDAR-mediated morphine withdrawal abstinence behavior. These findings indicate that impaired NMDAR-dependent neuronal plasticity following repeated morphine injection in PSD-93 knockout mice is attributed to PSD-93 deletion-induced alterations of synaptic NR2A and NR2B expression in dorsal horn and forebrain cortex neurons. The selective effect of PSD-93 deletion on synaptic NMDAR expression in these two major pain-related regions might provide the better strategies for the prevention and treatment of opioid tolerance and physical dependence

    Identification of the demand curve and forecasts in subsequent periods using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

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    PURPOSE: The main purpose of the article is to identify the demand curve and to forecast demand in subsequent periods using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm belonging to the Markov Chain Monte Carlo was used to identify the demand curve and to forecast the demand in subsequent periods. This method consists in generating (drawing) a sample in accordance with the modified distribution and the possibility of rejecting a new sample in case of insufficient improvement of the quality index.FINDINGS: The results of the conducted research indicate that the presented solution of generating a sample in accordance with the modified distribution and the possibility of rejecting a new sample in the event of insufficient improvement of the quality index is effective in identifying and forecasting the demand.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The algorithm presented in the article can be used to forecast stays taking into account the product life curve.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: A novelty is the use of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to identify the demand curve and the forecast of demand in subsequent periods to determine the strategy of long-term products by analyzing the sales volume of the product.peer-reviewe

    Collection life cycle analysis : enhancing market strategies through advanced data analytics

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    PURPOSE: This study introduces an analytical application designed to deeply analyze the product life cycle and optimize a business's marketing and operational strategies. The primary objective of this application is to help companies effectively identify and navigate the various phases of a product's life, from launch to growth, maturity, and decline.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The application features interactive tools, such as sales value maps and animations illustrating changes in selected indicators, to enable real-time sales data analysis and forecast future trends using the Prophet model. The article elaborates on the application's capabilities, including statistical analysis of selected collections like average sales value, number of orders, storage costs, and the effects of seasonality and special promotional periods on sales outcomes.FINDINGS: The study highlights how this application aids businesses in adapting their strategies to dynamically changing market conditions, enabling efficient resource management and maximizing profitability.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article presents the application's functionalities and emphasizes its value in adjusting business strategies to rapidly changing market conditions. It underlines the significance of using advanced analytical tools for informed decision-making, which can contribute to the company's enduring success.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This work presents an innovative analytical tool that provides businesses with crucial insights for adapting their marketing and operational strategies. It adds value by demonstrating the importance of leveraging advanced analytics in decision-making to ensure long-term business success in fluctuating market environments.peer-reviewe

    Remote ischaemic conditioning in necrotising enterocolitis: a phase I feasibility and safety study

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    OBJECTIVE: Remote ischaemic conditioning (RIC) improves the outcome of experimental necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) by preserving intestinal microcirculation. The feasibility and safety of RIC in preterm infants with NEC are unknown. The study aimed to assess the feasibility and safety of RIC in preterm infants with suspected or confirmed NEC. DESIGN: Phase I non-randomised pilot study conducted in three steps: step A to determine the safe duration of limb ischaemia (up to 4 min); step B to assess the safety of 4 repeated cycles of ischaemia-reperfusion at the maximum tolerated duration of ischaemia determined in step A; step C to assess the safety of applying 4 cycles of ischaemia-reperfusion on two consecutive days. SETTING: Level III neonatal intensive care unit, The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Canada). PATIENTS: Fifteen preterm infants born between 22 and 33 weeks gestational age. INTERVENTION: Four cycles of ischaemia (varying duration) applied to the limb via a manual sphygmomanometer, followed by reperfusion (4 min) and rest (5 min), repeated on two consecutive days. OUTCOMES: The primary outcomes were (1) feasibility defined as RIC being performed as planned in the protocol, and (2) safety defined as perfusion returning to baseline within 4 min after cuff deflation. RESULTS: Four cycles/day of limb ischaemia (4 min) followed by reperfusion (4 min) and a 5 min gap, repeated on two consecutive days was feasible and safe in all neonates with suspected or confirmed NEC. CONCLUSIONS: This study is pivotal for designing a future randomised controlled trial to assess the efficacy of RIC in preterm infants with NEC