240 research outputs found

    Cross reactivity of an alloantigen present on normal cells with the tumour-specific transplantation-type antigen of the acute myeloid leukaemia (SAL) of rats.

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    Resistance can be induced in the syngeneic host (August rats) to a myelogeneous leukaemia of spontaneous origin, called SAL, by immunization with allogeneic cells derived form both normal and malignant tissues obtained from the Hooded rat strain. Serological experiments support the conclusion that the antigen involved-referred to as "Ho-SAL"-has the properties of a tumour specific transplantation-type antigen for SAL cells but is a widely expressed alloantigen found in both normal and malignant cells derived from Hooded rats. Antisera to it can be raised in Wistar rats

    Gelsolin superfamily proteins: key regulators of cellular functions

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    Abstract.: Cytoskeletal rearrangement occurs in a variety of cellular processes and involves a wide spectrum of proteins. Among these, the gelsolin superfamily proteins control actin organization by severing filaments, capping filament ends and nucleating actin assembly [1]. Gelsolin is the founding member of this family, which now contains at least another six members: villin, adseverin, capG, advillin, supervillin and flightless I. In addition to their respective role in actin filament remodeling, these proteins have some specific and apparently non-overlapping particular roles in several cellular processes, including cell motility, control of apoptosis and regulation of phagocytosis (summarized in table 1). Evidence suggests that proteins belonging to the gelsolin superfamily may be involved in other processes, including gene expression regulation. This review will focus on some of the known functions of the gelsolin superfamily proteins, thus providing a basis for reflection on other possible and as yet incompletely understood roles for these protein

    Geomorphology of the north-eastern coast of Gozo (Malta, Mediterranean Sea)

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    The paper presents a geomorphological map of the north-eastern coast of the Island of Gozo (Malta) integrating inland and offshore areas at the scale 1:15,000. The map derives from the integration of different methods, such as aerial photo interpretation, field surveys and analysis of seafloor bathymetry. The landforms identified on land were shaped by coastal, fluvial, karst and gravity-induced processes, and some of them prolong on the seafloor. Most of the submerged landforms appear to have been modelled in subaerial conditions during sea-level lowstands, having been sealed by the rising sea in post-glacial times. Two sketches accompany the Main Map showing the type and distribution of coastal geomorphotypes and the land cover of the area

    Warda ta’ Mejju

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    Ġabra ta’ poeżiji u proża li tinkludi: Mhux Kull Ma Jleqq Deheb ta’ T. Z. – Żagħżugħ ta’ Dejjem ta’ Dun Karm – Meta Jkun M’n-Alla ta’ L. C. – Il-Warda ta’ Mejju ta’ Mons. Gauci.N/

    Assessment of human influenza pandemic scenarios in Europe

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    The response to the emergence of the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic was the result of a decade of pandemic planning, largely centred on the threat of an avian influenza A(H5N1) pandemic. Based on a literature review, this study aims to define a set of new pandemic scenarios that could be used in case of a future influenza pandemic. A total of 338 documents were identified using a searching strategy based on seven combinations of keywords. Eighty-three of these documents provided useful information on the 13 virus-related and health-system-related parameters initially considered for describing scenarios. Among these, four parameters were finally selected (clinical attack rate, case fatality rate, hospital admission rate, and intensive care admission rate) and four different levels of severity for each of them were set. The definition of six most likely scenarios results from the combination of four different levels of severity of the four final parameters (256 possible scenarios). Although it has some limitations, this approach allows for more flexible scenarios and hence it is far from the classic scenarios structure used for pandemic plans until 2009

    Distributed System Contract Monitoring

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    The use of behavioural contracts, to specify, regulate and verify systems, is particularly relevant to runtime monitoring of distributed systems. System distribution poses major challenges to contract monitoring, from monitoring-induced information leaks to computation load balancing, communication overheads and fault-tolerance. We present mDPi, a location-aware process calculus, for reasoning about monitoring of distributed systems. We define a family of Labelled Transition Systems for this calculus, which allow formal reasoning about different monitoring strategies at different levels of abstractions. We also illustrate the expressivity of the calculus by showing how contracts in a simple contract language can be synthesised into different mDPi monitors.Comment: In Proceedings FLACOS 2011, arXiv:1109.239

    Review. Molecular and genetic characterisation of the hostprotective oncosphere antigens of taeniid cestode parasites

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    Abstract Highly effective recombinant vaccines have been developed against Taenia ovis infection in sheep, Taenia saginata infection in cattle, Taenia solium infection in pigs, Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis infections in a variety of intermediate host species. These vaccines have been based on the identification and expression in Escherichia coli of antigens derived from the oncosphere life cycle stage, contained within the parasites' eggs. Investigation of the molecular aspects of these proteins and the genes encoding them have revealed a number of common features, including the presence of a predicted secretory signal sequence, and one or two copies of a fibronectin type III domain, each encoded by separate exons within the associated gene. Evidence has been obtained to confirm glycosylation of some of these antigens. Ongoing investigations will shed light on the biological roles played by the proteins within the parasites and the mechanism by which they make the parasites vulnerable to vaccine-induced immune responses.

    HIV continuum of care in Europe and Central Asia.

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    OBJECTIVES: The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) supports countries to monitor progress in their response to the HIV epidemic. In line with these monitoring responsibilities, we assess how, and to what extent, the continuum of care is being measured across countries. METHODS: The ECDC sent out questionnaires to 55 countries in Europe and Central Asia in 2014. Nominated country representatives were questioned on how they defined and measured six elements of the continuum. We present our results using three previously described frameworks [breakpoints; Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 targets; diagnosis and treatment quadrant]. RESULTS: Forty countries provided data for at least one element of the continuum. Countries reported most frequently on the number of people diagnosed with HIV infection (37; 93%), and on the number in receipt of antiretroviral therapy (ART) (35; 88%). There was little consensus across countries in their approach to defining linkage to, and retention in, care. The most common breakpoint (>19% reduction between two adjacent elements) related to the estimated number of people living with HIV who were diagnosed (18 of 23; 78%). CONCLUSIONS: We present continuum data from multiple countries that provide both a snapshot of care provision and a baseline against which changes over time in care provision across Europe and Central Asia may be measured. To better inform HIV testing and treatment programmes, standard data collection approaches and definitions across the HIV continuum of care are needed. If countries wish to ensure an unbroken HIV continuum of care, people living with HIV need to be diagnosed promptly, and ART needs to be offered to all those diagnosed

    The Impact of Simulated Sulfate Deposition on Peatland Testate Amoebae

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    Peatlands subjected to sulfate deposition have been shown to produce less methane, believed to be due to competitive exclusion of methanogenic archaea by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Here, we address whether sulfate deposition produces impacts on a higher microbial group, the testate amoebae. Sodium sulfate was applied to experimental plots on a Scottish peatland and samples extracted after a period of more than 10 years. Impacts on testate amoebae were tested using redundancy analysis and Mann-Whitney tests. Results showed statistically significant impacts on amoebae communities particularly noted by decreased abundance of Trinema lineare, Corythion dubium, and Euglypha rotunda. As the species most reduced in abundance are all small bacterivores we suggest that our results support the hypothesis of a shift in dominant prokaryotes, although other explanations are possible. Our results demonstrate the sensitivity of peatland microbial communities to sulfate deposition and suggest sulfate may be a potentially important secondary control on testate amoebae communities

    Fluvial organic carbon fluxes from oil palm plantations on tropical peatland

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    Intact tropical peatlands are dense long-term stores of carbon. However, the future security of these ecosystems is at risk from land conversion and extensive peatland drainage. This can enhance peat oxidation and convert long-term carbon sinks into significant carbon sources. In Southeast Asia, the largest land use on peatland is for oil palm plantation agriculture. Here, we present the first annual estimate of exported fluvial organic carbon in the drainage waters of four peatland oil palm plantation areas in Sarawak, Malaysia. Total organic carbon (TOC) fluxes from the plantation second- and third-order drains were dominated (91 %) by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ranged from 34.4 ± 9.7 C m−2 yr−1 to 57.7 %, 16.3 g C m−2 yr−1 (± 95 % confidence interval). These fluxes represent a single-year survey which was strongly influenced by an El Ninõ event and therefore lower discharge than usual was observed. The magnitude of the flux was found to be influenced by water table depth, with higher TOC fluxes observed from more deeply drained sites. Radiocarbon dating on the DOC component indicated the presence of old (pre-1950s) carbon in all samples collected, with DOC at the most deeply drained site having a mean age of 735 years. Overall, our estimates suggest fluvial TOC contributes ∼ 5 % of total carbon losses from oil palm plantations on peat. Maintenance of high and stable water tables in oil palm plantations appears to be key to minimising TOC losses. This reinforces the importance of considering all carbon loss pathways, rather than just CO2 emissions from the peat surface, in studies of tropical peatland land conversion
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