16 research outputs found

    Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah’s Usury Concept

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    This article uses a literature review approach focusing on explaining how the concept of usury in the view of Ibn al-Qayyim al-jawziyyah. This article asserts that usury is one of the forbidden transactions in Islam because it is recorded in the letter of Al-Baqarah verse 275, In interpreting the verse related usury, Ibn al-Qayyim explains that usury is divided into two namely riba fadl and usury nasiyah. The usury has become a core in conventional banking in modern times better known as flowers


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    Di dalam UUP itulah, tercantum konsep bangsa Indonesia mengenai a r t i perkawinan. Sebelum UUP b e r la ku, memang sudah ada pelbagai hukum perkawinan, namun tidak ditemukan a r t i perkawinan pada pelbagai macam hukum perkawinan tersebut. Hukum-hukum

    Pemikiran Ekonomi Al-Maqrizi

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    This article writes about the thinking of Al-Maqrizi Islamic economic figure. The method used in the concept of money according to Al-Maqrizi is literature study. Al-Maqrizi is in the second phase in the history of Islamic economic thought, a phrase that begins to show signs of slowing innovative intellectual activities in the Islamic world. Al-Maqrizi is an Islamic economic thinker who conducts special studies on money and inflation. The socio-economic phenomenon and the effects of inflation depend on the nature of income and wealth of each group. If income is fixed or rising, but lower than the rate of inflation then the condition declines. Conversely, if their income rises higher than the rate of inflation, then their material welfare increases

    Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah’s Usury Concept

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    This article uses a literature review approach focusing on explaining how the concept of usury in the view of Ibn al-Qayyim al-jawziyyah. This article asserts that usury is one of the forbidden transactions in Islam because it is recorded in the letter of Al-Baqarah verse 275, In interpreting the verse related usury, Ibn al-Qayyim explains that usury is divided into two namely riba fadl and usury nasiyah. The usury has become a core in conventional banking in modern times better known as flowers

    Determinants for participation in independent learning policy and independent campus programs

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    This paper proposes a framework for participation determinants in lifelong learning through the Independent Learning Policy and Independent Campus or Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka/Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM). The framework is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), self-determination theory (SDT), theory of planned behavior (TPB), and institutional theory. This study contributes to the literature by identifying specific factors and indicators to improve along with their impacts on the participation when the organizers of such initiatives wish to increase participation. Indonesia is the biggest country in South-East Asia with a large economy and influence in the world. Conditions, progress, and setbacks in Indonesia will influence other countries. Many job applicants do not meet the requirements for the job they applied for. Therefore, the Indonesian Ministry of Education initiated the MBKM programs to develop human quality, especially the university students to enhance their skills to meet the job requirements. The 740 respondents completed the online survey with 150 questions to represent reflective indicators. The results were analyzed with the partially least square-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) method and found the influential factors driving participation in MBKM are social influence, supporting factors, government decisions, utility, and recognition. further analysis indicated that convenience and financial incentive factors do not affect participation

    Persamaan Dan Perbedaan Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Ekonomi Konvensional Dan Hukum Ekonomi Islam

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    The equation between consumer behavior in carrying out consumption activities in conventional economics and Islamic economics is three. Among them in terms of understanding, philosophical foundation, motives and purpose of consumption, and the theory of consumer behavior. Meanwhile, differences in consumer behavior in conventional economics and Islamic economics, first, lie in the foundation of consumer behavior philosophy. Conventional economics views that world life is an absolute right for humans while Islamic economics teaches that world life is based on the principle of accountability to the Creator. Second, lies in the principle of consumption. There are three principles of consumption in a conventional economy, namely freedom, self-interest, and material. Islamic economic perspective, consumer behavior is based on the philosophy of divinity so that in each of its activities meeting the needs of consumers is required to always be guided by the principles of tawhid and also justice. The principle teaches individuals the moral awareness to live in obedience by worshiping Allah, and is responsible for everything he does, especially in terms of consumptio


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    This study aims to analyze the thoughts of M. Abdul Mannan about the concept of price in Islamic economics. The prices offered by the secular market are not seen as guidelines for the welfare of society, especially in the context of Islamic economics where social care is so great that distribution is the key to productive activities. The competition implied in the market mechanism needs to be complemented by conscious control, supervision and cooperation. Supervision in price control is carried out by the government or a country. The results of the research of M. Abdul Mannan formulate that the concept of price is adjusted by the value of the product on demand and supply so as to realize healthy competition in covering the basic principles of justice in realizing satisfaction/surplus between the seller and the buyer. M. Abdul Mannan's thinking about prices aims to avoid monopoly prices and artificial prices that are based on speculation, smuggling and hoarding. Regulations on prices in Indonesia already exist and are relevant to M. Abdul Mannan's thoughts, but the lack of firm action in its application causes producers to commit violations in determining so that justice does not materialize, especially in determining prices

    Pemikiran Ekonomi Al-Maqrizi

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    This article writes about the thinking of Al-Maqrizi Islamic economic figure. The method used in the concept of money according to Al-Maqrizi is literature study. Al-Maqrizi is in the second phase in the history of Islamic economic thought, a phrase that begins to show signs of slowing innovative intellectual activities in the Islamic world. Al-Maqrizi is an Islamic economic thinker who conducts special studies on money and inflation. The socio-economic phenomenon and the effects of inflation depend on the nature of income and wealth of each group. If income is fixed or rising, but lower than the rate of inflation then the condition declines. Conversely, if their income rises higher than the rate of inflation, then their material welfare increases

    Studi Analisis Konsep Harga Perspektif M. A. Mannan” Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemikiran M. A. Mannan tentang konsep harga dalam ekonomi Islam

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    ABTSRAK GATOT HADI GUNARSO “Studi Analisis Konsep Harga Perspektif M. A. Mannan” Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemikiran M. A. Mannan tentang konsep harga dalam ekonomi Islam. Harga-harga yang ditawarkan oleh pasar sekuler tidak dilihat sebagai pedoman kesejahteraan masyarakat khususnya dalam konteks ekonomi Islam dimana kepedulian sosial begitu besar sehingga menjadikan distribusi sebagai kunci kegiatan produktif. Persaingan yang tersirat dalam mekanisme pasar perlu dilengkapi dengan kontrol sadar, pengawasan dan kerjasama. Pengawasan dalam kontrol harga dilakukan oleh pemeritah atau sebuah negara. Di Indonesia dalam penerapan seringkali adanya kesenjangan antara konsumen dan produsen karena kurang tegasnya penerapan peraturan undang-undang sebagai badan hisbah atau pengawas pasar. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kurang adanya tindakan tegas terkait hukum apabila adanya pelanggaran tersebut. Padahal Pemikiran tentang konsep harga menurut M. A. Mannan sangat sesuai dalam peraturan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis dengan mengambil masalah atau memusatkan perhatian kepada masalah-masalah sebagaimana adanya saat penelitian data-data yang sudah terkumpul kemudian diolah dan dianalisis untuk mengambil kesimpulannya. Hasil dari penelitian M. A. Mannan mmemformulaikan bahwa konsep harga disesuaikan oleh nilai produk atas demand dan supply sehingga mewujudkan dalam persaingan yang sehat dalam mencangkup atas asas dasar keadilan dalam mewujudkan kepuasan/surplus antara penjual dan pembeli. Pemikrian M. A. Mannan tentang harga bertujuan menghindari dari harga monopoli dan harga buatan yang berumber pada spekulasi, penyelundupan dan penimbunan. Peraturan dalam harga di Indonesia sudah ada dan relevan dengan pemikiran M. A. Mannan akan tetapi kurangnya tindakan tegas dalam penerapannya sehingga masih timbul para produsen melakukan pelanggaran dalam menentukan sehingga tidak terwujudnya keadilan khusunya dalam menentukan harga. Kata Kunci : Muhammad Abdul Mannan, Ekonomi Islam, Konsep Harga, Peraturan Harga di Indonesia


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    Pendidikan adalah salah satu hak asasi manusia dimana anak terlantar merupakan warga negara yang berhak mendapatkan layanan pendidikan. Anak terlantar merupakan bagian warga negara yang juga mempunyai hak konstitusional untuk mendapatkan layananpendidikan sesuai dengan Undang-Undang RI No. 23 tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Konsep layanan pendidikan bagi anak terlantar hendaknya memperhatikan salah satu prinsip dalam KHA (Konvensi Hak Anak), yaitu prinsip yang terbaik untuk anak. Padakenyataanya, kosep layanan pendidikan anak terlantar masih carut marut sehingga pada konteks pelaksanaanya belum mampu memenuhi hak asasi anak secara menyeluruh. Pernyataan permasalahan yaitu konsep pelayanan pendidikan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka pemenuhan hak konstitusional anak-anak terlantar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan yaitu anak terlantar yang berhak mendapat layanan pendidikan adalah anak-anak yang berusia 518tahun dan tidak dalam asuhan orang tuanya yaitu anak-anak yangdipelihara oleh panti sosial/panti asuhan, anak-anak yang tempat tinggalnya tidak jelas yaitu di jalanan atau tempat-tempat umum, anak-anak yang berada di daerah terbelakang/pedalaman/pulau terpencil, anak dalam pengungsian/bencana. Mengingat kompleksnya permasalahan pendidikan bagi anak terlantar, maka penyelenggaraan layanan pendidikan bagi anak terlantar tidak bisa diselesaikan oleh satu instansiKata Kunci : hak pendidikan, anak terlanta