37 research outputs found

    Morbidity patterns in general practice settings of the province of Sousse, Tunisia

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    BACKGROUND:Primary health care is one of the most important pillars of the Tunisian health care system. However, very little information is available regarding the specificities of general practice and the patterns of morbidity encountered. METHODS:We conducted a descriptive study from June 2002 to May 2003 in 85 primary health centres in Sousse during 12 randomly selected weeks in order to describe the variability of the morbidity in all seasons;(3 weeks were randomly selected in each season). Each working day of selected weeks, a systematic sample of patients was identified in each health centre by taking every fifth registered patient. There were 16271 consultations. The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2) was used to code recorded data of the consultation. RESULTS:There were 24,882 reasons for encounter, a total of 18,097 problems managed by general practitioners (GPs), and 40,190 interventions. There was a predominance of females (62%) and a relatively young population attending the primary health care settings as 50% was aged less than 25 years. According to ICPC-2 chapters, we found that respiratory diseases were the main problems managed in primary health care (43%), followed by digestive (10.1%), locomotive (8.9%), cardiovascular affections (8.7%) and skin diseases (8.4%). These five conditions alone constituted about 80% of the total cases. However, genital conditions for both males and females (1%) as well as psychological and social problems (0.85%) were rarely managed in primary care. CONCLUSION:The findings will be useful in helping to revise the educational curriculum of medical studies as required in general practice and to plan relevant vocational training for GPs. They will also be important for health policy makers in Tunisi


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    Despite the fact that the skull and other bones may be badly disfigured in victims who are incinerated, it became an urgent necessity to gender determination using maxillary sinuses as a useful tool of human skeletons in forensic medicine. The aim of the study: to determine the reliability and accuracy of maxillary sinus dimension measurement as a method for gender and racial identification through the use of reconstructed helical CT images. Material and Methods: This prospective study included cranial computerized tomography images (CT) of 119 (M: 57 and F: 62) of the Kurdish population of Sulaimani city of Iraq with an age range (20 - 75) years. All patients were examined on Spiral Computed Tomography Scanner from October 2014 to March 2015.The greatest measurements were taken from the width, length, and height of the maxillary sinuses. The descriptive and discriminate analyzes were performed by using the SPSS package program. Results The mean of the length, the width, and the height of maxillary sinus in males on both right and left sides were (35.90± 4.71, 36.63 ± 5.34) (25.74 ± 5.69 , 25.36 ± 6.03) and (32.86 ± 7.00 , 33.13± 6.87) mm, respectively but in females were (34.58 ± 4.21, 35.60 ± 3.94 ), (22.54 ± 4.74 and 21.53 ± 4.47) and (29.16 ± 7.20,29.25 ± 6.17 )mm respectively. The present study showed that the left maxillary sinus width was the best discrimination parameter, that could be used to study sex dimorphism with Prediction of 69.4% for female and 52.6% for male (overall accuracy = 61. 3%). The discriminative analysis showed that the accuracy of maxillary sinus measurements-i.e the ability of the maxillary sinus size to identify gender-was 71% in females and 56.1% of males (overall accuracy = 63.9%). Conclusion The study showed that the diameters of the maxillary sinus can be used as a guide and a useful tool for racial and sex determination


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    Despite the fact that the skull and other bones may be badly disfigured in victims who are incinerated, it became an urgent necessity to gender determination using maxillary sinuses as a useful tool of human skeletons in forensic medicine. The aim of the study: to determine the reliability and accuracy of maxillary sinus dimension measurement as a method for gender and racial identification through the use of reconstructed helical CT images. Material and Methods: This prospective study included cranial computerized tomography images (CT) of 119 (M: 57 and F: 62) of the Kurdish population of Sulaimani city of Iraq with an age range (20 - 75) years. All patients were examined on Spiral Computed Tomography Scanner from October 2014 to March 2015.The greatest measurements were taken from the width, length, and height of the maxillary sinuses. The descriptive and discriminate analyzes were performed by using the SPSS package program. Results The mean of the length, the width, and the height of maxillary sinus in males on both right and left sides were (35.90± 4.71, 36.63 ± 5.34) (25.74 ± 5.69 , 25.36 ± 6.03) and (32.86 ± 7.00 , 33.13± 6.87) mm, respectively but in females were (34.58 ± 4.21, 35.60 ± 3.94 ), (22.54 ± 4.74 and 21.53 ± 4.47) and (29.16 ± 7.20,29.25 ± 6.17 )mm respectively. The present study showed that the left maxillary sinus width was the best discrimination parameter, that could be used to study sex dimorphism with Prediction of 69.4% for female and 52.6% for male (overall accuracy = 61. 3%). The discriminative analysis showed that the accuracy of maxillary sinus measurements-i.e the ability of the maxillary sinus size to identify gender-was 71% in females and 56.1% of males (overall accuracy = 63.9%). Conclusion The study showed that the diameters of the maxillary sinus can be used as a guide and a useful tool for racial and sex determination

    Genetic Dissection of Drought Tolerance of Elite Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes Using Genome Wide Association Study in Morocco

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    Drought is one of the most important yield-limiting factors in Morocco. Identification and deployment of drought-tolerant wheat varieties are important to cope with the challenge of terminal moisture stress and increase wheat productivity. A panel composed of 200 elite spring bread wheat genotypes was phenotyped for yield and agronomic traits for 2 years (2020 and 2021) in Morocco under rainfed and irrigated environments. The panel was genotyped using 20K SNPs and, after filtration, a total of 15,735 SNP markers were used for a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a mixed linear model (MLM) to identify marker-trait associations (MTA) and putative genes associated with grain yield and yield-related traits under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Significant differences were observed among the elite genotypes for grain yield and yield-related traits. Grain yield performance ranged from 0.97 to 6.16 t/ha under rainfed conditions at Sidi Al-Aidi station and from 3.31 to 9.38 t/h under irrigated conditions at Sidi Al-Aidi station, while Grain yield at Merchouch station ranged from 2.32 to 6.16 t/h under rainfed condition. A total of 159 MTAs (p < 0.001) and 46 genes were discovered, with 67 MTAs recorded under rainfed conditions and 37 MTAs recorded under irrigated conditions at the Sidi Al-Aidi station, while 55 MTAs were recorded under rainfed conditions at Merchouch station. The marker ‘BobWhite_c2988_493’ on chromosome 2B was significantly correlated with grain yield under rainfed conditions. Under irrigated conditions, the marker ‘AX-94653560’ on chromosome 2D was significantly correlated with grain yield at Sidi Al-Aidi station. The maker ‘RAC875_c17918_321’ located on chromosome 4A, associated with grain yield was linked with the gene TraesCS4A02G322700, which encodes for F-box domain-containing protein. The markers and candidate genes discovered in this study should be further validated for their potential use in marker-assisted selection to generate high-yielding wheat genotypes with drought toleranc

    Single- and multi-trait genomic prediction and genome-wide association analysis of grain yield and micronutrient-related traits in ICARDA wheat under drought environment

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    Globally, over 2 billion people suffer from malnutrition due to inadequate intake of micronutrients. Genomic-assisted breeding is identified as a valuable method to facilitate developing new improved plant varieties targeting grain yield and micronutrient-related traits. In this study, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and single- and multi-trait-based genomic prediction (GP) analysis was conducted using a set of 252 elite wheat genotypes from the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA). The objective was to identify linked SNP markers, putative candidate genes and to evaluate the genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs) of grain yield and micronutrient-related traits.. For this purpose, a field trial was conducted at a drought-prone station, Merchouch, Morocco for 2 consecutive years (2018 and 2019) followed by GWAS and genomic prediction analysis with 10,173 quality SNP markers. The studied genotypes exhibited a significant genotypic variation in grain yield and micronutrient-related traits. The GWAS analysis identified highly significantly associated markers and linked putative genes on chromosomes 1B and 2B for zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) contents, respectively. The genomic predictive ability of selenium (Se) and Fe traits with the multi-trait-based GP GBLUP model was 0.161 and 0.259 improving by 6.62 and 4.44%, respectively, compared to the corresponding single-trait-based models. The identified significantly linked SNP markers, associated putative genes, and developed GP models could potentially facilitate breeding programs targeting to improve the overall genetic gain of wheat breeding for grain yield and biofortification of micronutrients via marker-assisted (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) methods

    Single‑ and multi‑trait genomic prediction and genome‑wide association analysis of grain yield and micronutrient‑related traits in ICARDA wheat under drought environment

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    Globally, over 2 billion people sufer from malnutrition due to inadequate intake of micronutrients. Genomic-assisted breeding is identifed as a valuable method to facilitate developing new improved plant varieties targeting grain yield and micronutrient-related traits. In this study, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and single- and multi-trait-based genomic prediction (GP) analysis was conducted using a set of 252 elite wheat genotypes from the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA). The objective was to identify linked SNP markers, putative candidate genes and to evaluate the genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs) of grain yield and micronutrient-related traits.. For this purpose, a feld trial was conducted at a drought-prone station, Merchouch, Morocco for 2 consecutive years (2018 and 2019) followed by GWAS and genomic prediction analysis with 10,173 quality SNP markers. The studied genotypes exhib ited a signifcant genotypic variation in grain yield and micronutrient-related traits. The GWAS analysis identifed highly signifcantly associated markers and linked putative genes on chromosomes 1B and 2B for zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) contents, respectively. The genomic predictive ability of selenium (Se) and Fe traits with the multi-trait-based GP GBLUP model was 0.161 and 0.259 improving by 6.62 and 4.44%, respectively, compared to the corresponding single-trait-based models. The identifed signifcantly linked SNP markers, associated putative genes, and developed GP models could potentially facilitate breeding programs targeting to improve the overall genetic gain of wheat breeding for grain yield and biofortifcation of micronutrients via marker-assisted (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) method

    Genome wide association study for stripe rust resistance in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat (Triticum aes- tivum L.) worldwide causing huge yield losses every year. Development and deployment of resistant varieties is the most economical and environment friendly approach for controlling this disease. However, because of the continuous evolution of the pathogen, resistant genes are easily overcome by new virulent Pst races, which necessitates a continuous identifcation and introgression of resistance genes to develop resistant wheat varieties. To identify efective source of resistance, a genome- wide association study was performed using 426 elite bread wheat genotypes based on 5176 polymorphic Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers. Adult-plant-resistance was evaluated under feld conditions for yellow rust resistance for two consecutive years (2014 and 2015) at ICARDA Merchouch station, Morocco. Out of the 426 genotypes, 51.17% were highly resistant with 5–10% level of severity to yellow rust. Genome wide association studies (GWAS) using a mixed linear model (MLM) identifed three DArT markers on chromosomes 1B, 2B and 7B which are signifcantly associated with stripe rust resistance at false discovery rate p≀0.05. BLAST analysis confrmed that the marker 412,394 in chromosome 2B overlapped with two previously reported QTLs (QYrlu.cau-2BS1 Luke and QYrid.ui-2B.1_IDO444). However, the two other markers 542,318 (1B) and 583,038 (5B) were not mapped within any of the previously reported gene/QTL regions; therefore, these markers may represent novel resistance loci for yellow rust. The highly resistant elite genotypes and linked molecular markers are recommended for further gene introgression and pyramiding purposes in the wheat breeding programs after validation

    Wheat breeding for Hessian fly resistance at ICARDA

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    Hessian fly (HF), Mayetiola destructor (Say) is an important pest of wheat in North Africa, North America, Southern Europe, Northern Kazakhstan, Northwestern China, and New Zealand. It can cause up to 30% yield losses and sometimes can result in complete crop failure if infestation coincides with young stage of the wheat crop. Studies to-date have shown the availability of genetic diversity in the wheat genetic resources (landraces, wild relatives, cultivars, etc.) for resistance to Hessian fly. About 37 resistance genes have been reported from these wheat genetic resources for resistance to Hessian fly, of which, some have been deployed singly or in combination in the breeding programs to develop high yielding varieties with resistance to HF. Deployment of resistant varieties in different agro-ecologies with other integrated management measures plays key role for the control of HF. This paper summarizes the importance, life cycle, mechanisms of resistance, gene mining, and wheat breeding efforts for HF resistance

    Evaluation de la satisfaction des patientes hospitalisées au service de gynécologie obstétrique de Sousse, Tunisie

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    Introduction: Il est admis que la satisfaction des patients est un indicateur de la qualit&eacute; des soins. L&rsquo;objectif de ce travail &eacute;tait de mesurer la satisfaction des patientes du service de gyn&eacute;cologie obst&eacute;trique du CHU Farhat Hached de Sousse. M&eacute;thodes: Une &eacute;tude transversale a &eacute;t&eacute; men&eacute;e entre mai et octobre 2005. La collecte des donn&eacute;es a &eacute;t&eacute; faite par trois internes gr&acirc;ce &agrave; des entrevues structur&eacute;es avec des patientes et &agrave; partir d&rsquo;un questionnaire valid&eacute;. R&eacute;sultats: 600 patientes ont &eacute;t&eacute; interview&eacute;es. L&rsquo;&acirc;ge m&eacute;dian &eacute;tait de 30 ans. Pr&eacute;s de quatre vingt cinq pour cent des femmes &eacute;taient instruites. Les patientes analphab&egrave;tes ont exprim&eacute; une meilleure satisfaction (score de 56,6 %) par rapport aux autres (p &lt; 10-3). Par ailleurs, nous avons not&eacute; : un niveau de satisfaction globale moyen (score de 51%) ; un faible niveau de satisfaction pour la restauration et les conditions de s&eacute;jour ; un bon niveau de satisfaction pour les soins m&eacute;dicaux et param&eacute;dicaux. Les patientes les plus satisfaites &eacute;taient celles qui avaient l&rsquo;impression que leur &eacute;tat de sant&eacute; s&rsquo;est am&eacute;lior&eacute;, celles qui s&rsquo;attendaient &agrave; des services de qualit&eacute; moindre ou de qualit&eacute; similaire, et celles qui avaient l&rsquo;intention de recommander l&rsquo;h&ocirc;pital &agrave; leurs proches. Conclusion: Il est difficile de transposer les r&eacute;sultats de travaux &eacute;trangers au contexte tunisien, en raison des diff&eacute;rences entre les syst&egrave;mes de sant&eacute; d&rsquo;une part et les caract&eacute;ristiques socio-d&eacute;mographiques des patientes, d&rsquo;autre part. En revanche, certains domaines devraient &ecirc;tre examin&eacute;s par des professionnels de la sant&eacute; afin d'assurer la qualit&eacute; requise.Key words: Qualit&eacute; des soins, satisfaction des patients, gyn&eacute;cologie, Tunisi

    Les effets indésirables des médicaments anticancéreux sur les phanÚres (prise en charge physique et psychologique)

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    CHATENAY M.-PARIS 11-BU Pharma. (920192101) / SudocSudocFranceF