113 research outputs found

    Evaluation und Qualitätsentwicklung im Kontext frühpädagogischer Interventionsprogramme. Chancen und kritische Aspekte. Eine Expertise der Weiterbildungsinitiative frühpädagogische Fachkräfte (WiFF)

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    Programme zur sprachlichen Förderung in Kindertageseinrichtungen werden häufig mit dem Zusatz beworben, sie seien „evaluiert“. Damit wird die Assoziation nahegelegt, dass die Wirksamkeit durch ein wissenschaftliches Evaluationsverfahren belegt sei. Tatsächlich wird der Begriff der Evaluation ganz unterschiedlich verwendet und verstanden. Die Autorin zeigt in der Expertise am Beispiel der Evaluation von Sprachförderprogrammen auf, was Evaluation leisten kann und welche unterschiedlichen Formen möglich sind. (DIPF/Orig.

    Inclusion of children identified as having special educational needs (SEN) within the Austrian compulsory educational system

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    Este artigo pretende descrever vários aspetos da segregação, integração e inclusão dentro do sistema educativo obrigatório austríaco. Após uma introdução que contém definições e um resumo internacional, será brevemente descrito o sistema educativo da Áustria. Subsequentemente, três temas de interesse serão debatidos. Primeiro será caracterizada a situação atual referente à inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais. Esta situação difere bastante entre estados federais. Serão descritos os desenvolvimentos que conduziram à situação atual. Em segundo serão apresentados estudos empíricos recentes relativos ao movimento austríaco que almeja a inclusão. Em terceiro e a título exemplificativo serão apresentados em detalhe alguns desenvolvimentos recentes, alguns planos e visões futuras de três estados federais austríacos.Abstract The present paper aims at describing various aspects of segregation, integration and inclusion within the Austrian compulsory school system. After a general introduction which includes definitions and a short international overview, the Austrian compulsory school system is described shortly. Subsequently, three subjects of interest are discussed. Firstly, the current situation of inclusion of children identified as having special educational needs (SEN) is characterized. This is very different in each one of the federal states, and the various developments which led to this situation are described. Secondly, recent empirical studies on the Austrian movement towards inclusion are shown in a brief overview. Thirdly, by way of example, recent developments, further plans and future visions of three federal states of Austria are presented in more detail.Résumé Cet article prétend décrire les différents aspects de la ségrégation, intégration et inclusion dans le système éducatif obligatoire autrichien. Après une introduction générale qui comprend des définitions et une perspective internationale, nous décrirons le système éducatif en Autriche. Ensuite, trois thèmes d’intérêt seront discutés. En premier lieu, la situation actuelle d’inclusion des enfants ayant des besoins éducatifs particuliers sera décrite. Cette situation diffère dans chacun des états fédéraux; les diverses conditions qui conduisent à la situation actuelle seront présentées. Deuxièmement, de récentes études empiriques qui abordent le mouvement vers l’inclusion seront présentées. Troisièmement et à titre d’exemple, les développements récents, plans et visions futures de trois états fédéraux seront présentés plus en détail

    Achievement and Integration of Students with Special Needs (SEN) in the Fifth Grade

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    In Styria 77.3% of all students with special needs are educated in integrated classrooms. Currently, it is not known much either about the school performance nor the active class participation of these students. This study examined 230 fifth grade students – 43 with and 187 students without special educational needs (SEN). Moreover, it is important to acknowledge that the available data for this study represents the first wave of larger longitudinal study. The school performance of the students with SEN ranged one standard deviation below the level of the students without SEN. All students felt emotionally well integrated in the school settings, but the differences in the degree of social integration were evident. In fact, the students with SEN mentioned that they got along well with their classmates less frequently than the students without SEN

    Searching for Health Information on the Internet: A Study About the Research Behavior of Secondary School Students

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    Das Internet stellt eine bedeutende Anlaufstelle in der Beschaffung von Gesundheitsinformationen dar, insbesondere für junge Menschen. Für eine gezielte Informationssuche und Quellenbewertung fehlen Kindern und Jugendlichen jedoch oft Wissen und Erfahrung. Der vorliegende Artikel widmet sich dem Online-Rechercheverhalten von Schüler:innen. Die Fragestellungen bezogen sich auf das Rechercheverhalten von Schüler:innen bei der Onlinesuche zu einer vorgegebenen gesundheitsbezogenen Frage. Zudem interessierten Unterschiede im Rechercheverhalten nach Geschlecht und Klassenstufe sowie der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Rechercheverhalten, der internetbezogenen Gesundheitskompetenz und dem Gebrauch internetfähiger Geräte. Mithilfe der Aufzeichnung und Auswertung von Logdaten und einer Fragebogenerhebung wurde von November 2018 bis Februar 2019 das Suchverhalten von 170 österreichischen Schüler:innen der Sekundarstufe I (6., 7. und 8. Klassenstufe) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass im Durchschnitt 3,4 Suchanfragen gestellt wurden. Schüler:innen, die häufiger internetfähige Geräte für schulische Zwecke nutzten, stellten mehr Suchanfragen. Weiters stellten Schüler:innen, die das erste Suchresultat anklickten, weniger Suchanfragen und jüngere (6. Klassenstufe) Schüler:innen riefen häufiger das erste Suchresultat auf. Zur Beantwortung der gesundheitsbezogenen Frage wurden vorwiegend Textbestandteile aus wikipedia.org und patienten.thromboseportal.eu kopiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Schüler:innen beim Einschätzen von Gesundheitsinformationen aus mehreren Quellen und Erkennen über die kommerziellen Interessen von Websitebetreiber:innen aufgeklärt werden müssen.The internet is an important source for obtaining health information, especially for young people. However, children and adolescents often lack knowledge and experience in targeted information search and source evaluation. The present study focuses on the health-related online research behavior of secondary school students. Specifically, it aimed to examine differences in the students’ research behavior by gender and grade as well as correlations between research behavior, internet-related health literacy, and access to internet-enabled devices. An online questionnaire as well as recorded and analyzed log data were used to gather information about the research behavior of 170 Austrian secondary school students in Grades 6–8. Results show that on average, students performed 3.4 search queries to answer a specified health-related question. Students who used internet-enabled devices more frequently for school purposes per­formed more search queries. In addition, students who clicked on the first search result performed less search queries. Younger (sixth-grade) students were more likely to access the first search result in the list. To answer the health-related question, text components were mainly copied from wikipedia.org and patienten.thromboseportal.eu. The results indicate that students need to be trained to evaluate health information from multiple sources and to recognize commercial interests of website operators

    Linking Self-Rated Social Inclusion to Social Behaviour. An Emperical Study of Students with and without Special Education in Secondary Schools

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    Successful inclusive education creates a learning environment that supports not only the cognitive abilities of all children but also their social and emotional development. The present study focuses on the development of social participation of students with and without special education needs (SEN). A longitudinal study with two measurement times was conducted. The first measurement (T1) took place at the end of fifth grade, the second (T2) one year later. The sample consisted of 35 SEN students and108 non-SEN students from mainstream classes in Graz, Austria. For assessing the self-perception of social inclusion, items from the ‘dimensions of integration’ questionnaire (FDI 4–6) were used. Social participation does not seem to be a very stable phenomenon; its retest reliability was only .47 for SEN students and .54 for non-SEN students. Results indicate that children with SEN experienced less social participation than children without SEN at T1 and T2. To identify the predictors for social participation, a multiple regression analysis was conducted. Next to social participation at T1, indirect aggressive behaviour (self-assessed) also appears to predict social participation at T2

    An Examination of Public Opinion in Austria Towards Inclusion. Development of the “Attidutes Towards Inclusion Scale”- ATIS

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    The ‘Attitudes Towards Integration Scale’ (ATIS) assesses the attitude of the general public towards the school integration of children with disabilities. The scale was empirically created in a pilot study (n=351) and later used to survey 2158 people. The data from both surveys are analysed in the present paper; the results show that the scale exhibits acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s α=.83) and that the factorial structure of the scale can be considered as largely confirmed. Overall, the surveyed persons reported a positive attitude towards the school integration of children with disabilities. However, the form of the disability of the integrated child and the level of education as well as the participants’ familiarity with the topic of integration of persons with disabilities, age and gender played a role in their assessment. In addition, the results show that pupils in general have a more negative attitude than students and employed persons. Sequence effects could also be shown. Inclusive education is seen as more positive when respondents are first asked to evaluate how a child with a disability gets on in an integrated class and have to evaluate later how a child with the same disability gets on in a special school setting of an integrated class

    Effects of Cooperative Learning Methods in German Language Arts on Reading Ability and Social Behavior of High School Students

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    This study examined the implementation and outcomes of cooperative learning methods in daily school life. In the context of an intervention wait-list control group research design lasting over two years, a group of Austrian students was taught using mainly cooperative learning methods in German language arts. In addition to standardized tests, self and peer report questionnaires assessed reading ability and aspects of social behavior before and after the intervention. Focus group interviews of teachers were used to investigate the implementation of cooperative learning methods in daily class life. The participants were nineteen teachers and 294 fifth and sixth graders from eight different schools at the secondary level. The results show that teachers prefer relatively specific cooperative learning methods. The results also illustrate that students who used cooperative learning methods in German language classes developed significantly better in reading comprehension than the students in the wait-list control group. However, concerning the reports of social behavior, most differences between the two groups failed to reach statistical significance

    Das Forschungszentrum für Inklusive Bildung (FZIB): Inhalte und Perspektiven

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    Das Forschungszentrum für Inklusive Bildung (FZIB) wurde gegründet, um die Möglichkeiten digitaler Technologien für die Weiterentwicklung eines inklusiven Bildungssystems nutzbar zu machen. Das FZIB ist ein Verbundzentrum dreier Hochschulen (der Universität Graz, der Pädagogischen Hochschule Steiermark und der Privaten Pädagogischen Hochschule Augustinum) und hat in den letzten Jahren seine Expertise in einer Vielzahl an Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten eingebracht. Zentrales Ziel dieser Projekte ist die Entwicklung von Unterrichtsmaterialien für die Individualisierung des Unterrichts sowie die Förderung von Barrierefreiheit und Partizipation. Alle Materialien werden als offene Bildungsressourcen zur Verfügung gestellt