7 research outputs found

    UC-82 Trip Logger

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    We developed an Android mobile app using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach to enable users to track their travel distance and time via GPS, fostering greater emissions awareness through their driving habits of distance and time taken. Built with the Flutter framework and Dart language, the app features a user-friendly interface created with Flutter widgets that manage both appearance and user interactions. Our streamlined architecture comprises three layers: the presentation layer for UI elements, the application layer containing the core logic, and the data layer, which locally stores trip data in CSV format to ensure quick access and reliability. We integrated the Geolocator package within Flutter for GPS functionality to obtain user coordinates and calculate distances between locations. This streamlined architecture and choice of technologies optimized the app’s efficiency and user-friendliness, allowing us to promote environmentally conscious driving

    Influence of resource availability on the foraging strategies of the triangle butterflyfish chaetodon triangulum in the Maldives.

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    Obligate coral feeders such as many members of the Chaetodontidae family (also known as butterflyfish) often show strong preferences for particular coral species. This is thought to have evolved through natural selection as an energy-maximising strategy. Although some species remain as highly specialised feeders throughout their lifetime, many corallivores show a degree of dietary versatility when food abundance is limited; a strategy described by the optimal foraging theory. This study aimed to examine if, within-reef differences in the feeding regime and territory size of the Triangle Butterflyfish Chaetodon triangulum occurred, as a function of resource availability. Results showed that the dietary specialisation of C. triangulum was significant in both areas of low and high coral cover (χL22 = 2.52 x 102, P<0.001 and χL22 = 3.78 x 102, P<0.001 respectively). Resource selection functions (RSFs), calculated for the two main sites of contrasting coral assemblage, showed that in the resource-rich environments, only two Genera (Acropora and Pocillopora) were preferentially selected for, with the majority of other corals being actively ‘avoided’. Conversely, in territories of lower coral coverage, C. triangulum was being less selective in its prey choice and consuming corals in a more even distribution with respect to their availability. Interestingly, coral cover appeared to show no significant effect on feeding rate, however it was a primary determinant of territory size. The findings of the study agree with the predictions of the optimal foraging theory, in that where food supply is scarce, dietary specialisation is minimised and territory size increased. This results in maximising energy intake. This study represents the first scientific evidence that C. triangulum is an obligate corallivore and, as with many other butterflyfish, is therefore dependent on healthy scleractinian corals for survival.N


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    The LCLS generates linearly polarized, intense, high brightness x-ray pulses from planar fixed-gap undulators. While the fixed-gap design supports a very successful and tightly controlled alignment concept, it provides only limited taper capability (up to 1 % through canted pole and horizontal position adjustability) and lacks polarization control. The latter is of great importance for soft x-ray experiments. A new compact out-of-vacuum undulator design (Delta), based on a 30-cm-long in-vacuum prototype at Cornell University, is being developed and tested to add those missing properties to the LCLS undulator line. Tuning Delta undulators within tight, FEL type tolerances is a challenge due to the fact that the magnetic axis and the magnet blocks are not easily accessible for measurements and tuning in the fully assembled state. An R&amp;D project is underway to install a 3.2-m long out-of-vacuum device in place of the last LCLS undulator, to provide controllable levels of polarized radiation and to develop measurement and tuning techniques to achieve x-ray FEL type tolerances. Presently, the installation of the device is scheduled fo

    Infliximab Reduces Endoscopic, but Not Clinical, Recurrence of Crohn’s Disease After Ileocolonic Resection

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    Data quality in drug discovery: the role of analytical performance in ligand binding assays

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    Cytogenetic studies on Solanum tuberosum L. and some of its relatives

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