64 research outputs found

    Determinants of Graduate Unemployment in Tunisia

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    According to the report of the Central Bank of Tunisia (2009), the unemployment rate had reached 13.3% in 2009. This rate had steadily increased from 12.5% in 2006. This is one of the major challenges of the Tunisian economy and many countries of the MENA region. Furthermore, with more than 500 000 job seekers, the unemployment rate in Tunisia remains one of the highest in the MENA region. A feature of unemployment in Tunisia is the unemployment of graduates. The unemployment rate for this category of young people has recently grown dramatically from 16.9% in 2006 to 21.9% in 2009. This rate is expected to rise in coming years despite all the arrangements made for young graduates to insert them into the labour market. To understand the determinants of this type of unemployment, the paper is based on the diagnosis of the situation through a synthesis of the key findings of surveys conducted in 2005 and 2007 on the promotion of graduates in 2004. This diagnosis was supported by an econometric model linking the unemployment indicator to the key indicators of qualification. The massification of the higher education and the lack of creation of adequate jobs are the main causes of the exponential rise of the unemployment rate for graduates. This situation has forced many students to continue their studies, thus paradoxically minimizing their chances of being recruited because of their over qualification. With the exception of a few specialties such as medicine, computing, telecommunications and architecture, where opportunities are available, especially abroad, other types of graduates meet more or less difficulty on the labour market. The solutions to overcome this crisis of unemployment are rather difficult, requiring enormous resources over several years. These solutions would affect several areas; such as the higher education, the vocational training, the investment and the regional integration.

    Carcinome adenoide kystique sous-glottique

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    Introduction: Laryngeal adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is unusual. It accounts for 0.25% of all malignant tumors in the larynx, and only about 120 cases have been reported in the literature until now.Purpose: We report a case of subglottic ACC and examine the clinical, diagnostic, histological and therapeutic features and the outcome of this tumor in this location.Case report: A 75-year-old man, presented with a laryngeal dyspnea. The computed tomography of the larynx showed a posterior subglottic tumor. The panendoscopy revealed a large nonulcerated submucosal tumor in the posterior wall of the subglottic area. Biopsies made the diagnosis of laryngeal ACC. The patient had total laryngectomy with total thyroidectomyand bilateral lateral neck dissection. Histological examination didn't find neck metastases. The surgery was followed by a postoperative radiotherapy. There were no local recurrence or distant metastases during one year and half of follow-up.Conclusions: ACC shows a very slow growth pattern. Its diagnosis is often delayed and its treatment is based on surgery and postoperative radiotherapy. This tumor is characterized by the occurrence of local recurrence and distant metastases often several years after treatment of the primary tumor.Keywords: adenoid cystic carcinoma, subglottic, surgery, postoperative radiotherapy, survival

    Time Modulated Linear Array (TMLA) Design

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    In this chapter, time modulated linear array (TMLA) is presented and discussed in detail where all its theoretical backgrounds are derived. The difference between single and multiple time modulation frequencies of TMLA is shown, where different examples in designing them are presented. In addition, the power and directivity of TMLAs are derived in their closed form. Moreover, the relation between the steering angle of each sideband with respect to the first sideband angle is developed analytically. Also, an efficient mathematical method is presented to design TMLA with desired sidelobe (SLL) and sideband levels (SBLs) with maximum attainable directivity. It is shown that the TMLA can be designed by only controlling its time sequence distributions which is a very good advantage as compared to the conventional antenna array

    Proyecto acústico de una actividad susceptible de ruido y vibraciones

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    La creciente consideración del ruido como un factor negativo para la calidad de vida, ha dado lugar a un aumento de denuncias y de cierres de locales de actividad, lo que ha llevado a la aparición de legislación de obligado cumplimiento, cada vez más estricta, dirigida a reducir al máximo la contaminación acústica producida por este tipo de locales, que necesitan obligatoriamente obtener una licencia ambiental.Departamento de Física AplicadaIngeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación, Especialidad en Sistemas Electrónico

    La maladie de cowden a propos d’un cas

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    La maladie de Cowden est une maladie héréditaire à transmission autosomique dominante caractérisée par des lésions associant des atteintes cutanées constantes et caractéristiques (lésions papuleuses au niveau de la face et des extrémités) et des lésions viscérales inconstantes notamment thyroïdiennes, mammaires, intestinales et rénales à haut risque de dégénérescence. Nous rapportons un cas chez une femme de 30 ans porteuse d’une craniomégalie, de polypes intestinaux, d’un fibroadénome des seins, de lésions papuleuses des gencives et d’un goitre multi-nodulaire. Elle a eu dans notre service une thyroïdectomie totale dont l’analyse anatomopathologique définitive de la pièce a révélé un micro-carcinome vésiculaire du lobe gauche de la thyroïde. Les lésions thyroïdiennes sont habituellement bien limitées, mais devant la multifocalité, le risque accru de récidive et de dégénérescence maligne, une thyroïdectomie totale doit être préconisée.Mots clès : Maladie de Cowden, Cancer de la thyro

    Geometrical optimization of spin clusters for the preservation of quantum coherence

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    We investigate the influence of geometry on the preservation of quantum coherence in spin clusters subjected to a thermal environment. Assuming weak inter-spin coupling, we explore the various buffer network configurations that can be embedded in a plane. Our findings reveal that the connectivity of the buffer network is crucial in determining the preservation duration of quantum coherence in an individual central spin. Specifically, we observe that the maximal planar graph yields the longest preservation time for a given number of buffer spins. Interestingly, our results demonstrate that the preservation time does not consistently increase with an increasing number of buffer spins. Employing a quantum master equation in our simulations, we further demonstrate that a tetrahedral geometry comprising a four-spin buffer network provides optimal protection against environmental effects

    Cholesteatome Congenital De L’oreille Moyenne A Propos De Deux Cas

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    But :Le cholesteatome congenital de l’oreille moyenne est une entite rare. L’objectif de ce travail est de discuter les particularites cliniques et therapeutiques de cette pathologie a travers deux observations de malades presentant un cholesteatome congenital operes et suivis au service d’ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, entre 2002 et 2008. Résultats : Il s’agissait de deux garcons, ages de 5 et 7 ans. La symptomatologie etait dominee par l’apparition d’une hypoacousie et l’examen otologique a revele un tympan complet dans les deux cas. La TDM des rochers a permis d’evoquer le diagnostic du cholesteatome congenital et d’apprecier les extensions locales des lesions. Les deux malades ont eu une tympanoplastie en technique fermee. Conclusion : L’evolution du cholesteatome congenital est insidieuse et le diagnostic est souvent tardif. Le traitement est chirurgical, domine par la tympanoplastie en technique fermee. Mots clès : Chlolesteatome congenital, hypoacousie, tympan complet, tympanoplastie en technique fermee, technique ouverte

    Myxome Du Maxillaire A Propos D\'un Cas

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    Les myxomes des maxillaires sont des tumeurs bénignes rares dont la pathogénie reste encore controversée. Leur indolence et la pauvreté des manifestations qui les accompagnent rendent leur diagnostic souvent tardif et leur prise en charge difficile. Nous présentons un cas de myxome du maxillaire chez un nourrisson âgé de 12 mois suivi d\'une revue de la littérature permettant de synthétiser les données cliniques ainsi que la stratégie thérapeutique à adopter.Maxillary myxoma are rare benign tumours whose pathogenesis remains extremely discussed. The poor clinical picture and the absence of pain makes the diagnosis difficult. We report a pediatric case of maxillary myxoma of a 12- monthold infant and review the clinical features, radiographic evaluation and the appropriate treatment Keywords:Myxoma - maxillary - benign tumor. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 43-4

    Adenome pleomorphe a localisation extra-parotidienne

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    Objectives : Pleormorphic adenoma is a benign tumor of salivary gland. It mainly occurs in the parotid gland. The submandibular and minor salivary glands are rarely sites of occurrence. We describe the features of pleomorphic adenoma occurring at these sites.Material and methods: Between 2000 and 2009, 15 cases of pleomorphic adenoma occurring externly to the parotid have been collected.Results: Tumors were seen in the submandibular gland in 40 % of cases, in the hard palate in 33 % of cases, in the upper lip in 20 % of cases and in the parapharyngeal space in 7 % of cases. The mean age of patients was 48 years. The majority of cases were female. All patients were operated. We didn't report recurrence or malignants tumors after one year follow-up.Conclusion: After the parotid gland, the most common site of a pleomorphic adenoma is the submandibular gland followedby minor salivary gland of palate and lips. Each localisation has his clinical and therapeutic particularities.Key words : pleomorphic adenoma, submandibular gland, minor salivary glan

    Tumeur Germinale De L\'espace Para Pharynge : A Propos D\'un Cas

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    Les tumeurs germinales à localisation cervico-faciale sont rares. Nous rapportons l\'observation d\'une une fillette de 7 ans porteuse d\'une tumeur maligne à cellules germinales de l\'espace para-pharyngé droit traité par chimiothérapie. Les particularités étiopathogéniques, thérapeutiques, et pronostiques de cette tumeur sont rappelées après une revue des données de la littérature.Extragonadal germ cell tumors of the head and neck are very rare. We report the case of a 7-year-old girl with malignant germ cell tumor of the right parapharyngeal space treated by chemotherapy. Etiopathogenic, therapeutic, and prognostic characteristics of this tumour are recalled after a review of the literature data. Keywords: Extragonadal germ cell tumors, parapharyngeal tumors. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 61-6