332 research outputs found

    Impressive long-term response with pertuzumab and trastuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer with brain metastasis

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    This is a case report of a 40-year-old woman who, after conservative breast cancer treatment, developed a HER2 positive solitary brain metastasis in the left temporal lobe, without extracranial disease. She underwent surgery resection followed by stereotactic radiotherapy and, because of early brain progression, she was submitted to the first line therapy with pertuzumab, trastuzumab and weekly paclitaxel. After six months of treatment, a brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed a complete disappearance of brain recurrence, which persisted for more than 24 months

    Smoking Cessation on Periodontal and Peri-Implant Health Status: A Systematic Review

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    Since smoking is considered among the main risk factors for the onset and progression of periodontitis and peri-implantitis, the present systematic review aimed to evaluate the effect of smoking cessation on clinical, radiographic, and gingival crevicular periodontal parameters around natural teeth and dental implants in ex-smokers compared to current and non-smokers. The study protocol was developed based on the PRISMA guidelines, the research question was formulated according to the PICO model, and the literature search was conducted through PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane library, and BioMed Central databases. From the 916 title/abstracts initially identified, seven articles were included in the present systematic review and assessed for quality through the ROBINS-I tool. Reported findings on clinical and crevicular periodontal parameters around natural teeth were contrasting when comparing ex-smokers to current and non-smokers; thus, individualized recommendations for previous smoker periodontal patients are currently lacking. No data on radiographic parameters were retrieved. Similarly, data on periodontal parameters around dental implants were not available, highlighting the need for focused investigations assessing the role of both smoking habit and cessation on peri-implant health status and responsiveness to treatment

    Short implants versus longer implants in vertically augmented atrophic mandibles: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials with a 5-year post-loading follow-up

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    Purpose: To compare the clinical outcome of fixed prostheses supported by 4 to 8 mmlong implants with prostheses supported by longer implants placed in vertically augmented atrophic mandibles after a follow-up of 5 years in function. Materials and methods: The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and MEDLINE were searched up to 1 st September 2018 for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with a follow up of at least 5 years in function comparing fixed prostheses supported by 4 to 8 mm-long implants with prostheses supported by longer implants placed in vertically augmented atrophic mandibles. Outcome measures were prosthesis failure, implant failures, augmentation procedure failures, complications, and peri-implant marginal bone level changes. Screening of eligible studies, assessment of the risk of bias and data extraction were conducted in duplicate and independently by two review authors. The statistical unit of the analysis was the prosthesis. Results were expressed as random-effects models using mean differences for continuous outcomes and risk ratios (RR) for dichotomous outcomes with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: Four eligible RCTs which included originally 135 patients were included. Two RCTs had a parallel group design and two a split-mouth design. Short implants were 5 to 6.6 mm long and were compared with longer implants placed in posterior mandibles augmented with interpositional blocks of bone substitutes. All trials were judged at unclear risk of bias. Twelve (14%) bone augmentation procedures failed to achieve the planned bone height to allow placement of implants with the planned length. Five years after loading 28 patients (21%) dropped from the four RCTs. There were no differences for patients having prosthesis (RR = 1.46; 95% CI 0.52 to 4.09; P = 0.47; Chi² = 1.35, df = 3 (P = 0.72); I² = 0%) or implant (RR = 1; 95% CI 0.31 to 3.21; P = 1.00; Chi² = 0, df = 3 (P = 1.00); I² = 0%) failures between the two interventions, but there were more patients experiencing complications (RR = 4.72; 95% CI 2.43 to 9.17; P < 0.00001; Chi² = 3.02, df = 3 (P = 0.39); I² = 0%) and peri-implant marginal bone loss (mean difference = 0.60 mm; 95% CI 0.36 to 0.83; P < 0.00001; Chi² = 5.47, df = 3 (P = 0.14); I² = 45%) at longer implants in augmented bone. Conclusions: Five years after loading, prosthetic and implants failures were similar between the two interventions, but complications and peri-implant marginal bone loss were higher and more severe at longer implants placed in vertically augmented mandibles. Larger trials and longer follow-ups up to 10 years after loading are needed to confirm or reject the present preliminary findings. However in the meantime short implants could be the preferable option

    Digital Recording Platforms and Integrated Performance Assessments in Second/Foreign Language Learning

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    The teaching and learning of a new language can be daunting for both instructors and learners. Second/foreign language teachers must overcome a multitude of impediments in which to bring students to higher levels of language learning. Research using digital voice recording software indicates that by integrating such technology into the curriculum, there are multiple benefits for both instructors and students. In this chapter, the author discusses the challenges language teachers face and then outlines six free digital voice recorder options that are available to teachers. Afterward, the author advances a series of curricular and procedural considerations for the integration of digital voice recordings in the language-learning classroom before discussing findings from studies focused on the use of digital recordings for educational purposes. The chapter concludes with a discussion of best practices using digital voice recordings for integrated performance assessments and a discussion of new avenues for future research

    An ab initio and DFT conformational analysis of unsubstituted and omega-substituted ethyl-benzene: (Ph-CH2-CH2-Z; Z = -H, -F, -NH3+, -CH3)

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    A series of compounds of Ph-CH2-CH2-Z, with substituents Z = -H, -F, -NH3+-, and -CH3, were subjected to conformational analysis. Conformational potential energy surfaces were generated and their minima were geometrically optimized at three levels of theory. The relative stabilities of the minima correlated with the electron withdrawing nature of the substituents (Z). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Viticultural Climate Indexes and Their Role in The Prediction of Anthocyanins and Other Flavonoids Content in Seedless Table Grapes

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    Background: Viticulture bioclimatic indexes like the Heliothermal Index (HI), Cool Night Index (CI), and Dryness Index (DI), can be used to assess the influence of climate on grapes’ quality. Methods: HI, CI, and DI + total seasonal irrigation were utilized to assess the effect of climate on the flavonoids content and composition of two Vitis vinifera seedless varieties, ‘Summer Royal’ and ‘Crimson Seedless’, both grown in Apulia (Southern Italy). Results: The flavonoids content was significantly affected by variety and climate conditions on the base of HI, CI, and DI + total seasonal irrigation. Factor analysis applied to climate indexes and flavonoids showed that anthocyanins and flavonols were negatively and positively correlated to CI in both varieties, respectively. Additionally, warmer night temperatures determined higher fla-van-3-ols. HI increase promoted anthocyanins, flavonols, and flavan-3-ols content in Crimson Seedless, whilst it induced an opposite trend in Summer Royal. Finally, DI + total seasonal irrigation showed to be positively linked to flavonols content and negatively linked to anthocyanins content just in the case of Crimson Seedless. Significant regression models were also determined between climate indexes and productive parameters (i.e., yield, TSS, TA, pH, bunch, and berry weight). Conclusions: Climate indexes HI, CI, and DI + total seasonal irrigation showed an effect on quality grape parameters like flavonoids and contributed to building predictive models when new climatic zones are going to be evaluated for the production of table grapes

    Advanced platelet-rich fibrin as a therapeutic option in the treatment of dry socket: Literature review and case series

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    Alveolar osteitis (AO) is one of the complications that occur after tooth extraction. The aim of this study has been to evaluate the efficacy of Advanced Platelet-rich Fibrin (A-PRF) in the management of pain and the acceleration of wound healing in the treatment of AO. Consecutive patients who were diagnosed with AO, recruited from patients referred to the Oral Surgery Department of the University of Naples Federico II, were enrolled. After local anesthesia, the dry socket was curetted and irrigated with saline. The Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF) clot was placed in the socket and then covered with an A-PRF membrane. Clinical parameters, such as the degree of pain and rate of granulation tissue (GT) formation, were measured before treatment and after 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days. The Friedman test for dependent samples was used to detect the treatment and time effect. Four patients with established AO were included. On all the examination days, the post-operative recovery was uneventful. The pain scores progressively reduced, from an average of 8.5 before treatment to 0.25 on the third day, and the GT formation improved over time. The use of A-PRF in the treatment of AO significantly reduced the pain level and enhanced the wound-healing process

    Ampelographic and Molecular Characterisation of Aglianico Accessions (Vitis vinifera L.) Collected in Southern Italy

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    To characterise 31 different Aglianico accessions randomly collected in Southern Italy, 30 ampelographicdescriptors, 13 SSRs and 10 AFLP primer combinations were analysed. An appreciable variation ofampelographic descriptors was revealed mainly by mature leaf traits, while very few variations wererecorded for shoot and berry traits. Similarly, all SSR loci revealed molecular monomorphism and AFLPswith a very high genetic similarity (Dice coefficient) among all the accessions considered. One of the aimsof this study was to clarify the genetic assessment of Aglianico Nero and Aglianico del Vulture Nero,since they are registered as two different cultivars with distinct varietal codes at the Italian Register ofGrape Varieties. Registered Aglianico Nero and Aglianico del Vulture Nero were included in the analyses,compared and used as reference material. Our plants showed that all the accessions tested, independentfrom the biotype, and the two registered cultivars belong to the same genotype, suggesting that, as reportedby the Vitis International Variety Catalogue, a case of synonymy occurred between Aglianico Nero andAglianico del Vulture Nero. These cultivars could therefore be considered as a single cultivar. Moreover,the AFLP data revealed a partial match between morphological and molecular data, showing that theAFLP molecular method was able to discriminate between different accessions belonging to the samecultivar

    Ecotoxicological assessment of sediments from the Port of Santos and the disposal sites of dredged material

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    The dredging of sediments from the Santos Channel is necessary to allow the navigation of ships operating in the Port of Santos. The disposal sites for such sediments are situated on the coastal zone, in front of the Santos Bay. The present paper aimed at evaluating the toxicity of sediments collected at the Santos Channel and at the former and current sediment disposal sites. Whole sediment tests with amphipods and elutriate assays with sea-urchin embryos were used. The samples from the Santos Channel were considered the most toxic: all the sediment samples from this area showed toxicity. Moreover, some samples from both former and new sediment disposal sites exhibited toxicity. Therefore, results showed that sediments from the studied areas present evidences of degradation; however, further studies are required to determine relationships between toxicity and contamination. Results also suggested that the disposal of dredged sediments should be re-evaluated.A dragagem dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos é necessária para permitir o trânsito de navios que operam no Porto de Santos. As áreas de disposição do material dragado estão situadas na zona costeira, em frente à Baía de Santos. Este estudo visou avaliar a qualidade dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos e das áreas de disposição atuais e antigas, utilizando testes de toxicidade de sedimento integral com anfípodos e de toxicidade de elutriatos com embriões de ouriço do mar. As amostras do Canal de Santos foram consideradas as mais tóxicas: todas as amostras dessa área foram consideradas significativamente tóxicas. Além disso, algumas amostras das áreas de disposição exibiram toxicidade. Os resultados mostraram, portanto, que os sedimentos apresentam evidências de degradação em sua qualidade, porém novos estudos devem ser conduzidos visando determinar as relações entre contaminação e toxicidade. Os resultados sugerem ainda que a disposição dos sedimentos dragados deva ser reavaliada

    Evidence of non-seed transmission of viruses in grapevine breeding material

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    The vertical transmission of viruses is an important phenomenon affecting a wide range of viruses and host plants. Nevertheless, the presence of virus in a seed does not always lead to seedling infection. In grapevine, seed transmission has been reported for many nepoviruses, but little is known about Leafroll, Rugose wood complex and Fleck diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to monitor the virological condition of seedlings obtained by crosses between infected parents, analyzing the sanitary status of seedlings after the transfer in experimental fields. It was observed that, although the viral state of parents was quite compromised, viruses were not detected in any of the 150 progeny plants, demonstrating that the main grapevine viruses are at low risk for seed transmission