921 research outputs found

    Smartphones and Social Health: Does Reduced Phone Use Lead to Better Social Health Outcomes?

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    Within the past decade, smartphones have become a necessity for modern life. However, there has been little to no experimental scientific research on how problematic use of these devices influences social health. Problematic smartphone use (PSU) may reduce our ability to communicate and understand one another, thereby reducing our ability to bond together, connect, and improve relationships. Research has examined many social health correlates of PSU, including technology’s impact on emotional intelligence, relationship satisfaction, and loneliness. However, these studies have been limited in causal validity by their survey-based approach. We propose the use of a pre-test/post-test experiment designed to reduce PSU in the treatment group to explore whether reducing PSU improves social health over time. We plan to help people reduce their phone use through an educational intervention over five weeks while tracking and analyzing their smartphone usage over that time. During these five weeks, we will measure social health indicators including emotional intelligence, empathy, social sensitivity, social anxiety, and loneliness

    Unveiling the Mysteries of Mars with a Miniaturized Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (MVP-SEM)

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    Development of a miniaturized scanning electron microscope that will utilize the martian atmosphere to dissipate charge during analysis continues. This instrument is expected to be used on a future rover or lander to answer fundamental Mars science questions. To identify the most important questions, a survey was taken at the 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). From the gathered information initial topics were identified for a SEM on the martian surface. These priorities are identified and discussed below. Additionally, a concept of operations is provided with the goal of maximizing the science obtained with the minimum amount of communication with the instrument

    Influence of phosphate dosing on biofilms development on lead in chlorinated drinking water bioreactors

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    Phosphate dosing is used by water utilities to prevent plumbosolvency in water supply networks. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding biofilm formation on lead and plastic materials when phosphate concentrations are modified in drinking water systems. In this study, biofilms were grown over lead coupons and PVC tubes in bioreactors supplied with local drinking water treated to provide different phosphate doses (below 1, 1 and 2 mg/L) over a period of 28 days. A range of commercial iron pellets (GEH104 and WARP) were tested aiming to maintain phosphate levels below the average 1 mg/L found in drinking water. Changes in biofilm community structure in response to three different phosphate treatments were characterised by Illumina sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for bacteria and the ITS2 gene for fungi. Scanning electron microscopy was used to visualise physical differences in biofilm development in two types of materials, lead and PVC. The experimental results from the kinetics of phosphate absorption showed that the GEH104 pellets were the best option to, in the long term, reduce phosphate levels while preventing undesirable turbidity increases in drinking water. Phosphate-enrichment promoted a reduction of bacterial diversity but increased that of fungi in biofilms. Overall, higher phosphate levels selected for microorganisms with enhanced capabilities related to phosphorus metabolism and heavy metal resistance. This research brings new insights regarding the influence of different phosphate concentrations on mixed-species biofilms formation and drinking water quality, which are relevant to inform best management practices in drinking water treatment

    Evaluating on-land capture methods for monitoring a recently rediscovered seabird, the New Zealand Storm-Petrel Fregetta maoriana

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    We provide a first assessment of various on-land capture methods for a procellarid seabird, the New Zealand Storm-Petrel Fregetta maoriana, which had been presumed extinct but for which a breeding site has just been discovered on Little Barrier Island. In the vicinity of an active breeding site, playback only, also involving a newly isolated call from in situ deployed sound-recording devices, could efficiently be employed for capture, while light attraction in combination with playback achieved comparable capture success further afield. We consider that these findings can be relevant for breeding ground searches and capture operations in other storm-petrel species, and more generally in seabirds that visit their breeding sites at night

    A Miniaturized Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (MVP-SEM) for In-Situ Mars Surface Sample Analysis

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    The Miniaturized Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (MVP-SEM) project, funded by the NASA Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO) Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES), will build upon previous miniaturized SEM designs and recent advancements in variable pressure SEM's to design and build a SEM to complete analyses of samples on the surface of Mars using the atmosphere as an imaging medium. This project is a collaboration between NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), electron gun and optics manufacturer Applied Physics Technologies, and small vacuum system manufacturer Creare. Dr. Ralph Harvery and environmental SEM (ESEM) inventor Dr. Gerry Danilatos serve as advisors to the team. Variable pressure SEMs allow for fine (nm-scale) resolution imaging and micron-scale chemical study of materials without sample preparation (e.g., carbon or gold coating). Charging of a sample is reduced or eliminated by the gas surrounding the sample. It is this property of ESEMs that make them ideal for locations where sample preparation is not yet feasible, such as the surface of Mars. In addition, the lack of sample preparation needed here will simplify the sample acquisition process and allow caching of the samples for future complementary payload use

    Problems in the treatment of malabsorption in CF

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    ABSTRACT. Several factors play a role in the cause of malabsorption in CF. Besides the enzyme deficiency in the secretion of the exocrine pancreas, decreased bile‐salt concentration in the gut may also be an important factor in the fat malabsorption. The contribution to the fat absorption by other lipases, such as lingual lipase and gastric lipase, remains to he proved. The therapeutic measures are only partly effective because of the breakdown of swalled enzymes by gastric acid. Some improvement is reached by using a new acid‐resistant coating for the enzyme supplement. Newly developed and essential for its success is the application of small coated particles to prevent retention in the stomach, and the easy breakdown of the coating in an alkaline solution. The treatment of the bile salt deficiency has not been successful until now. A trial with additional Tween 80, with the option of supplementing the detergent activity which was found to he successful in Crohn disease, was without marked success. Copyrigh

    A case of natural recovery after the removal of invasive predators – community assemblage changes in the avifauna of Burgess Island

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    Opportunities to monitor natural island ecosystem recovery following the eradication of introduced predators are rare, and provide a useful comparison for recovery programmes aided by active habitat restoration and species translocations. We present an assessment of the current avifauna on Burgess Island, Mokohinau Group, 2 decades after kiore (Pacific rat; Rattus exulans) removal. The 4 most abundant land bird species we recorded are red-crowned parakeet (Cyanorhamphus novaezelandiae), bellbird (Anthornis melanura), tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) and silvereye (Zosterops lateralis), all New Zealand native taxa. Our records confirm that 46 species now utilize the island’s habitats, compared with 24 species reported from the literature during the last decades of rat infestation. We also confirm breeding of 9 seabird species by 2011, only 4 of which maintained breeding populations on Burgess Island prior to rat eradication. More than 20 years after predator removal, Burgess Island hosts a rich avifauna, and provides a valuable example of natural recovery following predator eradication without any further active restoration measure