445 research outputs found

    On the new very early table varieties obtained by crossing different varieties of grapevine

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    In order to obtain new table grape varieties which ripen before or at the same time as variety Pearl of Csaba, we performed many intervarietal crossings at our experimental station, using the following parents: Pearl of Csaba, Chasselas Bouvier, Muscat Ottonel, Queen of Vineyard, Cardinal, Dattier de Beyrouth, Ribier.The Government Commission acknowledged five very early varieties, three of which have also better agrobiological and technological characteristics than the variety Pearl of Csaba.The new variety Demir Door ripens on average 6 d, the new variety Early of Belgrade 3-5 d earlier, and the new variety Grochanka ripens at the same time or 1-3 d later as the control variety Pearl of Csaba.Due to multiple regression analysis, biological characteristics as yield, cluster and berry weights and sugar content strongly depend on meteorological conditions (temperature, rainfall and solar radiation); this is valid for all the new varieties and the variety Pearl of Csaba at all locations investigated.Analysis of variance (level of 0.05 and 0.01) shows that compared to the control variety we obtained with new varieties significantly greater yields, very significant large cluster and berry weights and very significantly better uvological characteristics of berry. The average yields for all investigated locations were increased in comparison to the control variety Pearl of Csaba: Demir Door +3.004 kg/ha, Early of Belgrade +6.259 kg/ha, Grochanka +7.065 kg/ha.Organoleptic characteristics are much improved with all new varieties which is illustrated by increased indexes.All investigated varieties are acknowledged genotypes of Vitis vinifera L, and all of these new varieties exhibited better biological and technological parameters than Pearl of Csaba

    Policy committee for adaptation in multi-domain spoken dialogue systems

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    Moving from limited-domain dialogue systems to open domain dialogue systems raises a number of challenges. One of them is the ability of the system to utilise small amounts of data from disparate domains to build a dialogue manager policy. Previous work has focused on using data from different domains to adapt a generic policy to a specific domain. Inspired by Bayesian committee machines, this paper proposes the use of a committee of dialogue policies. The results show that such a model is particularly beneficial for adaptation in multi-domain dialogue systems. The use of this model significantly improves performance compared to a single policy baseline, as confirmed by the performed real-user trial. This is the first time a dialogue policy has been trained on multiple domains on-line in interaction with real users.The research leading to this work was funded by the EPSRC grant EP/M018946/1 ”Open Domain Statistical Spoken Dialogue Systems”.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ASRU.2015.740487

    "How May I Help You?": Modeling Twitter Customer Service Conversations Using Fine-Grained Dialogue Acts

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    Given the increasing popularity of customer service dialogue on Twitter, analysis of conversation data is essential to understand trends in customer and agent behavior for the purpose of automating customer service interactions. In this work, we develop a novel taxonomy of fine-grained "dialogue acts" frequently observed in customer service, showcasing acts that are more suited to the domain than the more generic existing taxonomies. Using a sequential SVM-HMM model, we model conversation flow, predicting the dialogue act of a given turn in real-time. We characterize differences between customer and agent behavior in Twitter customer service conversations, and investigate the effect of testing our system on different customer service industries. Finally, we use a data-driven approach to predict important conversation outcomes: customer satisfaction, customer frustration, and overall problem resolution. We show that the type and location of certain dialogue acts in a conversation have a significant effect on the probability of desirable and undesirable outcomes, and present actionable rules based on our findings. The patterns and rules we derive can be used as guidelines for outcome-driven automated customer service platforms.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, IUI 201

    Development and Evaluation of a 9K SNP Addition to the Peach Ipsc 9K SNP Array v1

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    The IPSC 9K peach SNP array released by the international community has been a valuable tool in research and application. Even though majority of SNPs (84%) were polymorphic in the evaluation panels there were many genomic regions with low coverage, including those important for breeding. The existing peach array has been updated with 9K additional SNPs covering previously identified gaps and including recently identified SNPs important for breeding. SNPs (1,808,996) identified by sequencing 49 genomes of additional peach accessions were used as the main source of additional SNPs. Focal point strategy was used to select 8,971 SNPs within 40kb window from the 2,821 focal points distributed across the genome. Additional 129 SNPs were chosen to saturate either regions important for breeding or close the gaps larger than 100kb. The array was validated with 1,770 peach and 26 Prunus accessions (almond, plum, apricot, wild relatives). The add-on contained 7,862 SNPs evenly spread across 8 peach pseudo-molecules with only one SNP positioned on scaffold 13 covering 224.99Mbp of peach genome. The 9K add-on improved the 9K peach array by increasing the total number of usable SNPs by 7,206. The number of SNPs per chromosome increased on average by 50% with only on average 0.18% increase in total physical coverage. Number of gaps larger than 0.3 Mbp was reduced to 2 one on each chromosome 3 and 8. Overall genotyping efficiency in all material was >90% except in almond, 82%. Number of informative markers, assessed by ASSIsT software, were highest in peach 64% and lowest in almond 10%, with 61% of markers being informative in wild Prunus (12) and 35% in apricot (4) and 2 - 33% in Japanese and European plum, respectively. Among 36.2% discarded markers 33% were monomorphic and 30% shifted homozygous in material used. Those markers could be informative in different background raising total number of informative markers. Ann addition of new SNPs to array improved the density and usefulness of the array in Prunus species. The practical applications of new 16K Illumina SNP peach array will be discussed. Specified Source(s) of Funding: USDA-NIFA-SCRI-Ros- BREED (2014-51181-22378

    Evaluation of Exposure Assessment Tools under REACH: Part II-Higher Tier Tools.

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    Stoffenmanager®v4.5 and Advanced REACH Tool (ART) v1.5, two higher tier exposure assessment tools for use under REACH, were evaluated by determining accuracy and robustness. A total of 282 exposure measurements from 51 exposure situations (ESs) were collected and categorized by exposure category. In this study, only the results of liquids with vapor pressure (VP) > 10 Pa category having a sufficient number of exposure measurements (n = 251 with 42 ESs) were utilized. In addition, the results were presented by handling/activity description and input parameters for the same exposure category. It should be noted that the performance results of Stoffenmanager and ART in this study cannot be directly compared for some ESs because ART allows a combination of up to four subtasks (and nonexposed periods) to be included, whereas the database for Stoffenmanager, separately developed under the permission of the legal owner of Stoffenmanager, permits the use of only one task to predict exposure estimates. Thus, it would be most appropriate to compare full-shift measurements against ART predictions (full shift including nonexposed periods) and task-based measurements against task-based Stoffenmanager predictions. For liquids with VP > 10 Pa category, Stoffenmanager®v4.5 appeared to be reasonably accurate and robust when predicting exposures [percentage of measurements exceeding the tool's 90th percentile estimate (%M > T) was 15%]. Areas that could potentially be improved include ESs involving the task of handling of liquids on large surfaces or large work pieces, allocation of high and medium VP inputs, and absence of local exhaust ventilation input. Although the ART's median predictions appeared to be reasonably accurate for liquids with VP > 10 Pa, the %M > T for the 90th percentile estimates was 41%, indicating that variance in exposure levels is underestimated by ART. The %M > T using the estimates of the upper value of 90% confidence interval (CI) of the 90th percentile estimate (UCI90) was considerably reduced to 18% for liquids with VP > 10 Pa. On the basis of this observation, users might be to consider using the upper limit value of 90% CI of the 90th percentile estimate for predicting reasonable worst case situations. Nevertheless, for some activities and input parameters, ART still shows areas to be improved. Hence, it is suggested that ART developers review the assumptions in relation to exposure variability within the tool, toward improving the tool performance in estimating percentile exposure levels. In addition, for both tools, only some handling/activity descriptions and input parameters were considered. Thus, further validation studies are still necessary


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    Background: The variations in proinflamatory cytokine levels have been associated with schizophrenia (SCH), duration of illness, psychopathology and treatment. The aim of the study was to investigate serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-α) in schizophrenic patients during exacerbation and remission, and its association with course of illness and therapy. Subjects and methods: We measured serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in 43 schizophrenic patients in exacerbation and remission and compared them to 29 healthy controls, matched by sex, age, body mass index (BMI) and smoking habits. The severity of psychopathology was assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Results: There was no difference in levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in exacerbation compared to remission in schizophrenic patients. IL-6 was higher and TNF-α was lower in schizophrenic patients in both exacerbation and remission in comparison with healthy controls. TNF-α in exacerbation was in negative correlation with IL-6 in remission. No statistical significance was found between levels of cytokines and sex, age, BMI, smoking habits, antipsychotic medication, duration of treatment and duration of illness. IL-6 levels were in positive correlation with the age of onset and the duration of untreated psychosis. In schizophrenic patients on adjunctive treatment with mood stabilizers, TNF-α levels increased in remission. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the connection between schizophrenia, cytokines and medication is multifaceted, and not necessarily linear. Adjunct mood stabilizers not only ameliorate psychopathology, but might convey immunomodulatory effects as well. Further longitudinal studies could elucidate potential beneficial effect of combined therapy in treatment of SCH

    Evaluation of Exposure Assessment Tools under REACH: Part I-Tier 1 Tools.

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    Tier 1 occupational exposure assessment tools recommended for use under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and restriction of CHemicals (REACH) were evaluated using newly collected measurement data. Evaluated tools included the ECETOC TRAv2 and TRAv3, MEASEv1.02.01, and EMKG-EXPO-TOOL. Fifty-three exposure situations (ESs) based on tasks/chemicals were developed from National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health field surveys. During the field surveys, high quality contextual information required for evaluating the tools was also collected. For each ES, applicable tools were then used to generate exposure estimates using a consensus approach. Among 53 ESs, only those related to an exposure category of liquids with vapor pressure (VP) > 10 Pa had sufficient numbers of exposure measurements (42 ESs with n = 251 for TRAv2 and TRAv3 and 40 ESs with n = 243 for EMKG-EXPO-TOOL) to be considered in detail. The results for other exposure categories (aqueous solutions, liquids with VP ≤ 10 Pa, metal processing, powders, and solid objects) had insufficient measurement to allow detailed analyses (results listed in the Supplementary File). Overall, EMKG-EXPO-TOOL generated more conservative results than TRAv2 and TRAv3 for liquids with high VP. This finding is at least partly due to the fact that the EMKG-EXPO-TOOL only considers pure substances and not mixtures of chemical agents. For 34 out of 40 ESs available for chemicals with VP > 10 Pa, the liquid was a mixture rather than a pure substance. TRAv3 was less conservative than TRAv2, probably due to additional refinement of some input parameters. The percentages of exposure measurement results exceeding the corresponding tool estimates for liquids with VP > 10 Pa by process category and by input parameters were always higher for TRAv3 compared to those for TRAv2. Although the conclusions of this study are limited to liquids with VP > 10 Pa and few process categories, this study utilized the most transparent contextual information compared to previous studies, reducing uncertainty from assumptions for unknown input parameters. A further validation is recommended by collecting sufficient exposure data covering other exposure categories and all process categories under REACH


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    The peach is the third most produced temperate tree fruit species behind apple and pear. This diploid species, Prunus persica, is naturally self-pollinating unlike most of the other cultivated Prunus species. Its center of diversity is in China, where it was domesticated. Starting about 3,000 years ago, the peach was moved from China to all temperate and subtropical climates within the Asian continent and then, more than 2,000 years ago, spread to Persia (present day Iran) via the Silk Road and from there throughout Europe. From Europe it was taken by the Spanish and Portuguese explorers to the Americas. It has an extensive history of breeding that has resulted in scion cultivars with adaptability from cold temperate to tropical zones, a ripening season extending for 6\u20138 months, and a wide range of fruit and tree characteristics. Peach has also been crossed with species in the Amygdalus and Prunophora subgenera to produce interspecific rootstocks tolerant to soil and disease problems to which P. persica has limited or no resistance. It is the best known temperate fruit species from a genetics perspective and as a model plant has a large array of genomics tools that are beginning to have an impact on the development of new cultivars