17 research outputs found

    The Role of Small Countries Diplomacy in National, Regional and Global Security Environment

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    Changes in the global security environment have inevitably led to changes at the regional and national level. In the past, the impact of small countries on global security has been much inferior while today's influence is ever greater. While small countries do not have the capability to cope with new and ongoing threats, soft means and, in particular, diplomacy remain the main tool of these countries to avoid and reduce the risk of conflict. For Western Balkan countries, Euro-Atlantic integration is the only solution to avoid the uncertainty and potential conflicts in the region. Integration into international organizations of small and medium-sized countries besides that increases the security level for small also makes it possible to reduce the costs of defence and consequently has less impact on economy and finances. This analysis tends to examine and clarify the role of small countries in the national, regional and global security environment. Moreover, this analysis describes the cases of some small countries that have survived the challenges of history and have prospered alongside the large countries, precisely as a result of engaging the right means in the right time and in accordance with their internal capabilities. Building regional capacities and integrating them into global ones remains the best way for small countries to increase security and at the same time to increase their influence in global decision-making. While the diplomacy as an art of amicability is the safest mean for a small country to confront the external threats. As long as a small country is not able to stand against a conflict with its own forces, the only way to avoid or mitigate the risk of conflict is the diplomatic war

    Global security challenges and their impact on the Security Strategy of Kosova

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    Security is a fundamental prerequisite for the existence and development of humans and their society. Its scientific research and understanding is focused both on the State as a single entity, and on the international politics, as a System of States. At the current level of social development, security policy is implemented through various security systems, which analyze the possibilities and degrees of organization to perform security function in contemporary society. It is part of the Comprehensive State Policy as a whole, and implemented through a host of National Security Goals. This means that, in order to formulate and develop a security concept, any state, must take under consideration both internal and external factors, both traditional and non-traditional factors. Contemporary concept of the security policy is seen as a combination of objectives, interests, and actions in economy on one hand, and of the Strategy of the Armed Forces, on the other hand, including international cooperation and coordination. Kosova has fallen behind in this field, because it still misses some documents of crucial importance, i.e. “Comprehensive Security Strategy”, a Comprehensive document defining the National Critical Infrastructure. These two documents are supposed to define the basic national interests of Kosova, as crucial elements of the National Being, and define institutions and actions for their preservation and development. To make the situation even more difficult, Kosova is still missing a clear definition of its security environment, whereas the entire security policy is based on the capability of KFOR, EULEX and other international presence, to provide their support. The presence of parallel structures, and even criminal groups, sponsored, or instigated, by the official Government of Serbia, have a serious impact on the situation. Those structures and groups are a constant challenge against legal institutions of Kosova, in their efforts to execute the sovereignty throughout its territory

    European union mission for the rule of law in Kosovo

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    Here we have studied the international circumstances that have affected the deployment of the EULEX Mission in Kosovo. The EULEX mission is the European Union Mission for the Rule of Law in Kosovo. Its main goal is to advise, assist and support the Kosovo authorities in issues of the rule of law, especially in the field of police, judiciary and customs performance. Also this mission has the responsibility to develop and further strengthen the independent multi-ethnic justice system in Kosovo, by ensuring that the rule of law institutions are not politically influenced and that they meet the known international standards and best European practices. This mission was foreseen to be deployed to Kosovo, based on the Ahtissari Comprehensive Status Proposal for Kosovo, but due to its non-approval by the UN Security Council, its full implementation was delayed until December 2008. EULEX acts within the framework of Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and under a single chain of command in Brussels. EULEX officials have supported Kosovo Police, the Judiciary system and Kosovo Customs, through MMA actions for achieving objectives and goals that are foreseen by the program strategy of EULEX. But in terms of efficiency, EULEX has only achieved modest results. In the northern part of Kosovo, EULEX has failed, as a result of its ambivalent mandate and incoherence of EU Foreign and Security Policy

    “Diplomacia merimangë” si shpjegim plotësues i rrethanave të reja ndërkombëtare

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    Shekulli i ri me dinamikën e marrëdhënieve ndërkombëtare, ka sfiduar teoritë, siç i quante Popper ‘strikte universale’ dhe nevojën për shpjegime teorike ‘numerike universale’. Shekulli XX ka zhvilluar teoritë e marrëdhënieve ndërkombëtare, por sot këto teori janë në betejë me ndryshimet e shpjegimeve sesa me zgjerimin e kuadrit teorik. Nevoja për shpjegime të reja, nuk i hedh poshtë teoritë e vjetra, vetëm kërkon që aksiomat e tyre të jenë më inter-teorike dhe me variabla të rinj, që shpjegojnë rrjedhën e veprimeve të paramenduara të aktorëve shtetërorë deri në qëllimin e caktuar. Pra, ky ndryshim teorik dhe marrja e disa aksiomave realiste, duke shtuar variabla inter-teorike (pragmatizmin, analizën e politikës së jashtme, realizimin ofensivë, dhe realizimin defensivë) na dërgon te një teorizim që e kemi quajtur “diplomacia merimangë”. Almond në vitet ’60 konsideronte se “me rënien e normave dhe traditave të shkencave politike, është rritur nevoja për teori dhe teoricienët politikë”, ku edhe sot hasim në gjendjen e njëjtë për shpjegimin e rrethanave të reja gjeopolitike dhe gjeostrategjike. Nëpërmjet “diplomacisë merimangë” tentojmë të bëjmë studime empirike, induktive, të mundshme dhe të testueshme bazuar në tri iniciativa të subjekteve ndërkombëtare (nga aktorët shtetërorë te aktorët joshtetërorë; nga aktorët shtetërorë te aktorët e tjerë shtetërorë dhe, mikst). Me këtë hulumtim kemi analizuar shkaqet dhe kronologjinë e një rrjeti diplomatik, shtrirjen që po tenton ta bëjë Rusia sot dhe Serbia ndaj shtetit të ri të Kosovës. Por, për ilustrim kemi marrë edhe një shembull nga e kaluara, një nga luftërat e Izraelit me vendet arabe. Ne kemi gjetur rezultate të verifikueshme, pragmatike dhe analitike që e provojnë skemën e “diplomacisë merimangë”


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    Corruption is a global concern today and Kosovo is no exception! As a matter fact, successful combat against corruption is a crucial condition that has to be met for every legal and a democratic state. For the Republic of Kosovo this means first of all establishing a consistent legal framework based on the general principals of the European Law. Aim of this research is to prove that in order to have a more successful combat against corruption, Kosovo has to take all measures that are foreseen from the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, even though Kosovo has not signed this convention yet. With other words this paper does compare the domestic criminal offenses on corruption of the Criminal Code of Kosovo with the incriminations of the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption. After the war, Kosovo was found in chaotic situation especially its justice system. Therefore this paper includes also a historical review on corruption in Kosovo. Nevertheless the main attention of the paper is about the relation between the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and the Criminal Code of Kosovo


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    Corruption is a global concern today and Kosovo is no exception. Consequences of corruption are evident in every sphere of society including the environmental damage that can be caused through corruption! As a matter fact, successful combat against corruption is a crucial condition that has to be met for every legal and a democratic state. For the Republic of Kosovo this means first of all establishing a consistent legal framework based on the general principals of the European Law. Aim of this research is to prove that in order to have a more successful combat against corruption, Kosovo has to take all measures that are foreseen from the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, even though Kosovo has not signed this convention yet. With other words this paper does compare the domestic criminal offenses on corruption of the Criminal Code of Kosovo with the incriminations of the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption. After the war, Kosovo was found in chaotic situation especially its justice system. Therefore this paper includes also a historical review on corruption in Kosovo. Nevertheless the main attention of the paper is about the relation between the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and the Criminal Code of Kosovo

    The Role of Small Countries Diplomacy in National, Regional and Global Security Environment

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    Changes in the global security environment have inevitably led to changes at the regional and national level. In the past, the impact of small countries on global security has been much inferior while today's influence is ever greater. While small countries do not have the capability to cope with new and ongoing threats, soft means and, in particular, diplomacy remain the main tool of these countries to avoid and reduce the risk of conflict. For Western Balkan countries, Euro-Atlantic integration is the only solution to avoid the uncertainty and potential conflicts in the region. Integration into international organizations of small and medium-sized countries besides that increases the security level for small also makes it possible to reduce the costs of defence and consequently has less impact on economy and finances. This analysis tends to examine and clarify the role of small countries in the national, regional and global security environment. Moreover, this analysis describes the cases of some small countries that have survived the challenges of history and have prospered alongside the large countries, precisely as a result of engaging the right means in the right time and in accordance with their internal capabilities. Building regional capacities and integrating them into global ones remains the best way for small countries to increase security and at the same time to increase their influence in global decision-making. While the diplomacy as an art of amicability is the safest mean for a small country to confront the external threats. As long as a small country is not able to stand against a conflict with its own forces, the only way to avoid or mitigate the risk of conflict is the diplomatic war

    Spider Diplomacy as a complementary explanation of the new international circumstances

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    The new century with the dynamics of international relations has challenged theories, as it called Popper ‘strict universality’ and the need for ‘numerical universality' theoretical explanations. In the twentieth century, theories of international relations developed, but these theories are in the battle with explanation changes rather than expanding the theoretical framework. The need for new explanations doesn’t reject old theories, only requires their axioms to be more inter-theoretical and with new variables that explain the course of the deliberate actions of state actors to the intended purpose. So this theoretical change and the acquisition of some realistic axioms, by adding inter-theoretic variables (pragmatism, foreign policy analysis, offensive realism, and defensive realism), sends us to a theorization we have called “spider diplomacy”. Almond in the 1960s considered that “with the decline of the norms and traditions of political sciences, the need for political theory and theories has increased”, where we find the same situation today for explaining the new geopolitical and geostrategic circumstances. Therefore, these circumstances we try to explain, through “spider diplomacy” as a hybrid theory for empirical, inductive, probable and testable studies based on three initiatives of international subjects (from state actors to non-state actors, from state actors to other actors’ state, and mix). In this research, we have analyzed the causes and the chronology of a diplomatic network, the wild stretch that Russia is trying to make today and Serbia in the new state of Kosovo. But for the illustration, we have taken another example from the past. One of Israel's wars with Arab countries. We have found verifiable, pragmatic and analytical results that prove the "spider diplomacy" scheme is needed


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    Hybrid threats are increasingly replacing conventional threats in the global security environment. In recent decades, the world has been increasingly challenged by these threats. Kosovo is exposed to hybrid risks as from its northern neighbor Serbia as well as other global actors, such as; various extremist and terrorist organizations. Delays in the consolidation of the Kosovo Armed Forces, the lack of full control of the territory, the initial stage of development in which is currently the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA) and many other problems make Kosovo relatively vulnerable to this risk. This paper aims to analyze and describe hybrid threats based on NATO and especially on the United States military doctrine, the case studies of Ukraine and Georgia, the origins of these risks for Kosovo and the current capabilities of the Republic of Kosovo. Moreover, through analyze this paper identifies the needs that Kosovo should fulfill in order to face effectively with this types of threats as well as means and methods which institutions in Kosovo should use to deal with these threats. Dealing with hybrid threats requires good consolidated security and defense institutions, full control of the territory and continuous and consolidated cooperation with partner countries and international organizations.Hibridne prijetnje u globalnom sigurnosnom okruženju sve više zamjenjuju konvencionalne prijetnje. Posljednjih desetljeća svijet je sve više izložen tim prijetnjama. Kosovo je izloženo hibridnim rizicima kako od strane svog sjevernog susjeda Srbije, tako i od drugih globalnih aktera, kao što su na primjer razne ekstremističke i terorističke organizacije. Kašnjenja u konsolidaciji Kosovskih oružanih snaga, nedostatak potpune kontrole teritorija, početna faza razvoja u kojoj je trenutačno Kosovska obavještajna agencija i mnogi drugi problemi čine Kosovo relativno ranjivim u odnosu na ovaj rizik. Ovaj rad ima za cilj analizirati i opisati hibridne prijetnje temeljem vojne doktrine NATO-a te posebno SAD-a, studija slučaja Ukrajine i Gruzije, te utvrditi ishodišta tih rizika za Kosovo i trenutne mogućnosti Republike Kosovo. Analizom se u ovom radu utvrđuju potrebe koje Kosovo treba ispuniti kako bi se učinkovito suočilo s ovim vrstama prijetnji, kao i sredstva i metode koje bi institucije na Kosovu trebale koristiti za suočavanje s tim prijetnjama. Suočavanje s hibridnim prijetnjama zahtijeva konsolidirane sigurnosne i obrambene institucije, potpunu kontrolu teritorija te kontinuiranu i konsolidiranu suradnju s partnerskim državama i međunarodnim organizacijama

    System Security Concepts of Kosovo - Challenges and Prospects

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