64 research outputs found

    Large parity violating effects in atomic dysprosium with nearly degenerate Floquet eigenvalues

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    In this article we study effects of parity nonconservation in atomic dysprosium, where one has a pair of nearly degenerate levels of opposite parity. We consider the time evolution of this two-level system within oscillatory electric and magnetic fields. These are chosen to have a periodical structure with the same period, such that a Floquet matrix describes the time evolution of the quantum states. We show that, if the states are unstable, the eigenvalues of the Floquet matrix may have contributions proportional to the square root of the parity violating interaction matrix element HwH_w while they are almost degenerate in their parity even part. This leads to beat frequencies proportional to Hw\sqrt{H_w} which are expected to be larger by several orders of magnitude compared to ordinary P-violating contributions which are of order HwH_w. However, for the simple field configurations we considered, it still seems to be difficult to observe these P-violating beat effects, since the states decay too fast. On the other hand, we found that, within only a few Floquet cycles, very large parity violating asymmetries with respect to experimental setups of opposite chirality may be obtained. The electric and magnetic fields as well as the time intervals necessary for this are in an experimentally accessible range. For statistically significant effects beyond one standard deviation a number of about 10710^7 atoms is required. Our ideas may be applied directly to other 2-level atomic systems and different field configurations. We hope that these ideas will stimulate experimental work in this direction.Comment: Sep 1999, 29pp, 10 Fig

    Long-range nature of Feshbach molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We discuss the long-range nature of the molecules produced in recent experiments on molecular Bose-Einstein condensation. The properties of these molecules depend on the full two-body Hamiltonian and not just on the states of the system in the absence of interchannel couplings. The very long-range nature of the state is crucial to the efficiency of production in the experiments. Our many-body treatment of the gas accounts for the full binary physics and describes properly how these molecular condensates can be directly probed

    Free expansion of a Lieb-Liniger gas: Asymptotic form of the wave functions

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    The asymptotic form of the wave functions describing a freely expanding Lieb-Liniger gas is derived by using a Fermi-Bose transformation for time-dependent states, and the stationary phase approximation. We find that asymptotically the wave functions approach the Tonks-Girardeau (TG) structure as they vanish when any two of the particle coordinates coincide. We point out that the properties of these asymptotic states can significantly differ from the properties of a TG gas in a ground state of an external potential. The dependence of the asymptotic wave function on the initial state is discussed. The analysis encompasses a large class of initial conditions, including the ground states of a Lieb-Liniger gas in physically realistic external potentials. It is also demonstrated that the interaction energy asymptotically decays as a universal power law with time, Eintt3E_\mathrm{int}\propto t^{-3}.Comment: Section VI added to v2; published versio

    Matter Wave Turbulence: Beyond Kinetic Scaling

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    Turbulent scaling phenomena are studied in an ultracold Bose gas away from thermal equilibrium. Fixed points of the dynamical evolution are characterized in terms of universal scaling exponents of correlation functions. The scaling behavior is determined analytically in the framework of quantum field theory, using a nonperturbative approximation of the two-particle irreducible effective action. While perturbative Kolmogorov scaling is recovered at higher energies, scaling solutions with anomalously large exponents arise in the infrared regime of the turbulence spectrum. The extraordinary enhancement in the momentum dependence of long-range correlations could be experimentally accessible in dilute ultracold atomic gases. Such experiments have the potential to provide insight into dynamical phenomena directly relevant also in other present-day focus areas like heavy-ion collisions and early-universe cosmology.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic formation of Rydberg aggregates at off-resonant excitation

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    The dynamics of a cloud of ultra-cold two-level atoms is studied at off-resonant laser driving to a Rydberg state. We find that resonant excitation channels lead to strongly peaked spatial correlations associated with the buildup of asymmetric excitation structures. These aggregates can extend over the entire ensemble volume, but are in general not localized relative to the system boundaries. The characteristic distances between neighboring excitations depend on the laser detuning and on the interaction potential. These properties lead to characteristic features in the spatial excitation density, the Mandel QQ parameter, and the total number of excitations. As an application an implementation of the three-atom CSWAP or Fredkin gate with Rydberg atoms is discussed. The gate not only exploits the Rydberg blockade, but also utilizes the special features of an asymmetric geometric arrangement of the three atoms. We show that continuous-wave off-resonant laser driving is sufficient to create the required spatial arrangement of atoms out of a homogeneous cloud.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Fermi-Bose transformation for the time-dependent Lieb-Liniger gas

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    Exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation describing a freely expanding Lieb-Liniger (LL) gas of delta-interacting bosons in one spatial dimension are constructed. The many-body wave function is obtained by transforming a fully antisymmetric (fermionic) time-dependent wave function which obeys the Schrodinger equation for a free gas. This transformation employs a differential Fermi-Bose mapping operator which depends on the strength of the interaction and the number of particles.Comment: 4+ pages, 1 figure; added reference