829 research outputs found

    Pegmatitas en materiales metamórficos del norte de la provincia de Córdoba. Mineralogía y posibilidades económicas

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    [Resumen] En relación con rocas metamórficas de edad Precámbrica y metamorfismo de grado medio-alto se han estudiado más de 60 masas de pegmatitas cuarzo-feldespáticas compuestas por cuarzo, feldespato potásico, albita, moscovita, turma1 ina, granate, biotita, menas metálicas, minerales de uranio y otros. Las masas pegmatíticas son de formas irregulares o 1entejonares subconcordantes con la esquistosidad regional más manifiesta. Sus dimensiones oscilan entre unos decímetros y decenas de metros, y su continuidad lateral su pera en algunos casos los trescientos metros. Considerando sólo las masas de potencia métrica, por sus reservas, cal idad química de sus principales especies minerales, tamaño de grano, texturas, etc. es planteable la obtención industrial de cuarzo, feldespato potásico, feldespato sódico y moscovita[Abstract] More than 60 outcrops of quartz-fe1despatic pagmatites have been studied re1ated with Precambrian metamorphic rocks of medium-high grade. The pagmatites are composed of quartz, potash fe1dspar, a1bite, muscovite, turma1 ine, garnet, biotite, ores, uranium minerals and others. The pegmatite outcrops hare irregular o lenticular forms, subparallell to the main regional schistosity. They vary in size between a few decimeters to some tens of meters, whi1e su lateral continuity exceed in sorne cases 300 meterse By taking into account on1y the outcrop of metric size, their stocks, chemica1 qual ity of the main mineral species, grain size, texture, etc., it can be planned the industrial recovery of quartz, potash feldspar, sodic fe1dspar and muscovit

    Spatial isolation impacts pollinator visitation and reproductive success of a threatened self-incompatible Mediterranean tree

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    Pollination service is crucial to achieve successful plant sexual reproduction and long-term population persistence. This pollination service can be affected by plant conspecific density and also by intrinsic features of individuals related to their flowering phenology and floral display. However, studies examining intrinsic and extrinsic traits on pollinator visitation and reproductive success of Mediterranean trees with limited reproduction are still scarce. We analyzed the effects of plant isolation, flowering phenology, flower weight and tree size on flower visitation probability, flowering patch visitation probability, fruit set and crop size. To this end, we intensively monitored pollinator visitation and fruit production of 67 (in 2019) and 73 (in 2020) Pyrus bourgaeana Decne trees within a threatened Mediterranean population. Our results revealed that isolated individuals received more pollinators than those on conspecific aggregations, suggesting intraspecific competition for pollinators in dense flowering neighborhoods. However, fruit set was higher in trees close to flowering conspecifics despite having fewer visits from pollinators, suggesting pollen limitation but not pollinator limitation in spatially isolated trees. Interestingly, we found increased crop sizes in spatially isolated trees which could be related to reduced intraspecific competition for resources in low-density neighborhoods (water, nutrients) and/or to higher reproductive investment (i.e. higher flower production). Overall, our results indicated pollen but not pollinator limitation in spatially isolated trees. Under this scenario of sexual reproduction mediated by pollinators, our findings stress the relevance of individuals’ spatial distribution for self-incompatible trees exhibiting low individuals’ densitiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quando a Soteriologia encontra a Deontologia: Reconhecimento, Autonomia e Cuidado de Si em uma perspectiva não-dual

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    This article briefly outlines the concepts of recognition (pratyabhijñã) and autonomy (svãtantrya) developed in an integral non-dual (parama advaita) by an Indian philosophical school called Kashmir Shaivism between the century IX until the century XI EC. From this non-Western point of view an attempt is made to show the importance of the study of philosophical concepts outside traditional western patterns of feeling and thinking, but that still dialogue and face very similar problems, attempting to break at the same time that reframes certain discussions ”“ especially insights about the Self, the Other and the deontological implications that come from this. Involved in a soteriology the moral code of this doctrine can be found in the reflections on the manifestation of the absolute consciousness (vimarÅ›a) into reality itself, which comprises the individual, being a perspective that moves between immanence and transcendence. This method goes along an expansion of the limited awareness to an understanding increasingly integral, finding the non-differences in the differences (bhedãbheda). The path to liberation is therefore inevitably a path of constant questioning and reflexion, which encourages both autonomy as a recognition of the Self and the Other.Este artigo expõe brevemente os conceitos de reconhecimento (pratyabhijñã) e autonomia (svãtantrya) desenvolvidos em uma perspectiva não-dual integral (parama advaita) por uma escola filosófica indiana intitulada Åšivaísmo da Caxemira entre o séc. IX ao séc. XI EC. Partindo deste ponto de vista não-ocidental, intenta-se mostrar a importância do estudo de concepções filosóficas fora dos moldes ocidentais tradicionais de sentir e pensar, mas que dialogam e enfrentam problemas muito semelhantes, intentando romper ao mesmo tempo em que se ressignifica determinadas discussões, especialmente compreensões sobre o Eu, o Outro e as implicações deontológicas decorrentes disso. Envolvido em uma soteriologia, o código moral dessa doutrina pode ser encontrado nas reflexões sobre a manifestação da consciência absoluta (vimarÅ›a) na própria realidade, a qual compreende o indivíduo, tratando-se de uma perspectiva que transita entre a imanência e a transcendência. Esse método perpassa, portanto, a expansão da consciência limitada para uma compreensão cada vez mais integral, as não-diferenças nas diferenças (bhedãbheda). O caminho para a libertação é, pois, inevitavelmente um caminho de constante questionamento e reflexão, estimulando-se tanto uma autonomia quanto um reconhecimento do Si e do Outro

    Interspecific interactions among functionally diverse frugivores and their outcomes for plant reproduction: a new approach based on camera-trap data and tailored null models

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    Research ArticleThe study of plant-frugivore interactions is essential to understand the ecology and evolution of many plant communities. However, very little is known about how interactions among frugivores indirectly affect plant reproductive success. In this study, we examined direct interactions among vertebrate frugivores sharing the same fruit resources. Then, we inferred how the revealed direct interspecific interactions could lead to indirect (positive or negative) effects on reproductive success of fleshy fruited plants. To do so, we developed a new analytical approach that combines camera trap data (spatial location, visitor species, date and time, activity) and tailored null models that allowed us to infer spatial-temporal interactions (attraction, avoidance or indifference) between pairs of frugivore species. To illustrate our approach, we chose to study the system composed by the Mediterranean dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis, the Iberian pear tree, Pyrus bourgaeana, and their shared functionally diverse assemblages of vertebrate frugivores in a Mediterranean area of SW Spain. We first assessed the extent to which different pairs of frugivore species tend to visit the same or different fruiting individual plants. Then, for pairs of species that used the same individual plants, we evaluated their spatial-temporal relationship. Our first step showed, for instance, that some prey frugivore species (e.g. lagomorphs) tend to avoid those C. humilis individuals that were most visited by their predators (e.g. red foxes). Also, the second step revealed temporal attraction between large wild and domestic frugivore ungulates (e.g. red deer, cows) and medium-sized frugivores (e.g. red foxes) suggesting that large mammals could facilitate the C. humilis and P. bourgaeana exploitation to other smaller frugivores by making fruits more easily accessible. Finally, our results allowed us to identify direct interaction pathways, that revealed how the mutualistic and antagonistic relations between animal associates derived into indirect effects on both plants seed dispersal success. For instance, we found that large-sized seed predators (e.g. ungulates) had a direct positive effect on the likelihood of visits by legitimate seed dispersers (e.g. red foxes) to both fleshy fruited plants. Then, seed predators showed an indirect positive effect on the plants’ reproductive Our new analytical approach provides a widely applicable framework for further studies on multispecies interactions in different systems beyond plant-frugivore interactions, including plant-pollinator interactions, the exploitation of plants by herbivores, and the use of carcasses by vertebrate scavengersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simple and efficient furfural production from xylose in media containing 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate

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    The acidic 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate ([bmim][HSO4]) ionic liquid was explored as both a reaction medium and a catalyst in the furfural production from xylose. Preliminary experiments were carried out at 100–140 °C for 15–480 min in systems containing just xylose dissolved in [bmim][HSO4] in the absence of externally added catalysts. More than 95% xylose conversion was achieved when operating at 120 or 140 °C for 300 and 90 min, respectively; but just 36.7% of the initial xylose was converted to furfural. Operation in biphasic reaction systems (in the presence of toluene, methyl-isobutyl ketone or dioxane as extraction solvents) at 140 °C under selected conditions resulted in improved furfural production (73.8%, 80.3%, and 82.2% xylose conversion to furfural for the cited extraction solvents, respectively)

    Contato Improvisação como uma Arte de viver

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    A presente tradução selecionou uma parte do doutorado Contato Improvisação como Arte de viver, de Jörg Schmid da Univ.-Philipps de Marburgo. A seção traduzida traz uma fundamentada e clara pesquisa sobre a origem da forma de dança Contato Improvisação (CI), o contextual cultural da época, as influências dentro e fora da história da dança e da performance, além do desenvolvimento das primeiras gerações de dançarinos e professores de CI. Essa tradução pretende contribuir para o cenário da dança e dos estudos performáticos, mostrando a importância dessa crescente e mundialmente disseminada forma de dança contemporânea e pesquisa de movimento corporal, ainda pouco estudada no Brasil

    Contato Improvisação como uma Arte de viver [parte 2]

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    A presente tradução é a continuação de uma tradução já publicada na revista Urdimento, v.1, n.28, p. 302-322, Julho 2017, relativa a uma parte do doutorado Contato Improvisação como Arte de viver, de Jörg Schmid da Universidade Philipps de Marburgo. Essa “[parte 2]” foca nos desenvolvimentos e diferentes formas de manifestação do Contato Improvisação (CI) após a primeira geração de dançarinos, trazendo a influência de outras práticas corporais, bem como o subsequente processo de profissionalização. Começaram, portanto, a surgir questões relativas a: criação de uma comunidade internacional com fóruns abertos; organização de festivais e encontros internacionais; desenvolvimento de plataformas onlines que conseguissem agregar a comunidade sem criar estruturas de poder muito centralizadoras e verticais; estruturação de laboratórios e de jams; discussões de temas recorrentes como os riscos da sexualização, a vivência do fluxo [Flow-Erleben], a atenção plena [Achtsamkeit] etc. Essa tradução pretende continuar contribuindo para o cenário da dança e dos estudos performáticos, mostrando a importância do CI como uma crescente e mundialmente disseminada forma de dança contemporânea e pesquisa de movimento corporal, ainda pouco estudada no Brasil