428 research outputs found

    Subsidies and agricultural productivity in the EU

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    This paper investigates the relationship between EU agricultural subsidies and agricultural labor productivity growth by estimating a conditional convergence growth model. We use more representative subsidy indicators and a wider coverage (panel data from 213 EU regions over the period 2004\u20132014) than have been used before. We find that, on average, EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies increase agricultural labor productivity growth, but this aggregate effect hides important heterogeneity of effects of different types of subsidies. The positive effect on productivity comes from decoupled subsidies, that is, Pillar I decoupled payments and some Pillar II payments. Coupled Pillar I subsidies have the opposite effect: they slow down productivity growth

    First evidence of protein modulation by polystyrene microplastics in a freshwater biological model

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    Microplastics (MPs)are now one of the major environmental problems due to the large amount released in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as their diffuse sources and potential impacts on organisms and human health. Still the molecular and cellular targets of microplastics\u2019 toxicity have not yet been identified and their mechanism of actions in aquatic organisms are largely unknown. In order to partially fill this gap, we used a mass spectrometry based functional proteomics to evaluate the modulation of protein profiling in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), one of the most useful freshwater biological model. Mussels were exposed for 6 days in static conditions to two different microplastic mixtures, composed by two types of virgin polystyrene microbeads (size = 1 and 10 \u3bcm)each one. The mixture at the lowest concentration contained 5 7 105 MP/L of 1 \u3bcm and 5 7 105 MP/L of 10 \u3bcm, while the higher one was arranged with 2 7 106 MP/L of 1 \u3bcm and 2 7 106 MP/L of 10 \u3bcm. Proteomics\u2019 analyses of gills showed the complete lack of proteins\u2019 modulation after the exposure to the low-concentrated mixture, while even 78 proteins were differentially modulated after the exposure to the high-concentrated one, suggesting the presence of an effect-threshold. The modulated proteins belong to 5 different classes mainly involved in the structure and function of ribosomes, energy metabolism, cellular trafficking, RNA-binding and cytoskeleton, all related to the response against the oxidative stress

    Expression and subcellular localization of the bromodomain-containing protein 7 is a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer

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    Bromodomain-containing protein 7 (BRD7) is a member of the bromodomain-containing protein family. Previous studies suggest that BRD7 is predominantly localized in the nucleus, wherein it functions as a transcriptional regulator. Several lines of evidence imply a tumour suppressor function for BRD7. However, the importance of BRD7 in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is not well understood. We have investigated the expression, CpG island methylation and subcellular localization of BRD7 in breast cancer cell lines and clinical cases and thereby assessed its prognostic significance by correlating with clinical-pathological features and time-dependent clinical outcomes. We show that nuclear exclusion of BRD7 occurs commonly in breast cancer and is strongly associated with cases expressing wild-type p53. Moreover, clinical outcomes are significantly less favourable in cases with nuclear exclusion or loss of expression than those in which there is nuclear expression of BRD7. Methylation of the CpG island of BRD7 increases in breast cancer relative to normal breast tissue, but there is not an obvious correlation between methylation and reduced expression or between methylation and clinical outcomes. Overall, our results suggest that nuclear exclusion, rather than transcriptional silencing, is a common mechanism by which the tumour suppressor function of wild-type p53 is inhibited in breast cancer, and show that BRD7 is a promising candidate biomarker in breast cancer

    Seasonal H1N1 2007 influenza virus infection is associated with elevated pre‐exposure antibody titers to the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus

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    AbstractThe new influenza strain detected in humans in April 2009 has caused the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century. A cross‐reactive antibody response, in which antibodies against seasonal H1N1 viruses neutralized the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus (2009 pH1N1), was detected among individuals aged >60 years. However, factors other than age associated with such a cross‐reactive antibody response are poorly documented. Our objective was to examine factors potentially associated with elevated pre‐exposure viro‐neutralization and hemagglutination‐inhibition antibody titers against the 2009 pH1N1. We also studied factors associated with antibody titers against the 2007 seasonal H1N1 virus. One hundred subjects participating in an influenza cohort were selected. Sera collected in 2008 were analysed using hemagglutination inhibition and viro‐neutralization assays for the 2009 pH1N1 virus and the 2007 seasonal H1N1 virus. Viro‐neutralization results were explored using a linear mixed‐effect model and hemagglutination‐inhibition results using linear‐regression models for interval‐censored data. Elevated antibody titers against 2009 pH1N1 were associated with seasonal 2007 H1N1 infection (viro‐neutralization, p 0.006; hemagglutination‐inhibition, p 0.018). Elevated antibody titers were also associated with age in the viro‐neutralization assay (p <0.0001). Seasonal 2007 H1N1 infection is an independent predictor of elevated pre‐exposure antibody titers against 2009 pH1N1 and may have contributed to lowering the burden of the 2009 pH1N1 pandemic

    Methodologies synthesis

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    This deliverable deals with the modelling and analysis of interdependencies between critical infrastructures, focussing attention on two interdependent infrastructures studied in the context of CRUTIAL: the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures supporting management, control and maintenance functionality. The main objectives are: 1) investigate the main challenges to be addressed for the analysis and modelling of interdependencies, 2) review the modelling methodologies and tools that can be used to address these challenges and support the evaluation of the impact of interdependencies on the dependability and resilience of the service delivered to the users, and 3) present the preliminary directions investigated so far by the CRUTIAL consortium for describing and modelling interdependencies
