7,723 research outputs found

    Madrid, 1912. El reto del turismo

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    The Palace Hotel in Madrid was inaugurated in the autumn of 1912, consolidating the luxury hotel offerings in the capital. In parallel, the city, through the Asociación de Propaganda, was organizing an important tourism conference that for a week brought together all the syndicates in the country. That same month, the general director of the Ritz Hotel had an interesting international journey through Europe and America to promote his hotel and the city. The coincidence of the different factors was not accidental, and reveals the growing importance that tourism was starting to have for the city of Madrid. This article will also try to relate these first steps of Madrid tourism with other aspects in the development of national tourism.El otoño de 1912 se inauguró el Hotel Palace en Madrid consolidando así la oferta de lujo en la capital. Al mismo tiempo, la ciudad, a través de la Asociación de Propaganda, organizaba un importante congreso de turismo que reunió durante una semana a todos los sindicatos del país. Ese mismo otoño, el director del Hotel Ritz hizo un interesante viaje internacional por Europa y América para promocionar su hotel y la ciudad. La coincidencia de factores no es casual y revela la importancia creciente que el turismo empezaba a tener para Madrid. Este artículo pretende, además, relacionar estos primeros pasos del Madrid turístico con otros aspectos del desarrollo del turismo nacional

    Algunas consideraciones en torno a la iconografía concepcionista en Andalucía y en el Nuevo Mundo durante el siglo XVII

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    Tomo II ; págs. 183-18

    Noticias en torno al grabado en las Bienales Hispanoamericanas de Arte

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    Tomo I ; págs. 385-39

    Luis M. Lubián Chaichío (Cádiz, 1951-2017)

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    Self interest and justice principle

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    We introduce non-enforceable property rights over bargaining surplus in a dictator game with production, in which the effort of the agents is differentially rewarded. Using experimental data we elicit individual preferences over the egalitarian, the accountability and the libertarian principle and provide evidence to support the inability of these justice principles to account for the observed behavior. Although this finding is consistent with the idea of individuals interpreting justice principles differently, we show that dictators behave self-interested concerning redistribution and choose which justice principle best maximizes their own payoff. We interpret this result as the justice norm imposing a constraint on otherwise self-maximizing agents.dictator game, justice principles, self-interest, self-serving bias.

    Enhancing organizational performance with social media use: the catalysing effect of corporate entrepreneurship

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    Social Media use has become pervasive and firms are increasingly relying on it, not only to relate to customers, but also to leverage internal processes like innovation. The strategic use of these tools can facilitate also the entrepreneurial orientation of the firm, as it provides useful knowledge which can make the firm more entrepreneurial, stimulating it to find new opportunities or innovative ideas where other companies do not recognize them. However, despite the relevance of the phenomenon in current hyper-competitive environments, empirical research on the topic remains scarce. To shed some light on the issue, the main purpose of the paper is to examine how Social Media use impacts the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship (new business venturing, innovativeness, proactiveness and self-renewal), enhancing also organizational performance. The study is intended to extend knowledge on this topic, by providing understanding of the path firms should take to benefit from Social Media use to become more entrepreneurial and achieve higher organizational performance, developing and nurturing competitive advantages. The paper analyses data obtained from a sample of 201 technological firms located in Spain. The methodology used is Structural equation modelling with LISREL analysis. Findings confirms how the use of Social Media tools positively impacted all the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship, translating also in enhanced performance. This paper contributes to the literature by empirically confirming in a structural model how Social Media use helps to create business value, by enhancing proactive behaviours, promoting strategic renewal inside the firm and increasing innovativeness and new business venturing and displaying the internal and sequential relationships among these dimensions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    El Patronato Nacional de Turismo (1928-1932). Balance económico de una política turística

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    The National Tourist Board, which was set up in 1928, marked the beginning of the State’s participation in tourism. The main goal was to prepare the country for tourism for the 1929 exhibitions as well as to create the necessary national tourist board, imitating other European countries. Up to the time of the Civil War and during two distinct periods marked by a change in government, it focused on promoting tourism and the hotel industry. If the main lines of its tourism policy were correct, poor financing (it depended on a recently created compulsory insurance for rail travel) almost bankrupted it. Thus, the railway crisis in the thirties dragged national tourism down, subsequently stalling projects and investments. KEY Classification-JEL: G28, H81, N74, O21History of Tourism, Tourism Policy, Financing, State Investment

    L‘Office de Tourisme Espagnol de París (1929-1939). Política y turismo en los años treinta

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    It was not until the creation of the Patronato Nacional de Turismo (1928-1936) that Spanish government launched the first network of information tourist offices both inside and outside the country. The latter on total of (seven offices 1929-31) performed different functions with cultural activities and propaganda among them. Their main mission was however to get the drift of visitors towards Spain. Paris, one of the most important cities in the international tourism industry became the Spanish tourist capital abroad during Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship. In fact, L’Office de Tourisme Espagnol was the only office that survived in the Republican years. The break out of the Civil War in 1936 made this office the most active propaganda agency of the Spanish Republic.El Patronato Nacional de Turismo (1928-1936) creó la primera red de oficinas de información turística tanto en el interior del país como en el extranjero. Estas últimas (siete centros entre 1929-1931), con múltiples funciones que incluían actos culturales o propagandísticos, tenían como principal misión la captación del turismo extranjero hacia España. La importancia que París tuvo en el turismo internacional de la época hizo que la dictadura de Primo de Rivera se la plantease como la capital del turismo español en el exterior, lo que la convirtió en la única de las oficinas que sobrevivió durante la República. El estallido de la guerra en 1936 la convirtió en la más activa delegación de propaganda que tuvo la República en el exterior