6 research outputs found

    Las pr谩cticas curriculares y extracurriculares realizadas por los estudiantes de la facultad de documentaci贸n de la universidad de Murcia (1991-2001)

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    Estudio de las pr谩cticas realizadas por los alumnos de la Diplomatura de Biblioteconom铆a y Documentaci贸n y de la Literatura en Documentaci贸n de la Universidad de Murcia desde sus inicios en 1991 hasta el a帽o 2001. Se realiza un an谩lisis cuantitativo de la informaci贸n extra铆da de la base de datos del Centro de Orientaci贸n e Informaci贸n para el Empleo (COIE), que recoge lugares de pr谩cticas, con objeto de obtener las funciones y los perfiles m谩s solicitados por las empresas. Las funciones m谩s demandadas son aquellas por las que tradicionalmente se conoce a la profesi贸n, como son catalogaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de documentos, aunque tambi茅n se puede ver una tendencia progresiva a realizar otras tareas m谩s actuales como creaci贸n y actualizaci贸n de bases de dato, b煤squedas en Internet, gesti贸n de recursos audiovisuales, y gesti贸n de calidad. Esto es especialmente significativo en las pr谩cticas de la Licenciatura de Documentaci贸n. Las becas, a pesar de que son un importante est铆mulo, no alcanzan ni el 24% de las pr谩cticas hechas por los alumnos de primer ciclo, mientras que las realizadas por los de segundo ciclo superan el 50%. El an谩lisis de las pr谩cticas de ambas titulaciones deja entrever caracter铆sticas similares, con algunos cambios en las funciones solicitadas. Esto 煤ltimo tambi茅n pone de manifiesto que las entidades, a la hora de buscar estudiantes, solicitan los mismos perfiles tanto para primer como para segundo ciclo; lo que nos hace pensar que no debe parecerles muy clara la diferencia entre ambas.The present study analyses the sessions of practical work carried out by students on the diploma course in Librarianship and on the course for the Licenciate in Information Science at the University of Murcia from their beginnings in 1991 up to 2001. A quantitative analysis of information drawn from the data base belonging to the Centre for Employment Orientation and Information (COIE) is carried out detailing the centers for the practical sessions, towns, duration, grants. etc. Afterwards the information contained in the reports submitted on completion of the practice is analyzed with a view to obtaining the functions and profiles most required by companies. The functions most in demand are those which are traditionally recognized as belonging to the profession such as cataloguing and classification of documents, although there is a trend towards other more up to date activities such as the setting up and updating of databases, Internet searching, audiovisual resources management and quality management. This is particularly significant in the practices for the Licentiate in Documentation. The grants, although an important incentive, do not cover even 24% of the practices carried out by students following the diploma course whereas they cover more than 50% of those in the second cycle. The analysis of the practices for both the diploma and the licentiate evidences similar characteristics with a few changes in the functions required. It also reveals that organizations when asking for students require the same profiles both for the first and the second cycle which would seem to indicate that they are not very clear as to the difference between the two

    Designing a Technological Pathway to Empower Vocational Education and Training in the Circular Wood and Furniture Sector through Extended Reality

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    Extended Reality (XR) is a term that refers to virtual, augmented, and, more recently, mixed reality (VR/AR//MR), which are key enabling technologies of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and the simulated digital environment of the metaverse. XR enables the simulation of workplace scenarios, providing workers with training in a risk-free environment, resulting in cost savings, improved occupational risk prevention, and enhanced decision-making processes. XR is ideal for supporting digital transformation for organisations in fields such as production, occupational risk prevention, maintenance, and marketing. XR is also a key driver for training initiatives aimed at promoting good practices in the circular economy in specific sectors such as woodworking and furniture (W&F). The European Commission has recognised the potential of XR for the W&F sector, funding initiatives such as the European project, Allview, which seeks to identify the most appropriate and beneficial technologies of I4.0 with a green and digital transition focus from the perspective of vocational education and training (VET). This paper presents the work carried out within the framework of Allview, including the research and comparison of current software and hardware of XR tools suitable for VET in the W&F field, a review of successful examples of XR applied to W&F training actions, and an analysis of the opinions gathered from European students, teachers, and training organisations regarding the use of XR in education. As a result, the authors present a training pathway aimed at the development and implementation of a XR training scenario/lab/environment focused on VR, 360掳 videos, and MR, as a guideline for developing immersive XR training contents, contributing to the digital and green transformation of VET in the W&F sector

    Falta de habilidades, conocimiento y competencias en la Educaci贸n Superior sobre la Industria 4.0 en el sector manufacturero

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    In this paper, the authors present a complete analysis carried out for reporting the lack, needs and requested competences and skills on the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) in both Higher Education (HE) as well as in the wood, furniture and manufacturing sector all over Europe. Moreover, this analysis evaluates the level of implementation in this specific sector considering latest technological trends. The analysis was performed within the framework of the European project MAKING 4.0, where a complete set of surveys were launched to agents who were directly involved in the wood, furniture and manufacturing sector to find out what their impressions are about the current knowledge and the one demanded by the I4.0, obtaining results where the low level of competences and qualifications in this industrial sector is demonstrated, both in education and in industry, as well as the poor training offered in I4.0 and its KETs. It is concluded that there is an evident technological skills gap between those acquired by workers and by Vocational Education Training (VET) and HE students regards the demands of the I4.0, which must be covered within the next years, through training initiatives, enabling and acquisition of needed competences such as, for example, MAKING 4.0.En este trabajo, los autores presentan el an谩lisis llevado a cabo para evaluar la falta, las necesidades y las competencias y habilidades requeridas sobre las tecnolog铆as habilitadoras clave (KETs) de la Industria 4.0 (I4.0), tanto en la educaci贸n superior como en la industria del mueble, la madera y la manufacturaci贸n en Europa. El an谩lisis tambi茅n eval煤a el nivel de implementaci贸n de las 煤ltimas tendencias tecnol贸gicas en este mismo sector. El an谩lisis se realiz贸 en el marco del proyecto europeo MAKING 4.0, donde un completo set de encuestas se lanzaron a agentes directamente involucrados en el sector del mueble y la madera para conocer, de primera mano, cu谩les son sus impresiones acerca del conocimiento actual y el demandado por la I4.0, obteniendo resultados donde se demuestra el bajo nivel de competencias y cualificaci贸n en este sector industrial, tanto a nivel educativo como en la industria, adem谩s de la falta y necesidad de adaptaci贸n de la oferta formativa actual sobre la I4.0 y sus KETs. Se concluye que existe una disparidad evidente entre las competencias actuales de los trabajadores y aquellas que adquieren los estudiantes de ciclos formativos (VET) y educaci贸n superior (HE) con respecto a lo demandado por la I4.0, debi茅ndose cubrir y solventar en los pr贸ximos a帽os a trav茅s de nuevas iniciativas de formaci贸n, capacitaci贸n y adquisici贸n de competencias necesarias, como por ejemplo, el proyecto MAKING4.0

    Lack of skills, knowledge and competences in Higher Education about Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector [Falta de habilidades, conocimiento y competencias en la Educaci贸n Superior sobre la Industria 4.0 en el sector manufacturero]

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    En este trabajo, los autores presentan el an谩lisis llevado a cabo para evaluar la falta, las necesidades y las competencias y habilidades requeridas sobre las tecnolog铆as habilitadoras clave (KETs) de la Industria 4.0 (I4.0), tanto en la educaci贸n superior como en la industria del mueble, la madera y la manufacturaci贸n en Europa. El an谩lisis tambi茅n eval煤a el nivel de implementaci贸n de las 煤ltimas tendencias tecnol贸gicas en este mismo sector. El an谩lisis se realiz贸 en el marco del proyecto europeo MAKING 4.0, donde un completo set de encuestas se lanzaron a agentes directamente involucrados en el sector del mueble y la madera para conocer, de primera mano, cu谩les son sus impresiones acerca del conocimiento actual y el demandado por la I4.0, obteniendo resultados donde se demuestra el bajo nivel de competencias y cualificaci贸n en este sector industrial, tanto a nivel educativo como en la industria, adem谩s de la falta y necesidad de adaptaci贸n de la oferta formativa actual sobre la I4.0 y sus KETs. Se concluye que existe una disparidad evidente entre las competencias actuales de los trabajadores y aquellas que adquieren los estudiantes de ciclos formativos (VET) y educaci贸n superior (HE) con respecto a lo demandado por la I4.0, debi茅ndose cubrir y solventar en los pr贸ximos a帽os a trav茅s de nuevas iniciativas de formaci贸n, capacitaci贸n y adquisici贸n de competencias necesarias, como por ejemplo, el proyecto MAKING4.0

    Vigilancia tecnol贸gica e inteligencia competitiva como herramienta clave en el sistema de gesti贸n de I+D+I de un organismo de investigaci贸n

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar que la vigilancia tecnol贸gica y la inteligencia competitiva (VT/IC), siempre vistos desde el 谩mbito de la gesti贸n de informaci贸n, pueden influir positivamente en los diferentes procesos relacionados con la gesti贸n de la I+D+i de una organizaci贸n: creatividad, generaci贸n de conocimiento y desarrollo de proyectos de I+D+i, para finalizar demostrando que existe una relaci贸n directa entre un adecuado sistema de vigilancia tecnol贸gica, el desarrollo de proyectos de investigaci贸n exitosos y la sostenibilidad de un organismo de investigaci贸n. Metodolog铆a: Para conseguir validar las hip贸tesis centrales de este trabajo de investigaci贸n, el proyecto se dividir谩 metodol贸gicamente en tres fases: En la primera se realiza una revisi贸n de la literatura dedicada a la vigilancia tecnol贸gica y a la inteligencia competitiva, as铆 como una descripci贸n a nivel gen茅rico de la situaci贸n actual respecto al uso de sistemas de VT/IC por empresas, organismos p煤blicos y Universidades. En la segunda fase se analiza un caso pr谩ctico de planificaci贸n e implantaci贸n de un Sistema de Vigilancia Tecnol贸gica en un organismo de investigaci贸n privado, m谩s concretamente en el Centro Tecnol贸gico del Mueble y la Madera de la Regi贸n de Murcia. Por 煤ltimo, la fase tercera aporta informaci贸n resultante del an谩lisis de diferentes indicadores, lo que permite validar las hip贸tesis centrales de la tesis. Resultado: Se aportan los resultados de los indicadores que nos proporcionan datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que demuestran que la VT es una herramienta 煤til en el proceso de creatividad, y a su vez un proceso que est谩 completamente integrado en el d铆a a d铆a del centro tecnol贸gico con el objetivo de favorecer la sostenibilidad del centro. Conclusi贸n: Este trabajo doctoral concluye con la validaci贸n de la hip贸tesis de que un sistema de vigilancia tecnol贸gica e inteligencia competitiva funciona como el motor fundamental que activa y alimenta el proceso de gesti贸n de la I+D+i en un organismo de investigaci贸n. Objective: The aim of this work is demonstrate that technological surveillance and competitive intelligence (VT / IC), always from the area of information management, can positively influence the various processes related to management of R + D + i in an organization: creativity, knowledge generation and development of R + D + i, to finish showing that there is a direct relationship between an adequate system of surveillance technology, the development of successful research projects and the sustainability of a center of research. Methodology: To achieve validate the core hypothesis of this research, the project methodologically divided into three phases: In the first, we will conduct a review of the literature on technology surveillance and competitive intelligence as well as a description, a generic level, the current situation regarding the use of systems VT / IC by companies, government agencies and universities. In the second phase, we describe the case study based in the implementation of a Technological Surveillance System implemented in a private organization research, in the Technology Centre of Wood and Furniture in the Region of Murcia. Finally, the third phase, provides information resulting from the analysis of the different indicators of the system, which validates the central hypothesis of the thesis. Result: The results of indicators will provide us with quantitative and qualitative evidence that the VT is a useful tool in the creative process, and in turn a process that is fully integrated into the daily life of the technology center, and aim is to provide or promote the sustainability of the center. Conclusion: This doctoral work concludes with the validation of the hypothesis that a system of technological monitoring and competitive intelligence works as the essential engine and feeds the management process R & D in a research organization

    Twin Transition through the Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies: Desk-Research Analysis and Practical Use Cases in Europe

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    Key Enabling Technologies (KET) support the adoption of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and are also considered the main drivers of the Circular Economy (CE) transition. In this respect, the guidelines and real use cases to inspire enterprises and industry to lead the twin digital and green transition are still poor. This work is aimed at contributing to this matter, with twofold goals: on the one hand, to show a depth desk-research analysis of the key existing policies at European level that foster this twin digital and green transition; on the other hand, to review practical use cases and international projects where CE practices are boosted through the implementation of KET. From the analysis, a set of recommendations are suggested as a guide for policymakers, researchers, and industry managers on how to foster the CE through the implementation of I4.0 technologies