682 research outputs found

    Spatial, contextual and functional analysis of a set of domestic structures of IIIth Millennium bC of “La Orden-Seminario” site (Huelva)

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    Presentamos un avance al análisis estratigráfico y contextual de quince estructuras negativas espacialmente relacionadas y asociables en tres grupos, datables en el III milenio cal. a.C.. Ello nos ha permitido establecer una diversificación funcional de los contextos desde estructuras de habitación y de almacenamiento hasta usos funerarios, simbólicos, de producción, consumo y desecho en el interior del poblado.Hereby, we present a preview about the stratigraphic and contextual analysis of fifteen negative structures, which are linked according to the space they share. They can be likewise linked in three different groups, datable in the 3rd millennium cal. BC. Due to that, we have been able to establish a functional classification of the contexts. This classification includes habitat structures and storage pits, as well as symbolic, funerary, production, consumption and rubbish uses inside the village

    A eukaryotic-like 3′ untranslated region in Salmonella enterica hilD mRNA

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    Long 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) are common in eukaryotic mRNAs. In contrast, long 3'UTRs are rare in bacteria, and have not been characterized in detail. We describe a 3'UTR of 310 nucleotides in hilD mRNA, a transcript that encodes a transcriptional activator of Salmonella enterica pathogenicity island 1 (SPI-1). Deletion of the hilD 3'UTR increases the hilD mRNA level, suggesting that the hilD 3'UTR may play a role in hilD mRNA turnover. Cloning of the hilD 3'UTR downstream of the green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene decreases green fluorescent protein (GFP) activity in both Escherichia coli and S. enterica, indicating that the hilD 3'UTR can act as an independent module. S. enterica mutants lacking either ribonuclease E or polynucleotide phosphorylase contain similar amounts of hilD and hilD Δ3'UTR mRNAs, suggesting that the hilD 3'UTR is a target for hilD mRNA degradation by the degradosome. The hilD 3'UTR is also necessary for modulation of hilD and SPI-1 expression by the RNA chaperone Hfq. Overexpression of SPI-1 in the absence of the hilD 3'UTR retards Salmonella growth and causes uncontrolled invasion of epithelial cells. Based on these observations, we propose that the S. enterica hilD 3'UTR is a cis-acting element that contributes to cellular homeostasis by promoting hilD mRNA turnover.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2010- 15023 y CSD2008-00013Junta de Andalucía P10-CVI-587

    Análisis espacial, contextual y funcional de un conjunto de estructuras domésticas del III milenio a.C. del yacimiento de “La Orden-Seminario” (Huelva)

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    Hereby, we present a preview about the stratigraphic and contextual analysis of fifteen negative structures, which  are  linked  according  to  the  space  they  share. They can be likewise linked in three different groups, datable in the 3rd millennium cal. BC. Due to that, we have been able to establish a functional classification of the contexts. This classification includes habitat structures and storage pits, as well as symbolic, funerary, production, consumption and rubbish uses inside the village.Presentamos un avance al análisis estratigráfico y contextual de quince estructuras negativas espacialmente relacionadas y asociables en tres grupos, datables en el III milenio cal. a.C.. Ello nos ha permitido establecer una diversificación funcional de los contextos desde estructuras de habitación y de almacenamiento hasta usos funerarios, simbólicos, de producción, consumo y desecho en el interior del poblado. &nbsp

    Internet Addiction, Phubbing, Psychological Variables and Self-Perception of Mathematical Competence in College Students

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    Internet Addiction (IA) and phubbing are prevalent, disruptive behaviours among university students. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between IA and Phubbing with psychological variables (impulsiveness, self-esteem, and psychological distress), academic performance and self-perception of mathematical competence (SMC), as well as possible gender differences. Results showed (n = 715; Mean Age = 21.7) gender differences in lack of planning, emotional investment and somatisation and IA correlated positively with app addiction, mobile addiction, and psychopathology. A total of 26.3% of IA can be explained by a lack of self-control, time and performance management, mobile phone addiction, anxiety and psychological distress. Finally, 71% of students believe that the use of new technologies has worsened their SMC and this is correlated with impaired communication, obsession with mobile phones, IA (Total Phubbing Scale) and impulsiveness. Our results indicate the importance of taking into account psychological variables that affect the development of IA, phubbing, and SMC in the university population

    Hábitos, preferencias y habilidades culinarias de estudiantes de primer curso de la universidad de Huelva

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    Introduction: Students attending university are at a critical period for the development and consolidation of future lifestyles. The objective of this study was to know the eating habits, food preferences and culinary skills of first-year students on different degree courses at the University of Huelva. Material and Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study in academic year 2015-2016 of a sample of 756 students. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet was measured by the KIDMED questionnaire. The rest of the variables were measured by an ad hoc questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the PSPP programme, calculating arithmetic means, standard deviations and percentages for the descriptive analysis, with Chi-square test and ANOVA for the relational analysis. Results: 20.4% of students have an optimal level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, compared to 65.3% % with an average level and 14.3% with low adherence. Favourite foods cited were chicken (62.2%), pasta (58.2%), pork (50.4%) and chips (45.9%). The types of food the students knew how to prepare included pasta (93.8%), egg and chips (90.2%), precooked pizza (88.7%), fruit juices (86.1%) and grilled meat (85.8%). Conclusions: Huelva university students diet is very similar to that of other university populations studied. We found a preference for meat and foods rich in carbohydrates, to the detriment of fruit and vegetables. A lack of culinary skills was observed, which could explain the deterioration in eating habits; this is a pointer to future interventions.Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios se encuentran en un periodo crítico para el desarrollo y consolidación de estilos de vida futuros. El objetivo fue conocer los hábitos alimentarios, preferencias alimentarias y habilidades culinarias del alumnado de primer curso de las distintas titulaciones de la Universidad de Huelva. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal durante el año académico 2015-2016 de una muestra final de 756 alumnos. La adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea se ha medido a través del cuestionario KIDMED. El resto de variables se han recogido mediante un cuestionario ad hoc. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante el PSPP, calculándose medias, desviaciones típicas y porcentajes para el análisis descriptivo, prueba de Chi-cuadrado y ANOVA para el análisis relacional. Resultados: El 20,4% del alumnado tiene un nivel óptimo de adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea, frente al 65,3% que posee un nivel medio y un 14,3% bajo. Los alimentos preferidos son pollo (62,2%), pasta (58,2%), cerdo (50,4%) y las patatas fritas (45,9%). Entre los alimentos que saben preparar están la pasta, (93,8%), patatas con huevo (90.2 %), pizza precocinada (88.7 %), zumo (86.1 %) y carne a la plancha (85.8 %). Conclusiones: La dieta de los estudiantes onubenses es muy similar a la de otras poblaciones universitarias estudiadas. Se encontró preferencia por las carnes y alimentos ricos en glúcidos, en detrimento de la fruta y la verdura. Se observó un déficit en las habilidades culinarias, lo cual podría explicar el deterioro del patrón alimentario de éstos y orientar futuras intervenciones

    Psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF in caregivers of people with dementia

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    Background: Caregivers of people with dementia may experience characteristic grief linked to present and anticipated losses before the physical death of the care recipient occurs, which is related to physical and mental health problems. The Marwit-Meuser Caregiver Inventory-Short Form (MM-CGI-SF) is an instrument that assesses this type of grief. Since there are no studies on an adaptation of the MM-CGI-SF to the Spanish population, the aim of the study was to evaluate its psychometric properties in a sample of caregivers of dementia patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. The tool was translated and adapted into Spanish, which was administered to 250 caregivers of people with dementia in the province of Huelva, together with other related instruments. Descriptive statistics and internal consistency reliability were calculated using Cronbach's alpha, for the total questionnaire and for each subscale. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed and the Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF was correlated with the rest of the variables by calculating Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: 80.4% of the participants were female and had high levels of caregiver grief (x = 64.62, SD = 14.86). Cronbach's alpha for the general questionnaire was 0.927 and between 0.822-0.854 for its subscales. The fit values of the CFA were: x2 = 202.033, degrees of freedom = 121, x2 /df = 1.670, TLI = 0.954, CFI = 0.963, SRMR = 0.047, RMSEA = 0.052; and all the correlations were statistically significant. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF shows adequate psychometric properties. Thanks to this instrument, health professionals may measure caregiver grief, get closer to the reality of dementia care, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to manage this grief.The Spanish Ministry of Universities has supported the first author of this research through the University Teacher Training Programme, with reference number (FPU19/04001). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA

    Intervención familiar en diagnóstico reciente e inicio de tratamiento del cáncer infantil

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    La oncología pediátrica supone un campo de desarrollo profesional donde la figura del psicólogo desempeña importantes funciones. A lo largo del artículo se describen distintos aspectos psicosociales del abordaje sistémico del cáncer infantil. En primer lugar, se resumen los principales aspectos biológicos del cáncer y se ofrece una revisión de los presupuestos teóricos necesarios para el estudio y comprensión de estas realidades familiares donde se profundiza en el Modelo Psicosocial de Enfermedad (Rolland, 2000). Asimismo, se revisan los principales factores de riesgo y protección en las familias con un hijo con cáncer infantil y se exponen diferentes consideraciones con respecto a la comunicación del diagnóstico y la adaptación a la hospitalización. A partir de nuestra experiencia clínica en la planta de oncología pediátrica del Hospital “Virgen del Rocío” de Sevilla, en este trabajo se presenta un protocolo de actuación profesional que sistematiza la intervención psicológica orientada a ayudar a estas familias. En concreto, este protocolo describe la intervención psicológica llevada a cabo en el diagnóstico reciente y en el inicio del tratamiento del cáncer infantil, estructurando los diferentes objetivos a los que es necesario dar respuesta. Finalmente, se discuten diferentes consideraciones prácticas al hilo del protocolo descrito.Pediatric oncology is an area for professional development where the psychologist performs a crucial role. Different psycho-social aspects of the systemic approach to childhood cancer are described throughout this article. The first part summarizes the main biological aspects of cancer, followed by a review of the theoretical premises required for the study and understanding of these familiar realities, deepening on the Psychosocial Typology of Illness (Rolland, 2000). Furthermore, there is a review of the main risk and protection factors in families with one child with childhood cancer and also the exposition of different considerations related to the communication of the diagnosis and the adaptation to the hospitalization. In this article, a professional action protocol systematizing the psychological intervention intended to help this type of families is presented. This protocol is based on our personal clinical experience in the Paediatric Oncology Unit at Hospital “Virgen del Rocío” in Seville (Spain). Particularly, in this protocol the psychological intervention that take place during the diagnosis and at the beginning of the treatment of patients with childhood cancer is described, according to the proposed objectives. Finally, different practical considerations are discussed related to the described protocol

    Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Eater Questionnaire in University Students

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    Emotional Eating (EE) patterns have been shown to play a relevant role in the development of overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ) in university students from Huelva. The EEQ was administered to 1282 students (age 22.00 (±5.10), BMI 23.59 (±6.74)), belonging to the University of Huelva. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out. The internal structure of the questionnaire, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent validity were analyzed. Principal component analysis of the questionnaire showed two dimensions, explaining 56% of the variance. Internal consistency showed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.859 globally, and of 0.841–0.855 if the items were removed. The corrected item-total correlation yielded values of 0.444–0.687. The test-retest stability was ICC = 0.924 (p < 0.001). The data showed significant correlations between EEQ and the rest of the variables, and a Spearman’s Coefficient ranging from −0.367 to 0.400. The fit indexes were good for the confirmatory factor analysis. The results obtained with this structure found an adequate reliability and validity of the questionnaire in comparison with previous studiesThis research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, as allocated to the intern ESC, with reference number (FPU18/04620) The authors thank all the students participating in the study for their selfless collaboration in this research. We also extend a special thanks to Ester Molina for her assistance with the write-up and English review of this stud

    Effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving grief and depression in caregivers of people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Caregivers of people suffering from dementia may go through a grieving process prior to the death of the cared-for person, which is related to mental health and physical problems. Interventions aimed at improving grief and depression are being used in response to these difficulties. The aim of this study was to synthesize and evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving the grief process in home-based caregivers of people with dementia with the aim of reducing grief and depression. A systematic review, including a meta-analysis, was designed. Following the PRISMA guideline, original articles were searched in the databases: Medline, WOS, Scopus and PsycINFO, up to September 2022. Articles that evaluated interventions aimed at improving the grief process in caregivers of people with dementia, whose care recipients were alive at the beginning of the study at minimum and living at home were selected. Grief and depression were considered outcome variables. A meta-analysis was carried out with a fixed effects model for these variables and for the domains of the Caregiver Grief Scale (CGS). Eight articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most of the interventions aimed at improving the grief process showed an improvement in grief and depression. The "emotional pain" and "absolute loss" domains of the CGS stood out with an improvement in these variables. Interventions aimed at improving the grief process are relatively effective in reducing grief and depression. Interventions that are even more effective and more robust studies are needed.The Spanish Ministry of Universities has supported the first author of this research through the University Teacher Training Programme, with reference number (FPU19/04001). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Hardi Iris-2: calidad visible

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    Los pasados días 4y 5 de junio tuvimos la oportunidad de probar en Lleida el modelo de pulverizador Mercury 3500 de Hardi, equipado con el nuevo sistema Iris-2. El objetivo de la prueba fue caracterizar no solo la máquina y sus especificaciones técnicas, sino la calidad de su trabajo, verificando asimismo el consumo de combustible